70382 AAMH THE GREAT CIRCLE - Journal of the Australian Association for Maritime History - Volume 40, No. 1, 2018
$20.00 AUD
The Australian Association for Maritime History. Perth, W.A. 2018. Volume 40, No. 1. Edited by Michael McCarthy. VI, 141 PP with b/w and colour illustrations. Pictorial soft cover. Near fine. 24 x 16.3.
Vol. 40, No. 1: Voyage of Her Majesty's Convict Ship "Nile" , to the Swan River Colony, by W. Edgar. Reginald Arthur Henry Borstel (1875-1922), an Australian Pierhead painter, by Neville Pamment. The Torres Strait Divers' and Tenders' School on Thursday Island, by Anna Shnukal.
70388 AAMH THE GREAT CIRCLE: Journal of the Australian Association for Maritime History - Volume 19, No. 1 - 1997
$10.00 AUD
The Australian Association for Maritime History. Perth. 1997. Edited by G.R. HENNING. No. 1: 72 PP with 4 b/w illustrations. Card covers. Occasional foxing spots. Near fine. 24.3 x 16.3.
No. 1: A regular and reciprocal system of commerce: Botany Bay, Nootka Sound and the isles of Japan, by Robert J. King. From Torres Islands to Dobo: the 1905 departure of the Torres Strait pearl-shelling fleets to Aru, Netherlands East Indies, by Steve Mullins. Cook's Endeavour Bark, by Mike Connell and Des Liddy.
70390 AAMH THE GREAT CIRCLE: Journal of the Australian Association for Maritime History - Volume 23, No. 1, 2001
$10.00 AUD
The Australian Association for Maritime History. Adelaide. 2001. Vol. 23, No. 1 - 2001, edited by Mark Staniforth. 72 PP with 1 map and tables. Pictorial soft covers. Very good. 24 x 16.3.
No. 1: Newport and Captain Cook's ships, by D. K. Abbas. "For Tyranny of Distance, read Tyranny of Scale: Australia and the Global Container Market", by Keith Trace.
70392 AAMH THE GREAT CIRCLE: Journal of the Australian Association for Maritime History - Volume 26, No. 1, 2004
$10.00 AUD
The Australian Association for Maritime History. Rockhampton, Qld. 2004. Vol. 26, No. 1 - 2004, edited by Steve Mullins. No. 1: 70 PP with 13 b/w illustrations. Pictorial soft cover. Very good. 24 x 16.3.
No. 1: COOK, the Sea and Culture Contact in the Pacific, by John Gascoigne. Nautical themes in the Aboriginal Rock Paintings of Mount Borradaile, western Arnhem Land, by David Andrews Roberts.
$20.00 AUD
Collins & Harvill Press. London. 1977. 1st Ed. 223 PP plus 12 Pages with 14 bw illust. Ep: Capt. Wallis & men of the 'Dolphin' meet Queen Oberea, Tahiti, 1767. Hard cover, dust jacket has a few small nicks or chips and is in a protective sleeve, otherwise near fine. 21.6 x 14. 0002626101
The first noble savage dear to the 18th century French philosopher Rousseau, comes into contact with the civilized world of England.
$10.00 AUD
Random House. Auckland. 1995. 1st Ed. 32 PP with 2 maps, 3 plans, 6 b/w and 29 colour illust. Pictorial card cover. Previous owner's name on title-page, o/wise fine. 29.8 x 21. 1869412893
A Collector's Souvenir.
