Maritime Books

National Geographic, Walkabout and Australian Geographic Magazines

Last update: Saturday, 29 March 2025.

OMAN: GUARDIAN OF THE GULF [in National Geographic Magazine, Volume 160, No. 3, September 1981]
$5.00 AUD

N.G.S. Washington. 1981. Volume 160, No. 3, September 1981. 279-420 PP (lacking pages 315 to 318). Contains article pages 344 to 377 with 2 maps and 26 colour photos. Pictorial soft cover. 25.4 x 17.5.

AIKMAN, Lonnelle
NEW STARS FOR OLD GLORY (in National Geographic Magazine - Volume CXVI, No.1, 1959)
$15.00 AUD

National Geographic Society. Washington. 1959. Volume CXVI, No. 1, July 1959. Contains article between P. 86 and 121 with 11 b/w and 31 colour illustrations. Pictorial soft cover. Very good. 25.5x 17.5.

The United States flag (182 years old) has changed with the Nation, reflected its achievements, and shared its sorrows.

SOUTH POLE RACE (in National Geographic Magazine)
$10.00 AUD

National Geographic Society. Washington. 2011. Volume 220, No. 3, September 2011. 156 PP. Contains article P. 122 to 135 with 1map in colour, 1 figure and 9 b/w photos. Pictorial soft cover. Fine. 25.4 x 17.5.

The 1911 race to the South Pole between Scott and Amundsen.

SOUTH POLE RACE: AMUNDSEN vs SCOTT (in National Geographic Magazine, Volume 220, No.3)
$5.00 AUD

N.G.S. Washington. 2011. September 2001. Includes article from P.122 to 135 with 1 map in colour and 10 b/w ilustrations (1 diagram and 9 b/w photos). Pictorial soft cover. Very good. 25.4 x 17.5.

ALLMON, Charles
SHORES AND SAILS IN THE SOUTH SEAS [in National Geographic Magazine - Volume XCVII, No.1]
$25.00 AUD

National Geographic Society. Washington. 1950. January, 1950. Contains article P. 73 to 104 with 2 maps, 9 b/w & 17 colour photos. Soft cover. Spine chipped. Very good. 25.2 x 17.5.

The Marquesas Islands.

HIGH-TECH SEARCH FOR ROMAN SHIPWRECKS [in National Geographic Magazine - Volume 193, No.4]
$5.00 AUD

National Geographic Society. Washington. 1998. April 1998. Contains article from P.32 to 41 with 1 map & 13 colour illust. Soft cover. Fine. 25.4 x 17.5.

Dives in the Mediterranean Sea, on board the U.S. Navy submarine NR-1. Studies of shipwrecks found in deep sea (2600 foot).

BALLARD, Robert D.
A LONG LAST LOOK AT TITANIC [in National Geographic]
$5.00 AUD

National Geographic Society. Washington. 1986. Volume 170, No. 6, December 1986. Contains article P. 698 to 727 with bw and colour illust. Pict. soft cover (the robot Jason). Very good. 25.4 x 17.5.

BALLARD, Robert D.
NR-1, The Navy 's Inner Space Shuttle [in National Geographic Magazine]
$5.00 AUD

N.G.S. Washington. 1985. Volume 167, No. 4, April 1985. Contains articles P. 450 to 459 with 1 map, 1 sketch plan, 2 colour images and 12 colour photos by Emory Kristof. Pictorial soft cover. Fine. 25.4 x 17.5.

Nuclear powered Research submarine of the US Navy.

BALLARD, Robert D.
EPILOGUE FOR TITANIC [in National Geographic]
$5.00 AUD

National Geographic Society. Washington. 1987. Volume 172, No. 4, October 1987. Contains article betweeen P.454 and 463 with 2 colour and 1 large folded plate in colour (all paintings by Ken Marschall. Pictorial soft cover. Very good. 25.4 x 17.5.

BALLARD, Robert D. & MICHEL, Jean-Louis
HOW WE FOUND THE TITANIC [in National Geographic Magazine]
$5.00 AUD

National Geographic Society. Washington. 1985. Volume 168, No. 6, December 1985. Contains article from P. 696 to 719 with 1 map, 1 plan, 9 b/w photos, and 32 colour illustrations (photos, diagrams). Pictorial soft cover (Titanic's foredeck, port rail, and mooring bitts). Fine. 25.4 x 17.5.

BALLARD, Robert D., SIDES, Hampton, SWEENEY, Michael ...
TITANIC - Exploring the Discovery of a Lifetime / National Geographic
$20.00 AUD

National Geographic Partners. Washington. 2020. Special Publication 2020. 98 PP with b/w and colour illustrations. Pictorial soft cover. New. 27.5 x 20.5.

A compilation of articles published in National Geographic Magazine.

$10.00 AUD

National Geographic Society. Washington. 1946. Volume LXXXIX, No.5, May 1946. Contains article between pages 602 and 616 with 1 map , 3 b/w and 10 colour photos. Soft cover. Very good. 25.5 x 17.5.

BASS, George F.
GLASS TREASURE FROM THE AEGEAN (in National Geographic Magazine, Volume 153, No.6, 1978)
$10.00 AUD

National Geographic Society. Washington. 1978. Volume 153, No. 6, June 1978. Contains article between pages 768 and 793. with 1 map and colour illust. Pictorial soft cover. Very good. 25.4 x 17.5.

An 11th century wreck off the coast of south west Turkey.

BASS, George F.
UNDERWATER ARCHEOLOGY: Key to History's Warehouse [in National Geographic Magazine, Volume 124, No.1, 1963]
$10.00 AUD

N.G.S. Washington. 1963. Volume 124, No. 1, July 1963. Contains article between pages 138 and 156 with 1 diagram, 2 maps and 21 colour photos by Thomas J. Abercombie and Robert B. Goodman. Pictorial soft cover (Poseidon or Zeus). Covers have a few marks, o/wise very good. 25.4 x 17.5.

Bronze age wrecks off Yassi island, Anatolian coast of Turkey. Other articles: Dynamic Ontario with a map loosely inserted, Athens: Golden Past and Busy Present..

BATES, Marston
IFALIK, LONELY PARADISE OF THE SOUTH SEAS [in National Geographic Magazine, Volume 109, No.4, 1956]
$10.00 AUD

National Geographic Society. Washington. 1956. Vol. 109, No.4, April 1956. Contains article P.546 to 571 with 2 maps, 4 b/w and 29 colour photos. Does not contain the supplement map. Soft cover. Near fine. 25.5 x 17.5.

A trio of scientists finds ancestral ways holding their own among contented islanders of a remote Pacific Atoll.

BELLINGER, Vice Admiral Patrick N. L.
SAILORS IN THE SKY. U. S. Naval Aviation marks its 50th year (in National Geographic Magazine, Volume 120, No. 2, 1961)
$5.00 AUD

National Geographic Society. Washington. 1961. Volume 120, No.2 , August, 1961. Contains article between P.276 and 296 with 29 b/w & 5 colour Illustrations photos. Pictorial soft cover. Very good. 25.4 x 17.4.

FRENCH POLYNESIA: Charting a New Course / BLACK PEARLS OF FRENCH POLYNESIA (in National Geographic Magazine - Volume 191, No.6)
$5.00 AUD

N.G.S. Washington. 1997. July 1997. 2 articles: P. 2 to 29 with colour illustrations (1 map and 14 photos). / P.30 to 37, with 9 colour photos. Pictorial soft cover (Black Pearls adorning a Tahitian woman). Front cover & spine rubbed and with a repaired tear. Very good. 25.4 x 17.5.

SHARP ENCOUNTERS WITH THE MURRAY CRAY (in Geo Australasia Volume 11, No.1, March-May 1989)
$10.00 AUD

Australasia's Geographical Magazine. Sydney. 1989. Includes article P. 40 to 47 with 1 location map, 11 colour illustrations (8 photos). Pictorial soft cover. Fine. 27.6 x 20.6.

The Murray River crayfish.

BLOCH, Hannah
EASTER ISLAND QUEST - Archaeologists and natives seek to solve the riddle of how the statues moved (in National Geographic Magazine)
$5.00 AUD

National Geographic Society. Washington. 2012. Vol. 222, No. 1, July 2012. Contains article between P.30 and 49 with 14 colour illustrations (1 location map, 1 map, 1 artwork, and 8 photos by Randy Olson). Pictorial soft cover. New. 25.4 x 17.5.

$10.00 AUD

National Geographic Society. Washington. 1990. Volume 178, No.2, August 1990. Contains article from P.2 to 33 with 2 maps and 30 colour photos by Richard Olsenius. Pictorial soft cover. Fine. 25.4 x 17.5.

BOOTH, Robert
THE TWO SAMOAS STILL COMING OF AGE (in National Geographic Magazine)
$10.00 AUD

National Geographic Society. Washington. 1985. Volume 168, No. 4, October 1985. Contains article between pages 452 and 473 with colour illustrations (1 location map, 1 map with National Flags, and 17 colour photos by Melinda Berge. Pictorial soft cover. Spine lightly rubbed. Very good. 25.4 x 17.5.

BLACKBEARD LIVES: Blackbeard's Shipwreck (in National Geographic Magazine)
$5.00 AUD

National Geographic Society. Washington. 2006. Volume 210, No. 1, July 2006. 164 PP. Contains article from P.146 to 161 with 1 map, 1 diagram and colour photos by Robert Clark. Pictorial soft cover. Very good. 25.4 x 17.5.

Shipwreck at Beaufort Inlet, North Carolina.

BOWIE, Beverley
OFF THE BEATEN TRACK OF EMPIRE (in National Geographic Magazine, Volume CXII, No. 5, 1957)
$10.00 AUD

National Geographic Society. Washington. 1957. Volume CXII, No. 5, Nov. 1957. Includes article from P.583 to 626 with an introduction by H.R.H. The Prince Philip, Duke of Edinburgh, 1 map on double page, 28 b/w photos and 17 colour illustrations (2 paintings by Edward Seago & 15 photos). Soft cover, spine worn. Leaf 637/638 torn (not affecting this article). Near fine. 25.4 x 17.4.

Voyage of the Royal Yacht Britannia.

BOYER, David S. / FRAZIER, Comdr. Paul W.
$10.00 AUD

NGS. Washington. 1957. Volume CXII, No.3, September 1957. Contains articles from P. 339 to 398 with 1 map in colour, 22 b/w and 34 colour photos. Soft cover. Near fine. 25.5 x 17.5.

INTO PRIMEVAL PAPUA BY SEAPLANE (in National Geographic Magazine)
$15.00 AUD

National Geographic Society. Washington. 1929. Volume LVI, No. 3, September 1929. (30 adv.), P. 253-378, (28 adv.). Contains article between P.253 and 332 with 1 map & inset, and 98 b/w photos. Soft cover. Very good. 25.5 x 17.5.

Seeking disease-resisting sugar cane, scientists find neolithic man in unmapped nooks of sorcery and cannibalism.

BREEDEN, Stanley, & WRIGHT, Belinda
PAROLES D'ABORIGENES [in GEO Magazine - Volume 118, December 1988]
$20.00 AUD

Geo. Paris. 1988. Contains article, P. 182 to 201 with 2 maps and 19 colour photos. Pictorial soft cover. Very good. 27 x 21.2.

The Gagadju Aborigenes of the Northern Territory, Australia: one of the Forgotten people in White Australia.

YORKTOWN SHIPWRECK [in National Geographic Magazine]
$5.00 AUD

National Geographic Society. Washington. 1988. Volume 173, No.6, June 1988. Includes article from P.804 to 823 with 1 plan, 2 maps, and 24 colour illust. Pict. soft cover. Very good. 25.4 x 17.5. -ISSN 00279358

At the climax of the American Revolution, Lord Charles Cornwallis, facing combined United States and French forces, scuttled ships in the York River to prevent a naval assault on Yorktown, Virginia.

BYRD, Lieutenant Commander Richard Evelyn
THE FIRST FLIGHT TO THE NORTH POLE (in National Geographic Magazine - Vol. 50, No.3, September,1926)
$20.00 AUD

National Geographic. Washington. 1926. Contains article between P. 356 and 388 with 20 b/w illustrations: 1 chart, 2 "Hubbard Gold Medals" and 17 photos (11 on full page). Soft covers. Head and foot of spine worn and reinforced. Does not contain the map supplement. Very good. 25.5 x 17.5.

Flight of 9th of May 1926 . Other article: Flying over Egypt, Sinaï and Palestione (pages 312 to 355 with 27 b/w illustrations (2 maps and 25 photos) and 23 colour photos), by P.C.R. Groves and J.R. McCrindle.

AFTERMATH OF AN AIR CRASH [in Australian Geographic, No. 6, April-June 1987]
$10.00 AUD

A.G.S. Sydney. 1987. Contains article between pages 86 and 95 with 1 map, 3 colour illust. & 13 colour photos. Pictorial soft covers a little foxed, o/wise very good. 27.8 x 21.

Undersea search and recovery in the Tasman sea of the wreck of a Pel-Air jet, that crashed outside Botany Bay after take off, on 10th October 1985.

CANBY, Thomas Y.
EL NINO'S ILL WIND [in National Geographic Magazine]
$10.00 AUD

National Geographic Society. Washington. 1984. Volume 165, No.2, February 1984. Contains article from P.144 to 183 with 1 map, 4 diagrams and 32 colour photos. Pictorial soft cover. Very good. 25.4 x 17.5.

The world's largest weather system.

CARTHEW, Sally & GARNETT, Dr. Stephen
NAURU: The Lucky Island / IBBON ITSI: To Catch a Frigate Bird (in Geo Australasia)
$10.00 AUD

Australasia's Geographical Magazine. Sydney. 1987. Volume 9, No.2, June-August 1987. Includes 2 articles: Pages 62 to 69 with 1 map and 10 colour photos / Pages70 to 77 with 12 colour photos. Pictorial soft cover. Fine. 27.5 x 20.2.

MANGAREVA: French experiments in the Pacific (in Geo Australasia Volume 9, No. 3, September-November 1987)
$10.00 AUD

Australasia's Geographical Magazine. Sydney. 1987. 120 PP. Includes article P. 28 to 35 with 2 location maps, 2 b/w and 8 colour photos. Pictorial soft cover. Near fine. 27.5 x 20.5.

On the Gambier Islands: airstrip, cultured pearl factory... and a nuclear fall-out shelter.

THE SAMOAN WAY (in National Geographic Magazine)
$5.00 AUD

National Geographic Society. Washington. 2000. Volume 198, No. 1, July 2000. Contains articles between P. 72 and 89 with 2 maps and 12 colour photographs by Randy Olson. Pictorial soft cover. Very good. 25.4 x 17.5.

CHADWICK, Douglas H.
KINGDOM OF CORAL - Australia's Great Barrier Reef [in National Geographic Magazine - Volume 199, No.1]
$5.00 AUD

N.G.S. Washington. 2001. January 2001. 132 PP. Contains article pages 30 to 57 with 2 maps and 22 colour photos by David Doubilet. Pictorial soft cover. Fine. 25.4 x 17.5.

CHESTER, Jonathan
PROJECT BLIZZARD - Mawson's Icy Legacy (in Australian Geographic, Volume 1, No. 1, January/March 1986)
$10.00 AUD

Australian Geographic Pty Ltd. Sydney. 1986. 136 PP. Contains article P. 80 to 105 with 1 folded cutaway in colour, 3 maps in colour, 4 b/w and 46 colour photos. Pictorial soft cover. Fine. 27.8 x 21.

Antarctic adventurers on a mission: save Mawson's hut!

CONNIFF, Richard
EASTER ISLAND UNVEILED (in National Geographic Magazine, Volume 183, No.3, 1993)
$10.00 AUD

National Geographic Society. Washington. 1993. Volume 183, No. 3, July 1993. Contains article from P.54 to 79 with 1 map and 16 colour photos. Pictorial soft cover. Fine. 25.5 x 17.4.

Polynesian island of Rapa Nui.

COUSTEAU, Capt. Jacques-Yves
AT HOME IN THE SEA, Pioneering a New Underwater World for Man, French Oceanauts live for a month in a Submerged Colony on a Red Sea Reef (in National Geographic Magazine)
$10.00 AUD

N.G.S. Washington. 1964. Volume 125, No.4, April 1964. Contains article between P.465 and 507, with 1 map, 41 colour illustrations (35 photos). Pictorial soft cover. Very good. 25.5 x 17.5.

COUSTEAU, Capt. Jacques-Yves
WORKING FOR WEEKS ON THE SEA FLOOR (in National Geographic Magazine, Volume 129, No.4, 1966)
$10.00 AUD

National Geographic Society. Washington. 1966. Volume 129, No.4, April 1966. Contains article between P. 498 and 537, with 1 b/w and 39 colour illustrations (2 artist artworks and 37 photos). Pictorial soft cover. Very good. 25.5 x 17.5.

Among the first studies of physiological and psychological effects on humans living and working (on an oil-well head) at 370 feet underwater.

COUSTEAU, Capt. Jacques-Yves
FISH MEN EXPLORE A NEW WORLD UNDERSEA [in National Geographic Magazine - Volume CII, No.4]
$10.00 AUD

National Geographic Society. Washington. 1952. October, 1952. Contains article P.431-472, with 2 maps, 14 b/w & 37 colour photos. Pict. card cover. Insect damage to edges of last pages, o/wise very good. 25.5 x 17.5.

COUSTEAU, Capt. Jacques-Yves
DIVING SAUCER TAKES TO THE DEEP (in National Geographic Magazine, Volume 117, No.4, 1960)
$10.00 AUD

National Geographic Society. Washington. 1960. Contains article between P. 570 and 586, with 5 b/w, 1 artist work in colour and 7 colour photos. Pictorial soft cover. Very good. 25.5 x 17.5.

COUSTEAU, Capt. Jacques-Yves & EDGERTON, Harold E.
PHOTOGRAPHING THE SEA'S DARK UNDERWORLD, Diving Through an Undersea Avalanche (in National Geographic Magazine)
$5.00 AUD

National Geographic Society. Washington. 1955. Volume 107, No.4, April 1955. Contains article between P. 523 and 542, with 21 b/w illustrations (15 photos). Pictorial soft cover. Advertising material has been removed, o/wise very good. 25.5 x 17.5.

COUSTEAU, Capt. Jacques-Yves & MARDEN, Luis
EXPLORING DAVY JONE'S LOCKER WITH CALYPSO / CAMERA UNDER THE SEA (in National Geographic Magazine, Volume 109, No.2, 1956)
$5.00 AUD

National Geographic Society. Washington. 1956. Volume CIX, No.2, February 1956. Contains articles between pages 149 and 200 with 1 map, 14 b/w and 35 colour photos. Pictorial soft cover. Very good. 25.5 x 17.5.

COUSTEAU, Jacques-Yves
THE OCEAN, A Perspective, An Era of Discovery, Blue-Water Life by Night (in National Geographic Magazine, Volume 160, No.6, 1981)
$15.00 AUD

National Geographic Society. Washington. 1981. Volume 160, No.6, December 1981. Contains article between P.780 and 847, with many colour illustrations, plus a large folded map of the world on recto and the world ocean floor on verso. Pictorial soft cover. Very good. 25.5 x 17.5.

COUSTEAU, Jacques-Yves
THE OCEAN, A Perspective, An Era of Discovery, Blue-Water Life by Night (in National Geographic Magazine, Volume 160, No. 6, 1981)
$10.00 AUD

National Geographic Society. Washington. 1981. Volume 160, No.6, December 1981. Contains article between P.780 and 847, with many colour illustrations. Pictorial soft cover. Very good. 25.5 x 17.5.

COWLEY, Terri & ROZYCKI, Jack (editors)
AUSTRALIAN GEOGRAPHIC, No. 68, 0ct - Dec 2002
$10.00 AUD

Australian Geographic. Sydney. 2002. 128 PP with b/w and colour illustrations. Illustrated soft cover. Fine. 27.8 x 21.

... Flinders Island, by Andrew Bain. No Turning Back, retracing Sir Ernest Shackleton' s treacherous 1916 route across South Georgia Island, by Colin Monteath. ...

CURL, David
THE CHANGING FORTUNES OF CHRISTMAS ISLAND (in Australian Geographic, No.45, January/ March 1997)
$10.00 AUD

Australian Geographic Society. Sydney. 1997. 128 PP, plus folded poster. Contains article between pages 96 and 119 with 2 maps in colour, 5 b/w photos and 34 colour photos, plus 2 folded colour photos. Pictorial soft cover (Christmas Island red crab). Fine. 27.8 x 21.

DISCOVERY IN LABRADOR: A 16th-Century Whaling Basque Port and its Sunken Fleet (in National Geographic Magazine - Volume 168)
$10.00 AUD

National Geographic Society. Washington. 1985. July 1985. Contains article between P.40 and 71 with 2 maps, 1 b/w and 28 colour illust. Pictorial soft cover. Very good. 25.4 x 17.5.

Whaling in the Strait of Belle Isle.

DAKIN, Professor W. J.
WHALING AND AUSTRALIA (in Walkabout Vol. 12, No. 11)
$20.00 AUD

Australian National Publicity Association. Melbourne. 1946 Volume 12, No. 11, September 1946. Contains article from P.4 to 12 with 1 map and 9 b/w photos. Pictorial soft covers with a few small nicks, otherwise near fine. 30.5 x 24.

Whaling in Australian waters and the Southern Ocean from the days of sails to the days of steam.

WHALES: An Era of Discovery [in National Geographic Magazine - Volume 174, No.6]
$5.00 AUD

N.G.S. Washington. 1988. December 1988. 765-946 PP. Contains article from P. 872 to 909 with b/w and colour illustrations (photographs by Flip Nicklin). Pictorial soft cover. Fine. 25.4 x 17.5.

BEING BOB BALLARD [in National Geographic Magazine - Volume 205, No.5]
$5.00 AUD

N.G.S. Washington. 2004. May 2004. 138 PP. Contains article pages 112 to 129 with colour illustrations (photographs by David Mclain). Pictorial soft cover. Fine. 25.4 x 17.5.

DRAPER, Robert
MADAGASCAR'S PIERCED HEART (in National Geographic Magazine, Volume 218, No. 3)
$5.00 AUD

National Geographic Society. Washington. 2010. September 2010. 144 PP. Contains article from page 80 to 109 with colour illustrations (1 map, 5 drawings and 18 photos by the Pascal Maitre). Soft cover. Very good. 25.4 x 17.5.

EARLE, Sylvia E.
A WALK IN THE DEEP [in National Geographic Magazine, Volume 157, No.5, 1980]
$10.00 AUD

National Geographic Society. Washington. 1980. Volume 157, No. 5, May 1980. Contains articles P. 624 to 631 with 1 map and 8 colour photos by Al Giddings and Chuck Nicklin. Pictorial soft cover. Fine. 25.4 x 17.5.

Jim, an inner space suit and research submarine Star II.

AQUACULTURE: An Industry Afloat (in Australian Geographic, No.50, April/June 1998)
$10.00 AUD

Australian Geographic Society. Sydney. 1998. 128 PP, plus 2 folded plates. Contains article between pages 98 and 119 with 34 colour photos, plus folded plate with map and colour illustrations by Anne Bowman on the recto and 3 colour photos on the verso. Colour photos by Randy Larcombe. Pictorial soft cover. Fine. 27.8 x 21.

EDGERTON, Maj. Gen. Glen E.
AN ENGINEER'S VIEW OF THE SUEZ CANAL (in National Geographic Magazine, Volume 111, No.1, 1957)
$5.00 AUD

National Geographic Society. Washington. 1957. Volume 111, No. 1, January 1957. Contains article between P.123 and 140 with 1 artist impression, 2 maps and 12b/w photos. Soft cover. Very good. 25.2 x 17.5.

THE ADVENTURES OF MARCO POLO - (Three Parts, in National Geographic Magazine, Volume 199, No.5, No. 6 & Volume 200, No. 1, 2001)
$30.00 AUD

National Geographic Society. Washington. 2001. Part I: Volume 199, No. 5, May 2001. Pages 2 to 31 with 1 map and 19 colour photos. Part II: Volume 199, No. 6, June 2001. Pages 20 to 45 with 1 map and 14 colour photos. Part III: Volume 200, No. 1, July 2001 with 1 map and 12 colour photos. Photographs by Michael Yamashita. Pictorial soft cover. Fine. 25.4 x 17.5.

Part I: Venice to China. Part II: in China. Part III: Journey home.

$15.00 AUD

National Geographic Society. Washington. 1965. Volume 128, No.2, August 1965. 153-290 PP. Contains 3 articles from P.153 to 225 with 41 colour illustrations and 39 b/w photos (2 of the Gallipoli landing). Pictorial soft cover. Copy of National Geographic without the special recording: "Churchill's great words and funeral music" of page 198A, o/wise near fine. 25.5 x 17.5.

ELLIS, William S.
TRACKING DANGER WITH THE ICE PATROL (in National Geographic Magazine - Volume 133, No.6, 1968)
$10.00 AUD

N.G.S. Washington. 1968. Volume 133, No.6, June 1968. Contains article between P.780 and 793 with 14 colour illustrations (1 map, 1 painting and 12 photos by James R. Holland). Pictorial soft cover. Near fine. 25.5 x 17.5.

US Coast Guard

ELLIS, William S.
THE COAST GUARD, Small Service with a Big Mission (in National Geographic)
$5.00 AUD

National Geographic Society. Washington. 1974. Reprint from the July 1974 issue. 113-138, (3) PP with 27 colour photos. Pictorial soft cover. Folder punch holes close to spine, o/wise fine. 25.4 x 17.7.

EMORY, Kenneth P., LEWIS, David, KAWAINUI KANE, Herb & ROCKFELLER, Mary & Laurance S.
$15.00 AUD

National Geographic Society. Washington. 1974. Vol. 146, No.6, Dec.1974. Contains 4 articles P.732 to 793 with colour illustrations. Soft cover (lightly rubbed). Lacks the folding map. Very good. 25.5 x 17.5.

Navigation and settlement of the vast Pacific.

EWING, Maurice
EXPLORING THE MID-ATLANTIC RIDGE (in National Geographic Magazine, Volume XCIV, No.3, 1948)
$10.00 AUD

National Geographic Society. Washington. 1948. . Volume XCIV, No. 3, September 1948. Contains article between P. 275 and 294 with 16 b/w illustrations (1 map, 1 artwork and 14 photos). Soft cover (spine lightly chipped). Very good. 25.5 x 17.5.

On board the Atlantis of the Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution.

LA FAY, Howard
GIBRALTAR - Rock of Contention (in National Geographic Magazine)
$5.00 AUD

National Geographic Society. Washington. 1966. Volume 130, No. 1, July 1966. 158 PP. Contains article from P. 102 to 121 with 2 maps and 23 colour photos by Bates Littlehales). Pictorial soft cover. Very good. 25.4 x 17.5.

FISHER, Allan C.
MYSTERIES OF BIRD MIGRATION (in National Geographic Magazine)
$10.00 AUD

National Geographic Society. Washington. 1979. Volume 156, No 2, August 1979. Includes article from P.154 to 193 with b/w and colour illustrations. Pict. soft cover. Very good. 25.4 x 17.5.

KRONAN, Remnants of a Warship's Past [in National Geographic Magazine, Volume 175, No.4, 1989]
$5.00 AUD

N.G.S. Washington. 1989. April 1989. Includes article from P.438 to 465 with 1 map and 29 colour illustrations (photographs by Bill Curtsinger and paintings by John Berkey). Pictorial soft cover. Very good. 25.4 x 17.5.

Sinking of the Swedish warship on 1st of June 1676, by a combined Danish-Dutch fleet off the coast of Öland Island, Sweden.

GARDNER, Irvine C.
CRUSOES OF CANTON ISLAND (in National Geographic Magazine - Vol. LXXIII, No.6, June 1938)
$10.00 AUD

National Geographic Society. Washington. 1938. Contains article from P. 749 to 766 with 7 b/w and 11 colour photos. Soft cover (rubbed). Lower part of spine worn, o/wise very good. 25.4 x 17.5.

Life on a tiny Pacific atoll that has flashed into world importance (observing an eclipse in 1937, and refuelling stop between the US and Australasia).