34080 AUGHTON, Peter ENDEAVOUR - The Story of Captain Cook's First Great Epic Voyage
$10.00 AUD
The Windrush Press. Moreton-in-Marsh. 1999. 1st Ed. (8), 216 PP with 3 figures, 10 head pieces, 10 location maps & 11 maps. Pictorial soft cover. Fine. 21.4 x 14.2. 1900624303
50865 AUGHTON, Peter ENDEAVOUR - The Story of Captain Cook's First Great Epic Voyage
$10.00 AUD
The Windrush Press. Moreton-in-Marsh. 1999. 2nd Australian printing of November 1999. (8), 216 PP with 3 figures, 10 head pieces, 10 location maps & 11 maps. Pictorial soft cover. Faint foxing, o/wise fine. 21.4 x 14.2. 1900624303
52600 AUGHTON, Peter THE FATAL VOYAGE. Captain Cook's Last Great Journey
$15.00 AUD
Tauris Parke Paperback. London. 2007. 1st paperback edition of the 2005 original. X, 203 PP, (3 publications) with 9 maps. Pictorial soft cover. Fine. 19.8 x 13. 1845114046
68763 AUGHTON, Peter THE FATAL VOYAGE. Captain Cook's Last Great Journey
$25.00 AUD
Arris Books. London. 2005. 1st Ed. XII, 203 PP with 9 maps, plus 8 pages with 1 b/w and 12 colour illustrations. Hard cover, dj. Fine. 24 x 16. 0184437050X
70764 BADGER, G. M. (editor) CAPTAIN COOK, Navigator and Scientist
$25.00 AUD
A.N.U.P. Canberra. 1970. 1st Ed., with an introduction by Sir Macfarlane Burnet. IX, 143 PP with 4 colour & 18 b/w illust. Fp: Colour portrait of Captain James Cook, tipped in. Eps: Chart of the voyage of the Endeavour in the South Pacific 1769-1770. Hard cover, dj. Faint foxing spots on top outside edge. Near fine. 24 x 15. 0708100783
7 papers presented at the Cook Bicentenary Symposium, Australian Academy of Science, in Canberra - 1 May 1969. J.C. Beaglehole, Sir Frederick White ...
$5.00 AUD
Horwitz. Sydney. 1969. 1st Ed., in The Australian Heritage colour series. 32 PP profusely illustrated in colour. Inside back cover: Map of East coast of Australia. Pictorial card covers. Near fine. 24 x 18.
A pictorial appraisal of James Cook, the ships he sailed in, and the sights he described along the hitherto unknown east coast of Australia.
$15.00 AUD
Stacey International & The Gilbert Islands Government. London. 1977. "Captain James Cook Bicentennial Edition 1777-1877". 88 PP & XVI PP with b/w colour illust. with 2 charts. FEP: Map of Christmas Is. REP: The Pacific setting of Christmas Island. Hard cover, dj. Faint foxing on outside edges, o/wise fine. 22 x 15. 0905743083
Discovered by Capt. Cook on Christmas Eve, tells of its history for the following 200 years: whalers, guano, copra, atomic tests,...
$10.00 AUD
BBC. London. 2002. 1st Ed. 224 PP with b/w and colour illustrations. Title spread: Endeavour under sails. Eps: Chart of part of the Sea Coast of New South Wales. Hard cover, dj. Fine. 27.7 x 20. 056353463X
Book published to accompany the television series The Ship, first broadcast on BBC in 2002.
$15.00 AUD
Hydra Publishing. Irvington, NY. 2003. 1st US edition of the 2002 UK original. 224 PP with b/w and colour illustrations. Title spread: Endeavour under sails. Hard cover, dj. Fine. 27.7 x 20. 1592580041
Book published to accompany the television series The Ship, first broadcast on BBC in 2002.
$50.00 AUD
Stanford University Press. Stanford. 1998. Paperback reprint of the 1974 US edition. XII, (2), 760 PP with 4 sketch maps, plus 1 folded map and 48 pages with 51 b/w illustrations. Fp: Captain James Cook by Nathaniel Dance. Pictorial card cover. Light creases to front cover, o/wise fine. 23.5 x 15.5. 9780804720090
$2200.00 AUD
Hakluyt Society. Cambridge. 1968, 1969, 1967, 1967, 1974 & 1955. 2 reprints & 3 original editions. Volume I (Reprint of the 1955 original): CCLXXXIV, (2), 696 PP with 12 b/w illustrations in text, plus 9 folded plates (1 plan, 7 maps & 1 facsimile) and 32 pages with 35 b/w illustrations. Fp (in colour): Portrait of Captain Cook by Nathaniel Dance, 1776. Volume II (reprint of the 1961 original): (4), CLXX, 1028 PP with 22 b/w illustrations in text, plus 2 folded maps, 6 folded plates and 52 pages with 67 b/w illustrations. Fp (in colour): The Resolution, by Henry Roberts. Volume III (original edition in 2 parts) - Part one: CCXXIV, 718 PP with 13 sketch maps, plus 2 folded maps, 5 folded plates and 64 pages with 75 b/w illustrations. Fp (in colour): Portrait of Captain Cook by John Webber. Part two: VIII, 721-1647 PP with 1 sketch map, plus 1 large folded map at end of volume and 10 plates with 11 b/w illustrations. Fp: Silhouette David Samwell. Volume IV (original edition): XII, 760 PP with 4 sketch maps in text, plus 1 large folded map, 3 colour plates and 30 pages with 47 b/w illustrations. Fp (in colour): Captain James Cook by Nathaniel Dance, 1776. Top edge tinted. Portfolio "Charts & Views", edited by R.A. Skelton (original edition): VIII PP, plus 68 Charts and Views (some of them folded) drawn by Cook and his Officers. Each volume with cloth covers, gilt device on front boards, gilt title on spine, dj. Dust jacket of Volumes I & II price clipped. Dust jacket of Volume IV with a faded spine and light insect damage on the lower part of flaps. Ageing of some of the dust jackets and a rubbed patch on Volume III (Part one). All volumes and portfolio have dust jackets and they are in plastic protective sleeves. Ageing of paper and occasional foxing, mainly on outside edges and some of the endpapers. Still a very good complete set. More images available upon request. This is a heavy item and postage will be higher than usual. Please ask for a quote. Volumes: 24.7 x 16.5, and Portfolio: 39.5 x 26.
Complete set published by the Hakluyt Society, Volume I: The Voyage of the Endeavour, 1768-1771, with the 1968 Addenda and Corrigenda. Volume II: The Voyage of the Resolution and Adventure, 1772-1775, with 1969 Addenda and Corrigenda. Volume III: The Voyage of the Resolution and Discovery, 1776-1780, with the 1973 addendum "Cook and the Russians". Volume IV: The Life of Captain James Cook. Portfolio: "Charts & Views".
$20.00 AUD
Library of NSW. Sydney. 1970. 2nd edition of the 1928 original. Preface by A. J. Dunston and G. D. Richardson. XVI, 894 PP. Cloth cover, dj. Fine. 25 x 15.5. 724099999
The most comprehensive bibliography and guide to sources of information on Captain Cook. 4808 + 16 (addenda) entries.
67132 BLAINEY, Geoffrey SEA OF DANGERS: Captain Cook and his Rivals
$20.00 AUD
Penguin Group. Melbourne. 2010. 1st paperback edition of the 2008 original. XI, 420 PP with 6 maps, plus 16 pages with 10 b/w and 14 colour illustrations. Pictorial soft cover. Fine. 23.3 x 15.3. 9780143798521
1768 to 1771: quest of the great Southland by Captain Cook on the Endeavour and Jean de Surville on the St. Jean Baptiste.
71493 BLAINEY, Geoffrey SEA OF DANGERS: Captain Cook and his Rivals
$30.00 AUD
Viking. Melbourne. 2008. 1st Ed. XI, 420 PP with 6 maps, plus 16 pages with 10 b/w and 14 colour illustrations. Hard cover, dust jacket with llight shelf wear. 4 newspaper cuttings (The Sydney Morning Herald) loosely inserted. Discreet stamp of the Maritime Museum of Tasmania on front endpaper. Near fine. 24 x 15.7. 9780670072231
1768 to 1771: quest of the great Southland by Captain Cook on the Endeavour and Jean de Surville on the St. Jean Baptiste.
Viking / Penguin Books. Melbourne. 2020. Revised edition of his 2008 "Sea of Dangers". XII, 324 PP with 4 maps, plus 8 pages with 5 b/w and 8 colour illustrations. Pictorial soft cover. Fine. 23.3 x 15.3. 97801760895099
The strange quest for a missing continent.