GARRETT, Kenneth
FROM BALTIC TO BICENTENNIAL BY SQUARE RIGGER [in National Geographic Magazine, Vol. 150, No.6]
$5.00 AUD

National Geographic Society. Washington. 1976. December 1976. Contains article pages 824 to 857 with 1 coloured map, and 26 colour photos. Pictorial soft cover. Near fine. 25.5 x 17.5.

From Gdynia to New York, on the Polish training ship Dar Pomorza.

ALASKA MARINE HIGHWAY: Ferry Route to the North (In National Geographic Magazine)
$10.00 AUD

National Geographic Society. Washington. 1965. Volume 127, No.6, June 1965. Contains article between P.776 and 819 with 2 maps & 47 colour photos. Pictorial soft cover. Very good. 25.2 x 17.4.

On board the ferry Malaspina.

GARRETT, Wilbur E. (editor)
FRANCE CELEBRATES ITS BICENTENNIAL [in National Geographic Magazine, Vol. 176, No.1, January 1989]
$30.00 AUD

National Geographic Society. Washington. 1989. Special Issue with Message "Vive la Différence", by National Gegraphic Society President Gilbert M. Grosvenor: (14), 174 PP with b/w and colour illustrations. Pictorial soft cover. Near fine. 25.4 x 17.5.

France Bicentennial of the Great Revolution. The New, the Enduring PARIS. The Great Revolution, by Merle Severy. Two Revolutions: USA / France, by Charles McCarry. ... Tour de France, An Annual Madness, by Gilbert Duclos-Lasalle ...

GARRETT, Wilbur E. & Al (editors)
100 YEARS Reporting on "THE WORLD AND ALL THAT IS IN IT". (National Geographic Magazine - Volume 174, No.3]
$15.00 AUD

National Geographic Society. Washington. 1988. September 1988 Issue. (15), 270-432 PP with b/w and colour illustrations (pages 271 to 286: 4 folded plates with front covers of 360 issues) . Soft covers, "Yellow Border" front cover. Fine. 25.4 x 17.5.

Centennial issue 1888 - 1988. Odyssey: The Art of Photography. Alexander Graham Bell ...

GARRETT, Wilbur et al.
ONE HUNDRED YEARS of Increasing and Diffusing Geographic Knowledge (in National Geographic, Vol. 173, No.1 January 1988)
$10.00 AUD

N.G.S. Washington. 1988. Special issue with introduction by Gardiner Greene Hubbard, President. 154 PP with b/w and colour photos. Pictorial soft cover. Very good. 25.4 x 17.5.

6 articles: Those electrifying 1880s, by William H. Goetzmann. A Century of distinguished leadership, by Melvin M. Payne. Discovering America. Poland: the hope never dies. Galapagos wildlife ...

$10.00 AUD

Geo. Paris. 1996. Edited by Maurice SOUTIF. Includes article from P.156 to 168 with 2 maps and 26 b/w and colour illust. Pictorial soft cover. Fine. French text. 27 x 21.3.

The scientific expedition led by Nicolas Baudin and sent to the shores of the Australian continent by Napoléon (1800-1804).

FERTILITY RITES AND SORCERY IN A NEW GUINEA VILLAGE (in National Geographic Magazine, Volume 152, No.1, 1977)
$10.00 AUD

National Geographic Society. Washington. 1977. Volume 152, No. 1, July 1977. Contains article from P.124 to 146 with 1 map and 22 colour photos. Pictorial soft cover. Fine. 25.5 x 17.4.

GODDIO, Franck
SAN DIEGO, An Account of Adventure, Deceit, and Intrigue [in National Geographic Magazine, Volume 186, No.1, 1994]
$10.00 AUD

National Geographic Society. Washington. 1994. Volume 186, No.1, July 1994. Includes article from P.34 to 57 with 1 map & 27 colour illust. Pict. soft cover. Fine. 25.4 x 17.5.

Sea battle of the 14 December 1600, between the Dutch vessels Mauritius and Eendracht and the Spanish San Diego and San Bartolomé off the coast of Luzon. Dives and excavations on the wreck of the San Diego began in 1992.

GOLDRICK, Chrissie
THIS DINKUM LIFE (in Australian Geographic, Issue No. 82, April-June 2006 -20th Anniversary Collector's Edition)
$10.00 AUD

The Australian Geographic Society. Sydney. 2006. 144 PP with b/w and colour illustrations. Contains article pages 66 to 86 with 2 colour and 24 b/w photos, by Jeff Carter. Pictorial soft cover. Fine. 27.8 x 21.

Jeff Carter's half a century capturing honest images of real Aussie characters

GORE, Rick
THE MEDITERRANEAN, Sea of Man's Fate [in National Geographic Magazine - Volume 162, No.6]
$15.00 AUD

National Geographic Society. Washington. 1982. December 1982. Contains article P. 694 to 737 with 2 maps, 2 bw & 4 colour illust., and 36 colour photos plus folded double map of the Mediterranean sea (historic & sea floor). Very good. 25.4 x 17.5.

Contains two articles: the buried city of Herculaneum on the slope of Vesuvius and the Lost Outpost of the Egyptian Empire at Gaza.

GRAHAM, Robin Lee
A TEEN-AGER SAILS THE WORLD ALONE (in National Geographic Magazine - Volume 134, No.4, 1968)
$10.00 AUD

National Geographic Society. Washington. 1968. Vol. 134, No. 4, October 1968. Contains article pages 445 to 491 with 1 map, 1 sketch, and 44 colour illustrations (1 copy of log book, 2 paintings by William H. Bond and 41 photos). Pictorial soft cover. Very good. 25.2 x 17.4.

Hawaii, Fanning, Samoa... Cocos Keeling... Durban.

GRAVES, William & SCHEFFER, Victor B.
WHALES OF THE WORLD: The Imperiled Giants & Exploring the Lives of Whales [in National Geographic Magazine, Vol. 150, No.6]
$5.00 AUD

National Geographic Society. Washington. 1976. December 1976. Contains articles pages 722 to 767 with 1 b/w lithography, 1 graph, 3 drawings and 39 colour photos. Pictorial soft cover. Near fine. 25.5 x 17.5.

GRAVES, William P. E.
MARTHA'S VINEYARD (in National Geographic Magazine - Volume 119, No.6)
$10.00 AUD

National Geographic Society. Washington. 1961. June 1961. Contains article from P.778 to 809 with 1 map and 2 b/w and 34 colour photos by James P. Blair. Soft cover. Near fine. 25.4 x 17.5.

Old whaling days still flavor life on sea-swept Martha's Vineyard.

GREEN, Jeremy
LOOKING FOR KHUBILAI KHAN (in Geo Magazine Volume 5, No.4, December 1983-January 1984)
$10.00 AUD

Australasia's Geographical Magazine. Sydney. 1984. Includes article from P.58 to 69 with 1 map and 14 colour photos. Pictorial soft cover. Very good. 23 x 20.3.

Applying a recently developed colour sonar system which detects large objects buried under sand, Japanese maritime archaeologists are probing Japan's Bay of Imari for Khubilai Khan's sunken fleet.

GROSVENOR, Melville Bell
$5.00 AUD

National Geographic Society. Washington. 1967. Volume 132, No.3, September, 1967. Contains article between P.378 and 419 with 1 plan, 1 map, 4 b/w and 45 colour photos. Pictorial soft cover. Near fine. 25.5 x 17.5.

Graveyard to over 600 ships. French outpost south of Newfoundland..

GROSVENOR, Melville Bell & MARDEN, Luis
SOUTH SEAS' TONGA HAILS A KING - THE FRIENDLY ISLES OF TONGA (in National Geographic Magazine, Volume 133, No.3, 1968)
$15.00 AUD

National Geographic Society. Washington. 1968. Contains articles between P.322 and 367 with 2 maps and 56 colour photos. Pictorial soft cover. Very good. 25.4 x 17.5.

SUPERSHIPS, Giants that move the World's Oil - SUPERSPILL, Black Day for Brittany [in National Geographic Magazine - Volume 154, No.1]
$10.00 AUD

National Geographic Society. Washington. 1978. July 1978. Contains two articles between P.102 & 135 with 3 maps, 3 pages with cutaway plans, and 21 colour photos. Pict. soft cover. Very good. 25.4 x 17.5.

The V.L.C.C. (Very Large Crude Carrier). Wreck of the Amoco Cadiz on the 16th March 1978.

THE WRECK OF THE C.S.S. ALABAMA, Avenging Angel of the Confederacy [in National Geographic Magazine]
$5.00 AUD

National Geographic Society. Washington. 1994. Volume 186, No. 6, December 1994. Contains article P. 66 to 83 with 1 map, 1 b/w photo and 19 colour illustrations by Rod M. Farb. Pictorial soft cover. New. 25.4 x 17.5.

On the wreck of the Confederate Alabama, sunk by the U.S.S. Kearsarge off Cherbourg, Normandy.

PROJECT FAMOUS - Where the Earth Turns Inside Out & Dive into the great Rift [in National Geographic Magazine]
$10.00 AUD

National Geographic Society. Washington. 1975. Volume 147, No. 5, May 1975. Contains articles P. 586 to 615 with colour images and photos by Emory Kristof. Pictorial soft cover. Fine. 25.4 x 17.5.

FAMOUS = French-American Mid-Ocean Undersea Studies. Man's first voyages down to the mid-Atlantic ridge.

THE WRECK OF THE SIRIUS [in Australian Geographic, No. 29, January-March 1993]
$15.00 AUD

A.G.S. Sydney. 1993. Contains article pages 100 to 117 with 1 map, 2 colour illustrations & 26 colour photos. Pictorial soft cover. Fine. 27.8 x 21.

Wrecked on 19th March 1790, Sydney Bay, Norfolk Island. Also includes Tasmania's Overland Track, From Cradle to Narcissus, by Howard Whelan, and includes a large folded poster with the map and information on the history, etc.

HENRY, Thomas R.
ATLANTIC ODYSSEY: ICELAND TO ANTARCTICA (in National Geographic Magazine, Volume CVIII, No. 6, 1955)
$5.00 AUD

N.G.S. Washington. 1955. Volume CVIII, No.6, December 1955. Includes article from P. 725 to 780 with 12 b/w and 46 colour photos by Volkmar Wentzel. Soft cover (creased and rubbed). Good. 25.2 x 17.5.

Whaling off Newfoundland, Cape Horn gale, Cape of Good Hope... Also: By Full-rigged Ship to Denmark Fairyland, by Alan Villiers.

TURNING BACK TIME IN THE SOUTH SEAS (in National Geographic Magazine, Volume LXXIX, No.2, 1941)
$10.00 AUD

National Geographic Society. Washington. 1941. Article from P.109-136 with 1 map & 33 b/w photos. Soft cover (rubbed). Very good. 25.4 x 17.5.

The return to nature on Fatu Hiva island in the Marquesas where his theories were born.

THE PATHFINDER OF THE EAST (in National Geographic Magazine, Volume LII, No. 5 November 1927)
$20.00 AUD

National Geographic Society. Washington. 1927. Volume LII, No. 5, November 1927. Contains article between P.503 and 550 with 1 map and 43 b/w photos. Soft cover. Covers chipped and lightly soiled, o/wise near fine. 25.4 x 17.6.

Vasco da Gama and the search for Christians and Spices. Other article in this issue: An altitudinal journey through Portugal, by Harriet Chalmers Adams (1 map, 44 b/w photos and 16 colour plates).

THE GREATEST VOYAGE IN THE ANNALS OF THE SEA (in National Geographic Magazine, Volume LXII, No. 6, 1932)
$20.00 AUD

National Geographic Society. Washington. 1932. Volume LXII, No. 6, December 1932. Contains article between P. 698 and 739 with 1 map with 3 insets and 35 b/w photos. Soft cover. Covers chipped at spine. Near fine. 25.4 x 17.6.

Voyages of Magellan.

$20.00 AUD

National Geographic Society. Washington. 1927. Extracts from Volume LII, No. 5, November 1927. Contains 2 articles: pages 503 to 550 with 1 map and 43 b/w photos, then pages I-XVI, 567-610 with XVI colour plate, 1 map and 44 b/w photos. Soft cover. Near fine. 25.4 x 17.6.

Vasco da Gama and the search for Christians and Spices / Portugal, a tiny nation that once ruled the world.

OUR MOST VERSATILE VEGETABLE PRODUCT - RUBBER: From Trees to Tires and Toys (in National Geographic Magazine)
$10.00 AUD

National Geographic Society. Washington. 1940. Volume LXXVII, No. 6, February 1940. Contains article between P. 143 and 200 with 51 b/w photos and 16 plates with 26 colour plates by Culver and Roberts. Soft cover. Covers chipped at spine. Very good. 25.4 x 17.6.

HILDER, Captain Brett
WHALING AT NORFOLK ISLAND (in Walkabout Magazine - Vol. 24, No. 9)
$25.00 AUD

Australian National Travel Association. Melbourne. 1958. Volume 24, No. 9, September 1958. 40 PP. Contains article P. 10 to 13 with 4 b/w photos. Pictorial soft cover. Near fine. 30.2 x 24.2.

HILL, Chris
LORD HOWE ISLAND: South Pacific paradise on our doorstep (in Australian Geographic No. 28, October-December 1992)
$10.00 AUD

A.G.S. Sydney. 1992. Contains article pages 32 to 53 with 2 maps, 2 b/w and colour 36photos, plus large folded map of "Lord Howe Island". Pictorial soft cover. Fine. 27.8 x 21.

THE FALKLAND ISLANDS: Life after the War / A Portfolio "Falkland Islands Wildlife" (in National Geographic, Vol. 173, No.3)
$5.00 AUD

N.G.S. Washington. 1988. March 1988. Contains 2 articles: pages 390 to 411, then 391-422 with colour illustrations: 1 map, 1 location map and 31 photos. Pictorial soft cover. Very good. 25.4 x 17.5.

CAESAREA MARITIMA: Herod the Great's, City on the Sea (in National Geographic Magazine, Volume 171, No. 2, February 1987)
$5.00 AUD

N.G.S. Washington. 1987. February 1987. Contains article from page 260 to 278 with 4 b/w photos and colour illustrations: 2 maps, 2 paintings by J. Roberrt Teringo and 15 photos by Bill Curtsinger. Pictorial soft cover. Very good. 25.4 x 17.5.

HOLLAND, Jennifer
ICY UNDERWORLD: South Sandwich Islands (in National Geographic Magazine, Volume 210, No.6)
$5.00 AUD

N.G.S. Washington. 2006. December 2006. Includes article from P.122 to 141 with colour illustrations: 1 map, 1 location map and 10 colour photos by Maria Stenzel. Pictorial soft cover. Very good. 25.4 x 17.5.

On board the yacht Golden Fleece.

HOUOT, Lt. Cmdr. G.S.
FOUR YEARS OF DIVING TO THE BOTTOM OF THE SEA (in National Geographic Magazine, Volume CXIII, No.5, 1958)
$10.00 AUD

National Geographic Society. Washington. 1958. Volume CXIII, No.5, May, 1958. Contains article between P.715 and 731 with bw & colour illustrations. Soft cover. Very good. 25.2 x 17.5.

Globe-eyed sharks, fish with stilts, undersea deserts, avalanches, powerful currents... Story of the French bathyscaphe pilot and his trips to the black abyss...

HOUOT, Lt. Comdr. Georges S.
DEEP DIVING BY BATHYSCAPHE OFF JAPAN (in National Geographic Magazine, Volume 117, No.1, 1960)
$10.00 AUD

National Geographic Society. Washington. 1960. Volume 117, No.1, January 1960. Contains article between P.138 and 150 with 5 bw & 8 colour illustrations (1 map, 1 plan & 6 photos). Pictorial soft cover. Very good. 25.2 x 17.5.

WHALE HUNTING WITH BOMB AND WIRELESS (in Walkabout Magazine, Vol. 6, No. 8)
$25.00 AUD

Australian National Travel Association. Melbourne. 1940. Vol. 6, No.8, June 1940. 48 PP. Contains article pages 8 to16 with 1 map and 7 b/w photos. Pictorial soft covers. Very good. 30 x 24.

A story of whales, their habits, and modern whaling in Australia's Antarctica. Other article: Tahitian Wedding, by Wilfred Burchett

NORFOLK ISLAND & IN THE WAKE OF THE BOUNTY (in Australian Geographic, No. 20, Oct-Dec 1990]
$10.00 AUD

Australian Geographic Society. Sydney. 1990. Contains 2 articles from P.36 to 73 with b/w and colour illustrations, plus 1 folded plate with cutaway of Bounty. Pictorial soft cover. Fine. 27.8 x 21.

ADVENTURES WITH THE SURVEY NAVY (in National Geographic Magazine)
$10.00 AUD

National Geographic Society. Washington. 1947. Volume XCII, No.1, July, 1947. Contains article between P. 131 and 148 with 1 map, 17 b/w photos. Soft cover. Front cover rubbed and with closed tear, spine lightly damaged. Good. 25.5 x 17.5.

The US Navy survey ship "Sumner" in the Central Pacific during World War II.

JOHNSON, Irving & Electa
THE YANKEE'S WANDER-WORLD (in National Geographic Magazine)
$15.00 AUD

National Geographic Society. Washington. 1949. Volume XCV, No.1, January, 1949. Contains article between P. 1 and 50 with 1 map, 12 b/w and 42 colour photos. Soft cover with light wear. Near fine. 25.5 x 17.5.

4th world cruise (1st after the end of WWII) from Europe to Hawaii, via Galapagos, Easter, Pitcairn, Austral islands, Society Islands. Contains interesting photos.

JOHNSON, Irving & Electa
YANKEE CRUISES THE STORIED NILE (in National Geographic Magazine)
$10.00 AUD

National Geographic Society. Washington. 1965. Volume 127, No.5, May, 1965. Contains article from P.583 to 635 with 2 diagrams (in colour) and 53 colour photos. Pictorial soft cover. Lacks the loose folded map, o/wise near fine. 25.5 x 17.5.

JOHNSON, Irving & Electa
NEW GUINEA TO BALI IN YANKEE (in National Geographic Magazine)
$15.00 AUD

National Geographic Society. Washington. 1959. Volume CXVI, No.6, December 1959. Contains article from P.767 to 815 with 2 maps, 6 b/w and 33 colour photos. Pictorial soft cover. Near fine. 25.5 x 17.5.

Includes the Supplement: Atlas Map of Asia.

JOHNSON, Irving & Electa
YANKEE ROAMS THE ORIENT (in National Geographic Magazine)
$10.00 AUD

National Geographic Society. Washington. 1951. Volume XCIX, No. 3, March 1951. Contains article between P.327 and 370 with 1 map, 15 b/w and 31 colour photos. Soft cover (lightly rubbed). Near fine. 25.5 x 17.5.

New Hebrides, Tikopia, Solomon Islands, New Guinea, Indonesia...

JOLLY, Alison
MADAGASCAR: A World Apart [in National Geographic Magazine, Volume 171, No. 2, February 1987]
$5.00 AUD

National Geographic Society. Washington. 1987. February 1987. Contains article from page 148 to 183 with 1 map and 27 colour photos by Frans Lanting. Pictorial soft cover. Very good. 25.4 x 17.5.

JUDGE, Joseph, STANFIELD, James L., MARSDEN, Luis & LYON, Eugene
COLUMBUS AND THE NEW WORLD [in National Geographic Magazine]
$5.00 AUD

N.G.S. Washington. 1986. Volume 170, No. 5, November 1986. Contains three articles from P. 562 to 605 with 3 maps, 1 folded chart, and bw & colour illust., plus 1 folded map: Where did Columbus discover America?. Pict. soft cover. Very good. 25.4 x 17.5.

KANE, Herb Kawainui
A CANOE HELPS HAWAII RECAPTURE HER PAST (in National Geographic Magazine)
$5.00 AUD

National Geographic Society. Washington. 1976. Volume 149, No 4, April 1976. Article from P. 468 to 489 with 1 map and 21 colour photos. Pictorial soft cover. Very good. 25.4 x 17.5.

Hokule'a: construction then training for the voyage of re-enactment between Hawai'i and Tahiti.

KEYNES, Quentin
SEYCHELLES, TROPIC ISLES OF EDEN [in National Geographic Magazine - Volume CXVI, No.5]
$10.00 AUD

N.G.S. Washington. 1959. November 1959. Article from P. 670 to 695 with 3 maps, 5 bw and 17 colour photos. Pict. soft cover. Very good. 25.4 x 17.5.

KEYNES, Quentin
MAURITIUS, ISLAND OF THE DODO (in National Geographic Magazine, Volume CIX, No.1, 1956)
$10.00 AUD

National Geographic Society. Washington. 1956. January 1956. Contains article from P.77 to 104 with 2 maps, 5 b/w and 23 colour photos. Soft cover. Near fine. 25.4 x 17.5.

KIM, H. Edward
A 14TH CENTURY CARGO MAKES PORT AT LAST [in National Geographic Magazine]
$10.00 AUD

National Geographic Society. Washington. 1979. Volume 156, No 2, August 1979. Includes article from P.230 to 243. Pict. soft cover. Very good. 25.4 x 17.5.

The wreck of a 14th century Chinese sea-going vessel of Sinan on the South Western coast of Korea.

KING, Elizabeth W.
$15.00 AUD

National Geographic Society. Washington. 1946. Volume 90, No. 1, July 1946. Contains article between P.1 and 42 with 14 b/w photos and 84 colour reproductions of paintings. Soft cover. Very good. 25.5 x 17.5.

KING, Elizabeth W.
FLAGS OF THE AMERICAS (in National Geographic Magazine)
$15.00 AUD

National Geographic Society. Washington. 1949. Volume XCV, No. 5, May 1949. Contains article between P.633 and 657, with 6 b/w photos and 172 colour reproductions of paintings. Soft cover (spine lightly chipped). Very good. 25.5 x 17.5.

Flags, guidons and pennants of the United States. Flags and coat of arms of the American nations (Argentina to Venezuela).

KNOX, Captain Dudley W.
SHIPS, FROM DUGOUTS TO DREADNOUGHTS (in National Geographic Magazine)
$5.00 AUD

National Geographic Society. Washington. 1938. Volume LXXIII, No. 1, January 1938. Contains article P. 56 to 98 with 27 b/w photos and XVI b/w plates "Etchings by Norman Wilkinson". Soft cover (soiled and reinforced on spine). Very good. 25.4 x 17.5.

Man's colossal achievement in progressing from canoe and catamaran to modern liner, superdreadnought, airplane carrier, and flying ships.

KUHN, Ferdinand
THE YANKEE SAILOR WHO OPENED JAPAN (in National Geographic Magazine)
$5.00 AUD

National Geographic Society. Washington. 1953. Volume 104, No.1, July 1953. Contains article between P. 85 and 102 with 1 map and 14 b/w photos. Soft cover. Very good. 25.5 x 17.5.

Commodore Perry and his black ships ...

LAND, Vice Admiral Emory S. / DRYDEN, Hugh L.
$10.00 AUD

NGS. Washington. 1953. December 1953. Contains 2 articles from P 721 to 780 with 38 b/w and 39 colour photos. Soft cover. Very good. 25.5 x 17.5.

LEWIS, David
HOKULE`A FOLLOWS THE STARS TO TAHITI (in National Geographic Magazine)
$5.00 AUD

National Geographic Society. Washington. 1976. Volume 150, No 4, October 1976. Article from P. 512 to 537 with 1 map and 20 colour photos. Pictorial soft cover. 25.4 x 17.5.

Hokule`a voyage to Tahiti. Traditional navigation of the Polynesians.

LEWIS, David
ICEBOUND IN ANTARCTICA (in National Geographic Magazine)
$10.00 AUD

National Geographic Society Washington. 1984. Volume 166, No. 5, November 1984. Contains article from pages 634 to 663 with 3 maps, and 25 colour photos by Mimi George. Pictorial soft cover. Fine. 25.4 x 17.5.

Exploration from the 65-foot steel-hulled schooner Dick Smith Explorer, locked in ice between March 1983 and January 1984.

LONG, George W.
INDOCHINA FACES THE DRAGON [in National Geographic Magazine, Volume CII, No.3, 1952]
$20.00 AUD

National Geographic Society. Washington. 1952. September 1952. 287-430 PP with b/w and Colour illustrations. Contains article P. 287 to 328 with 13 b/w and 27 colour photos by J. Baylor Roberts. Soft covers with some wear, o/wise near fine. 25.5 x 17.5.

France and her former Protectorates (Tonkin, Annam, Cochinchina, Cambodia & Laos) fight side by side to stem the Menace of Communist Forces in Southeast Asia.

LYON, Eugene
THE TROUBLE WITH TREASURE (In National Geographic Magazine)
$10.00 AUD

National Geographic Society. Washington. 1976. Volume 149, No.6, June 1976. Article: P. 787 to 805. Pictorial soft cover. Very good. 25.4 x 17.5.

The wreck of the Spanish galleon Atocha sunk off Florida in 1628.

THE LEGACY OF FLINDERS' NATURALIST (in Australian Geographic - Issue No. 60, Oct-Dec. 2000]
$10.00 AUD

Australian Geographic. Sydney. 2000. Contains article from P. 48 to 63 with 2 b/w and 17 colour photos by Grahame McConnell, plus 1 folded map. Illustrated soft cover. Fine. 27.8 x 21.

Robert Brown, naturalist on board HMS Investigator.

MacINNIS, Joseph B.
TITANIC - Tragedy in Three Dimensions [in National Geographic Magazine]
$5.00 AUD

N.G.S. Washington. 1998. Volume 194, No. 2, August 1998. Contains article P. 120 to 127 with 8 (3-D) colour images by Emory Kristof. Pictorial soft cover. 2 (3-D) glasses loosely inserted. Fine. 25.4 x 17.5.

FAR NORTH WITH CAPTAIN MAC (in National Geographic Magazine)
$10.00 AUD

National Geographic Society. Washington. 1951. Volume C, No.4, October 1951. Contains article from P. 467 to 513 with 1 map, 14 b/w and 32 colour photos. Soft cover. Near fine. 25.5 x 17.5.

Voyage of the 88-foot schooner Bowdoin to Labrador and Greenland.

CHESAPEAKE ODYSSEY (in National Geographic Magazine - Volume LXXVI, No.3, 1939)
$10.00 AUD

National Geographic Society. Washington. 1939. Volume LXXVI, No. 3, September 1939. Contains article pages 356 to 392 with 1 map, 1 engraving and 31 b/w photos. Soft cover. Lacks front cover and lower part of spine. Internally very good. 25.4 x 17.5.

An 18-foot Sailboat follows the course of Captain John Smith around this spacious bay.

MANN, William M. & Lucile Q., WILLIAMS, Maynard Owen
$10.00 AUD

National Geographic Society. Washington. 1938. Volume LXXIII, No. 6, June 1938. Contains article from P. 665 to 714 with 1 map of Netherlands Indies, 33 b/w and XVI colour plates with 23 photos "Netherlands Indies: Patchwork of People". Soft cover (rubbed). Lower part of spine worn, o/wise very good. 25.4 x 17.5.

Expedition of the National Geographic Society - Smithsonian Institution.

THE ISLANDS CALLED FIJI (in National Geographic Magazine)
$10.00 AUD

National Geographic Society. Washington. 1958. Volume CXIV, No. 4, October 1958. Contains article from P.526 to 561 with 2 maps, 5 b/w and 28 colour photos. Soft cover. Fine. 25.5 x 17.4.

Men walk on hot coals and women sing to turtles in Britain's Pacific colony.

TAHITI, Finest Island in the World (in National Geographic Magazine, Volume 122, No. 1, 1962)
$10.00 AUD

National Geographic Society. Washington. 1962. Volume 122, No. 1, July 1962. Contains article between P.1 and 47 with 3 maps and 53 colour photos. Pictorial soft cover. Spine lightly rubbed. Very good. 25.4 x 17.5.

SAGA OF A SHIP, THE YANKEE (in National Geographic Magazine)
$5.00 AUD

National Geographic Society. Washington. 1966. Volume 129, No 2, February 1966. Contains article between pages 262 and 269 with 1 map and 13 colour photos. Pictorial soft cover. Very good. 25.4 x 17.5.

54 years of the life of Brigantine Yankee, wrecked in July 1964 at Rarotonga.

FAREWELL TO BIKINI (in National Geographic Magazine)
$10.00 AUD

National Geographic Society. Washington. 1946. Volume 90, No. 1, July 1946. Contains article between P.97 and 116 with 16 b/w photos. Soft cover. Very good. 25.5 x 17.5.

Bikini Atoll in the Ralik Chain of the Marshall Islands, prior to any testing of Atomic Bombs.

SCIENCE EXPLORES THE MONSOON SEA [in National Geographic Magazine - Volume 132, No.4]
$10.00 AUD

National Geographic Society. Washington. 1967. October 1967. Contains article from P. 554 to 575 with 2 maps, 2 colour sketches, 1 b/w and 22 colour photos by Robert F. Sisson. Pictorial soft cover. Small piece missing at top of spine. Very good. 25.4 x 17.5.

Copy without the map supplement: Indian Ocean Floor.

PROJECT MOHOLE - Scientists Drill at Sea to Pierce Earth's Crust (in National Geographic Magazine, Volume 120, No.5, 1961)
$5.00 AUD

National Geographic Society. Washington. 1961. Volume 120, No. 5, November 1961. Contains article from P. 686 to 697 with 3 artist impressions in colour, 1 b/w and 10 colour photos. Pictorial soft cover. Very good. 25.4 x 17.4

MAURITIUS, ISLAND OF QUIET SUCCESS (in National Geographic Magazine, Volume 183, No.4, 1993)
$10.00 AUD

National Geographic Society. Washington. 1993. Volume 183, No. 4, April 1993. Contains article from page 110 to 132 with 1 map and 14 colour photos. Soft cover. Very good. 25.4 x 17.5.

CAPE OF CONTRAST (in Australian Geographic, Issue 98, April - June 2010)
$10.00 AUD

Australian Geographic Society. Sydney. 2010. 148 PP with b/w and colour illustrations. Contains article from P.94 to 105 with 1 map and 15 colour photos by Andrew Gregory. Pictorial soft cover. Fine. 27.6 x 21.

Coast between Cape Naturaliste and Cape Leewin. Other article: "Where in the desert is Ludwig Leichhardt ?", by Kean Eastwood.

CROSSCURRENTS SWEEPS A STRATEGIC SEA - Western Indian Ocean (in National Geographic Magazine, Volume 160; No. 4 October 1981)
$10.00 AUD

N.G.S. Washington. 1981. Volume 160, No. 4, October 1981. Contains article from P. 422 to 457 with 1 map (2 insets), 9 flags and 21 colour photos. Soft cover. Very good. 25.4 x 17.5.

Big-power politics and Indian Ocean island nations: Comoros, Maldives, Mauritius, Madagascar, Seychelles / Great Britain and the USA with Diego Garcia - France with Mayotte and La Réunion - USSR with Socotra Island...

CARTAGENA NIGHTS (in National Geographic Magazine, Volume 175, No.4, 1989)
$5.00 AUD

N.G.S. Washington. 1989. April 1989. Includes article from P.494 to 509 with colour illustrations (4 maps and 13 photos by O. Louis Mazzatenta.). Pictorial soft cover. Very good. 25.4 x 17.5.

Historic Colombian port and fortress of the Spanish Main.

THE LUNGFISH, Australia's Living Fossil [in Australian Geographic, No. 6, April-June 1987]
$10.00 AUD

Australian Geographic Pty. Ltd. Sydney. 1987. Contains article between pages 46 and 57 with 1 map, 2 colour illustrations & 13 colour photos. Pictorial soft cover. Very good. 27.8 x 21.


McGOWAN, Angela
HEARD ISLAND, Big Ben's Glacial Realm [in Australian Geographic, No. 9, Jan-Mar 1988]
$10.00 AUD

Australian Geographic Society. Sydney. 1988. Contains article from P.59 to 79 with 4 b/w photos and colour illustrations (1 painting by Alasdair McGregor, 1 location map, 1 folded plate, 3 maps, 3 illustrations by Rod Clement and 32 photos). Pictorial soft cover. Fine. 27.8 x 20.8.

Heard Island and its dependency of the McDonald Islands.

THE LURE OF THE BARRAMUNDI [in Australian Geographic, No. 29, January-March 1993]
$10.00 AUD

A.G.S. Sydney. 1993. Contains article pages 80 to 99 with colour illustrations (1 map, 1 painting & 40 photos). Pictorial soft cover. Fine. 27.8 x 21.

ETERNAL FRANCE / ALGERIA, France's stepchild [in National Geographic Magazine, Vol. 117, No.6, 1960]
$15.00 AUD

National Geographic Society. Washington. 1960. 1st Ed. (14), 725- 866 PP with b/w and colour illustrations. Contains article P. 725 to 767 / 768 to 795 with 5 b/w photos, 1 map in colour and 50 colour photos. Pictorial soft cover. Fine. 25.4 x 17.5.

MERYMAN, Richard
AMERICAN VISIONS - THE WYETH FAMILY [in National Geographic Magazine, Volume 180, No.1, 1991]
$10.00 AUD

NGS. Washington. 1991. Volume 180, No. 1, July 1991. Contains article from pages 78 to 109 with 11 b/w photos and 11 colour paintings. Pictorial soft cover. Fine. 25.4 x 17.5.

Newell Convers Wyeth, illustrator of Treasure Island or Kidnapped. Nathaniel Wyeth, Andrew Wyeth...

THROUGH EUROPE BY TRAILER CARAVAN (in National Geographic Magazine, Volume CXI, No. 6, 1957)
$10.00 AUD

National Geographic Society. Washington. 1957. Volume CXI, No.6, June 1957. Includes article from P.769-818 with 8 b/w & 36 colour photos by Ardean R. Miller III, plus large folded map in colour of Europe, June 1957.. Soft cover. Very good. 25.5 x 17.5.

Discovery voyage through a little-known (at the time) sultanate of the Indian Ocean, straddling the equator. 8 photos of baggala.

MINER, Roy Waldo
ON THE BOTTOM OF A SOUTH SEA PEARL LAGOON (in National Geographic Magazine)
$5.00 AUD

National Geographic Society. Washington. 1938. Volume LXXIV, No.3, September 1938. Contains article between P. 365 and 382 with 17 b/w photos & VIII colour plates "Sea Floor Aquarelles from Tongareva" by Else Bostelmann. Soft cover. Very good. 25.5 x 17.5.

Calls in Eastern Polynesia and the atoll of Tongareva (Penrhyn) in the Cook Islands in the Zaca by an expedition of the American Museum of Natural History, New York.

MITCHELL, Carleton
TO EUROPE WITH A RACING START, with Finisterre (in National Geographic Magazine - Volume 113, No.6)
$10.00 AUD

N.G.S. Washington. 1958. June 1958. 735-880 PP. Contains article from P.758 to 791 with 1 map, 5 b/w and 19 colour photos. Soft cover. Near fine. 25.5 x 17.5.

Newport, Bermuda, Azores (whale hunting) , Gibraltar.

MITCHELL, Carleton
FRENCH RIVIERA: Storied Playground on the Azure Coast [in National Geographic Magazine, Vol. 131, No.6, 1967]
$10.00 AUD

National Geographic Society. Washington. 1967. 1st Ed. (22), 745- 890 PP with b/w and colour illustrations. Contains article P. 798 to 835 with colour illustrations: 1 map & 1 location map and 33 photos. Pictorial soft cover. Fine. 25.4 x 17.5.

THE GLOBAL FISH CRISIS [in National Geographic Magazine - Volume 211, No.4]
$5.00 AUD

N.G.S. Washington. 2007. April 2007. 160 PP. Contains 4 articles pages 32 to 99 with graphs, maps, 7 b/w and 30 colour photos. Pictorial soft cover. Fine. 25.4 x 17.5.

MOORE, W. Robert
GILBERT ISLANDS IN THE WAKE OF BATTLE [in National Geographic, Volume LXXXVII, No.2]
$10.00 AUD

National Geographic Society. Washington. 1945. February 1945. P.129-162 with 1 map with 2 insets, 11 b/w & 19 colour photos. Soft cover. Very good. 25.4 x 17.5.

Life returning to Tarawa and the Gilbert Islands after their conquest by the Marines.

MOORE, W. Robert
$10.00 AUD

NGS. Washington. 1938. Volume LXXIV, No. 6, December 1938. Contains article from P.755 to 774 with 1 map, 9 b/w and 13 colour photos. Soft cover (rubbbed). Good. 25.5 x 17.5.

Isles off Land's End, Cornwall.

MOORE, W. Robert
PACIFIC WARDS OF UNCLE SAM (in National Geographic Magazine, Volume 94, No.1, 1948)
$5.00 AUD

NGS. Washington. 1948. Vol. 94, No. 1, July 1948. Contains article from P.73 to 104 with 2 maps, 11 b/w and 18 colour photos. Soft cover. Near fine. 25.2 x 17.4.

United States Trust Territory of Pacific Islands.

MOORE, W. Robert
CLOVE-SCENTED ZANZIBAR [in National Geographic Magazine - Volume CI, No.2]
$10.00 AUD

N.G.S. Washington. 1952. February 1952. 141-278 PP. Contains article pages 261 to 278 with 3 maps, 6 b/w and 10 colour photos. Soft cover. Very good. 25.4 x 17.5.

MOORE, W. Robert.
$10.00 AUD

N.G.S. Washington. 1931. Vol. 60, No.2, August 1931. Contains article P.157 to 199 with 1 map and 32 b/w photos, plus 16 plates with 28 colour photos. Soft cover. Near fine. 25.5 x 17.5.

From Angkor Vat in Cambodia, to Cochin-china, Annam and Tonkin.

MOORE, W. Robert.
GRASS-SKIRTED YAP [in National Geographic Magazine, Volume 102, No.6, 1952]
$10.00 AUD

National Geographic Society. Washington. 1952. Vol. 102, No.6, December 1952. Contains article P.805 to 830 with 6 b/w and 21 colour photos. Soft cover. Near fine. 25.5 x 17.5.

War made Uncle Sam foster parent to these far Pacific islanders, who prize old ways, taboos, and huge disks of Stone Money.

MORDEN, William J.
$10.00 AUD

National Geographic Society. Washington. 1927. Article pulled out from Volume LII, No. 4, October 1927. P. 369-431 with 2 maps and 73 b/w photos. Soft cover. Very good. 24.5 x 18.

Narrative of a 7,900-Mile Journey of Exploration and Research from the Indian Ocean to the Yellow Sea.

TANNA AWAITS THE COMING OF JOHN FRUM (in National Geographic Magazine)
$10.00 AUD

N.G.S. Washington. 1974. Volume 145, No. 5, May 1974. Contains article from P.706 to 715 with 1 map and 12 colour photos. Pictorial soft cover. Near fine. 25.5 x 17.4.

A Pacific Island from the New Hebrides (Vanuatu) awaits its messiah.

MURPHY, Robert Cushman
THE ROMANCE OF SCIENCE IN POLYNESIA. An Account of Five Years of Cruising among the South Sea Islands (in National Geographic Magazine)
$40.00 AUD

National Geographic Society. Washington. 1925. Article pulled out of Volume XLVIII, No. 4, October 1925. 355-426 PP with 2 maps, 3 artist views, 16 colour plates Iridescent Isles of the South Seas and 64 b/w photographs by Rollo H. Beck. Plastic covers, clear plastic front, spiral bound. Fine. 25.5 x 18.

Tuamotus, Tubuai or Austral Islands, Rapa (Oparo).

THE GEOGRAPHICAL MAGAZINE - Volume XXII, No. 8, December 1949
$10.00 AUD

The Geographical Magazine Ltd. London. 1949. Volume XXII, No. 8, December 1949. Edited by Michael HUXLEY. XII, 295-342, XIII-XXVIII PP with b/w and colour illustrations, plus 8 pages for photogravure supplement "The Nativity", by J.P. Harthan. Pictorial soft covers with light wear and a few pages have small dog ears, o/wise near fine. 24.8 x 18.5.

Pidgin English of the South Seas, by A.J. Marshall. Rural England in the making, by Guy Paget. Islam in Morocco, by Rom Landau. The Rhine: Europe's River, by C. V. Wedgwood.

WALKABOUT - Australian Geographical Magazine - Volume 14, No. 3, January, 1948
$20.00 AUD

Australian National Publicity Association. Melbourne. 1948. Edited by Charles H. Holmes. 48 PP with b/w illustrations throughout. Pictorial soft cover (The Cane Cutter). Covers with light wear, otherwise contents are near fine.. 30.2 x 24.

Articles include: The Sugar Shield, by Ruth Ann Curtis. Melanesian Arcadia, by J. G. Coombs. Townsville by Emerson Curtis. ... Mountain of Iron, by George Farwell, Gnangara Pines by James Pollard, A Wooden Ship is Built, by John McPherson, The Quality of Mercy by M. Kathleen Woodburn, ...

WALKABOUT - Australian Geographical Magazine - Vol. 14, No. 13 - November, 1948
$20.00 AUD

Australian National Publicity Association. Melbourne. 1948. Edited by Charles H. Holmes. 48 PP with b/w illustrations throughout. Pictorial soft covers ("Among the snow daisies" at Mt. Kosciusko). Near fine. 30.2 x 24.

Articles include: The hidden crater of Wolf Creek, by Charles H. Holmes. Lord Howe Island today, by G. Scoresby Shepherd. Captain Cook Memorial at Tahiti, by S. G. Martin. Letter from Macquarie, by Norman Laird. ...

WALKABOUT - Australian Geographical Magazine - Vol. 24, No. 6
$10.00 AUD

Australian National Travel Association. Melbourne. 1958. Vol. 24, No. 6, June 1958, edited by Basil G. Atkinson & Richard D. Piesse. 40 PP with b/w illustrations. Pictorial soft cover (Waterfront scene, Hobart). Very good. 30.2 x 24.

When Volcanoes belched upon Western Victoria, by Edmund D. Gill. Around the Great Australian Bight, by Marjorie Agar. A Senator's Travels in New Guinea, by Senator Nancy Buttfield.

GEO - Australia's National Geographic - Vol. 1, No. 1, 1979
$10.00 AUD

Magazine Division / Paul Hamlyn. Sydney. 1979. 124 PP with b/w and colour illustrations. Pictorial soft cover. Near fine. 27.6 x 20.2.

Articles by: Vincent Serventy on Lake Eyre - Alfredo Roces on the Bajau of the Philippines and Borneo.

GEO - Australia's National Geographic - Vol. 1, No. 2, 1979
$10.00 AUD

Magazine Division / Paul Hamlyn. Sydney. 1979. 138 PP with b/w and colour illustrations. Pictorial soft cover. Near fine. 27.6 x 20.2.

Articles by: Associate Professor E.P. Wolfers on Solomon Islands, one year after Independence. Rowan Fotheringham on Water Birds of East Australian wetlands, We turned Right and Found Tasmania, by Robert Raymond, ...

GEO - Australia's National Geographic - Vol. 1, No. 3, 1979
$10.00 AUD

Magazine Division / Paul Hamlyn. Sydney. 1979. 138 PP with b/w and colour illustrations. Pictorial soft cover. Near fine. 27.6 x 20.2.

Articles by: Derek Roff on Red Centre Rocks. Gregory Forth on the Horsemen of Sumba Island, Indonesia. Jennifer Isaacs on the Visitors who reached Australia on "Praus" of Asia.

$10.00 AUD

The Geographical Magazine. London. 1938. Vol. VII, No. 6, October 1938. XXII, 361- 432, XXIII-XXX PP with b/w illustrations (maps & photos), plus 8 b/w photogravures and 4 colour photographs. Soft covers, pictorial front (Hungarian shepherd). Covers repaired with clear plastic tape. Very good. 24.8 x 18.5.

The Indigestible Magyar, by Countess of Listowel. The Sudeten Germans, by Elizabeth Wiskemann. Nomads of the North, Lappish Life under modern administration, by Andrew Croft. The Burma Scene, by Maurice Collis.

WALKABOUT - Australian Geographical Magazine - Vol. 17, Nos. 1 to 12, 1951
$100.00 AUD

Australian National Publicity Association. Melbourne & Sydney. 1951. Monthly edition. No. 1, January 1951 to No. 12, December 1951, with a total of 576 PP with b/w illustrations. Each issue with original pictorial soft cover. Light soiling or wear to some issues, o/wise a near fine run. Format: 30.5 x 24.

Vol.17, No.1: In the Head-Hunters' Country in Dutch New Guinea (Donald F. Thomson), By Canoe down the Shoalhaven (J.W. Pearson), The Story of the Great Barrier Reef (William J. Dakin), The Petrified Aboriginal (H.A. Lindsay). Vol.17, No.2: Robert Louis Stevenson and the South Seas (David Gunston), The Aboriginal Rock Carvings of Eastern N.S.W. (John Meredith & Brian Loughlin). Vol. 17, No.3: The Golden Labyrinth (John Béchervaise), The Volcano at Tanna (Capt. Brett Hilder), Cannibal Country, The Savage Country of the Adelbert Range (Arnold M. Maahs). Vol 17, No.4: The Archipelago of the Recherche (John Béchervaise), The Story of the Boundaries (J.H.L. Cumpston). Vol 17, No.5: Savage Battles between Snakes (David Fleay), A Zoologist in the Recherche Archipelago (Vincent Serventy), Prawning (D. Mercer), Vol. 17, No.6: Birds of the Recherche Archipelago (Vincent Serventy), Volcanic Centres of New Guinea (N.H. Fisher), The Future of the Australian Tuna Industry (T.C. Rougley). Vol.17, No.7: Prawns from the Ocean (T.C. Roughley), Reptiles of the Recherche Archipelago (Vincent Serventy), The Seafaring Manus Islanders (T.W. White), Valedictory - John Flynn (Ernestine Hill). Vol.17, No.8: Rabaul (Noël Lambert), Tin Dredging at Mt. Garnet (John K. Ewers), The Monte Bello Islands (Trevor Tuckfield), Noddies of the Abrolhos (Vincent Serventy). Vol.17, No.9: Fifty Years of Federation - and the Australian Way of Life (Dr. W.E.H. Stanner), Tasmanian Aboriginal Carvings (Jessie S. Luckman), Mining for Mica (Mary Holyoake), Heard Island (W.L. Crowther). Vol.17, No.10: The Story of the Hiri (Donald F. Thomson), Nature's Natural Penitentiary (Arnold M. Maahs), Slow Death of a Ghost Town - Borroloola (L.E. Kingsbury). Vol.17, No.11: The Atherton Tableland (John K. Ewers), Snakes and Aboriginal Lore (W.E. Harney), Men of the Cattle Country (Alan Marshall), Leper Colony (Stuart Gore). Vol.17, No.12: Spanish Mission - New Norcia (Stuart Gore), Bones of the Buangs (Arnold M. Maahs), Ships that Service the Lighthouses (Mary Holyoake), Wealth in Whales (Rowley Roberts), A Dam is Raised - Mundaring Weir (H. Drake-Brockman).

WALKABOUT- Journal of the Australian Geographical Society - Vol.13, No.3 - January 1947
$20.00 AUD

Australian National Publicity Association. Melbourne. 1947. Edited by Charles H. Holmes. 52 PP with b/w illustrations throughout. Pictorial soft covers with light wear, o/wise near fine. 30.5 x 24.

Articles include: Australia's Water Resources (J.D. Lang), Suwarrow Gulf (R.O Burlinson), Melville Island (W.E. Harney), Pines of the Inland (Michael Sharland),....

WALKABOUT - Journal of the Australian Geographical Society - Vol. 13, No. 4 - February 1947
$20.00 AUD

Australian National Publicity Association. Melbourne. 1947. Edited by Charles H. Holmes. 48 PP with b/w illustrations throughout. Pictorial soft covers (Krichauff Ranges, Central Australia). Near fine. 30.5 x 24.

Contains articles: Overland Telegraph (Kathleen Woodburn), Soil Erosion in Australia (R.G. Downes), The Antiquity of the Aboriginal (W. Charnley), The Trout comes to Western Australia (John K. Ewers).

WALKABOUT - Australian Geographical Magazine - Vol.15, No.12 - December,1949
$15.00 AUD

Australian National Publicity Association. Melbourne & Sydney. 1949. 46 PP with b/w illustrations throughout. Pictorial soft covers detached with part of back cover missing. Paper ageing around edges, o/wise very good. 30.5 x 24.

Articles include: Strange Mount Olga (John Béchervaise), The Cattle Dog (Robert Kaleski), Shipworms and Wood (G.L. Amos), Cradle Mountain (Margaret Chattaway).

WALKABOUT - Australian Geographical Magazine - Volume 16, No.7 - July, 1950
$20.00 AUD

Australian National Publicity Association. Melbourne. 1950. 48 PP with b/w illustrations throughout. Pictorial soft covers. Near fine. 30.5 x 24.3.

Articles include: Mt. Michael's Fortified Villages (Arnold M;.Maahs), Gold on the Pieman (Michael Sharland), Seals in New Zealand Seas (H. Walders), ...

WALKABOUT - Australian Geographical Magazine - Volume16, No.5 - May, 1950
$20.00 AUD

Australian National Publicity Association. Melbourne & Sydney. 1950. 48 PP with b/w illustrations throughout. Pictorial soft covers (A Gecko of North Australia). Near fine. 30.5 x 24.

Articles include: Sheep in the Wahgi Valley (Laurence Le Guay), Tonga - The Friendly Isles (Lex Halliday), Treasure Islands of the Great Barrier Reef (Gwyn Rogers), Wittenoom (Leslie and Coralie Rees), ...

WALKABOUT - Australian Geographical Magazine - Vol. 6, No.7 - May, 1940
$20.00 AUD

Australian National Travel Association. Melbourne. 1940. 48 PP with b/w illustrations throughout. Pictorial soft covers with light wear, o/wise contents near fine. 30.2 x 24.

Articles include: Port Moresby (Jack O'Neill), Lightning Ridge (Frank Hurley), Isles of the Coral Seas (Capt. C.A.S. Mansbridge), New Norcia Mission (James Pollard), Where the Murray Goes Down to the Sea (Wilkie Thomson)...

WALKABOUT- Australian Geographical Magazine - Vol. 11, No.3 - January 1945
$15.00 AUD

Australian National Publicity Association. Melbourne. 1945. 40 PP with b/w illustrations throughout. Pictorial soft covers (detached and back cover missing), otherwise complete and still a very good copy of an early edition. 30.2 x 24.

Articles include: Around Darwin Harbour (A.L. Lauder), Australia and New Guinea in Pictures, South-West Coast (Tasmania), by Fred Usher, Headlands of History (Ewen K. Patterson)...

WALKABOUT - Australian Geographical Magazine - Vol. 11, No.5 - March, 1945
$15.00 AUD

Australian National Publicity Association. Melbourne. 1945. 40 PP with b/w illustrations throughout. Pictorial soft covers (Solomon Island Natives) are worn and partly detached. Paper ageing, staples removed, o/wise contents are complete. Still a very good copy of an early edition. 30.2 x 24.

Articles include: Sky-Lines in the Forest (H. Drake-Brockman), Coconut (Clive S. Priest), Across the Barkly Tablelands (Haliden Hartt), Oil of Tung (Tarlton Rayment), ...

WALKABOUT - Australian Geographical Magazine - Vol. 11, No.8 - June, 1945
$20.00 AUD

Australian National Publicity Association. Melbourne. 1945. 40 PP with b/w illustrations throughout. Pictorial soft covers (Cattle-Drafting at a Stockmen's Carnival, Queensland). A near fine copy. 30.2 x 24.

Articles include: Forests of the Territory (James Pollard), Bayonets of the Sea ("Creel"), Trout Fishing Thirty Years Ago (Helga Swinburne-Johnson), The Journey North (Jackson J. Doughty), ...

WALKABOUT - Australian Geographical Magazine - Vol. 11, No.10 - August, 1945
$20.00 AUD

Australian National Publicity Association. Melbourne. 1945. 40 PP with b/w illustrations throughout. Pictorial soft covers (Young Wallaby). Page 7 has a repaired tear without loss of text and otherwise, this is a near fine copy. 30.2 x 24.

Articles include: With Eagles in the field (David Fleay), Fish Trapping in the Tropics (J. Hollis), Tea-Tree Bees of Port Phillip (Tarlton Rayment), New Caledonia (Gordon L. Clark), The Cape Leeuwin Water-Wheel (J.E. Try), ...

WALKABOUT - Australian Geographical Magazine - Vol. 17, No. 6 - June 1951
$20.00 AUD

Australian National Publicity Association. Melbourne & Sydney. 1951. 48 PP with b/w illustrations throughout. Pictorial soft cover "Volcanic eruption, Mt. Lamington, New Guinea". Near fine. 30.5 x 24.

Articles include: Birds of the Recherche Archipelago (Vincent Serventy), Volcanic Centres of New Guinea (N.H. Fisher), The Future of the Australian Tuna Industry (T.C. Roughley), The Genesis of Colac (John Russell), ...

WALKABOUT - Australian Geographical Magazine - Vol. 17, No. 7 - July 1951
$20.00 AUD

Australian National Publicity Association. Melbourne & Sydney. 1951. 48 PP with b/w illustrations throughout. Pictorial soft cover "Winter Sport, Australian Alps". Near fine. 30.5 x 24.

Articles include: Prawns from the Ocean (John K. Ewers), Reptiles of the Recherche Archipelago (Vincent Serventy), The Seafaring Manus Islanders (T.W. White), Valedictory - John Flynn (Ernestine Hill), The Saksak Story (O.I. Speck), ...

WALKABOUT - Australian Geographical Magazine - Vol. 17, No. 10 - October, 1951
$20.00 AUD

Australian National Publicity Association. Melbourne & Sydney. 1951. 48 PP with b/w illustrations throughout. Pictorial soft cover "The New Canberra Jet Bomber". Near fine. 30.5 x 24.

Articles include: The Story of the Hiri (Donald F. Thomson), Island Across the Bay (Gwyn Rogers), Burt Plain (M. Kathleen Woodburn), Slow Death of a Ghost Town (L.E. Kingsbury), ...

WALKABOUT - Australian Geographical Magazine - Vol. 17, No. 12 - December 1951
$20.00 AUD

Australian National Publicity Association. Melbourne & Sydney. 1951. 48 PP with b/w illustrations throughout. Pictorial soft cover "Iceberg photographed from the Wyatt Earp during its southern cruise to Antarctica). Near fine. 30.5 x 24.

Articles include: Spanish Mission (Stuart Gore), Ships that service the lighthouses (Mary Holyoake), Wealth in Whales (Rowley Roberts), A Dam is Raised (H. Drake-Brockman), Seven Creeks (John Bechervaise), ...

WALKABOUT - Australian Geographical Magazine - Vol. 11, No.9 - July 1945
$20.00 AUD

Australian National Publicity Association. Melbourne. 1945. 40 PP with b/w illustrations throughout. Pictorial soft covers (Ski-ing, Mt. Bogong, Victoria). Near fine. 30.2 x 24.

Articles include: The Captain Cook Dock, Sydney (Mary Durack), New Hebrides (Basil Hall), Grass Tree Resin (Myra J. Drummond), ...

WALKABOUT - Australian Geographical Magazine - Vol. 11, No.12 - October 1945
$20.00 AUD

Australian National Publicity Association. Melbourne. 1945. 40 PP with b/w illustrations throughout. Pictorial soft covers (Trout Fishing, New Zealand). Near fine. 30.2 x 24.

Articles include: Kite Fishing in the Solomons (A.E.Church), Ghost Worlds of the North (James Pollard), Surf Fishing (Cusec), Pioneering the Shoalhaven (Ray Harris), Coaching Days in Tasmania and NSW (William Wilson), ...

WALKABOUT - Australian Geographical Magazine - Vol. 11, No.11 - September 1945
$20.00 AUD

Australian National Publicity Association. Melbourne. 1945. 40 PP with b/w illustrations throughout. Pictorial soft covers (HMS Illustrious in Captain Cook Dock, Sydney). Near fine. 30.2 x 24.

Articles include: Trees that grow shipshape (Noel Griffiths), Bentonite (Robert Archer), Birds of Paradise (A.W. Lauder), The Fairy Lamps of the Turpentine (Ka-vai), Sydney's Famous G.P.O. Clock (K.A.), ...

WALKABOUT Australia and the South Seas (Walkabout Magazine, Vol. 2, No.2, December, 1935)
$50.00 AUD

Australian National Travel Association. Melbourne. 1935. 64 PP with b/w illustrations. Pictorial soft covers (Mountainering in the New Zealand Alps). Covers with light wear, o/wise near fine. 30.5 x 24.5.