54823 BROU, Bernard (editors) A LA DECOUVERTE DE LA NOUVELLE-CALEDONIE: 1774-1974
$10.00 AUD
Comité Cook / S. E. H. Nouméa. 1974. 1st Ed. Souvenir programme. No pagination, 16 PP with b/w illustrations. Pictorial soft cover. French text. Near fine. 21 x 15.
Exhibition Cook, held for the bicentenary of the discovery of New Caledonia, by James Cook.
32595 BRYCE, Graham THE SKETCHBOOK OF HMS Endeavour
$10.00 AUD
Collins. Sydney. 1983. 1st edition (juvenile). 80 PP with 32 pages of sketches (full page). Eps: HMS Endeavour under sail. Pictorial laminated boards, dj. Faint foxing. Near fine. 29 x 21.7. 0001951718
A vivid picture of the epic voyage of HMS Endeavour.
41150 BRYCE, Graham THE SKETCHBOOK OF HMS Endeavour
$5.00 AUD
Collins. Sydney. 1983. 1st edition (juvenile). 80 PP with 32 pages of sketches (full page). Eps: HMS Endeavour under sail. Pictorial laminated boards, dj. Ex library copy with number and small stamps on front endpaper. Faint foxing, o/wise very good. 29 x 21.7. 0001951718
A vivid picture of the epic voyage of HMS Endeavour.
48798 CALLEGARI, Dennis COOK'S CANNON AND ANCHOR, The Recovery and Conservation of Relics from H.M.B. Endeavour
$25.00 AUD
Kangaroo Press. Sydney. 1994. 1st Ed. 96 PP with 47 b/w illust. (1 map, 4 engravings, 4 plans, 8 sketches & 33 b/w photos) plus 8 pages with 14 colour photos. Hard cover, dj. Fine. 24.6 x 18.8. 0864176449
The loss, recovery and conservation of the anchor and cannons jettisoned in 1770 from the Endeavour in order to refloat her after running aground.
20103 CAMERON, Ian LOST PARADISE - The Exploration of the Pacific
$10.00 AUD
Salem House. Topsfield, Mass. 1986. 1st American edition. 248 PP with b/w & 33 colour illustrations. Hard cover, dj. Fine. 26.8 x 19.5. 0881622753
Description of physical creation of the Pacific. How the islands were settled: the epic voyages of the Spanish, Dutch, French, British, English, Russian & American explorers.
41635 CAMERON, Roderick THE GOLDEN HAZE with Captain Cook in the South Pacific
$10.00 AUD
Readers Union / Weidenfeld & Nicolson. London. 1965. Reprint of the 1964 original. XVIII, 284 PP with 9 maps (1 on double-page), plus 36 pages with 5 colour photos & 36 b/w illust. Hard cover, dj (lightly soiled). Near fine. 22 x 14.
Rediscovery, through 20th century eyes, of the places visited by Cook in the Pacific between 1768 & 1779.
57957 CAMERON, Roderick THE GOLDEN HAZE with Captain Cook in the South Pacific
$10.00 AUD
Readers Union / Weidenfeld & Nicolson. London. 1965. Reprint of the 1964 original. XVIII, 284 PP with 9 maps (1 on double-page), plus 36 pages with 5 colour photos & 36 b/w illust. Hard cover, dj (lightly soiled and chipped). Near fine. 24.7 x 16.
Rediscovery, through 20th century eyes, of the places visited by Cook in the Pacific between 1768 & 1779.
15698 [CAPTAIN COOK] THE OPENING UP OF THE PACIFIC - An Exhibition in Honour of James Cook
$10.00 AUD
Library of New South Wales. Sydney. 1970. 1st Ed. 32 PP on glossy paper with 2 colour and 24 b/w illustrations. Pictorial soft cover. Very good. 24.2 x 22.2. 0724099972
Catalogue of 328 items in an exhibition held between 6 April - 5 September 1970, at the time of the Bicentenary of the discovery of Australia's East Coast by Captain Cook.