With the Buffalo Hunters, Arnhem Land, by C. H. Holmes. Tasman Island, by E. K. Sinclair. On the road to Broken Hill, by A. B. Haines. Mutton-Birds of Bass Strait, by M. S. R. Sharland. Glory of the Islands, coast of West Australia, by Ernestine Hill. Levuka (Fiji), by G. Scoresby Shepherd.

WALKABOUT MAGAZINE - Australia and the South Seas ( Vol. 2, No.4, February 1936)
$50.00 AUD

Australian National Travel Association. Melbourne. 1936. 64 PP with b/w illustrations. Pictorial soft covers (The Lace Lizard "Goanna"). Covers with light wear, o/wise near fine. 30.5 x 24.5.

Articles include: Picnic Racing in the "Outback", by Jim McCarter. Islands in the Sun (Great Barrier Reef), by G. Rogers. Laying the Bass Strait Telephone Cable, by A. B. Haines. A Native Fish-Hunt in New Ireland, by William C. Groves. Water in the Desert (W.A.'s 350-mile Pipe-Line to the Kalgoolie goldfields), by John K. Ewers.

WALKABOUT MAGAZINE - Australia and the South Seas (Vol. 2, No.5, March 1936)
$50.00 AUD

Australian National Travel Association. Melbourne. 1936. 64 PP with b/w illustrations. Pictorial soft covers (The "Joseph Conrad"). Covers with light wear, o/wise near fine. 30.5 x 24.5.

The "Joseph Conrad" A Full-Rigger in the South Seas, by A. J. Villiers. The Unveiling of a Continent (the Kennedy Expedition: 2nd part), by Russell S. Clark. Ambergris, by Richard Ross. A Nullarbor Sheep Station, by D. R. Nicholls. The Dugong, by G.H. Sunter.

WALKABOUT MAGAZINE - Australia and the South Seas (Vol. 2, No.6, April 1936)
$50.00 AUD

Australian National Travel Association. Melbourne. 1936. 64 PP with b/w illustrations. Pictorial soft covers (Launching the Lifeboat at Queenscliff). Covers with light wear, o/wise near fine. 30.5 x 24.5.

Australia's Flying Doctors, by Dr. George Simpson. Whaling at Point Cloates (700 miles North of Perth, W.A.), by John K. Ewers. Storm Warriors (shipwreck! Life-boat ...), by Lorenzo Robertson. The Unveiling of a Continent (Part 3) : with Burke and Wills to the Gulf of Carpentaria, by Russell S. Clark.

WALKABOUT MAGAZINE - Australia and the South Seas (Vol. 2, No.8, June 1936)
$50.00 AUD

Australian National Travel Association. Melbourne. 1936. 64 PP with b/w illustrations. Pictorial soft covers (A Young Wedge-tailed Eagle). Covers with light wear, o/wise near fine. 30.5 x 24.5.

Cape York Peninsula, (1) The civilised foreground, by Ursula H. McConnel. Below Zero, Life on a Ross Sea Whaler, by Henrik Brammall. Roving the Coral Seas, by C.B. Christesen. Unveiling of a Continent (Part 5): with Eyre along the Great Australian Bight, by Russell S. Clark. The Kanaka Mercantile Marine, by F. A. Hood. Headlands and History, by T. Dunbabin.

WALKABOUT MAGAZINE - Australia and the South Seas (Vol. 2, No.10, August 1936)
$50.00 AUD

Australian National Travel Association. Melbourne. 1936. 56 PP with b/w illustrations. Pictorial soft covers (Mustering, Dargo High Plains, Victoria). Covers with light wear, o/wise near fine. 30.5 x 24.5.

Hoof-Beats on Bogong, by Lorenzo Robertson. Does Lasseter's Reef Exist?, by Michael Terry. New Guinea Jewellery, by F. A. Hood. Cape York Peninsula (part 3): Development and Control, by Ursula H. McConnell. Native surgery in the South Seas Islands (Gazelle Peninsula, New Britain), by G. McLaren.

WALKABOUT MAGAZINE - Australia and the South Seas (Vol. 3, No.1, November 1936)
$50.00 AUD

Australian National Travel Association. Melbourne. 1936. 56 PP with b/w illustrations. Pictorial soft covers (The "Cathedral", Tawong Station, Corryong). Covers with light wear, o/wise near fine. 30.5 x 24.5.

Lazy Days in Crocodile Land (North Australia), by Ion L. Idriess. In Wild New Guinea, Up the Sepik River, by Brian Stirling. Water Conservation in Australia, by Lewis R. East. My Island Home,: Whitsunday Passage, Qld, by H. G. Lamond.

WALKABOUT MAGAZINE - Australia and the South Seas (Vol. 3, No.2, December 1936)
$50.00 AUD

Australian National Travel Association. Melbourne. 1936. 56 PP with b/w illustrations. Pictorial soft covers (Turtle Riding at Heron Island, G.B.R.). Covers with light wear, o/wise near fine. 30.5 x 24.5.

Heron Island, a Fairy Isle of Romance, by Colin Roderick. The River Murray Steamers, a Romance of Australian transport in the early days, by L. D. Mackay. New Zealand's Thermal Regions, by Edward Samuel. South Seas Withchery: notes from a Tahitian Journey, by J.K. Stone. Digging for Kauri Gum in New Zealand, by Ronald Vine.

WALKABOUT Geographic Magazine (Walkabout Magazine, Vol. 3, No.4, May 1937)
$50.00 AUD

Australian National Travel Association. Melbourne. 1937. 56 PP with b/w illustrations. Pictorial soft covers (The Drover). Covers with light wear, o/wise near fine. 30.5 x 24.5.

FEZ (Morocco), by Adrian Brunel. Tending 113,000,000 Sheep, by Arthur Barclay. Rafting down the Markham (New Guinea), by B. U. Kay. The Palaces of London, by Peter Fenn.

WALKABOUT Geographic Magazine (Walkabout Magazine, Vol. 7, No.12, October 1941)
$20.00 AUD

Australian National Publicity Association. Melbourne. 1941. 48 PP with b/w illustrations. Pictorial soft covers (A Student at the Longerenong Agricultural College, Victoria). Covers with light wear, o/wise near fine. 30.5 x 24.5.

Life on a Sheep Station, by Helena Cass. Ayer's Rock (said to be the largest rock in the world), by Frank Clune. Rubber Production, by John Gibb. Australia's Great Gold Story, by C. R. Bradish.

WALKABOUT - Australian Geographical Magazine - Vol. 11, No.6 - April, 1945
$20.00 AUD

Australian National Publicity Association. Melbourne. 1945. 40 PP with b/w illustrations throughout. Pictorial soft covers (On Sydney Harbour). Paper ageing and foxing. Very good copy of an early edition. 30.2 x 24.

Articles include: Aerial Postman, by Glen Francis. Taronga Park Experiment, by Tarlton Rayment. Sons of Head-hunters go to work, (New Guinea), drawings by R. Emerson Curtis. Gold, by H. Drake-Brockman. The Tasmanian North-West, Romance of the Arthur River, by Bernard Cronin. New Guinea hair styles, by G.M. Read. Merawke (Dutch New Guinea), by Owen Campbell Mortimer.

WALKABOUT - Australian Geographical Magazine - Vol. 26, No. 3
$10.00 AUD

Australian Geographical Society. Melbourne. 1960. Monthly edition. No. 3, March 1960. Edited by ATKINSON, Basil G., TUCKER, Graham L., & PEARCE, Kerry. 40 PP with b/w illustrations. Pictorial soft cover (in colour). Near fine. Format: 29.6 x 24.

Coast Watchers Light (in Madang, PNG), by Walter Brooksbank. The Allure of Ayers Rock, by Joyce Batty. Western Australia's "Chin" (Cape Naturaliste on Geographe Bay to Cape Leeuwin), by W. Charnley.

WALKABOUT - Australia's Way of Life Magazine - Vol. 34, No. 10 - 1968
$10.00 AUD

Australian National Travel Association. Melbourne. 1968. Vol. 34, No. 10, October 1968. Edited by McARDLE, Brian, & FENTON, Peter. 52 PP with b/w illustrations. Pictorial soft covers in colour. Near fine. Format: 33 x 26.5.

Saga of the Overland Telegraph: Todd and his Telegraph, / Afghans and Camels, by Pauline Stubbs Australian Opera commes to stay, by Pamela Ruskin. Treasures of the Mitchell Library, by Don Johnson.

WALKABOUT - Australia's Way of Life Magazine - Vol. 35, No. 6 - 1969
$10.00 AUD

Australian National Travel Association. Melbourne. 1969. Vol. 35, No. 6, June 1968. Edited by FENTON, Peter & HICKS, Gayle. 48 PP with b/w and illustrations. Pictorial soft covers in colour. Near fine. Format: 33 x 26.5.

Charles O'Hara Booth, benevolent martinet / Convict settlement of Port Arthur, by Lorraine Cazalar. Communications across the Nullarbor, by Warren Scott. Louis Brennan - Master Inventor and the Torpedo, by Richard Ross.

WALKABOUT - Australian Geographical Magazine - Vol. 11, No.7 - May, 1945
$20.00 AUD

Australian National Publicity Association. Melbourne. 1945. 40 PP with b/w illustrations throughout. Pictorial soft covers (Eildon Weir, Victoria). Paper ageing and foxing. Very good copy of an early edition. 30.2 x 24.

Articles include: Penguins, by L. E. Richdale. Native Walkabout, by H. D. Williamson. Life on a Kimberley Cattle Station "Argyle Downs", by H. Drake-Brockman. "Brighties" of the Western Slopes (Diamond), by Tarlton Rayment. Mt Bartle Frere, the Highest Point of Queensland, by Noel Griffiths.

WALKABOUT - Australian Geographical Magazine - Vol. 12, No.1 - November, 1945
$15.00 AUD

Australian National Publicity Association. Melbourne. 1945. 40 PP with b/w illustrations throughout. Pictorial soft covers (Frilled Dragon). Paper ageing and foxing , with old water marks at top corner of most pages. Very good. 30.2 x 24.

Articles include: Frilled Dragon, by Norman Laird. Thylungra, by Mary Durack. New Britain, by H.D. Williamson. Native Villages of Port Moresby, by Roy A. Macdonell. Dampier's Well, Dampier and the RAAF visit Millingilbi, by A.E. Church. Charting the Seas, by Rowland C. Roberts.

WALKABOUT - Australian Geographical Magazine - Vol. 22, No. 2, February, 1956
$20.00 AUD

Australian National Publicity Association. Melbourne & Sydney. 1956. Edited by Charles H. Holmes. 48 PP with b/w with b/w photos throughout. Pictorial soft covers (surf-boats, Sydney). Very good. Format: 32 x 25.

Articles include: Down the River Murray by Paddle-Wheeler (Kathleen E. Graves), White Men Diving for Thochus (Godfrey L. Gapp), Caves Beneath the Nullarbor (Arnold Wright)...

WALKABOUT - Australian Geographical Magazine - Vol. 22, No. 4, April, 1956
$20.00 AUD

Australian National Publicity Association. Melbourne & Sydney. 1956. Edited by Charles H. Holmes. 48 PP with b/w with b/w photos throughout. Pictorial soft covers (Kangaroo at bay awaits the attack). Very good. Format: 32 x 25.

Articles include: Honouring Governor Arthur Phillip (K. Norman), Progress on the Snowy River Scheme (L.H. McCausland), The Story of the Zeewyck (W. Charnley), ...

WALKABOUT - Australian Geographical Magazine - Vol. 22, No. 8, August, 1956
$20.00 AUD

Australian National Publicity Association. Melbourne & Sydney. 1956. Edited by Charles H. Holmes. 48 PP with b/w with b/w photos throughout. Pictorial soft covers (Ski instructor demonstrating a jump turn, Mt. Buller, Victoria). Very good. Format: 32 x 25.

Articles include: The Smallest Shells in the World (Charles F. Laseron), Norfolk Island - Cinderella of the Pacific (J.Y. Waterworth), Voyage to the Yasawas (Fiji Is.) by D. Hanna, Corinna by the river (Tasmania) by William Nolan, ..

WALKABOUT - Australian Geographical Magazine - Vol. 22, No. 10, October, 1956
$20.00 AUD

Australian National Publicity Association. Melbourne & Sydney. 1956. Edited by Charles H. Holmes. 48 PP with b/w with b/w photos throughout. Pictorial soft covers (Poplar Gums, Valley of Lagoons, Queensland). Light insect damage on edge of front cover, o/wise very good. Format: 32 x 25.

Articles include: The Harvest of the Seas (J.M. Thomson), New Caledonia - Australia's Exotic Next-Door Neighbour (Helen M. Wrigley), Lonely Islands of Bass Strait ...

WALKABOUT - Australian Geographical Magazine - Vol. 22, No. 11, November, 1956
$20.00 AUD

Australian National Publicity Association. Melbourne & Sydney. 1956. Edited by Charles H. Holmes. 48 PP with b/w with b/w photos throughout. Pictorial soft covers (An armful of koalas, Australia's cuddlesome favourites). Very good. Format: 32 x 25.

Articles include: The String-bag People (Papua) (Basil Hall), My First Voyage in Sail (Lionel Adams), The Fishermen and Dugong Hunters of Princess Charlotte Bay (Dr. Donald F. Tomson), A village Church recalls a Great Tasmanian (C.C. Lawrence), ...

WALKABOUT - Australian Geographical Magazine - Vol. 22, No. 12, December, 1956
$20.00 AUD

Australian National Publicity Association. Melbourne & Sydney. 1956. Edited by Charles H. Holmes. 48 PP with b/w with b/w photos throughout. Pictorial soft covers (Town Hall, Melbourne). Very good. Format: 32 x 25.

Articles include: The Masked Dancers of I'Wai'i (Cape York) by Donald F. Thomson, Trout Fishing in Victoria (Basil Hall), Koala - Orphan of the Gum-Trees (Ellis Troughton ), ...

WALKABOUT - Australian Geographical Magazine - Volume 12, No.8, June, 1946
$20.00 AUD

Australian National Travel Association. Melbourne. 1946. Edited by Charles H. Holmes. 48 PP with b/w photos throughout. Stapled pictorial soft covers (Baby Sea Elephant). Near fine. 31 x 24.

Articles include: Tall Trees by Stanley H. Powell, Mission at Dogura by Leon Trout, The Dingo by W. Charnley, Tasmanian Swamps by J.H.S.

WALKABOUT - Australian Geographical Magazine - Volume 20, No.7, July 1954
$20.00 AUD

Australian National Publicity Association. Melbourne & Sydney. 1954. Edited by Charles H. Holmes. 48 PP with b/w photos throughout. Stapled pictorial covers (Mount Warning viewed from Echo Point on the NSW-Qld border). Covers with light wear near spine, otherwise contents are near fine. 31 x 24.

Articles include: Tasmania by Rex Ingamells, Wooden Implements of the Aborigines by Dr. Charles Fenner, Last of the Tasmanians by Ernestine Hill, Nattai River and Burragorang Valley by Russell M. Kefford, The Fearsome Huhu bny R.V. Francis Smith, ...

WALKABOUT - Australian Geographical Magazine - Volume 20, No.10, October 1954
$20.00 AUD

Australian National Publicity Association. Melbourne & Sydney. 1954. Edited by Charles H. Holmes. 48 PP with b/w photos throughout. Stapled pictorial covers ("The Drover"). Near fine. 31 x 24.

Articles include: American Migrants on the Darling Downs, Queensland by Horace Flower, Genyornis and other Flightless Birds by Dr. Charles Fenner, Mount Isa's Uranium Fever by H.B. Waldegrave, ..

WALKABOUT - Australian Geographical Magazine - Volume 20, No.3, March 1954
$20.00 AUD

Australian National Publicity Association. Melbourne & Sydney. 1954. Edited by Charles H. Holmes. 48 PP with b/w photos throughout. Stapled pictorial covers (Relics of WWII on Collaroy Beach, NSW). Near fine. 31 x 24.

Articles include: Rubber by Charles H. Holmes, Exmouth Gulf by W. Charnley, The Funnel-Web Spider is a killer by N.L. Roberts, Strangers Nest at the You Yangs by John Gittins, Mapping Australia's Resources by Alan Foskett, ..

WALKABOUT - Australian Geographical Magazine - Vol. 21, No. 2, February, 1955
$20.00 AUD

Australian National Publicity Association. Melbourne & Sydney. 1955. Edited by Charles H. HOLMES. 48 PP with b/w photos throughout. Stapled pictorial soft covers (Northern Territory native with newly-acquired scissors and mirror). Near fine. 31 x 24.

Articles include: "The Charmed Spell" by Kathleen E. Graves, Harnessing River-side Lakes by L. Peacock, Aboriginal Rock Paintings at Emily Gap by K.A. Austin, Hart's Range by George Dickinson, ...

WALKABOUT - Australian Geographical Magazine - Vol. 21, No. 4, April, 1955
$20.00 AUD

Australian National Publicity Association. Melbourne & Sydney. 1955. Edited by Charles H. HOLMES. 48 PP with b/w photos throughout. Stapled pictorial soft covers (View of the Railway Bridge across the Hawkesbury River, N.S.W.). Near fine. 31 x 24.

Articles include: Australia's Uninhabited Areas by Alan Foskett, Animals of the Canning Stock Route by L. Glauert, The Vivacious Squirrel Glider by David Fleay, King Island, Bass Strait by Paul R. Dann, The Caves of the Black Stalagmites (Solomon Islands) by Capt. Brett Hilder, Australia in the Antarctic by R.A. Swan, ...

WALKABOUT - Australian Geographical Magazine - Vol. 21, No. 11, November, 1955
$20.00 AUD

Australian National Publicity Association. Melbourne & Sydney. 1955. Edited by Charles H. HOLMES. 48 PP with b/w photos throughout. Stapled pictorial soft covers (Native Warriors, Kerowagi, Central Highlands of New Guinea). Near fine. 31 x 24.

Articles include: Cattle of the "High Plains" Country by Richard D. Piesse, Reclamation by Earthquake by May Cottrell, Vanderlin Island by Alan Foskett, Across Bass Strait with "Pelorus" by H. Hardy Smith, Corroboree by V.C. Hall, Eagle Trapping by M.E. Gigney...

WALKABOUT - Australian Geographical Magazine - Vol. 21, No. 12, December, 1955
$20.00 AUD

Australian National Publicity Association. Melbourne & Sydney. 1955. Edited by Charles H. HOLMES. 48 PP with b/w photos throughout. Stapled pictorial soft covers (Mob of sheep being moved across the causeway of the Hume Weir). Near fine. 31 x 24.

Articles include: The Watch on Lake Eyre by K. Peake-Jones, Eclipse, Isle of Petrels by John Warham, In the Footsteps of Sir John Franklin by J.B. Thwaites, The Far South Coast, by Alan Foskett, ...

WALKABOUT - Australian Geographical Magazine - Volume 12, No.5, March, 1946
$20.00 AUD

Australian National Travel Association. Melbourne. 1946. Edited by Charles H. Holmes. 48 PPwith b/w photos throughout. Stapled pictorial soft covers (The Maori Guide) Near fine. 31 x 24.

Articles include: Goannas by Norman Laird, Sky Track Record by H. Drake-Brockman, Deer in the Brisbane Valley by Robert Archer, Whero Island by L.E. Richdale, ...

WALKABOUT - Australian Geographical Magazine - Volume 15, No.5, May, 1949
$20.00 AUD

Australian National Travel Association. Melbourne. 1949. Edited by Charles H. Holmes. 48 PP with b/w photos throughout. Stapled pictorial soft covers (Brer Rabbit by Ray Bean) Near fine. 31 x 24.

Articles include: Victoria's Great Power Development Undertakings by G.G. Jobbins, The Vermin Fences of Western Australia by Arthur W. Upfield, Environment and Health in Australia by J.H.L. Cumpston, "Migration Time is here again" by P.H. MacFarlane, Flying Doctors in Remote South Australia by E.J. Stretton, ...

WALKABOUT - Australian Geographical Magazine - Volume 15, No.11, November, 1949
$20.00 AUD

Australian National Travel Association. Melbourne. 1949. Edited by Charles H. Holmes. 48 PP with b/w photos throughout. Stapled pictorial soft covers (Ghost Gum in the central Australian region by Mr. W. Russell Grimwade). Near fine. 31 x 24.

Articles include: The Mighty Little River by R. Emerson Curtis, Yulgilbah Towers by Jean Bull, Sea-worms from Australian Sea-shores by William J. Dakin, Native Mounted Police by Henry G. Lamond, Crayfish Export by Leslie and Coralie Rees, ...

WALKABOUT - Australian Geographical Magazine - Volume 16, No.3, March, 1950
$20.00 AUD

Australian National Travel Association. Melbourne. 1950. Edited by Charles H. Holmes. 48 PP with b/w photographs throughout. Stapled pictorial soft covers (Soil erosion, Upper Murray country, Victoria). Near fine. 31 x 24.

Articles include: Canoeing in Tropic Seas by Charles Barrett, The Camp-Horse by Henry G. Lamond, Sir Baldwin Spencer by Tom P. Jones, ...

WALKABOUT - Australian Geographical Magazine - Volume 15, No.9, September, 1949
$20.00 AUD

Australian National Travel Association. Melbourne. 1949. Edited by Charles H. Holmes. 48 PP with b/w photographs throughout. Stapled pictorial soft covers (Thoroughbreds). Covers a little rubbed at top near spine, otherwise near fine. 31 x 24.

Articles include: The Quiet Beauty of Dora Creek by Brett Hilder, Campbell Island by Violet A. Roche, The Numbat by David Fleay, The Hedgehoppers by M. Kathleen Woodburn, We are Homesteading by Leone Biltris...

WALKABOUT - Journal of the Australian Geographical Society - Vol. 13, No.5 - March, 1947
$20.00 AUD

Australian National Publicity Association. Melbourne. 1947. Edited by Charles H. Holmes. 48 PP with b/w illustrations throughout. Pictorial soft covers (Stones from Darr River Area, near Longreach, Qld). Covers with light wear, otherwise near fine. 30.5 x 24.

Contains articles: Bourke, by R. Emerson Curtis, On Cooper's Creek, by George Farwell, The Lure of the Saltings by Ina Watson, Murray Downs Station by H.R. Nicholls, King Island by Cath Scott, ...

WALKABOUT - Journal of the Australian Geographical Society - Vol. 13, No.6 - April, 1947
$20.00 AUD

Australian National Publicity Association. Melbourne. 1947. Edited by Charles H. Holmes. 48 PP with b/w illustrations throughout. Pictorial soft covers (Drilling, Mt. Isa Mine). Near fine. 30.5 x 24.

Contains articles: Civilization in the Spinifex by R. Emerson Curtis, An Australian Seashore by William J. Dakin, I Know a Dark Green Forest by Arthur Groom, Aileron by M. Kathleen Woodburn, Fluospar by Blanche Maynard, Major Mitchell's Explorations by K.W. Richardson, ...

WALKABOUT - Journal of the Australian Geographical Society - Vol. 13, No.7 - May, 1947
$20.00 AUD

Australian National Publicity Association. Melbourne. 1947. Edited by Charles H. Holmes. 48 PP with b/w illustrations throughout. Pictorial soft covers (Poplar Gum). Near fine. 30.5 x 24.

Contains articles: Darwin by M. Kathleen Woodburn, Nullarbor Caves by J. Maitland Thomson, Granite Gold by C.O. Leigh Cook, Water Hyacinth by A.C.J. Williams, ...

WALKABOUT - Journal of the Australian Geographical Society - Vol. 13, No.8 - June, 1947
$20.00 AUD

Australian National Publicity Association. Melbourne. 1947. Edited by Charles H. Holmes. 48 PP with b/w illustrations throughout. Pictorial soft covers (Shipbuilding, Whyalla). Near fine. 30.5 x 24.

Contains articles: Building Ships in Australia (George Farwell), New Guinea is Different Now (R. Hamilton), The Wizard of Humbug Scrub (Michael Sharland), Sidelights on Polynesian Life (Laurence Maine), A Woman of Arnhem Land (John Russell), ...

WALKABOUT - Journal of the Australian Geographical Society - Vol. 13, No.10 - August, 1947
$20.00 AUD

Australian National Publicity Association. Melbourne. 1947. Edited by Charles H. Holmes. 48 PP with b/w illustrations throughout. Pictorial soft covers (Ski-ing, Australian Alps). Near fine. 30.5 x 24.

Contains articles: The Power of Dreams (Ruth Ann Curtis), Wings of the Overflow (Michael Sharland), Five Days on the "George Bass" (C.C. Lawrence), Shark Repellant (G. Payne), Walkabout in a Waggon (H.R. Nicholls), ...

WALKABOUT - Australian Geographical Magazine - Vol. 13, No.11 - September, 1947
$20.00 AUD

Australian National Publicity Association. Melbourne. 1947. Edited by Charles H. Holmes. 48 PP with b/w illustrations throughout. Pictorial soft covers (One of the Needle Valves at Hume Dam). Near fine. 30.5 x 24.

Contains articles: Westward the River Rolls by George Farwell, Fish from the Bight, by Michael Sharland, Good Neighbours - Sometimes by Alec H. Chisholm, The Migrants by M. Kathleen Woodburn, Melbourne's Oldest Building by C. Mervyn Archdall, ..

WALKABOUT - Australian Geographical Magazine - Vol. 13, No.12 - October, 1947
$20.00 AUD

Australian National Publicity Association. Melbourne. 1947. Edited by Charles H. Holmes. 48 PP with b/w illustrations throughout. Pictorial soft covers with light wear (Koalas). Near fine. 30.5 x 24.

Contains articles: Cape York Peninsula by F.W. Whitehouse, Ormiston Gorge by Arthur Groom, Mining for Talc by George Farwell, No Rest for Australian Forests by R. Emerson Curtis, Monuments to Aboriginal Kings, ...

WALKABOUT - Australian Geographical Magazine - Volume 20, No.12, December, 1954
$20.00 AUD

Australian National Publicity Association. Melbourne & Sydney. 1954. Edited by Charles H. Holmes. 48 PP with b/w photos throughout. Stapled pictorial covers ("...He has ravaged the land"). Covers with small pieces missing at bottom near spine, otherwise contents are near fine. 31 x 24.

Articles include: Seven Hundred Million Rabbitss by James Hobden, The Mystery of "Bone Valley", New Guinea, by L.H. Barnard, The Kwinana Oil Refinery, Western Australia, by Mary Durack Miller, Norfolk Island by Al Robieson, Australian Trees Abroad by T.G. Edridge, ...

WALKABOUT - Australian Geographical Magazine - Volume 14, No. 6, April, 1948
$20.00 AUD

Australian National Publicity Association. Melbourne. 1948. Edited by Charles H. Holmes. 48 PP with b/w illustrations throughout. Stapled pictorial soft covers (Young Reef Herons) Near fine. 30.5 x 24.

Articles include: Everything is temporary in Post-War Moresby by Sean Keogh, Where the Darling Ends by George Farwell, The Whistling Eagle by David Fleay, Water for Mallee Lands by Michael Sharland, The Island where time stands still by Mrs. Harry Bonney, This Jealous Land by Arthur W. Upfield, ...

WALKABOUT - Australian Geographical Magazine - Volume 14, No. 12, September, 1948
$20.00 AUD

Australian National Publicity Association. Melbourne. 1948. Edited by Charles H. Holmes. 48 PP with b/w illustrations throughout. Stapled pictorial soft covers (The Pilot - Ray James on "Journal"). Covers with light wear otherwise near fine. 30.5 x 24.

Articles include: Police Patrol in the "Never-Never" by A.F. Anderson, Droving through the Sea by Fred Lord, Boydtown by C. Mervyn Archdall, Makatea by S.G. Martin, Fasciola Hepatica by M. Kathleen Woodburn, People of the Centre by Bertram Keith, ...Queensland Nuts by Ian Desmond.

WALKABOUT - Australian Geographical Magazine - Volume 15, No.10, October, 1949
$15.00 AUD

Australian National Publicity Association. Melbourne. 1949. Edited by Charles H. Holmes. 48 PP with b/w illustrations throughout. Stapled pictorial soft covers (Goannas or Monitors). Covers have a repaired spine and a few chips, otherwise contents are near fine. 30.5 x 24.

Articles include: Sea Waves and Surf Beaches by W.J. Dakin, More than meets the eye by J. Bechervaise, The Reefs of Wrecks by N.K. Wallis, Alpine Flowers by Hilda Walders, ....

WALKABOUT - Australian Geographical Magazine - Volume 14, No. 12, October, 1948
$20.00 AUD

Australian National Publicity Association. Melbourne. 1948. Edited by Charles H. Holmes. 48 PP with b/w illustrations throughout. Stapled pictorial soft covers (Federation Peak in Tasmania). Near fine. 30.5 x 24.

Articles include: Tasmania's Modern Explorers by Michael Sharland, Islands of Torres Strait by R. Raven-Hart, Debris of the Tides, by W.A. Harney, The Australian Deserts by M. Kathleen Woodburn, Bird Islands off the Swan River by James Pollard, Tragedy of Lizard Island by Fred Lord, ...

WALKABOUT - Australian Geographical Magazine - Volume 12, No.12, October, 1946
$20.00 AUD

Australian National Travel Association. Melbourne. 1946. Edited by Charles H. Holmes. 48 PP with b/w photos throughout. Stapled pictorial soft covers (Performing Pony). Near fine. 31 x 24.

Articles include: When Steamboats sailed the Murray by George Farwell, Whaling in the Antarctic and Japan by Prof. W.J. Dakin, Cormorants by L.E. Richdale, Megalong Valley by A.J. Quilty, The Boobook Owl by C.E. Bryant, ..

WALKABOUT - Australian Geographical Magazine - Volume 12, No.9, July, 1946
$20.00 AUD

Australian National Travel Association. Melbourne. 1946. Edited by Charles H. Holmes. 48 PP with b/w photographs throughout. Stapled pictorial soft covers (The Chalet, Mt. Kosciusko). Near fine. 31 x 24.

Articles include: Norfolk Island by Stewart Cockburn, Weird Rocks of Chillagoe by Robert Archer, Kowmung Country by Hugh Henry, Maranboy by W.E. Harney, River of Destiny by Mary Durack, Nursery of the Pines by Robert Archer, Robbins Island by Cath Lott, Sidelights on Fijian Custom by Helen D. Cato, ...

WALKABOUT - Australian Geographical Magazine - Volume 12, No.10, August, 1946
$20.00 AUD

Australian National Travel Association. Melbourne. 1946. Edited by Charles H. Holmes. 48 PP with b/w photographs throughout. Stapled pictorial soft covers (Arnhem Land Fisherman). Near fine. 31 x 24.

Articles include: The Story of Arnhem Land by Dr. Donald F. Thomson, "The River is Rising" by Marie Bronson, Damming the Country by M. Kathleen Woodburn, Where Roads End by John Béchervaise, "In Memory of the Pioneers", by A.A. Burns, Peanuts by Una Roseby, British Author Plans Canoe Trip Down the Darling, ...

WALKABOUT - Australian Geographical Magazine - Volume 13, No.1, November, 1946
$20.00 AUD

Australian National Travel Association. Melbourne. 1946. Edited by Charles H. Holmes. 48 PP with b/w photographs throughout. Stapled pictorial soft covers (Fixing Australia's Time). Very good. 31 x 24.

Articles include: Niuafoou, by M. Kathleen Woodburn, Scheelite from King Island, by William Nolan, Fixing Australia's Time by Stewart Cockburn, Vale of Rasselas by Norman Laird, Sisters of the Outback by Blanche Maynard, The Valued Pituri, by Tarlton Rayment, Sidelights of Polynesian Life, by Laurence Maine, ...

WALKABOUT - Australian Geographical Magazine - Volume 13, No.1, December, 1946
$20.00 AUD

Australian National Travel Association. Melbourne. 1946. Edited by Charles H. Holmes. 48 PP with b/w photographs throughout. Stapled pictorial soft covers (The Coco-Nut Mask). Near fine. 31 x 24.

Articles include: Broken Hill Today, by George Farwell, Romantic Cape Barren, by N.C. Johnston, Forgotten Shores, by Y.F. Smith, New Holland, Early Dutch Explorations in Australia, by Myra Drummond, The Striated Grass-Wren, by L.G. Chandler, ...

WALKABOUT - Australia's Geographic Magazine - Volume 7, No.11, September, 1941
$20.00 AUD

Australian National Publicity Association. Melbourne. 1941. Edited by Charles H. Holmes. 48 PP with b/w illustrations throughout. Pictorial soft covers (Royal Spoonbills) with light wear, contents near fine. 30 x 24.

Articles include: In Central Papua - P.7 to 13, by Jack McCarthy, The "Gulf Country" by Tarlton Rayment, The Bird Catchers of Nauru, by R. Vigors Earle, Weapons of Primitive Man, by Sydney Pern, Hobart, Old and New, by R. Ermerson Curtis (with his illustrations), ...

WALKABOUT - Australia's Geographic Magazine - Volume 7, No.3, January, 1941
$20.00 AUD

Australian National Publicity Association. Melbourne. 1941. Edited by Charles H. Holmes. 48 PP with b/w illustrations throughout. Pictorial soft covers (Barron Falls, Queensland) with light wear, stamp of Officers Mess RAAF, Point Cook, at top of several pages, otherwise contents near fine. 30 x 24.

Articles include: Dilly-Bag and Billy-Can by Anne Gilmore, Shark Fishing by Norman Caldwell, Mount Copok and the Mackenzie Country (N.Z.) by Violet A. Roche, "That Curious Rock" and the Van Diemen's Land Company by A.B. and E.M. Edwards, Forgotten Nukumanu by James P. Shortall...

WALKABOUT - Australia's Geographic Magazine - Volume 7, No.4, February, 1941
$20.00 AUD

Australian National Publicity Association. Melbourne. 1941. Edited by Charles H. Holmes. 48 PP with b/w illustrations throughout. Pictorial soft covers (The Stockman) with light wear and a small stamp, otherwise contents are near fine. 30 x 24.

Articles include: Postal Routes of the Lonely Lands by Ewen K. Patterson, Cossack by Norman Caldwell, Hobart's Floating Concrete Bridge by Bev. C. Smith, Isle of Eternal Sunshine (Rarotonga) by Kathleen Campbell, "Come Katchem Kai-Kai" by Anne Gilmour, ...

WALKABOUT - Australia's Geographic Magazine - Volume 7, No.5, March, 1941
$20.00 AUD

Australian National Publicity Association. Melbourne. 1941. Edited by Charles H. Holmes. 48 PP with b/w illustrations throughout. Pictorial soft covers (Fairy Penguin) with light wear, otherwise contents are near fine. 30 x 24.

Articles include: Melbourne's Royal Mint, by S. Altson Pearl, Apia, by Myra Drummond, Penguin Parade, by Ronald K. Monro, "In the Sun", by H.D. Williamson, Adventure in the Arafura Sea, A cruise of earlier days, by A.C. Angelo, In Australian Ship Yards by R. Emerson Curtis (with 2 of his illustrations).

WALKABOUT - Australia's Geographic Magazine - Volume 7, No7, May, 1941
$20.00 AUD

Australian National Publicity Association. Melbourne. 1941. Edited by Charles H. Holmes. 48 PP with b/w illustrations throughout. Pictorial soft covers (Papuan "Warrior") with light wear and a faint stamp at top, otherwise contents are near fine. 30 x 24.

Articles include: Australia's Unknown Neighbour (Portuguese Timor), by Hudson Fysh, "Song of the Cicada" by Tarlton Rayment (with his illustrations) , Memories of Walhalla, Port Lincoln by M.G. Agars, Australian Wonder Bird by H.D. Williamson, ...

WALKABOUT - Australia's Geographic Magazine - Volume 7, No.8, June, 1941
$20.00 AUD

Australian National Publicity Association. Melbourne. 1941. Edited by Charles H. Holmes. 48 PP with b/w illustrations throughout. Pictorial soft covers (The Wombat) with light wear, reinforced spine, and a faint stamp at top, otherwise contents are near fine. 30 x 24.

Articles include: The Australian Antarctic Territory by John S. Cumpston, (P7 to 13 with 4 b/w photos and 1 map), The Outlaws of Windginna Gorge by Mary Durack, The Story of Jarrtah, by James Pollard, Sydney Skyline by R. Emerson Curtis with 2 of his illustrations,

WALKABOUT - Australia's Geographic Magazine - Volume 7, No.12, October, 1941
$20.00 AUD

Australian National Publicity Association. Melbourne. 1941. Edited by Charles H. Holmes. 48 PP with b/w illustrations throughout. Pictorial soft covers (The Young Farmer) with light wear, reinforced spine, otherwise contents are near fine. 30 x 24.

Articles include: Life on a Sheep-Station by Helena Cass, Ayer's Rock (Said to be the largest rock in the world), by Frank Clune, Rubber Production by John Gibb, Islands of the River Murray, by Tarlton Rayment, Angling - The Papuan Way, by H. Ward Nolan, Perth, by R. Emerson Curtis with 3 of his illustrations, ...

WALKABOUT MAGAZINE - Volume 6, Nos. 3 to 12 and Volume 7, Nos. 1 to 2, 1940 (January to December 1940)
$120.00 AUD

Australian National Publicity Association. Melbourne & Sydney. 1940. Edited by Charles H. HOLMES. Monthly edition. Volume 6, No. 3, January 1940 to Volume 7, No. 2, December 1940, with a total of 576 PP with b/w illustrations. Stapled pictorial soft covers. All volumes have the 8 page pictorial pages in the centre. A near fine complete year of 12 issues. 30 x 24.

Volume 6, No.3: Isles of Eden (the Trobriands) by Basil Hall; When Natives go Fishing by Ewen K. Patterson; Around the Mutton-Bird Islands by Rosaline Redwood; Overlanders by Ernestine Hill. Volume 6, No.4: King of the Coral Cods by Ewen K. Patterson; Across the Empty Kimberleys by H.C. Barclay; Australia Makes Paper by Edward Samuel; Where the Diprotodon Died, by Ian Mudie; When Mars beats the Drums, A New Guinea Episode, by Allan Hood; "Thar" she Blows, Australian Whaling in the Last Century by J.J. Stewart. Volume 6, No.5: The Australian Stockwhip by Ian Westbrook; A New Guinea Mission by S. Alston Pearl; Yacca Gum, A Kangaroo Island Industry, by W.J. Tohl; Australia's Unknkown Islands by Charles Barrett; Huon Pine by M.S.R.Sharland; A Fijian's Day by D. Boyd; Where the Ibis Nests by A.S. Le Souet. Volume 6, No.6: Yampi Sound and its Iron by John K. Ewers; Australian Petrol by Edward Samuel; By Caravan to "The Centre" by Capt. C.A.S. Mansbridge; Native Life in Tahiti by W.G. Burchett. Volume 6, No.7: The Desolation that is Lake Eyre by C.T. Madigan; Lightning Ridge by Frank Hurley; Isles of the Coral Seas by Capt. C.A.S. Mansbridge; The Road to Milford Sound by Violet A. Roche; When Natives go Hunting by Ewen K. Patterson; Strzelecki by Olive Havard; New Norcia Mission by James Pollard. Volume 6, No.8: Tahitian Wedding by W.G. Burchett; Whale Hunting with bomb and wireless by Frank Hurley; Canoe Holiday, Down the Murray from Khancoban to Howlong by James Valentine; "Big Tom "- the Cassowary by Ewen K. Patterson. Volume 6, No.9: Native Labour by S. Alston Pearl; Masters of Camouflage, Birds that make themselves appear a part of their surroundings by Ronald K. Monro; Glacier Land, In New Zealand's Southern Alps by Violet A. Roche; "Creating" Crocodiles, Strange ceremony of North Queensland natives by Ewen K. Patterson. Volume 6, No.10: Through Central Australia by Bertha G. Strehlow; Fiji Gold by F.I. Ryan; Black Man's Day by Ernestine Hill; Artist's Walkabout by R. Emerson Curtis with 2 of his sketches; Flying the Tasman by Violet A. Roche. Volume 6, No. 11: Climbing in New Zealand Forests by "Cusec"; Ruins in the Far North, Port Essington To-day by Charles Barrett; The Combs of Koo-chee, The Stingless Bees of Queensland by Tarlton Rayment; Rivers of Van Diemen Gulf by John R. Finlayson; Rottnest Island by Anthony Culpeffer. Volume 6, No.12: The Red Centre, Sidelights on a motor tour from Adelaide to Alice Springs by Frank Hurley; The Huntress, An Australian Wasp that has learnt to use a tool by Tarlton Rayment; Gift of the Gods (Napier Earthquake of 1931) by V. May Cottrell; Australia's Fishing Industry by Harold Thompson; The Digger's Hat by Pat O'Neill, The Dingo Trapper by S.A. Marden. Volume 7, No.1: The Virgins of Halictus (sandbees) by Tarleton Rayment; Fishing for Trout (in the South Esk, Tasmania) by Eugene Cooper; The Night is his playtime, a Nocturnal Study of Koala at Home by Ronald K. Monro; Mighty Nullabor Buttresses by the Rev. Geo. C. Woolf; Forgotten Paradise, the Carnarvon Ranges of Queensland by C.C.D. Brammall; Ocean Toilers by Rosaline Redwood; Power from Water, Impressions of Tasmania's Hydro-electric power developments by R. Emerson Curtis with 2 sketches; The Sea-Tiger by Ewen K. Patterson. Volume 7, No.2: Branding Muster by James F. Hobden; The Fahnestock Expedition to the South Seas by H.E.L. Priday; "Philosopher Smith", Discovered Mount Bischoff (Tasmania) by A. Geoffrey Horner; Australia's Bay of Islands, Moreton Bay, Queensland by C.C.D. Brammall; Aborigines of the Great Western Desert by R.M. Berndt.

WALKABOUT MAGAZINE - Australia's Geographic Magazine - Volume 11, Nos. 3 to 12 and Volume 12, Nos. 1 to 2, 1945 (January to December 1945)
$120.00 AUD

Australian National Publicity Association. Melbourne & Sydney. 1945. Edited by Charles H. HOLMES. Monthly edition. Volume 11, No. 3, January 1945 to Volume 12, No. 2, December 1945, with a total of 488 PP with b/w illustrations. Stapled pictorial soft covers. All volumes have the pictorial pages in the centre. A near fine complete year of 12 issues. 30 x 24.

Volume 11, No.3: Through the Aime Pigmy Country, The Story of a Forced March through a Section of New Guinea by Three Australian Soldiers by Alan Hughes; Around Darwin Harbour by A.L. Lauder; Papuan Profiles, Inside a Prison Yard by R. Emerson Curtis with 2 sketches; South-West Coast (Tasmania) by Fred Usher. Volume 11, No.4: North-Westward Ho! and The Duracks by Ernestine Hill; Tripping and Trading on the Sepik River (New Guinea) by G.M. Read; The Baobab Tree by Ernest Philpot; Wolfram by Noel Griffiths; Buru and Copal (the Moluccas). Volume11, No.5: Sky-Lines in the Forest by H. Drake-Brockman; Across the Barkly Tablelands by Haliden Hartt; Oil of Tung by Tarlton Rayment. Volume 11 No.6: Aerial Postman (Southern section of the NT and portion of SA), by Glen Francis; Gold (W.A.) by H. Drake-Brockman; The Tasmanian North-West, Romance of the Arthur River by Bernard Cronin; New Guinea Hair Styles by G.M. Read; Merawke (Dutrch New Guinea) by Owen Campbell Mortimer. Volume 11 No.7: Penguins by L.E. Richdale; Native Walkabout by H.D. Williamson; The Reaches of the Western Sounds by Owen Campbell Mortimer; The "Brighties" (diamonds) of the Western Slopes by Tarlton Rayment; Mt. Bartle Frere, the Highest Point in Queensland by Noel Griffiths. Volume 11, No.8: East of Soerabaja (Tarlton Rayment); Forests of the Territory by James Pollard; Coloured Characters by H. Drake-Brockman; Mareeba by Noel Griffiths; The Journey North, the Overland postal service from Meekatharra to Marble Bar) by Jackson J. Doughty. Volume 11, No.9: The Captain Cook Dock, Sydney by Mary Durack; Flying Visit (Catalina in Arnhem Land) by H.D. Williamson; Fruits of Ceram (Moluccas) by Tarlton Rayment; New Hebrides by Basil Hall; Ballet at Badu by A.E. Church. Volume 11, No.10: With Eagles in the Field by David Fleay; Policing Cape York by Noel Griffiths; Tin by Marion Maude; Birds in the Swamps by C.E. Bryant; Buffalo Country by James Pollard; Tea-Tree Bees of Port Phillip by Tarlton Rayment; The Vanishing Australian by Mary Durack. Volume 11, No. 11: The Hunters by H.D. Williamson; New Old World (Australia's bush animals) by K. Woodburn; Trees that grow shipshape by Noel Griffiths; Bentonite by Robert Archer; Birds of Paradise by A.W. Lauder; The Blue Spec (gold mine) by Jackson J. Doughty; Volume 11, No.12: Wings to Borroloola by Ernestine Hill; Kite Fishing in the Solomons by A.E. Church; Rubber Mills of Papua by Arthur Hausler; Ghost Worlds of the North by James Pollard; Education in Nationhood, amongst the Pacific Peoples by Wallace Deane; The Condamine Bell by Charles Goodliffe. Volume 12, No.1: Frilled Dragon by Norman Laird; Thylungra by Mary Durack; New Britain by H.D. Williamson; Lovely Trefoil Island (N.W. Tasmania) by C. Lott; Dampier's Well by A.E. Church; Charting the Seas by Rowland G. Roberts; Volume 12, No.2: Island of Iron (Cockatoo Island) by H. Drake-Brockman; The Crocodile Hunters by E. Worrel; The Paddle-Wheelers of Echuca by F.L. Boyle; Queer Spears of the North by "Wayfarer"; Stick Insects by Norman Laird; Bringalbert by William Ruth; King Island by M.S.E. Sharland.

WALKABOUT MAGAZINE - Australia's Geographic Magazine and Journal of the Australian Geographical Society - Volume 13, Nos. 3 to 12 and Volume 14, Nos. 1 to 2, 1947 (January to December 1947)
$120.00 AUD

Australian National Publicity Association. Melbourne & Sydney. 1947. Edited by Charles H. HOLMES. Monthly edition. Volume 13, No. 3, January 1947 to Volume 14, No. 2, December 1947, with a total of 580 PP with b/w illustrations. Stapled pictorial soft covers. All volumes have the pictorial pages in the centre. A near fine complete year of 12 issues. 30 x 24.

Volume 13, No.3: Australia's Water Resources by J.D. Lang (Page 6 to 20); Suwarrow by William S. Bond; Melville Island by W.E. Harney; Yellowtail in Spencer's Gulf by R.O. Burlinson. Volume 13, No.4: Soil Erosion in Australia by R.G. Downes; St. Peter's Birds by Michael Sharland; The Antiquitity of the Aboriginal by W. Charnley; The Gum of the Kauri Trees by Tarlton Rayment; The Trout comes to Western Australia by John K. Ewers. Volume 13, No.5: The Bitumen by M. Kathleen Woodburn; On Cooper's Creek by George Farwell; Chasing the Honey Flows by Art Hausler; The Lure of the Saltings by Ina Watson; Murray Downs Station by H.R. Nicholls, King Island by Cath Lott. Volume 13, No.6: An Australian Seashore by William J. Dakin, I Know a Dark Green Forest by Arthur Groom, Aileron by M. Kathleen Woodburn; Major Mitchell's Explorations by K.W. Richardson. Volume 13, No.7: Darwin by M. Kathleen Woodburn; Life in a Pine Forest by Michael Sharland; Nullarbor Caves by J. Maitland Thomson; Granite Gold by C.O. Leigh Cook. Volume 13, No.8: Building Ships in Australia by George Farwell; New Guinea is different now by R. Hamilton; Sidelights on Polynesian Life by Laurence Maine; The Oak Park Picnic Races by Ruth Ann Curtis; Rodondo Report by John Mayston Béchervaise; A Woman of Arnhem Land by John Russell. Volume 13, No.9: Water on Malvern Downs by R. and R. Emerson Curtis; Pelicans of the Coorong by Michael Sharland; Cotton in Australia by Sylvia D'Arcy-Evans; Robe, on St. Vincent's Gulf by George Farwell. Volume 13, No.10: The Power of Dreams, A Story of the Flying Doctor Service by Ruth Ann Curtis; Wings of the Overflow by Michael Sharland; Five Days on the "George Bass" by C.C. Lawrence; Shark Repellant by G. Payne; Walkabout in a Wagon, Melbourne to Wentworth by Horse and Cart by H.R. Nicholls. Volume 13, No. 11: Westward the River Rolls by George Farwell; Fish from the Bight by Michael Sharland; The Migrants (ticks) by M. Kathleen Woodburn. Volume 13, No.12: Cape York Peninsula by F.W. Whitehouse; Mining for Talc by George Farwell; No Rest for Australian Forests by R. Emerson Curtis; Monuments to Aboriginal Kings. Volume 14, No.1: The Musgrave Ranges by Allan F. Wilson; White Cliffs by Vernon A. Lee; Kings of the Cattle Ramp by Blanche Maynard; Adventure in Science by William J. Dakin; Chatham Islands by Rosaline Redwood; Canoe on the Murrumbidgee by R. Raven-Hart. Volume 14, No.2: Surveying Australian Waters by Geoffrey C. Ingleton; On Tiger Snakes by Eric Worrell; Trochus Shell and Reef by Norman W. Caldwell; Mataranka by M. Kathleen Woodburn; Aboriginal Ballet by John K. Ewers; Mapping by "Cography" by Stanley H. Powell.

WALKABOUT MAGAZINE - Australian Geographical Magazine and Journal of the Australian Geographical Society - Volume 14, Nos. 3 to 14 (January to December 1948)
$120.00 AUD

Australian National Publicity Association. Melbourne & Sydney. 1948. Edited by Charles H. HOLMES. Monthly edition. Volume 14, No. 3, January 1948 to Volume 14, No. 14 December 1948, with a total of 576 PP with b/w illustrations. Stapled pictorial soft covers. All volumes have the pictorial pages in the centre. A near fine complete year of 12 issues. 30 x 24.

Volume 14, No.3: The Sugar Shield by Ruth Ann Curtis; Melanesian Arcadia by J.G. Coombs; Mountain of Iron by George Farwell; Man and Minerals by Curt Teichert; A Wooden Ship is Built by John McPherson. Volume 14, No.4: We Wanted a Coral Island by R. Emerson Curtis; Kimberley Epic by Mary Durack; The Battle of Simpson Desert by Michael Sawtell; The Art called Contemplative by Basil Hall; The Grass Tree by M. Kathleen Woodburn. Volume 14, No.5: The Birdsville Track by George Farwell; Sherbrooke Holiday by L.H. Smith; The Third Great Tor by John Béchervaise; Tasmania's Lonely Fjord by Matt O'Brien; Termite Castles by JK.S. Litchfield. Volume 14, No.6: Everything is Temporary in Post-War Moresby by Sean Keogh; Where the Darling Ends by George Farwell; The Beach Master by Norman Laird; The Whistling Eagle by David Fleay; Water for Mallee Lands by Michael Sharland; The Island where Time stands still by Mrs. Harry Bonney; This Jealous Land by Arthur W. Upfield. Volume 14, No.7: Walking the Cattle by Arthur W. Upfield; Silver-Lead Town by George Farwell; The Golden Bough by M. Kathleen Woodburn; Inarlinga by Norman Laird; Arnhem Land Aboriginal Reserve by V.C. Hall; Greenly Island by H.H. Finlayson. Volume 14, No.8: Source of Atomic Power by George Farwell; Macquarie Island by Norman Laird; Western Australia's Limestone Coast by J. Gentilli; Pukumani by John K. Ewers. Volume 14, No.9: Fire Control in Western Australian Forests by Ray Bean; On the Shores of Lake Eyre by George Farwell; The Giants by C.C.D.Brammall; Trading Post of the "Never Never" by V.C. Hall; The East-West Bitumen by J.H.L. Cumpston; Vanua Balavu by G. Scorseby Shepherd. Volume 14, No.10: Mapping a Continent by L. FitzGerald; Ski-ing is the Life! by M. Hall; From Tea-Tree Swamp to Pasture by A.R. Callaghan; Boats on Wheels by Molly Lyons; Northern Territory Army Farms by V.C. Hall. Volume 14, No. 11 (mis-numbered as No.12) : Police Patrol in the "Never Never" by A.F. Anderson; Droving through the Sea by Fred Lord; Boydtown by C. Mervyn Archdall; Makatea by S.G. Martin; Fasciola Hepatica by M. Kathleen Woodburn; People of the Centre by Bertram Keith; Queensland Nuts by Ian Desmond. Volume 14, No.12 : Tasmania's Modern Explorers by Michael Sharland; Islands of Torres Strait by R. Raven-Hart; Debris of the Tides by W.A. Harney; The Australian Deserts by M. Kathleen Woodburn; Bird Islands off the Swan River by James Pollard; Tragedy of Lizard Island by Fred Lord. Volume 14, No.13: The Hidden Crater of Wolf Creek by Charles H. Holmes; Lord Howe Island to-Day by G. Scoresby Shepherd; Captain Cook Memorial at Tahiti by S.G. Martin; Letter from Macquarie by Norman Laird; The Maluka's Grave by W.E. Harney; Rocky Island. Volume 14, No.14: Cockatoo Island, Yampi Sound by John K. Ewers; Australia's Most Northerly Homestead by John H. Martin; Crossing the Gammon Ranges by Warren Bonython; Melville Island by C.M. Thiele and J.B. Harrington; Domestic Problems in the Far North by Leone Biltris; Gregory's Baobab Tree by L.H.A. Giles.

$10.00 AUD

National Geographic Society. Washington. 1977. Folded poster. Double sided supplement to Volume 152, No. 6, December 1977. History side with artworks by Richard Schlecht. Colonization side with chart by William Peele and Richard K Rogers. Few repaired tears at fold. Very good. Poster size: 57.5 x 76. Folded size: 28.8 x 19.

NELSON, Daniel A.
GHOST SHIPS OF THE WAR OF 1812, Hamilton & Scourge [in National Geographic Magazine]
$10.00 AUD

National Geographic Society. Washington. 1983. Volume 163, No.3, March 1983. Includes article from P.288 to 313 with 1 map and 26 bw and colour illust. Pict. soft cover (bodice of Hamilton's figurehead). Very good. 25.4 x 17.5.

Sunk in a squall on 8th of August 1813, in the south west corner of lake Ontario. Discovered by side-scan sonar in 1975 and inspected by Cousteau diving saucer in 1980.

NEWMAN, Peter C.
CANADA'S FUR-TRADING EMPIRE - Three Centuries of the Hudson's Bay Company (in National Geographic Magazine - Vol. 172, No.2)
$5.00 AUD

National Geographic Society. Washington. 1987. August 1987. Contains article pages 192 to 228 with b/w & colour illustrations (charts, maps, paintings, photos). Pictorial soft cover. Fine. 25.4 x 17.5.

History of the world's oldest continuous commercial enterprise. Its empire once stretched from the Arctic Ocean to San Francisco and from Labrador to Hawaii.

HOW WE FOUND THE MONITOR (in National Geographic Magazine - Volume 147, No.1)
$10.00 AUD

National Geographic Society. Washington. 1975. January 1975. Contains article P. 48 to 61 with bw and colour illust. Pictorial. soft cover. Lacks the back cover. Very good. 25.4 x 17.5.

Sunk off Cape Hatteras.

NATIONAL GEOGRAPHIC MAGAZINE (with Map Supplement), Volume LXXIX, No.3, 1941)
$25.00 AUD

National Geographic Society. Washington. 1941. Issue LXXIX, No. Three. (20 PP adverts.), 169 - 400, (8 adverts) PP with b/w illustrations: 3 maps & photos, and 32 pages with 43 colour photos, plus the large folded map in colour "Indian Ocean, including Australia, New Zealand and Malaysia", NGS 1941. Soft covers. Very good. 25.4 x 17.5.