$10.00 AUD
Trustees of The British Museum. London. 1996. Reprint of the 2nd edition of 1992 (original of 1985). 240 PP with b/w and colour illustrations. Title spread: South Front of the new British Museum. Hard cover, dj. Near fine. 28.5 x 22.2. 0714117277
Hoa Hakananai'a, a statue from Easter Island. Captain James Cook... The Sutton Hoo ship burial...
72023 CHAMBERS, Neil ENDEAVOURING BANKS - Exploring Collections from the "Endeavour" Voyage 1768-1771
$40.00 AUD
NewSouth Publishing. Sydney. 2016. 1st edition with a foreword by Sir David Attenborough. 304 PP with b/w and colour illustrations (drawings and sketches, charts, documents, medals, paintings, photos, portraits...). Fp (in colour): Joseph Banks, by Benjamin West. Quarter bound, illustrated boards, cloth spine, gilt title on front board and spine. Fine (as new condition). 28.7 x 24 9781742235004
57595 CLARK, Thomas Blake OMAI, First Polynesian Ambassador to England
$35.00 AUD
University of Hawaii Press. Honolulu. 1969. Facsimile reprint of the 1940 original. (6), 115 PP with portrait of Omai. Hard cover with light shelf wear, cloth spine, gilt title on front cover and spine. Foxing spots on outside edges. Near fine. 24.8 x 19.8. 087022140X
The true story of his voyage there (to England) in 1774 with Captain Cook, of how he was feted by Fanny Burney, approved by Samuel Johnson, ...
$5.00 AUD
W. W. Norton. New York. 1995. 1st US edition. X, 294 PP with 3 maps. Hard cover, gilt title on cloth spine, dj. Fine. 21.5 x 14.8. 0393038777
Novel. The further adventures of Captain Bligh: while retired in Kent, and reminiscences of his life at sea with Captain Cook or on the Bounty, or ashore as Governor of New South Wales.
42639 COLLINGRIDGE, Vanessa CAPTAIN COOK - Obsession and Betrayal in the New World
$10.00 AUD
15454 CONNER, Daniel & MILLER, Lorraine MASTER MARINER - Capt. James Cook and the Peoples of the Pacific
$15.00 AUD
University of Queensland Press. Brisbane. 1979. 1st Australian edition of the 1978 Canadian original. XI, 164 PP with 84 b/w illustrations (includig 61 pates), plus 4 pages of colour plates with 5 illustrations.. Cloth cover, gilt title on spine, dj. Dust jacket has a few chips and light foxing on verso. An otherwise near fine copy. Oblong: 22.8 x 25.8. 0702213780
A bicentenary tribute to mark the arrival of Capt. James Cook at Nootka Sound on March 29, 1778.
38465 COOK, A. M. MEN OF LINCOLN WHO SAILED WITH COOK (in Journal and Proceedings of the RAHS - Volume XXXV, Part II, 1949)
$10.00 AUD
RAHS / Royal Australian Historical Society. Sydney. 1949. 81 -144 PP. Contains article by A.M. Cook from P. 116 to 130 with 3 b/w photos. Stapled soft covers. Near fine. 21 x 14.
Read before the Society on April 26, 1949. Image shows back cover with list of contents and illustrations.
$5.00 AUD
The Friends of Lincoln Cathedral. Lincoln, UK. 1963. 1st Ed. (8), 62 PP with 7 figures (1 photo, 2 maps and 4drawings), plus 8 b/w plates. Fp: The new road, Lincoln. Illustrated card cover. Faint foxing spots on outside edges. Near fine. 18.5 x 12.3.
Joseph Banks, George Bass, Matthew Flinders...
15712 COOK, James JAMES COOK 1770-1970
$20.00 AUD
Govt. of NSW. Sydney. 1970. Compiled by the Trustees, Captain Cook's Landing Place Museum. 32 PP (including card cover) with b/w & colour illust. Very good. 23.8 x 18.
Booklet presented by the NSW Government on the occasion of the Bicentenary celebrations of Cook's first landing on the East Coast of Australia.