Oklahoma Frederick Simpich & Anthony Stewart. Unknown New Guinea, by Richard Archbold. Collecting expeditions for the Shedd Aquarium in Chicago, by Walter Chute. Fighting Giants of the Humbolt, by David D. Duncan.

O'NEILL, Thomas
NEW CALEDONIA - France's Untamed Pacific Outpost (in National Geographic Magazine - Volume 197, No.5)
$15.00 AUD

National Geographic Society. Washington. 2000. Volume 197, No. 5, May 2000. (14), 130 PP. Contains article between pages 54 and 75 with colour illustrations: 1 map and 16 photos by Peter Essiock. Pictorial soft cover. Fine. 25.5 x 17.4.

The Pacific Isles of New Caledonia make their mark on the world with a wealth of plant species found nowhere else.

THE H.L. HUNTLEY: Secret Weapon of the Confederacy (in National Geographic Magazine)
$5.00 AUD

N.G.S. Washington. 2002. Volume 202, No. 1, July 2002. 130 PP. Contains article from P. 82 to 101 with 2 maps and colour illustrations (artwork by Richard Schlecht and photos by Ira Block). Pictorial soft cover. Very good. 25.4 x 17.5.

Raising Hunley, Civil War submarine.

OLIVER, L. Douglas
TREASURE ISLANDS OF AUSTRALASIA - New Guinea, New Caledonia, and Fiji Trace Across the South Pacific a Fertile Crescent Incredibly Rich in Minerals and Foods [in National Geographic Magazine]
$15.00 AUD

N.G.S. Washington. 1942. Volume LXXXI, No.6, June, 1942. P.691-722 with 1 map on a double page and 23 b/w photos (13 on full page). Soft cover. Very good. 25.5. x 17.5.

PARFIT, Michael
HOTSPOT: ISLANDS OF THE PACIFIC [in National Geographic Magazine - Volume 203, No.3]
$5.00 AUD

National Geographic Society. Washington. 2003. March 2003. 132 PP. Contains article from P. 106 to 125 with 1 map (with 3 inserts) and 18 colour photos by Tim Laman. Pictorial soft cover. Fine. 25.4 x 17.5.

PARFIT, Michael / REID, T. R.
EXPLOITING THE OCEAN'S BOUNTY: Diminishing Returns / TSUKIJI: The Great Tokyo Fish Market [in National Geographic Magazine]
$5.00 AUD

N.G.S. Washington. 1995. Volume 188, No. 5, November 1995. 142 PP. Contains article pages 2 to 55 with colour illustrations. Pictorial soft cover. 25.4 x 17.5.

PATTERSON, Carolyn Bennett
IN THE FAR PACIFIC - AT THE BIRTH OF NATIONS (in National Geographic Magazine)
$15.00 AUD

National Geographic Society. Washington. 1986. Volume 170, No. 4, October 1986. Contains article from P.460 to 499 with 1 map, 4 national flags and 36 colour photos by David Hiser and Melinda Berge. Pictorial soft cover. Fine. 25.5 x 17.4.

The four island nations: Commonwealth of the Northern Mariana Islands - Republic of Palau (Belau) - Federated State of Micronesia - Republic of the Marshall Islands.

PERRIN, Andrew
OUTER LIMITS - On Patrol in our Northern Seas "Ashmore Reef" (in Australian Geographic, No. 64, Oct-Dec 2001)
$10.00 AUD

Australian Geographic. Sydney. 2001. 128 PP. Contains article from P. 62 to 73 with colour illustrations (1 map and insets, 1 artwork by Marje Crosby-Fairall and 11 photos by Kevin Deacon). Illustrated soft cover. Fine. 27.8 x 21.

REACH FOR THE NEW WORLD (in National Geographic Magazine)
$15.00 AUD

National Geographic Society. Washington. 1977. Vol. 152, No. 6, December, 1977. Includes article P.724 to 765 with 1map, 1 b/w photo and 45 colour illustrations (photographs by David L. Arnold and Paintings by Richard Schlecht). Pictorial soft cover. Fine. 25.4 x 17.5.

Wrecks off Bermuda & other Caribbean islands or on the lost city of Port Royal (Jamaica).

PETERSON, Roger Tory
THE GALAPAGOS, Eerie Cradle of New Species (in National Geographic Magazine)
$10.00 AUD

National Geographic Society. Washington. 1967. Volume 131, No. 4, April 1967. Contains article from P.540 to 585 with 2 pages of colour illustrations (2 maps, 1 portrait and the Galapagos finches family tree) and 58 colour photos. Pictorial soft cover. Very good. 25.4 x 17.4

PLATT, Rutherford
SHELLS TAKE YOU OVER WORLD HORIZONS (in National Geographic Magazine, Volume XCVI, No.1, 1949)
$15.00 AUD

National Geographic Society. Washington. 1949. Volume XCVI No 1, July 1949. Article from P. 33 to 84 with 16 b/w photos and 32 pages for 420 col. photos of shells in text. Soft cover (rubbed). Very good. 25.4 x 17.5.

WILDLIFE QUEST TO THE ICY SEAS OF SOUTH GEORGIA (in National Geographic Magazine, Volume 175, No.3, 1989)
$5.00 AUD

N.G.S. Washington. 1989. March 1989. Includes article from P.340 to 375 with 1 map, 1 location map and 28 colour photos by Frans Lanting. Pictorial soft cover. Very good. 25.4 x 17.5.

On board the yacht Damien II.

POOLE, Robert M.
WINSLOW HOMER - AMERICAN ORIGINAL (in National Geographic Magazine - Volume 194, No.6, 1998)
$10.00 AUD

National Geographic Society. Washington. 1998. Volume 194, No. 6, December 1998. Contains article P. 72 to 101 with 2 b/w and 17 colour photos by Sam Abell. Pictorial soft cover. Fine. 25.4 x 17.6.

PRICE, Willard
HENRY HUDSON'S RIVER (in National Geographic Magazine)
$5.00 AUD

National Geographic Society. Washington. 1962. Volume 121, No. 3, March 1962. Article between pages 364 and 403 with 44 colour illustrations (1 plan, 3 maps, 3 paintings and 37 photos by Wayne Miller). Pictorial soft cover. Fine. 25.4 x 17.5.

THE NAME GIVER - Carl Linnaeus, Botanist: the Man who Named Plants (in National Geographic Magazine)
$5.00 AUD

National Geographic Society. Washington. 2007. Volume 211, No. 6, June 2007. Contains articles between P. 72 and 87 with 3 b/w illustrations (1 portrait & 2 facsimiles), and 13 colour photographs by Helene Schmitz. Pictorial soft cover. Very good. 25.4 x 17.5.

Swedish botanist who treasured nature and gave a system for naming species.

RADFORD, Admiral Arthur W.
OUR NAVY IN THE FAR EAST (in National Geographic Magazine, Volume CIV, No.4, 1953)
$10.00 AUD

NGS. Washington. 1953. Volume CIV, No.4, October 1953. Contains article from P.537 to 577 with 10 b/w and 39 colour photos by J. Baylor Roberts. Soft cover. Near fine. 25.5 x 17.5.

REDWOOD, Rosaline
EARLY SEALING DAYS (in Walkabout Magazine Vol. 9, No. 3)
$20.00 AUD

Australian National Publicity Association. Melbourne. 1943. Volume 9, No. 3, January 1943. Contains article from P.4 to 8 with 3 b/w illustrations. Pictorial soft cover. Near fine. 30 x 24.

A history of sealing & the sealing industry on the Southern Ocean islands between 1792 and 1829. Other article: "Boats on the Darling", by W. K. GLOVER

RINGER, R. James
PHIPS' FLEET- Sir William Phips's ship found at Baie-Trinité, Saint Lawrence (in National Geographic Magazine)
$5.00 AUD

National Geographic Society. Washington. 2000. Volume 198, No. 2, August 2000. 124 PP. Contains article from P. 72 to 81 with 1map and 13 colour illustrations (photos by Bill Curtsinger). Pictorial soft cover. Very good. 25.4 x 17.5.

Shipwreck following the attempted attack on Québec of 1690.

OMAN [in National Geographic Magazine - Volume 187, No.5, May 1995]
$5.00 AUD

N.G.S. Washington. 1995. May 1995. 142 PP. Contains article pages 112 to 138 with 1 national flag, 2 maps and 18 colour photos by James L. Stanfield. Pictorial soft cover. Fine. 25.4 x 17.5.

WHERE NATURE RUNS RIOT, On Australia's Great Barrier Marine Animals grow to Unusual Size, Develop Strange Weapons of Attack and Defense, and Acquire Brilliant Colors (in National Geographic Magazine)
$5.00 AUD

National Geographic Society. Washington. 1940. Volume LXXVII, No 6, June 1940. Article from P. 823 to 850 with 1 map, 18 bw and 15 colour photos in text. Soft cover, front cover rubbed. Very good. 25.4 x 17.5.

ROYTE, Elizabeth
ON THE BRINK - Hawaii's Vanishing Species (in National Geographic Magazine)
$10.00 AUD

N.G.S. Washington. 1995. Volume 188, No. 3, September 1995. Contains articles between P. 2 and 37 with 2 maps and 25 colour illustrations (photographs by Chris Johns), plus the large folded map "Rediscovering Hawaii" loosely inserted. Pictorial soft cover. Very good. 25.4 x 17.5.

RULE, Margaret
HENRY III's LOST WARSHIP / THE SEARCH FOR MARY ROSE (in National Geographic Magazine, Volume 163, No. 5, 1983)
$5.00 AUD

National Geographic Society. Washington. 1983. Volume 163, No. 5, May 1983. Contains article between pages 646 and 675 with 2 maps and colour illustrations. Pictorial soft cover. Very good. 25.5 x 17.6.

The excavation and raising of Henry VIII's flagship.

RYMAN, Anders
JOHN FRUM, WON'T YOU PLEASE COME HOME? (in Geo Australasia Volume 9, No.4, December 1987-February 1988)
$10.00 AUD

Australasia's Geographical Magazine. Sydney. 1987. Includes article P. 78 to 93 with 1 location map, 16 colour photos. Pictorial soft cover. Near fine. 27.6 x 20.6.

A cargo cult on the Island of Tanna, Vanuatu, is still waiting for the USA to bring them paradise.

SARGENT, Josephine
THE COMING OF THE LIGHT - Arrival of Missionaries in the Torres Strait islands (in Australian Geographic, No. 106, January - February 2012)
$10.00 AUD

Australian Geographic Society. Sydney. 2010. 130 PP with b/w and colour illustrations. Contains article pages 80 to 89 with 1 map and 17 colour photos by Cathy Finch. Folded poster (map on the inside and information "Our Northern Frontier" on the outside), loosely inserted. Pictorial soft cover. Fine. 27.6 x 21.

Arrival in 1871 on Erub (Darnley) Island.

$10.00 AUD

National Geographic Society. Washington. 1975. Volume 148, No. 5, November 1975. Contains article from P.584 to 625 with 4 maps, 9 bw and 29 colour illust. (photos by Adam Woolfitt). Pict. soft cover. Very good. 25.4 x 17.5.

NEW GUINEA (in National Geographic Magazine)
$10.00 AUD

National Geographic Society. Washington. 1962. Volume 121, No.5, May, 1962. Contains article between P.583 and 637 with 5 maps and 64 colour photos. Pictorial soft cover. Very good. 25.2 x 17.5.

Dutch New Guinea & Australian New Guinea.

SCOTT, Roy & COWLEY, Terri (editors)
AUSTRALIAN GEOGRAPHIC, No. 71, July-September 2003
$10.00 AUD

Australian Geographic. Sydney. 2003. 128 PP with b/w and colour illustrations. Illustrated soft cover. Fine. 27.8 x 21.

Outback Favourites. Life on Mars. ... A River of People: Hawkesbury-Nepean River, by Danielle Teutsch. Silent gatekeepers, Australian Quarantine, by Tim Elliott ...

SCOTT, Roy & EASTWOOD, Ken (editors)
$10.00 AUD

Sydney. 2005. Australian Geographic. 128 PP with b/w and colour illustrations. Illustrated soft cover. Fine. 27.8 x 21.

Water ... most precious asset, by Elizabeth Ginis. The rise, fall and rise of Esperance, by Andrew Bain. Diving the Cumberland, by Mark Spencer.

SCOTT, Sir Peter / SWAN, Robert / VESILIND, Priit
THE ANTARCTIC CHALLENGE / IN THE FOOTSTEPS OF SCOTT / ANTARCTICA (in National Geographic Magazine, Volume 171, No.4)
$10.00 AUD

N.G.S. Washington. 1987. April 1987. Includes 3 articles: pages 538 to 543, 544 to 555, 556 to 560 with 4 b/w photos and 13 colour illustrations (2 maps and 11 photos). Pictorial soft cover. Folded chart (Antarctica on recto and "Pinnipeds around the World" on recto) loosely inserted. Very good. 25.4 x 17.5.

Other article: Seals and their kin.

IN THE WAKE OF SINDBAD (in National Geographic Magazine, Volume 162, No. 1)
$10.00 AUD

N.G.S. Washington. 1982. Volume 162, No. 1, July 1982. Article from P. 2 to 41 with 1 map, 3 drawings and 32 col. photos. Pictorial soft cover. Very good. 25.4 x 17.5.

Re-enactment of traditional sailing between Oman and China on board a dhow.

RETRACING THE FIRST CRUSADE (in National Geographic Magazine, Volume 176, No.3)
$5.00 AUD

National Geographic Society. Washington. 1989. September 1989. Includes article from P.326 to 365 with 1 b/w illustrations and 31 colour illustrations (1 map, 1 location map, 4 paintings and 25 photos by Peter Essick). Pictorial soft cover. Very good. 25.4 x 17.5.

SEVERIN, Timothy
THE VOYAGE OF "BRENDAN" - Did Irish Monks Discover America? [in National Geographic Magazine , Vol. 152, No.6, December 1977]
$10.00 AUD

National Geographic. Washington. 1977. December 1977 magazine. Contains article from P. 769 to 797 with colour photos. Pictorial soft covers. Near fine. 25.5 x 17.5.

PORTUGAL'S SEA ROAD TO THE EAST (in National Geographic Magazine, Volume 182, No. 5, 1992)
$15.00 AUD

National Geographic Society. Washington. 1992. Volume 182, No. 5, November 1992. Article from P.56 to 93 with 28 colour illust. (1 map & 27 photos). Pictorial soft cover. New. 25.5 x 17.5.

Portuguese age of discovery from Lisbon and Sagres to Macau and Japan, via the Cape of Good Hope and the Indian Ocean.

THE WORLD OF SÜLEYMAN THE MAGNIFICENT (in National Geographic Magazine, Volume 172, No.7, 1987)
$5.00 AUD

N.G.S. Washington. 1987. Volume 172, No. 7, November 1987. Contains article from P.552 to 601 with 1 folded map, and 44 colour illustrations by James L. Stanfield. Pictorial soft cover. Fine. 25.4 x 17.5.

WESTERN SAMOA, The Pacific's Newest Nation (in National Geographic Magazine)
$10.00 AUD

National Geographic Society. Washington. 1962. Volume 122, No. 4, October 1962. Contains articles between P. 572 and 602 with 2 maps and 38 colour photos. Pictorial soft cover. Very good. 25.4 x 17.5.

HEYDAY OF THE HORSE FERRY [in National Geographic Magazine - Volume 176, No.4]
$10.00 AUD

National Geographic Society. Washington. 1989. October 1989. Contains article P. 548 to 556 with 1 plan, 5 bw and 8 colour illust. Pict. soft cover. Fine. 25.4 x 17.5.

A long-forgotten animal-powered craft is discovered on the bottom of Lake Champlain.

SHOWALTER, William Joseph
OUR GUARDIANS ON THE DEEP (in National Geographic Magazine)
$15.00 AUD

National Geographic Society. Washington. 1914. Vol. 25, No. 6, June 1914. Contains article between P. 655 and 677 with 1 map and 15 b/w photos. Soft cover. Near fine. 25.5 x 17.5.

With the United States Coast and Geodetic Survey.

SIMPICH, Frederick
AS 2,000 SHIPS ARE BORN (in National Geographic Magazine)
$20.00 AUD

N.G.S. Washington. 1942. Volume LXXXI, No 5, May 1942. Contains article pages 551 to 588 with 34 b/w photos. Soft cover. Fine. 25.4 x 17.5.

Building program for 2000 new tankers, freighters and cargo-passenger ships, by the end of 1943.

SIMPICH, Major Frederick
AT EASE IN THE SOUTH SEAS [in National Geographic]
$20.00 AUD

National Geographic Society. Washington. 1944. Volume LXXXV No 1, January 1944. Article from P. 79 to 104 with 32 b/w photos. Soft cover, spine lightly damaged. Very good. 25.4 x 17.5.

American troops and services in the Pacific islands and Australia during WWII. (8 photos on New Caledonia).

SMITH, Dick & WHELAN, Howard (editors)
AUSTRALIAN GEOGRAPHIC - No. 35, July-Sept. 1994 + Poster-Map "ANTARCTICA"
$15.00 AUD

Australian Geographic Society. Sydney. 1994. 128 PP with b/w and colour illustrations. Plus 2 folded plates "The making of an Australian pearl" and "West MacDonnell National Park", and a large folded map of "Antarctica" (loosely inserted). Pictorial soft covers. Fine. 27.8 x 21.

Australi's Giant Pearls, by Rory McGuinness. A Timeless Grandeur (Central Australia's spectacular West MacDonnell National Park), by Denis O'Byrne. Paddling into Paradise (kayaking expedition to Papua New Guinea), by Katie Reid.

CRUISING IN MAWSON'S ANTARCTICA (in Australian Geographic, No. 25, January-March 1992)
$10.00 AUD

Australian Geographic Pty Ltd. Sydney. 1992. 128 PP. Contains article P. 108 to 123 with 1 map in colour and 24 colour photos by Pip and Dick Smith. Pictorial soft cover. Fine. 27.8 x 21.

Antarctic cruise on the Frontier Spirit.

BEYOND THE BLUE HORIZON: How Ancient Voyagers Settled the far-flung Islands of the Pacific (in National Geographic Magazine)
$10.00 AUD

National Geographic Society. Washington. 2008. Volume 213, No. 3, March 2008. Article from P. 106 to 123 with 11 colour illustrations (1 map and 10 photos by Stephen Alvarez). Pictorial soft cover. Very good. 25.4 x 17.5.

SHIPWRECK IN THE FORBIDDEN ZONE: Portuguese merchant ship (in National Geographic Magazine)
$5.00 AUD

National Geographic Society. Washington. 2009. Volume 216, No. 4, October 2009. 130 PP. Contains article from P.116 to 127 with 1 map and colour illustrations (3 artworks by Jon Foster and 8 photos by Amy Toensing). Pictorial soft cover. Very good. 25.4 x 17.5.

Portuguese trading vessel, sunk in 1533, off the southern coastline of Namibia.

MARINER'S MIRROR [THE]. The Journal of the Society for Nautical Research - Volume 81
$20.00 AUD

Society for Nautical Research. Greenwich. 1995. Volume 81, Nos. 1 to 4. 512 PP with b/w illustrations (drawings... photos). Soft cover. Fine. 24 x 17.2.

No. 2: The purchase of the Australian Colonial Gunboats, by Colin Jones. No. 3: British shipping and the Diesel Engine: the early years, by Denis Griffiths...

MARINER'S MIRROR [THE]. The Journal of the Society for Nautical Research - Volume 80
$20.00 AUD

Society for Nautical Research. Greenwich. 1994. Volume 80, Nos. 1 to 4. 512 PP with b/w illustrations (drawings... photos). Soft cover. Fine. 24 x 17.2.

No. 1: The Royal Navy and the Caribbean, 1689-1763, by Christian Buchet... No. 3: British sailors and the Brazilian Navy 1822-1850, by Brian Vale... No. 4: The achievements of Captain George Vancouver, by John Naish...

MARINER'S MIRROR [THE]. The Journal of the Society for Nautical Research - Volume 79
$20.00 AUD

Society for Nautical Research. Greenwich. 1993. Volume 79, Nos. 1 to 4. 512 PP with b/w illustrations (drawings... photos). Soft cover. Fine. 24 x 17.2.

No. 1: The development of the Merchant Ship 1880-1990, by Ian Buxton... No. 2: Finding Port Nicholson, by Brian Hooker. No. 4: The Royal Navy and the Peninsular War, by Christopher Hall...

MARINER'S MIRROR [THE]. The Journal of the Society for Nautical Research - Volume 76, Nos.1-4
$20.00 AUD

Society for Nautical Research. Greenwich. 1990. Volume 76, Nos. 1 to 4. Edited by Brian H. Dolley. 398 PP with b/w illustrations (drawings... photos). Soft cover. Fine. 24 x 17.2.

No. 1: The Turkish Imperial State barges. No. 2: Scrimshaw by William Lewis Roderick. No. 3: Colbert's Grand Indian Ocean Fleet.

MARINER'S MIRROR [THE]. The Journal of the Society for Nautical Research - Volume 74
$20.00 AUD

Society for Nautical Research. Greenwich. 1988. Volume 74, Nos. 1 to 4. 430 PP with b/w illustrations (drawings... photos). Soft cover. Fine. 24 x 17.2.

No. 1: A useful extact of the rules and regulations of the Sacred Order of Jerusalem and tha manner of advancng in its galley service. No. 3: The maritime peoples of the Indian Ocean Region. No.4: The engagement between the C.S.S. Alabama and the USS Kearsarge.

MARINER'S MIRROR [THE]. The Journal of the Society for Nautical Research - Vol. 74, No. 4
$10.00 AUD

Society for Nautical Research. Greenwich. 1988. November 1988. Editors: Brian H. & Mrs Cecilia M. Dolley. VIII, 319-430 PP with b/w and colour illustrations. Soft cover. Occasional foxing, o/wise fine. 24 x 17.2.

Sailing Barges of Lake Constance, by Paul Bloesch. The Painted Sails of the Adriatic, by Mario Marzari. The engagement between the C.S.S. Alabama and the USS Kearsarge, by Max Guérout. Historic Architecture of H. M. A. Naval Dockyard, Garden Island, N.S.W., by Eric J. Martin & Howard Tanner. British Whaling Surgeons in the South Seas, 1823-1843, by Honore Forster.

MARINER'S MIRROR [THE]. The Journal of the Society for Nautical Research - Volume 75, No.1
$10.00 AUD

Society for Nautical Research. Greenwich. 1989. Volume 75, No.1. Contains article from P. 53 to 78 with 5 tables. Pictorial soft cover (in colour). Fine. 24 x 17.2.

Old Norse Nautical Distance Tables in the Mediterranean Sea. by Roald Morcken. Contains another article: The Serpent and the Dove: Studying Nelson 's character, by Susan Harmon.

MARINER'S MIRROR [THE]. The Journal of the Society for Nautical Research - Volume 73
$20.00 AUD

Society for Nautical Research. Greenwich. 1987. Volume 73, Nos. 1 to 4. 440 PP with b/w illustrations (drawings... photos) and colour photos. Soft cover. Fine. 24 x 17.2.

No. 1: Wine and Maritime Society... No. 2: The Gentleman of Jamaica... No. 4: The sinew of war: manning and provisioning English fighting ships 1550-1650.

MARINER'S MIRROR [THE]. The Journal of the Society for Nautical Research - Volume 73, No.2
$10.00 AUD

Society for Nautical Research. Greenwich. 1987. Volume 73, No. 2, May 1987. (XII), (VIII), 121- 240 PP with b/w illustrations. Soft cover. Fine. 24 x 17.2.

Pages 139 to 147: The Sanaro of Lakes Lesina and Varano, by Marco Bonino.

MARINER'S MIRROR [THE]. The Journal of the Society for Nautical Research - Volume 60
$20.00 AUD

Society for Nautical Research. Greenwich. 1974. Volume 60, Nos. 1 to 4. Editors: Professor C. C. Lloyd & Brian H. Dolley. 454 PP with b/w illustrations (drawings... photos), plus 31 b/w plates. Soft cover. Fine. 24 x 17.2.

No. 1: Horatio Nelson and the murderous cooper, by H. L. Cryer... No. 2: Torres or Prado ?, by Brett Hilder... No. 3: The surveys of John McCluer by W. A. Spray. No. 4: Scroll paintings of Chinese junks..., by Osamu Oba (12 plates with 32 illustrations).

MARINER'S MIRROR [THE]. The Journal of the Society for Nautical Research - Volume 85, No.4
$10.00 AUD

Society for Nautical Research Greenwich. 1999. Volume 85, No. 4, November 1999. Editor: Michael Duffy. 385-512 PP with b/w illustrations (drawings and photos). Soft cover. Fine. 24 x 17.2.

Chester, Liverpool and the Basque Region...., Charles Seldon and the Baltic's First Dry Dock... The Agrippina: Tender to the CSS Alabama... The Mutiny on the Javelin ... Andrew Reid: an Eighteenth-Century Supercargo. Admiral Rodney, patronage and the Leeward Island Squadron... Construction of America's New Navy and the transfer of British Naval Technology to the United States, 1870-1900...

MARINER'S MIRROR [THE]. The Journal of the Society for Nautical Research - Volume 61
$20.00 AUD

Society for Nautical Research. Greenwich. 1975. Volume 61, Nos. 1 to 4. Editors: Professor C. C. Lloyd & Brian H. Dolley. 424 PP with b/w illustrations (drawings... photos), plus 8 b/w plates. Plus: VIII PP Contents and 425-434 PP Index. Soft cover. Fine. 24 x 17.2.

No. 1: Note on Alan Villiers. The design of the Inconstant, by N. A. M. Rodger. No. 2: The first English Frigates by Robert Gardiner. No. 3: De la survivance de traditions navales Phéniciennes dans la Méditerranée de nos jours, by Lucien Basch. No.4: Spanish Armada Guns, by I. A. A. Thompson. ...

MARINER'S MIRROR [THE]. The Journal of the Society for Nautical Research - Volume 61, No. 3
$5.00 AUD

Society for Nautical Research. Greenwich. 1975. Volume 61, No. 3, August 1975. Editors: Professor C. C. Lloyd & Brian H. Dolley. (16), (2), 213-318 PP with b/w illustrations (drawings... photos). Plus for Volume 61: VIII PP Contents and 425-434 PP Index. Soft cover. Fine. 24 x 17.2.

No. 3 - Pages 229-254: De la survivance de traditions navales Phéniciennes dans la Méditerranée de nos jours (with 20 figures), by Lucien Basch. Pages 255-270: The Procurement of Confederate Blockade runners and othe vessels in Great Britain during the American Civil War, by Richard I. Lester...

MARINER'S MIRROR [THE]. The Journal of the Society for Nautical Research - Volume 59
$20.00 AUD

Society for Nautical Research. Greenwich. 1973. Volume 59, Nos. 1 to 4. Editors: Professor C. C. Lloyd & Brian H. Dolley. 474 PP with b/w illustrations (drawings... photos), plus 17 b/w plates. Plus: VIII PP Contents and 475-484 PP Index. Soft cover. Occasional foxing. Fine. 24 x 17.2.

No. 1: Quathlamba - Hazel Craig - Whitepine, the career of a barque, by Jack Churchouse. No. 2: The Chatham mast houses and mould loft, by Jonathan Coad. No. 4: Impressment and the American Merchant Marine 1782-1812, by George Selement. ...

MARINER'S MIRROR [THE]. The Journal of the Society for Nautical Research - Volume 57, No. 1
$10.00 AUD

Society for Nautical Research. Greenwich. 1971. January 1971. Editor: Captain T. D. Manning. (2), 110, (II) PP with b/w illustrations (drawings... photos), plus 3 b/w plates. Soft cover. Occasional foxing, o/wise fine. 24 x 17.2.

No. 1: The North Devon Shipping Company, by Allison Grant. The Navy and the rebellion of the Earl of Argyle, by W. E. May. The Weston-Super-Mare flatner, by J. G. Mckee. John Biscoe's voyage round the world 1830-1833, by A.G.E. Jones. The creation of the Imperial Brazilian Navy, by Brian Vale.

MARINER'S MIRROR [THE]. The Journal of the Society for Nautical Research - Volume 58, No. 4
$10.00 AUD

Society for Nautical Research. Greenwich. 1972. Volume 58, No. 4, November 1972. Editors: Professor C. C. Lloyd & Brian H. Dolley. (4 adverts), (2), 373-486 PP with b/w illustrations (drawings... photos), plus 2 b/w plates. Soft cover. Occasional foxing, o/wise fine. 24 x 17.2.

No. 4: England and the Baltic Naval Stores trade, by Joseph J. Malone. John Willis & Sons, Shipowners, 1830-1899, by John Crosse. ... Customs History and Records of Trade and Shipping, by E. A. Carson...

MARINER'S MIRROR [THE]. The Journal of the Society for Nautical Research - Volume 53
$20.00 AUD

Society for Nautical Research. Greenwich. 1967. Volume 53, Nos. 1 to 4. Editor: Captain T. D. Manning. 394 PP with b/w illustrations (drawings... photos), plus 20 b/w plates. Plus: VIII PP Contents, and 395-410 PP Index. Soft cover. Spine of Nos 1 & 2 missing. Occasional foxing, o/wise very good. 24 x 17.2.

No. 1: The High Seas and the Church in the Middle Age, by R. F. Wright. THe origin of the Leeboards, by Edwin Doran. No. 2: E. W. Cooke, Marine Painter, by John Munday. Sailing Boats of Western Sarawak, by Anthony Richards. No. 3: Shipping and Privileges in Scandinavia, by Olaf Hasslöf... No; 4: Early British interests in the Chagos Archipelago and the Maldives, by H. T. Fry.

MARINER'S MIRROR [THE]. The Journal of the Society for Nautical Research - Volume 54
$20.00 AUD

Society for Nautical Research. Greenwich. 1968. Volume 54, Nos. 1 to 4. Editor: Captain T. D. Manning. 432 PP with b/w illustrations (drawings... photos), plus 13 b/w plates. Soft cover. Spine of each issue with insect damage and rubbed (repaired) Occasional foxing. Very good. 24 x 17.2.

No. 1: The Royal Navy and the taking of Weihaiwei, 1898-1905, by I. H. Nish. Grace Darling, 1815-1842, by W. M. Phipps Hornby. No. 2: Henry V's Grace Dieu, by Major-General M. W. Prynne. No. 4: Samuel Cunard, by J. C. Arnell. Drake's navigational skills, by R. Boulind.

MARINER'S MIRROR [THE]. The Journal of the Society for Nautical Research - Volume 62
$20.00 AUD

Society for Nautical Research. Greenwich. 1976. Volume 62, Nos. 1 to 4. Editors: Professor C. C. Lloyd & Brian H. Dolley. 412 PP with b/w illustrations (drawings... photos), plus 15 b/w plates. Plus: VIII Contents PP and 413-424 Index PP. Soft cover. Fine. 24 x 17.2.

No. 1: Traditional British Boatbuilding, by Eric McKee. The Spithead Naval Review of 1887, by Jeffrey L. Lant. No. 3: The search for Dilmun, by H. J. Finkel. The Corsairs of North Africa, by J. de Courcy Ireland.

MARINER'S MIRROR [THE]. The Journal of the Society for Nautical Research - Volume 62 - No. 2
$10.00 AUD

Society for Nautical Research. Greenwich. 1976. Volume 62, No. 2, May 1976. Editors: Professor C. C. Lloyd & Brian H. Dolley. (20), 105-208 PP with b/w illustrations (drawings... photos), plus 3 b/w plates. Soft cover. Occasional foxing. Fine. 24 x 17.2.

No. 2: John Bourne, sometime Vice-Admiral, by J. R. Powell. The Dark Ages of the Admiralty (part III), by N. A. M. Rodger. Admiral Ballard's Memoirs (part III). Naval Blockmaking, by Gregory Clark. British Ports of Call in the Nineteenth century, by W. E. Minchinton...

MARINER'S MIRROR [THE]. The Journal of the Society for Nautical Research - Volume 62 - No. 4
$10.00 AUD

Society for Nautical Research. Greenwich. 1976. Volume 62, No. 4, November 1976. Editors: Professor C. C. Lloyd & Brian H. Dolley. (4), 305-412 PP with b/w illustrations (drawings... photos), plus 4 b/w plates. Soft cover. Occasional foxing. Fine. 24 x 17.2.

No. 4: The Naval Schoolmaster, by F. B. Sullivan. The Appearance and Lead of the Rig of S.S. Great Britain, by Michael E. Leek. Labour Relations in the Royal Dockyards, by R. A. Morriss. Admiral Ballard's Memoirs (part V). ...

MARINER'S MIRROR [THE]. The Journal of the Society for Nautical Research - Volume 63, No. 2
$10.00 AUD

Society for Nautical Research. Greenwich. 1977. Volume 63, No. 2, May 1977. Editors: Professor C. C. Lloyd & Brian H. Dolley. (18), 107-204 PP with b/w illustrations (drawings... photos). Soft cover. Fine. 24 x 17.2.

No. 2 - Pages 109 to 114: English Barges and Balingers of the late Fourteenth Century, by J. W. Sherborne. Pages 115 to 127: The Manning of the Chilean Navy in the War of Independence 1818-1823, by David J. Cubitt. Pages 137 to 149: The Medieval Ports and Trade of North-East Yorkshire, by Bryan Waites. ...

MARINER'S MIRROR [THE]. The Journal of the Society for Nautical Research - Volume 64, No. 2
$10.00 AUD

Society for Nautical Research. Greenwich. 1978. Volume 64, No. 2, May 1978. Editors: Professor C. C. Lloyd & Brian H. Dolley. (16), 97-200 PP with b/w illustrations (drawings... photos), plus 4 b/w sheets. Plus: VIII Contents PP and 395-408 Index PP. Soft cover. Fine. 24 x 17.2.

No. 2 - Pages 99 to 123 with 33 figures: Le navire MNS et autres notes de voyage en Egypte, by Lucien Basch. Pages 124 to 137 with 5 figures: The Thera Ships, by Thomas C. Gillmer and Don H. Kennedy. Pages 169 to 185 with 1 map 2 sets of line drawings and 4 b/w photos: Tagus River Barges, by John M. Kochiss.

MARINER'S MIRROR [THE]. The Journal of the Society for Nautical Research - Volume 64, No. 3
$10.00 AUD

Society for Nautical Research. Greenwich. 1978. Volume 64, No. 3, August 1978. Editors: Professor C. C. Lloyd & Brian H. Dolley. (10), 201-298 PP with b/w illustrations (drawings... photos). Soft cover. Fine. 24 x 17.2.

No. 3 - Pages 209-216 with14 fugures: Basque Ships and Men, by David Cobb. Pages 217 to 233: Lord Barham at The Admiralty, 1805-6, by I. Lloyd Phillips. Pages 235 to 244: The Sea-Trial of John Harrison's Chronometer, by Daniel A. Baugh.

MARINER'S MIRROR [THE]. The Journal of the Society for Nautical Research - Volume 68
$20.00 AUD

Society for Nautical Research. Greenwich. 1982. Volume 68, Nos. 1 to 4. Editors: Brian H., & Mrs Cecilia M. Dolley. 470 PP with b/w illustrations (drawings... photos), plus 1 large folded plan.. Plus: VIII Contents PP. Soft cover. Occasional foxing. Fine. 24 x 17.2.

Nos. 1 & 2: Transportation of Horses by Sea during the Era of the Crusades (in 2 parts), by John H. Pryor. Nos. 2 & 3: Obituary for Captain Alan Villiers. No. 4: European Seamanship in the Great Age of Discovery, by G. V. Scammell.

MARINER'S MIRROR [THE]. The Journal of the Society for Nautical Research - Volume 68, No. 1
$10.00 AUD

Society for Nautical Research. Greenwich. 1982. Volume 68, No. 1, February 1982. Editors: Brian H., & Mrs Cecilia M. Dolley. (6), 98 PP with b/w illustrations (drawings... photos). Soft cover. Occasional foxing. Fine. 24 x 17.2.

No. 1 : Transportation of Horses by Sea during the Era of the Crusades (part I), by John H. Pryor. The true Identity of John Adams, by Brian W. Scott. Vice-Admiral Lord Collingwood, by Victoria Howard-Vyse.

MARINER'S MIRROR [THE]. The Journal of the Society for Nautical Research - Volume 68, No. 4
$10.00 AUD

Society for Nautical Research. Greenwich. 1982. Volume 68, No. 4. Editors: Brian H., & Mrs Cecilia M. Dolley. (VIII), 351-470 PP with b/w illustrations (drawings... photos). Soft cover. Occasional foxing. Fine. 24 x 17.2.

No. 4 - Pages 357 to 376: European Seamanship in the Great Age of Discovery, by G. V. Scammell. Pages 391 to 409: Some early letters of Robert Fitzroy, by Frederick E. Ellis. Pages 421 to428: The William Fawcett of the P. & O., by N. D. Mackichan.

MARINER'S MIRROR [THE]. The Journal of the Society for Nautical Research - Volume 69
$20.00 AUD

Society for Nautical Research. Greenwich. 1983. Volume 69, Nos. 1 to 4. Editors: Brian H., & Mrs Cecilia M. Dolley. 474 PP with b/w illustrations (drawings... photos), plus 1 large folded plan. Soft cover. Occasional foxing. Fine. 24 x 17.2.

No. 1: The Discovery of Australia's North-West Coast and an Incident at Macassar in 1616, by A. De Booy. Seamen Ashore and Afloat, Carreira da India, by A.J.R. Russell-Wood. Nos. 1 & 2: Changes in the Chatham Dockyard Workforce, by Mavis Waters. No. 4: Historic architecture of H.M. Naval Base Devonport, by Jonathan Coad.

MARINER'S MIRROR [THE]. The Journal of the Society for Nautical Research - Volume 70, No. 1
$10.00 AUD

Society for Nautical Research. Greenwich. 1984. Volume 70, No. 1, February 1984. Editors: Brian H., & Mrs Cecilia M. Dolley. (VI), 114 PP with b/w illustrations (drawings... photos). Soft cover. Occasional foxing. Fine. 24 x 17.2.

No. 1: Seamen's Employment in the Netherlands, by Jaap R. Bruijn and Els S. van Eyck van Heslinga. Two trends and thoughts in Turkish Maritime Culture, by A. H. J. Prins. An Imposing Array: Fact or Fiction?, by William P. Avery. Exploration and Status: the changing position of Iberian Captains in the Voyages of Discovery, by Joseph A. Goldenberg...

MARINER'S MIRROR [THE]. The Journal of the Society for Nautical Research - Volume 71
$20.00 AUD

Society for Nautical Research. Greenwich. 1985. Volume 71, Nos. 1 to 4. Editors: Brian H., & Mrs Cecilia M. Dolley. 498 PP with b/w illustrations (drawings... photos). Nos 2 & 4 with colour photos. Soft cover. Occasional foxing. Fine. 24 x 17.2.

No. 1: Graving Docks in France and Spain, before 1800, by José P. Merino. No. 2: A Colourful record (14 photos). The Naval Campaign on Lakes Victoria and Nyasa, by John MacKenzie. Exeter Maritime Museum, by David Goddard. No. 3: The Tartana da Pesca, by Mario Marzari. No. 4: The Thera ship as sailing Vessels, by Thomas C. Gillmer. War and Trade in the Indian Ocean and the South China Sea, by C. R. Boxer...

MARINER'S MIRROR [THE]. The Journal of the Society for Nautical Research - Volume 72
$20.00 AUD

Society for Nautical Research. Greenwich. 1986. Volume 72, Nos. 1 to 4. Editors: Brian H., & Mrs Cecilia M. Dolley. 504 PP with b/w illustrations (drawings... photos). Nos. 3 & 4 with 19 colour photos. Soft cover. Occasional foxing. Fine. 24 x 17.2.

No. 1: The Royal Navy and the Canadian Dominion, by Barry M. Gough. No. 2: The Chamorro Flying Proa, by Richard Shell. No. 3: Artists and Illustrators in the Early Mapping of North America, by David B. Quinn. Aegean Caiques 1915-1980, by H. M. Denham. No. 4: Surveying Ships of the Royal Navy from Cook to the computer age, by Rear Admiral R. O. Morris. The Aegina Pirate ships of c. BC 1700, by Lucien Basch.

MARINER'S MIRROR [THE]. The Journal of the Society for Nautical Research - Volume 56, No.3
$10.00 AUD

Society for Nautical Research. London. 1970. Volume 56, No. 3, August 1970. (II), 255-364, (2) PP with b/w illustrations, plus 4 pages with 6 b/w photos. Contains article pages 327 to 339. Soft cover. Spine with rubbed patches. Occasional foxing. Old watermarks on lower edge of the 2 plates (not affecting the photos). Very good. 24.5 x 17.

Maritime Art in an Islamic Context: Oculus and Therion in Lamu Ships by A.H.J. Prins. Other articles: The Maintenance of Royal Navy Vessels in the Pacific Ocean, 1825-1875, by John Bach. H. M. Sloop Investigator, by N. T. Geeson and R. T. Sexton...

MARINER'S MIRROR [THE]. The Journal of the Society for Nautical Research - Volume 56, No.3
$10.00 AUD

Society for Nautical Research. London. 1970. Vol. 56, No. 3, August 1970. Edited by Bach, John, Geeson, N. T., & Sexton, R.T. (II), 255-364, (2) PP with b/w illustrations, plus 4 pages with 6 b/w photos. Contains articles from P.259 to 273, and P. 275 to 298 with 1 figure. Soft cover. Foxing. Near fine. 24.5 x 17.

The maintenance of Royal Navy Vessels in the Pacific Ocean, 1825-1875, by John Bach. H.M. Sloop Investigator, by N. T. Geeson & R. T. Sexton.

MARINER'S MIRROR [THE]. The Journal of the Society for Nautical Research - Volume 66, No. 4
$10.00 AUD

Society for Nautical Research. Greenwich. 1980. Volume 66, No. 4, November 1980. Editor: Brian H. Dolley. (4), (II), 289-394 PP with b/w illustrations (drawings... photos). Soft cover. Occasional foxing. Fine. 24 x 17.2.

No. 4: Trafalgar - The Spanish View, by Julian de Zulueta. Nelson's Masks - Life or Death, by R. J. B. Walker. The introduction of Paddle Frigates into the Royal Navy, by E. A. M. Laing.

MARINER'S MIRROR [THE]. The Journal of the Society for Nautical Research - Volume 66, No. 3
$10.00 AUD

Society for Nautical Research. Greenwich. 1980. Volume 66, No. 3, August 1980. Editor: Brian H. Dolley. (8), (II), 181-288 PP with b/w illustrations (drawings... photos), plus 1 folded sheet Feluca Napolitana. Soft cover. Occasional foxing. Fine. 24 x 17.2.

No. 3: An Eighteenth Century Felucca, by G. B. Rubin de Cervin Albrizzi. Chinese batten lug sails, by Christian J. Buys and Sheli O. Smith. An American topsail schooner, by Thomas C. Gillmer...

MARINER'S MIRROR [THE]. The Journal of the Society for Nautical Research - Volume 66, No. 2
$10.00 AUD

Society for Nautical Research. Greenwich. 1980. Volume 66, No. 2, May 1980. Editor: Brian H. Dolley. (20), (II), 97-182 PP with b/w illustrations (drawings... photos). Soft cover. Occasional foxing. Fine. 24 x 17.2.

No. 2: The Battle of Jutland, by Admiral of the Fleet The Earl Mountbatten of Burma. The Rebuilding of British Warships 1690-1740 (Part II), by Brian Lavery. Changes to the Waterfront at Dartmouth 1000-1970, by Mark Martin.

MARINER'S MIRROR [THE]. The Journal of the Society for Nautical Research - Volume 67, No. 4
$10.00 AUD

Society for Nautical Research. Greenwich. 1981. Volume 67, No. 4, November, 1981. Editors: Brian H., & Mrs Cecilia Dolley. (6), 317 -412 PP with b/w illustrations (drawings... photos). Soft cover. Occasional foxing. Brief note at lower part of front cover and in the margin of prelim page, o/wise very good. 24 x 17.2.

No. 4: George Canning and the Battle of Camperdown, by P. K. Crimmin. Admiral Sir Richard Onslow, by R. D. Franks. The Battle of Fatshan Creek (near Canton in 1857), by James A. Boutilier. H.M.S. Condor is missing, by Jenifer Faulkner.

MARINER'S MIRROR [THE]. The Journal of the Society for Nautical Research - Volume 56, No. 2
$10.00 AUD

Society for Nautical Research. Greenwich. 1970. Volume 56, No. 2, May 1970. Editor: Captain T. D. Manning. (II), 129-253, (5) PP with b/w illustrations (drawings... photos), plus 2 b/w plates. Soft cover. Spine rubbed. Occasional foxing. Fine. 24 x 17.2.

No. 2: Manning the English Merchant Service, by G. V. Scammell. The Condemnation of the Privateer, by David Syrett. The Royal Canadian Navy, by Malcolm Mac Leod. The Foundering of H.M.S. Ramillies, by K. Breen. Guernsey Privateers, by H. C. Timewell. Lodestone and Sunstone in Medieval Iceland, by Bruce E. Gelsinger.

MARINER'S MIRROR [THE]. The Journal of the Society for Nautical Research - Volume 56, No. 1
$10.00 AUD

Society for Nautical Research. Greenwich. 1970. Volume 56, No. 1, January 1970. Editor: Captain T. D. Manning. (IV), 128 PP with b/w illustrations (drawings... photos), plus 2 b/w plates. Soft cover. Spine rubbed. Occasional foxing. Fine. 24 x 17.2.

No. 1: Maturing of Naval Administration 1556-1564, by Tom Glasgow. The Algerian Attack on Baltimore (south-west of Cork, Ireland) 1631, by Henry Barnby. Lieutenant T. E. L. Moore and the voyage of Pagoda 1845, by A. G. E. Jones. British Surveys in the Chagos Archipelago, by William A. Spray. ...

MARINER'S MIRROR [THE]. The Journal of the Society for Nautical Research - Volume 55, No. 1
$10.00 AUD

Society for Nautical Research. Greenwich. 1969. Volume 55, No. 1, January 1969. Editor: Captain T. D. Manning. (VI), 112, (28 Index and Contents Volume 54) PP with b/w illustrations (drawings... photos), plus 1 b/w plate. Soft cover. Spine rubbed. Occasional foxing. Fine. 24 x 17.2.

No. 1: Custom House Ship Registers, by Graham Farr... The Voyage of the Pitt - a turning point in East India Navigation, by R. P. Crowhurst. A short history of Whaling in Bermuda, by Edward F. Schortman...

MARINER'S MIRROR [THE]. The Journal of the Society for Nautical Research - Volume 55, No. 2
$10.00 AUD

Society for Nautical Research. Greenwich. 1969. Volume 55, No. 2, May 1969. Editor: Captain T. D. Manning. (VI), 113- 224 PP with b/w illustrations (drawings... photos), plus 8 b/w plates. Soft cover. Spine rubbed. Occasional foxing. Fine. 24 x 17.2.

No. 2: Pilot Gigs of Cornwall and the Isles of Scilly, by R. H. C. Gillis. Phoenician Oared Ships (Part I), by Lucien Basch. ...

MARINER'S MIRROR [THE]. The Journal of the Society for Nautical Research - Volume 55, No. 3
$10.00 AUD

Society for Nautical Research. Greenwich. 1969. Volume 55, No. 3, August 1969. Editor: Captain T. D. Manning. (IV), 225-354 PP with b/w illustrations (drawings... photos), plus 6 b/w plates. Soft cover (front cover soiled). Spine rubbed. Occasional foxing. Fine. 24 x 17.2.

No. 3: A Netherlands Naval College in Java, by Lieutenant-Commander F. C. van Oosten. Phoenician Oared Ships (Part II), by Lucien Basch. The Capture of Manila 1762, by Nicholas Tracy......

MARINER'S MIRROR [THE]. The Journal of the Society for Nautical Research - Volume 92
$20.00 AUD

Society for Nautical Research. Greenwich. 2006. Volume 92, Nos. 1 to 4 + Bibliography. 536, (8 title and contents) PP with b/w illustrations (drawings... photos). Bibliography 48 PP. Soft cover. Fine. 24 x 17.2.

MARINER'S MIRROR [THE]. The Journal of the Society for Nautical Research - Volume 86, No. 1
$10.00 AUD

Society for Nautical Research. Greenwich. 2000. Volume 86, No. 1, February 2000. 128 PP with b/w illustrations (drawings and photos). Soft cover. Faint water damages on lower margin. Near fine. 24 x 17.2.

No. 1: The mysterious HULC, by Basil Greenhill. Whipstaff and Helmsman, by Olof Pipping. The model of La Légère, by Alexander Dobrenko and Ann Palmer.

MARINER'S MIRROR [THE]. The Journal of the Society for Nautical Research - Volume 86, No. 3
$10.00 AUD

Society for Nautical Research. Greenwich. 2000. August 2000. 257-384 PP with b/w illustrations (drawings and photos). Soft cover. Fine. 24 x 17.2.

No. 3: The Basque Whalers, by Julian de Zulueta. Latouche-Tréville, by Rémi Monaque. ... The inglorious end of the Glorious, by James Levy.

MARINER'S MIRROR [THE] - The International Journal of the Society for Nautical Research - Index to Volumes 86-90 (2000-2004)
$10.00 AUD

Society for Nautical Research. Greenwich. 2006. 8th Cumulative Index. 96 PP. Compiled by M. FORDER. Soft cover. Fine. 24 x 17.2.

$5.00 AUD

Society for Nautical Research. Greenwich. 2010. Bibliography for 2009 compiledby Karen PARTRIDGE. 56 PP. Soft cover. Fine. 24 x 17.2.

MARINER'S MIRROR [THE] - The International Journal of the Society for Nautical Research - Index to Volumes 71-75 (1985-1989)
$10.00 AUD

Society for Nautical Research. Greenwich. 1990. 5th Cumulative Index. (2), 62 PP. Compiled by Cecilia M. DOLLEY. Soft cover. Fine. 24 x 17.2.

MARINER'S MIRROR [THE] - The Journal of the Society for Nautical Research - Index to Volumes 81-85 (1995-1999)
$10.00 AUD

Society for Nautical Research. Greenwich. 2000. 7th Cumulative Index. (2), 118 PP. Compiled by J.H. PARGITER. Soft cover. Fine. 24 x 17.2.

MARINER'S MIRROR [THE]. The Journal of the Society for Nautical Research - Volume 91, No. 1
$10.00 AUD

Society for Nautical Research. Greenwich. 2005. Volume 91, No. 1, February 2005. Edited by Richard Harding. 128 PP with b/w illustrations (drawings... photos). Soft cover. Fine. 24 x 17.2.

Volume 91, No. 1: Surgeons on British Whale-Ships, by Martin H. Evans. Keppel at Algiers, by David Syrett. ... Medical Disease in the Merchant navies of the world, by G. C. Cook. ...

MARINER'S MIRROR [THE]. The Journal of the Society for Nautical Research - Volume 91, No. 3
$10.00 AUD

Society for Nautical Research. Greenwich. 2005. Volume 91, No. 3, August 2005. Edited by Richard Harding. 385-512 PP with b/w illustrations (drawings... photos). Soft cover. Fine. 24 x 17.2.

Volume 91, No. 3: From private to official Hydrography ..., by Susanna Fisher. ... The First Fleet Victory since Trafalgar': the Battle of Cape Matapan, by L. Johnman and H. Murphy

MARINER'S MIRROR [THE]. The Journal of the Society for Nautical Research - Volume 91, No. 4
$10.00 AUD

Society for Nautical Research. Greenwich. 2005. Volume 91, No. 4, November 2005. Edited by Richard Harding. 513-640 PP with b/w illustrations (drawings... photos). Soft cover. Fine. 24 x 17.2.

Volume 91, No. 4: ... Watering the Fleet, by Elizabeth Diamond and K.T.H. Farrar. ... More bang for a bob: the Decision to "Go Nuclear" and its impact on Chatham Dockyard, by Emma Haxhaj.

$30.00 AUD

Society for Nautical Research. Greenwich. 2011. Volume 97, No. 1, February 2011. Centenary Issue edited by Hugh Murphy. 398, (2) PP with b/w illustrations (drawings... photos), plus 16 plates with 5 b/w and 19 colour. Pictorial card cover. Fine. 24 x 17.2.

21 papers on 8 subjects: The Society for Nautical Research, 2 papers. Maritime Archaeology: 3 papers. Sailing ships and technology: 2 papers.

MARINER'S MIRROR [THE], The International Quarterly Journal of the Society for Nautical Research - Volume 97, No. 2)
$10.00 AUD

Society for Nautical Research. Greenwich. 2011. Volume 97, No. 2, May 2011. Edited by Hugh Murphy. 110, (2) PP with tables and b/w illustrations. Pictorial soft cover. Fine. 24 x 17.2.

The Society for Nautical Research Annual Lecture 2010, by Richard Harding. The 1st Alan Villiers Memorial Lecture: "Naval Capability in the Early Modern Period", by Jeremy Black. ...

MARINER'S MIRROR [THE], The International Quarterly Journal of the Society for Nautical Research - Volume 97, No. 3)
$10.00 AUD

Society for Nautical Research. Greenwich. 2011. Volume 97, No. 3, August 2011. Edited by Hugh Murphy. 113-270, (2) PP with tables and b/w illustrations. Pictorial soft cover. Fine. 24 x 17.2.

The Pechili Trader: A hull lines plan, by Michael Trimming. ... South Korea's ascent in the shipbuilding Industry, 1970-1990, by Lars Bruno & Stig Tenold. ...

MARINER'S MIRROR [THE], The International Quarterly Journal of the Society for Nautical Research - Volume 97, No. 4)
$10.00 AUD

Society for Nautical Research. Greenwich. 2011. Volume 97, No. 4, November 2011. Edited by Hugh Murphy. 270-398, (2) PP with tables and b/w illustrations. Pictorial soft cover. Fine. 24 x 17.2.

William Campbell and the Harrington: Privateering in Chilean Waters in 1804, by Michael Ellery

MARINER'S MIRROR [THE], The International Quarterly Journal of the Society for Nautical Research - Volume 98
$40.00 AUD

Society for Nautical Research. Greenwich. 2012. Volume 98, No. 1, February 2012 to No. 4, November 2012. Edited by Hugh Murphy. 528, (8 contents) PP with tables and b/w illustrations. Pictorial soft cover. Fine. 24 x 7.2.

No. 1: SNR Annual Lecture 2011: HMS Trioncomalee, by Captain David Smith. The Jade Gragon Wreck, Sabah, East Malaysia, by Michael Flecker. No. 2: A Social History of Mersey watermen, by Michael Stammers. No. 3: A winter in Yalong Bay (South coast of Hainan Island), by Stephen Davies. No. 4: Depiction of Indo-Arabic ships on an Eighteenth-century Sea Chart, by Norbert Weismann.

MARINER'S MIRROR [THE], The International Quarterly Journal of the Society for Nautical Research - Volume 99, No. 2
$10.00 AUD

Society for Nautical Research. Greenwich. 2013. May 2013. Edited by Martin Bellamy. 129-254, (2) PP with tables and b/w illustrations. Pictorial soft cover. Fine. 24 x 17.2.

Obituaries: Michael K. Stammers. ... Decline of Antarctic Whaling Industry, by Bjorn L. Basberg.

MARINER'S MIRROR [THE], The International Quarterly Journal of the Society for Nautical Research - Volume 99, No. 1
$10.00 AUD

Society for Nautical Research. Greenwich. 2013. Volume 99, No. 1, February 2013. Edited by Martin Bellamy. 124, (4) PP with tables and b/w illustrations. Pictorial soft cover. Fine. 24 x 17.2.

Third Alan Villiers Memorial Lecture: The Naval War of 1812, by John B. Hattendorf. ... The transition from Hemp to Chain Cable, by John Harland.

$5.00 AUD

Society for Nautical Research. Greenwich. 2012. Bibliography for 2010 compiled by Karen PARTRIDGE. 54 PP. Soft cover. Fine. 24 x 17.2.

$5.00 AUD

Society for Nautical Research. Greenwich. 2007. Bibliography for 2005 compiled by M.S. & K.E. PARTRIDGE. 36 PP. Soft cover. Fine. 24 x 17.2.

$5.00 AUD

Society for Nautical Research. Greenwich. 2006. Bibliography for 2004 compiled by M.S. & K.E. PARTRIDGE. 24 PP. Soft cover. Fine. 24 x 17.2.