15794 COOK, James CAPTAIN COOK'S FIRST VOYAGE, Commenced in 1768, and finished in 1771. His first published account of landing in the Endeavour River
$25.00 AUD
Hisine Technique. Herberton, Far North Queensland. c.1970. Reprint from the Newcastle facsimile edition of Cook's Diaries. (2), 78 PP with 2 maps & 6 b/w illustrations. Pictorial soft cover. Very good. 22 x 16.5.
Stranding on the Great Barrier Reef, overhaul in Endeavour River, passage up to Endeavour Strait.
35319 COOK, James CAPTAIN JAMES COOK - Bi-Centenary Celebrations, Queensland schools
$15.00 AUD
Courier-Mail. Brisbane. 1970. 1st Ed. 32 PP with 1 map of the world, 2 scores of music, and 32 illust. Pictorial soft cover. Near fine. Oblong: 18.5 x 24.8.
Souvenir of the Celebrations held during 1970 to honour Captain James Cook who explored and charted the Queensland coast two hundred years ago.
50840 COOK, James JAMES COOK Journal of Proceedings at ENDEAVOUR RIVER: 11 June-14 August 1770
$25.00 AUD
Banks Society Publications / Colony Press. Melbourne. 2003. 1st Ed. Transcribed by Captain W. J. L. Wharton. Edited with an introduction by John Currey. 64 PP with 1 portrait, 2 deck plans of Endeavour and 4 b/w illustrations, plus 1 folded plan of the Endeavour River facing page 24 and 1 folded chart inside back cover. Fine. 21 x 15. 094958617X
55509 COOK, James & CLARK, John COOK'S ENDEAVOUR JOURNAL: The Inside Story
$20.00 AUD
National Library of Australia. Canberra. 2008. 1st Ed. 194, (2) PP with 19 facsimile pages of manuscript and 72 b/w or colour illustrations. Pictorial stiff cover. Fine. 18.7 x 18.4. 9780642276506
20535 CORDINGLY, David (editor) CAPT. JAMES COOK, NAVIGATOR - The achievement of Captain James Cook as a Seaman, Navigator and Surveyor
$10.00 AUD
National Maritime Museum & Campbell Publishing. London & Sydney. 1988. 1st Ed. 111 PP with b/w & colour illustrations. Pictorial card covers. Near fine. 27.5 x 19.7. 0958799407
Catalogue of the exhibition celebrating the bicentenary of Australia.
50396 CORDINGLY, David (editor) CAPT. JAMES COOK, NAVIGATOR - The achievement of Captain James Cook as a Seaman, Navigator and Surveyor
$5.00 AUD
National Maritime Museum & Campbell Publishing / ANZ. London & Sydney. 1988. 1st Ed. 111 PP with b/w & colour illustrations. Pictorial card covers with light wear. Very good. 27.5 x 19.7. 0958799407
Catalogue of the exhibition celebrating the bicentenary of Australia.
62150 CROOKE, Ray AN EPISTLE FROM OBEREA with decorations by Ray Crooke
$450.00 AUD
The Rams Skull Press. Ferntree Gully, Victoria. 1955. Edition limited to 250 numbered copies. 5th edition based on 4th edition of 1774 "An Epistle from Oberea, Queen of Otaheite, to Joseph Banks, Esquire". 21 PP, (1 colophon), with 7 decorations by Ray Crooke. Cloth cover, tapa design. Copy No. 28/250, hand numbered and signed by Ray Crooke, on the colophon "Here ends the Epistle". Fine. 29 x 20.5.
45785 DALE, Paul W. SEVENTY NORTH TO FIFTY SOUTH - The Story of Captain Cook's Last Voyage Wherein are Discovered Numerous South Pacific Islands, the Hawaiian Islands, the Coast of North America, and Alaska
$30.00 AUD
Prentice-Hall. New York. 1969. 1st Ed. XII, (2), 370 PP with 2 pages of sketches, 8 charts & maps, and 26 b/w illustrations. Fp: Portrait of Captain James Cook. Eps: Track of Cook's last voyage to the Pacific Ocean. Cloth cover, gilt decoration on front cover, gilt title on spine, dj. Light foxing on outside edges, o/wise near fine. 24.2 x 17.
$700.00 AUD
Genesis Publications Limited. London. 1979. Edition limited to 500 numbered copies (No. 409/500), signed by George Penber Darwin (great grandson of Charles Darwin). Foreword by Prince Charles. Introduction by Richard Darwin Keynes. (2 blank), 843, (8 blank) PP with 4 b/w plates, Journal in Facsimile between pages 31 and 834, Crew List between pages 835 and 840. Fp (in colour): painting by Roy Williams. Marbled endpapers. Half bound, green buckram, spine with 5 raised bands, gilt title and 4 gilt decorations, gilt decoration on front board, gilt signature of Darwin on the back cover, all outside edges gilt. Contained in a green cloth slipcase with title on a white vignette. Bookplate of previous owner on verso of the front endpaper. Head of spine worn on 6 cms. Slipcase with minor rubbing on the label, and a 5 cm worn patch close to the bottom. An excellent copy. Format: 28.5 x 20.5 and slipcase: 29.5 x 23.5. 0904351122
54818 DAUREILLAN, Alain & BROU, Bernard (editors) Bi-centenaire - JAMES COOK & NOUVELLE-CALEDONIE / NEW CALEDONIA 1774-1974 - Bicentenary
$25.00 AUD
Comité Cook / Cook Committee. Nouméa. 1974. 1st Ed. Souvenir brochure. No pagination, 28 PP with b/w illustrations. Pictorial soft cover. 2 letters loosely inserted. French and English text. Fine. Oblong: 20.7 x 22.8.
Exhibition Cook, by Jacques Cheval & Numa Daly. Theater Play Cook, by Michel Camboulives. Opening of Avenue Cook, by Roger Laroque. Monument Cook, by Albert Ferré.
44003 de BROSSARD, Contre-Amiral MOANA OCEAN CRUEL - Les Dieux meurent à la Grande Mer du Sud
$65.00 AUD
Editions France-Empire. Paris. 1966. 1st Ed. 384 PP with 10 maps, plus 12 pages with 22 b/w illustrations. Illustrated soft cover. Light browning of paper on edges, otherwise an excellent copy. French text. 24 x 15.5.
Life and ultimate death of 3 explorers of the Pacific: James Cook, Marion-Dufresne and De Surville.
37397 DODGE, Ernest S. BEYOND THE CAPES - Pacific Exploration from Captain Cook to the Challenger 1776-1877
$5.00 AUD
Little, Brown & Co. Boston. 1971. 1st US edition. XV, 429 PP with 3 maps, 1 plan, 6 charts & 50 b/w illustrations. Fp (in colour): British survey ship cruising in the South Seas. Eps: Map of Central Pacific between the 30th parallels. Cloth cover. Faint stains on outside edges, note on verso of front endpaper, o/wise near fine. 24 x 16.
40914 DUGARD, Martin FARTHER THAN ANY MAN - The Rise and Fall of Captain James Cook
$5.00 AUD
Allen & Unwin. Sydney. 2001. 1st Australian edition. XIV, 287 PP with 1 map on double page. Stiff covers, pictorial front. Very good. 23 x 15.2. 9781865086316
46417 DUGARD, Martin FARTHER THAN ANY MAN: The Rise and Fall of Captain James Cook
$15.00 AUD
Pocket Books. New York. 2001. 1st printing of the US edition. XIV, 287 PP with 1 map on double page. Hard cover, gilt title on spine, dj. Fine. 24.2 x 16. 0743400682
70719 DUNMORE, John Mrs COOK's BOOK OF RECIPES for Mariners in Distant Seas
$15.00 AUD
Australian National Maritime Museum / Exisle Publishing. Sydney. 2006. 1st Ed. 96 PP with 15 headpieces. Decorated endpapers. Hard cover, dj. Fine. 17.2 x 13.2. 0908988648
Stewed Albatross. Beer, lemon juice and other anti-scorbutic beverages...