$5.00 AUD

Society for Nautical Research. Greenwich. 2005. Bibliography for 2004 compiled by M.S. & K.E. PARTRIDGE. 36 PP. Soft cover. Fine. 24 x 17.2.

$5.00 AUD

Society for Nautical Research. Greenwich. 1993. Bibliography for 1992 compiled by D.G. LAW, M.S. & K.E. PARTRIDGE, and M. SHEPHARD. 30 PP. Soft cover. Fine. 24 x 17.2.

MARINER'S MIRROR [THE] - The International Journal of the Society for Nautical Research - Index to Volumes 56-65
$10.00 AUD

Society for Nautical Research. Greenwich. 1981. 3rd Cumulative Index. (6), 96 PP. Compiled by Elizabeth ROLFE. Soft cover, illustrated front cover. Occasional foxing. Very good. 24 x 17.2.

MARINER'S MIRROR [THE] - The International Journal of the Society for Nautical Research - Index to Volumes 36-55
$15.00 AUD

Society for Nautical Research. Greenwich. 1974. 2nd Cumulative Index. 188 PP. Compiled by Elizabeth ROLFE. Soft wrappers, illustrated front. Covers lightly soiled, and with small piece missing at lower corner of the front cover. Stamp of previous owner on half title page. Occasional foxing. Very good. 24 x 17.2.

MARINER'S MIRROR [THE] - The International Journal of the Society for Nautical Research - Index to Volumes 1-35
$15.00 AUD

Society for Nautical Research. Greenwich. 1955. Original Cumulative Index. (4), 183 PP. Compiled by R. C. ANDERSON. Soft wrappers, illustrated front. Covers lightly soiled and chipped and reinforced. Ex Library copy with stamps on front cover, recto/verso of title page and back cover. Occasional foxing. Very good. 24 x 17.2.

$5.00 AUD

Society for Nautical Research. Greenwich. 2003. Bibliography for 2001 compiled by M.S. & K.E. PARTRIDGE. 32 PP. Soft cover. Fine. 24 x 17.2.

$5.00 AUD

Society for Nautical Research. Greenwich. 2002. Bibliography for 2001 compiled by M.S. & K.E. PARTRIDGE. 40 PP. Soft cover. Fine. 24 x 17.2.

MARINER'S MIRROR [THE] - The Journal of the Society for Nautical Research - Volume 50, 1964
$20.00 AUD

Society for Nautical Research. Greenwich. 1964. Volume 50, Nos. 1 to 4. Edited by Captain T. D. Manning. (XX), 336 PP with b/w illustrations (drawings and photos). Soft cover. Fine. 24 x 17.2.

No. 1: The African Guano Trade, by Robert Craig. No. 3: The Voyage of the Pandora's Tender, by H. E. Maude. No. 4: John Biscoe (1794-1843), by A. G. E. Jones.

MARINER'S MIRROR [THE]. The Journal of the Society for Nautical Research - Volume 61, No. 1
$5.00 AUD

Society for Nautical Research. Greenwich. 1975. Volume 61, No. 1, February 1975. Editors: Professor C. C. Lloyd & Brian H. Dolley. (4), (2), 106 PP with b/w illustrations. Soft cover. Library stamp on covers and first leaf Near fine. 24 x 17.2.

No. 1 - Note on Alan J. Villiers retirement from the Presidency of S.N.R.;; The design of the "Inconstant", by N.A.M. Rodger. An old Whitby collier, by A. F. Humble.

MARINER'S MIRROR [THE]. The Journal of the Society for Nautical Research - Volume 61, No. 4
$5.00 AUD

Society for Nautical Research. Greenwich. 1975. Volume 61, No. 4, November 1975. Editors: Professor C. C. Lloyd & Brian H. Dolley. (4), (2), 319- 424 PP with b/w illustrations, plus 4 plates with 5 b/w photos. Soft cover. Fine. 24 x 17.2.

No. 4 - The dark age of the Admiralty, by N.A.M. Rodger. Spanish Armada Guns, by I.A.A. Thompson.

MARINER'S MIRROR [THE]. The Journal of the Society for Nautical Research - Volume 62 - No. 1
$10.00 AUD

Society for Nautical Research. Greenwich. 1976. Volume 62, No. 1, February 1976. Editors: Professor C. C. Lloyd & Brian H. Dolley. (8), (2), 106 PP with b/w illustrations (drawings... photos), plus 4 plates with 10 b/w photos. Soft cover. Occasional foxing. Fine. 24 x 17.2.

No. 1 Traditional British Boatbuilding methods, by Eric McKee. The Dark Ages of the Admiralty (part II), by N. A. M. Rodger. Admiral Ballard's Memoirs (part II). Naval Blockmaking, by Gregory Clark. British Ports of Call in the Nineteenth century, by W. E. Minchinton...

MARINER'S MIRROR [THE]. The Journal of the Society for Nautical Research - Volume 63, No. 3
$10.00 AUD

Society for Nautical Research. Greenwich. 1977. Volume 63, No. 3, August 1977. Editors: Professor C. C. Lloyd & Brian H. Dolley. (10), (2), 205-302 PP with b/w illustrations (drawings... photos), plus 6 plates with 8 b/w illustrations. Soft cover. Near fine. 24 x 17.2.

No. 3 - Broughton's Schooner and the Bounty Mutineers, by Andrew C.F. David.

MARINER'S MIRROR [THE]. The Journal of the Society for Nautical Research - Volume 90, No.1
$10.00 AUD

Society for Nautical Research. Greenwich. 2004. Volume 90, No. 1, February 2004. Edited by Profesor Richard Harding. 128 PP with b/w illustrations (drawings and photos). Soft cover. Fine. 24 x 17.2.

No. 1: The Greek sewn shipbuilding tradition, by Yaacov Kahanov & Patrice Pomey. ...

MARINER'S MIRROR [THE]. The Journal of the Society for Nautical Research - Volume 61, No. 2
$5.00 AUD

Society for Nautical Research. Greenwich. 1975. Volume 61, No. 2, May 1975. Editors: Professor C. C. Lloyd & Brian H. Dolley. (12), (6), 107-212 PP with b/w illustrations, plus 4 plates with 6 b/w illustrations. Soft cover. Library stamp on covers and first leaf. Very good. 24 x 17.2.

No. 2: Four Dordrecht ships of the 16th Century, by Richard W. Unger. The stranding of the S.S. Great Britain in Dundrun Bay, by E.C.B. Corlett. The First English Frigates, by Robert Gardiner.

DIVING THE CUMBERLAND (in Australian Geographic, No. 77, Jan-Mar 2005)
$10.00 AUD

Australian Geographic. Sydney. 2005. 128 PP. Contains article from P. 80 to 87 with 4 b/w photos and 14 colour illustrations (1 map, 1 painting by Mike Golding, and 12 photos). Illustrated soft cover. Fine. 27.8 x 21.

Dive on the wreck of the Twin Screw Steamer Cumberland sunk after hiting a mine laid by the German Raider "Wolf", on the 6th of July 1917.

LIFELINE TO OUR FAR NORTH (in Australian Geographic No. 33, January/March 1994)
$10.00 AUD

Australian Geographic Society. Sydney. 1994. Contains article from P. 84 to 97 with 2 maps and 21 colour photos. Pictorial soft cover. Fine. 27.8 x 21.

Transport of goods by sea between Cairns and Thursday Island, Torres Strait.

SIX ACROSS ANTARCTICA (in National Geographic Magazine)
$10.00 AUD

NGS Washington. 1990. Volume 178, No. 5, November 1990. Contains article from P. 66 to 95 with 2 maps and 30 colour photos. Pictorial soft cover. Fine. 25.4 x 17.5.

A 3700 treck from the tip of the Antarctic Peninsula to the Russian base of Mirnyy, via the South Pole.

STOCK, Ralph
THE DREAM SHIP (in National Geographic Magazine)
$10.00 AUD

National Geographic Society. Washington. 1921. Vol. XXXiX, No. 1, January 1921. Issue with 110 PP. Article pages 1 to 52 with 1 map and 43 b/w photos. Issue cloth bound. Lower part of spine damaged on 7 cms. Very good. 25.5 x 17.7.

The story of a voyage of adventure more than half around the world in a 47-foot lifeboat: ... Galapagos, Marquesas, Tuamotus, Tahiti ... ending in Tonga. ...Thursday Island.

THOMAS, Marjory C.
$10.00 AUD

National Geographic Society. Washington. 1950. Volume XCVII, No.1, July 1950. P.121 to 140 with 1 map & 15 b/w photos. Soft cover. Very good. 25.4 x 17.5.

THE ISLANDS OF THE PACIFIC (in National Geographic Magazine)
$10.00 AUD

National Geographic Society. Washington. 1921. Article pulled out from Volume XL, No. 6, December 1921. Pages 543 to 558 with 15 b/w photos. Soft cover. Very good. 25.5 x 17.6.

THURBER, Lieutenant H.R.
COLLARIN' CAPE COD - Experiences on Board a U.S. Navy Destroyer in a Wild Winter Storm (In National Geographic Magazine, Volume XLVIII, No. 4)
$10.00 AUD

National Geograhic Society. Washington. 1925. Article pulled out from Vol. XLVIII, No. 4, October 1925. 427-472 PP with 46 b/w photos. Plastic covers, clear front, spiral bound. Few pages with repaired tears. Library stamps on top margin of 12 pages (not affecting text or photos). Very good. 25.4 x 17.5.

TURNER, Turner & SOLNESS, Peter
PARAGUAYAN AUSSIES (in Geo Australasia Volume 9, No.1, March-May 1987)
$10.00 AUD

Australasia's Geographical Magazine. Sydney. 1987. 122 PP. Includes article P. 24 to 37 with 1 location map, 8 b/w and 13 colour photos. Pictorial soft cover. Near fine. 27.5 x 20.2.

Australians of the 1890s, in search of Utopia.

TYREE, Rear Admiral David M.
NEW ERA IN THE LONELIEST CONTINENT (in National Geographic Magazine, Volume 123, No.2, 1963)
$10.00 AUD

National Geographic Society. Washington. 1963. Volume 123, No. 2, February 1963. Contains article from P. 260 to 298 with 4 colour illustrations (artist impressions) and 43 colour photos. Pictorial soft cover. Very good. 25.4 x 17.4

LOST GOLD: Bounty from a Civil War ship, S.S. Republic (in National Geographic Magazine)
$5.00 AUD

N.G.S. Washington. 2004. Volume 206, No. 3, September 2004. 136 PP. Contains article from P. 108 to 127 & 134/135 with 1 map and colour illustrations (artwork by Jon Foster and photos by Jonathan Blair). Pictorial soft cover. Very good. 25.4 x 17.5.

Sunk 1865 off the coast of Georgia.

VESILIND, Priit J. & KLESIUS, Michael
IN SEARCH OF VIKING / MYSTERY SHIP FROM A DANISH BOG (in National Geographic Magazine - Volume 197, No.5)
$15.00 AUD

National Geographic Society. Washington. 2000. May 2000. Contains 2 articles from P. 2 to 35 with 2 maps and 24 colour photos by Sisse Brimberg. Pictorial soft cover. Fine. 25.5 x 17.4.

Viking seafarers: from the Gulf of St Lawrence to the Aral Sea / Oar powered vessel of the Scandinavian raiders.

THE CAPE HORN GRAIN-SHIP RACE (in National Geographic Magazine, Volume LXIII, No. 1, 1933)
$10.00 AUD

National Geographic Society. Washington. 1933. Volume LXIII, No.1, January 1933. Contains article between P.1 and 39 with 38 b/w photos (13 on full page). Soft cover. Covers soiled. Stamp on front cover and top of page 25. Spine rubbed. Internally very good. 25.5 x 17.5.

Grain race of 1932 between the Parma, the Pamir and the Herzogin Cecilie.

ENGLAND'S SCILLIES, THE FLOWERING ISLES (in National Geographic Magazine, Volume 132, No.1, 1967)
$10.00 AUD

National Geographic Society. Washington. 1967. Contains article between P.126 and 145 with 2 maps and 26 colour photos. Pictorial soft cover. Near fine. 25.4 x 17.5.

Archipelago off the South West corner of Cornwall.

SHIPS THROUGH THE AGES: A Saga of the Sea (in National Geographic, Volume 123, No. 4, 1963)
$15.00 AUD

National Geographic Society. Washington. 1963. Volume 123, No. 4, April 1963. Contains article between pages 494 and 545 with 22 b/w and 32 colour illustrations. Pictorial soft cover. Very good. 25.4 x 17.5.

Evolution of the ship: from drifting log to nuclear powered freighter. From tribal cataraman to transatlantic liners and 100,000 tons tankers.

WALES, LAND OF BARDS [In National Geographic Magazine - Volume 127, No.6]
$10.00 AUD

National Geographic Society. Washington. 1965. June 1965. Contains article between P.727 and 769 with 2 maps & 41 colour photos by Thomas Nebbia. Pictorial soft cover. Near fine. 25.2 x 17.4.

SCOTLAND FROM HER LOVELY LOCHS AND SEAS (in National Geographic Magazine, Volume 119, No. 4, 1961)
$10.00 AUD

National Geographic Society. Washington. 1961. N.G.S. Vol. 119, No.4, April 1961. Contains article between pages 492 and 541 with 2 maps & 48 colour photos by Robert F. Sisson. Very good. 25.4 x 17.4.

Voyage on the Yacht Cristoden through the lochs of Scotland and the outer Hebrides Islands.

THE ALICE IN AUSTRALIA'S WONDERLAND (in National Geographic Magazine - Volume 129, No 2, February 1966)
$10.00 AUD

National Geographic Society. Washington. 1966. Contains article between P. 230 and 257 with 2 maps and 31 colour photos. Pictorial soft cover. Spine reinforced, o/wise very good. 25.4 x 17.5.

Alice Springs, Northern Territory of Australia.

MAGELLAN. A Voyage into the Unknown Changed Man's Understanding of his World (in National Geographic Magazine - Volume 149, No.6, June 1976)
$10.00 AUD

National Geographic Society. Washington. 1976. June 1976. Contains article between pages 720 and 753 with 2 maps, 1 b/w and 30 colour Illustrations. Pictorial soft cover. Very good. 25.4 x 17.5.

Magellan and the first voyage around the world.

THE MARVELOUS MALDIVE ISLANDS [in National Geographic Magazine, Volume CXI, No. 6, 1957]
$10.00 AUD

National Geographic Society. Washington. 1957. Volume CXI, No.6, June 1957. Includes article from P.829-849 with 1 map, 2 b/w & 18 colour photos by author. Soft cover. Very good. 25.5 x 17.5.

Discovery voyage through a little-known (at the time) sultanate of the Indian Ocean, straddling the equator. 8 photos of baggala.

HOW WE SAILED THE NEW MAYFLOWER TO AMERICA (in National Geographic Magazine, Volume CXII, No. 5, 1957)
$10.00 AUD

National Geographic Society. Washington. 1957. Volume CXII, No. 5, Nov. 1957. Includes article from P.627-672 with 1 map and 2 insets, 10 b/w and 25 colour photos, but not the supplement painting. Soft covers with repairs. Very good. 25.4 x 17.4.

Why did Mayflower II take the long Southern route? What were the risks she ran? Her skipper reveals the answers.

THE NETHERLANDS: Nation at War With the Sea [in National Geographic Magazine - Volume 133, No.4]
$10.00 AUD

National Geographic Society. Washington. 1968. April 1968. Contains article between pages 530 and 571 with 2 plans, 5 maps, 2 b/w & 43 colour photos. Pictorial soft cover. Very good. 25.4 x 17.5.

GOLDEN BEACHES OF PORTUGAL [in National Geographic Magazine - Volume CVI, No.5]
$10.00 AUD

National Geographic Society. Washington. 1954. Vol. CVI, No. 5, November 1954. Article from P. 673 to 696 with 2 maps, 12 b/w and 12 colour photos. Card cover. Near fine. 25.4 x 17.5.

With the shore-based fishermen of the coast of Portugal.

HOW WE SAILED THE NEW MAYFLOWER TO AMERICA [in National Geographic Magazine]
$20.00 AUD

National Geographic Society. Washington. 1957. Volume CXII, No. 5, Nov. 1957. Includes article from P. 627-674 with 35 illustrations (25 in colour), plus the Special Supplement Painting of Mayflower II, by Hervey Garrett Smith. Soft cover, spine lightly rubbed. Scarce copy with the Supplement. Very good. 25.4 x 17.4.

Why did Mayflower II take the long Southern route? What were the risks she ran? Her skipper reveals the answers.

UNDER CANVAS IN THE ATOMIC AGE (National Geographic, Volume CVIII, No. 6, 1955)
$10.00 AUD

National Geographic Society. Washington. 1955. Vol. CVIII, No. 1, July 1955. Includes article from P. 49 to 84 with 1 map and 3 insets, 5 b/w photos and 33 colour photos. Very good. 25.2 x 17.5.

United States Coast Guard Cadets Crew the square-rigged Yankee Bark "Eagle" for training.

AUSTRALIA: Vigorous Young Nation & Strange Animals of Australia [National Geographic Magazine - Volume 124, No.3, 1963]
$20.00 AUD

National Geographic Society. Washington. 1963. Volume 124, No. 3, September 1963. Contains 2 articles. No. 1: pages 309 and 387, in two parts: Part I: The West and the South, Part II: The Settled East, the Barrier Reef, the Center with colour illustrations (1 flag and 91 photos). No. 2: pages 388 to 411 with 4 b/w and 32 colour photos. Pictorial soft covers. Lacks the folded map called for. Very good. 25.5 x 17.5.

Australia: Tasmania, Cygnet, Wilson's Boatyard (Page 356 to 364).

COWES TO CORNWALL: A Cruise Down the English Channel (in National Geographic Magazine - Volume 120, No.2, 1961)
$10.00 AUD

National Geographic Society. Washington. 1961. Volume 120, No.2 , August, 1961. Contains article between P.149 and 201 with 2 maps 3 b/w & 63 colour photos. Pictorial soft cover. Very good. 25.4 x 17.4.

Sailor's log of a channel cruise on the Ketch Tectona.

VILLIERS, Alan & KEMP, Weston
THE AGE OF SAIL LIVES ON AT MYSTIC (in National Geographic Magazine - Volume 134, No.2, 1968)
$10.00 AUD

National Geographic Society. Washington. 1968. Contains article between pages 220 and 239 with 1 plan, 1 map, 2 b/w and 13 colour photos. Pictorial soft cover. Near fine. 25.4 x 17.5.

Mystic Seaport Museum, in Connecticut.

VILLIERS, Alan & STEWART, B. Anthony
$10.00 AUD

National Geographic Society. Washington. 1957. Volume III, No.5 - May 1957. Pages 708-728 with 16 b/w photos & 1 map. Soft cover. Spine repaired with clear plastic tape. Very good. 25.4 x 17.5.

Construction by Britishers of a new pilgrim ship to sail across the Atlantic as a gift to all Americans.

VILLIERS, Alan & STEWART, B. Anthony
WE'RE COMING OVER ON THE MAYFLOWER (in National Geographic Magazine, Volume CXI, No.5, 1957)
$5.00 AUD

National Geographic Society. Washington. 1957. Volume CXI, No.5 - May 1957. Article between pages 708 and 728 with 1 map and 16 b/w photos. Copy lacking the front cover. Very good. 25.4 x 17.5.

Construction by Britishers of a new pilgrim ship to sail across the Atlantic as a gift to all Americans.

VILLIERS, Alan & TAYLOR, Alexander
BY FULL-RIGGED SHIP TO DENMARK'S FAIRYLAND ( National Geographic, Volume CVIII, No. 6, 1955)
$10.00 AUD

National Geographic Society. Washington. 1955. Volume CVIII, No.6, December 1955. Includes article from P. 809 to 828 with 2 maps, 3 b/w photos and 25 colour photos. Very good. 25.2 x 17.5.

Von Der PORTEN, Edward
THE HANSEATIC LEAGUE [in National Geographic Magazine, Volume 186, No.4, 1994]
$15.00 AUD

National Geographic Society. Washington. 1994. Volume 186, No. 4, October 1994. Contains articles P. 56 to 79 with 1 map, 3 b/w woodcuts, and 14 colour photos by Sisse Brimberg. Pictorial soft cover. Fine. 25.4 x 17.5.

Hanseatic towns of Lübeck, Hamburg, Rostock, Bremen... and their trade in the North Sea and Baltic Sea.

WARD, Fred
THE PEARL (in National Geographic Magazine, Vol. 168, N. 2)
$10.00 AUD

N.G.S. Washington. 1985. Volume 168, No. 2, August 1985. Includes article from P. 193 to 223 with 1 b/w and 35 colour photos. Pictorial soft cover. Very good. 25.4 x 17.5.

EARTHWATCH ON MATAIREA HILL (in GEO, Australia's Geographical Magazine)
$10.00 AUD

Australasia's Geographical Magazine / The Rigby Group. Sydney. 1979. Volume 2, No. 2, 1979. 138 PP. Includes article from P.102 to 115 with colour illustrations (3 maps and 12 photos). Pictorial soft cover. Fine. 28 x 20.3.

Dr Yosihiko Sinoto, and Earthwatch Project on the ruins of Matairea Hill, Huahine Island.

WHELAN, Howard
SEARCH FOR THE BEAGLE ANCHORS (in Australian Geographic, Issue No. 38, April-June 1995)
$5.00 AUD

Australian Geographic Society. Sydney. 1995. Contains article from P.104 to 115 with 2 maps, 1 b/w illust. and 24 colour photos. Pictorial soft cover. Fine. 27.6 x 21.

Anchors lost in November 1839 by the Beagle, at Holdfast Reach, Victoria River, Northern Territory.

WHELAN, Howard
OUR FAVOURITE PLACES: Portland Roads - The Nullarbor - Cooper Creek - Cobourg Peninsula, Sweers Island - Mount Wellington (in Australian Geographic, Special edition)
$10.00 AUD

Australian Geographic Society. Sydney. 2000. 128 PP with b/w and 24 colour illustrations. Pictorial soft cover. Fine. 27.6 x 21.

Cooper Creek Life, by Ken Eastwood. ... Sweers Island by Lyn Battle. ...

WHELAN, Howard
RAINE ISLAND - SPECK OF LIFE IN THE CORAL SEA [in Australian Geographic, No. 26, April-June 1992]
$10.00 AUD

A.G.S. Sydney. 1992. 128 PP. Contains article pages 30 to 55 with 2 b/w photos and colour illustrations (1 map, 2 paintings & 39 photos), plus 1 folded plate with 2 maps and 9 artworks by Catherine Bone on the recto and 2 colour photos on the verso. Pictorial soft cover. Fine. 27.8 x 21.

Raine Island: Australia's greatest tropical seabird nesting site.

WHELAN, Howard
FROM CRADLE TO NARCISSUS, Tasmania's Overland Track [in Australian Geographic, No. 29, January-March 1993]
$15.00 AUD

A.G.S. Sydney. 1993. Contains article from P. 32 to P.55 with colour photos and the large folded poster with the map and information on the history, etc. Pictorial soft cover. Fine. 27.8 x 21.

Also includes: The Wreck of the Sirius, by Graeme Henderson, The Phone goes Bush by Ken Brass, Circling Everest by Dick Smith, The Lure of the Barramundi by Rory McGuinness..

WHELAN, Howard (editor)
WILDLIFE - Selected Stories and Photographs (in Australian Geographic - Special edition "Wildlife", in the "Best of" series)
$10.00 AUD

Australian Geographic Society. Sydney. 1998. 128 PP with b/w or colour illustrations, plus 2 folded plates. Pictorial soft cover. Fine. 27.8 x 21.

WHITE, Dr. Paul D. & MATTHEWS, Samuel W.
HUNTING THE HEARTBEAT OF A WHALE (in National Geographic Magazine)
$10.00 AUD

NGS. Washington. 1956. Volume CX, No.1, July 1956. 140, (24 adverts) PP. Contains article from P.49 to 64 with 2 maps, 2 b/w and 13 colour photos. Soft cover. Near fine. 25.5 x 17.5.

A Scientific expedition sails a lonely Mexican lagoon in search of clues ...

WHITE, Peter T.
SOUTH VIET NAM FIGHTS THE RED TIDE [in National Geographic Magazine, Vol. 120, No.4, 1961]
$20.00 AUD

National Geographic Society. Washington. 1961. October 1961. 445-592 PP with b/w and colour illustrations. Contains article P. 445 to 489 with 40 colour photos by W. E. Garrett. Soft covers, pictorial front.. Near fine. 25.5 x 17.5.

WOOD, Danielle
THE SHIPWRECK COAST (in Australian Geographic No. 87, July-September 2007)
$10.00 AUD

The Australian Geographic Society. Sydney. 2007. 144 PP with b/w and colour illustrations, plus 1 folded map of The Great Ocean Road. Contains article between pages 54 and 65 with 1 folded map (in colour), 14 b/w and 21 colour illustrations. Pictorial soft cover. Fine. 27.8 x 21.

WOODBURN, M. Kathleen
NIUAFOOU / Tin Can Island - Tonga Islands (in Walkabout Magazine)
$10.00 AUD

Australian National Publicity Association. Melbourne. 1946 Volume 13, No. 1, November 1946. Contains article P. 17 to 20 with b/w illustrations: 1 sketch map, 1 sketch and 3 photos and 4 b/w photos. Pictorial soft cover. Very good. 30.5 x 24.

Atoll in the northern part of Tonga. Tin Can Island.. Other article: Scheelite (or Calcium Tungstate) from King Island.

ADMIRAL LORD NELSON'S FATAL VICTORY (in National Geographic Magazine, Vol. 208, No. 4)
$10.00 AUD

National Geographic Society. Washington. 2005. October 2005. Contains article between P.54 and 69 with 1 b/w and 12 colour illustrations (1 map, 1 diagram, 5 paintings and 4 photos). Pictorial soft cover. Near fine. 25.4 x 17.5.

21 October 1805: the Battle of Trafalgar.

YOUNG, Gavin
$10.00 AUD

National Geographic Society. Washington. 1976. Volume 149, No 4, April 1976. Article from P. 502 to 523 with 2 maps and 19 colour photos. Pictorial soft cover. Very good. 25.4 x 17.5.

South east part of Iraq.

ZABLE, Arnold
MELANESIAN DIARY, A Six Day Voyage by Outrigger to Port Moresby [in GEO Magazine Vol.4, No.1. March, 1982]
$10.00 AUD

Rigby. Sydney. 1982. Article from pages 94 to 105 with 1 map and 12 colour photos. Pictorial soft covers. Near fine. 28 x 20.5.

ZAHL, Paul
HOW THE SUN GIVES LIFE TO THE SEA (in National Geographic Magazine)
$10.00 AUD

National Geographic Society. Washington. 1961. Volume 119, No.2, February 1961. Contains articles from P. 198 to 225 with 2 artist impressions in colour, 1 b/w and 29 colour photos. Pictorial soft cover. Near fine. 25.5 x 17.5.

ZAHL, Paul & BOSWELL, Victor R.
THE MAGIC LURE OF SEA SHELLS (in National Geographic Magazine - Volume 135, No.3, March 1969)
$5.00 AUD

National Geographic Society. Washington. 1969. Contains articles from P. 386 to 429 with colour illustrations (1 map, 3 drawings and photos by Victor R. Boswel). Pictorial soft cover. Near fine. 25.5 x 17.5.

ZAHL, Paul A.
ON AUSTRALIA'S CORAL RAMPARTS (in National Geographic Magazine)
$5.00 AUD

National Geographic Society. Washington. 1957. Volume 111, No. 1, January 1957. Contains article between P.1 and 48 with 2 maps, 9 b/w and 41 colour photos. Soft cover. Very good. 25.2 x 17.5.

An American Naturalist on the Great Barrier Reef.

ZAHL, Paul A.
FISHING IN THE WHIRLPOOL OF CHARYBDIS (in National Geographic Magazine)
$5.00 AUD

National Geographic Society. Washington. 1953. Volume 104, No. 5, November 1953. Contains article between P.579 and 618 with 2 maps, 8 b/w and 37 colour photos. Soft cover. Very good. 25.2 x 17.5.

An American Naturalist harvesting weird creatures in the storied Strait of Messina.