72771 DUYKER, Edward & TINGBRAND, P. (editors) DANIEL SOLANDER, Collected Correspondence 1753-1782
$45.00 AUD
Melbourne University Press. Melbourne. 1995. 1st edition limited to 1000 copies, No. 2 in the Miegunyah Press series. Foreword by Alan Frost. XVIII, (2), 466, (2) PP with 3 maps, plus 36 pages with 39 illustrations (12 colour and 27 b/w). Half-title page: Dr. Solander engraving & his signature. Hard cover, dj, ribbon page-marker. Foxing spots on top outside edges, o/wise fine. 24 x 16. 052284636X
The Swedish naturalist who accompanied Joseph Banks on the first voyage of James Cook on the Endeavour (letters 90 to 106). Contains 188 letters from or to Solander in their original language with their English translation. (Letter 115 and others - Voyage of "Omai").
$20.00 AUD
Penguin Books. London. 2003. 9th pinting of the 1999 edition in the Penguin Classics series. XIV, 646, PP, plus 12 pages with 5 maps on double page and 12 location maps. Pictorial soft cover. Faint foxing, o/wise fine. 19.8 x 12.8. 97801404364712
Journals selected and edited by Philip Edwards and prepared from the original manuscripts by J. C. Beaglehole for the Hakluyt Society, 1955-67
55746 EISLER, William THE FURTHEST SHORE - Images of Terra Australis from the Middle Ages to Captain Cook
$30.00 AUD
Cambridge University Press. London. 1995. 1st Ed. XII, 180 PP with 81 b/w illustrations, plus 16 pages with 20 colour plates. Hard cover, dj. Fine. 28.2 x 21.6. 0521392683
Traces the pictorial imagery associated with the unknown and mysterious Southland. The invention of a Southern continent: in antiquity, the Middle-Ages, Java la Grande, Spanish vision (Torres, Prado de Tovar), then the Southern world in the age of Dutch expansion (1606-1756)...
18431 FAGAN, Jim, JOY, William & DEILEY, Russell CAPTAIN COOK - His Artists - His Voyages
$10.00 AUD
Daily Telegraph. Sydney. 1970. Edited by Jim Fagan. 64 PP with 3 sketch maps at head of chapters, 28 b/w and 50 colour illustrations. Cloth cover, dj. Dust jacket has a few nicks/rubs, o/wise contents near fine. Oblong: 21 x 27.2.
The Daily Telegraph Portfolio of original works by artists who sailed with Captain Cook.
33637 FANNING, Pauline (editor) JAMES COOK - His early life and the Endeavour voyage
$15.00 AUD
National Library of Australia. Canberra. 1970. 1st Ed., with a preface by A. Grenfell Price and H. L. White. 40 PP with 2 colour and 17 b/w illust. Eps: Map on the voyage of the Endeavour 1768-1771. Pictorial stiff wrappers. Fine. 19.6 x 16.5.
An introduction to a bicentenary exhibition arranged by the National Library of Australia.
34033 FARA, Patricia PRESIDENTIAL PORTRAITS - Joseph Banks in the National Library (in National Library of Australia News - Vol IX, No. 3, December 1999)
$5.00 AUD
National Library of Australia. Canberra. 1998. National Library of Australia News, Volume IX, No. 3, issue December 1998. Includes article P. 7 to 10 with 3 colour and 3 b/w illust. Pictorial soft cover. Fine. 29.8 x 20.7.
President of the Royal Society from 1778 to 1820.
$15.00 AUD
Hodder & Stoughton. Sydney. 1987. Reprint of the 1970 original. 224 PP with 1 map, 9 head-pieces, 10 full-page illustrations by Charles Goodwin. Eps: Mappemonde with the voyages of James Cook 1746-1771. Hard cover, dj. Near fine. 25 x 19. 0340391375
First seafaring experiences on coastal colliers, surveying & navigation skills to help General Wolfe in the capture of Quebec. The voyage of the Endeavour. Written for children.
$20.00 AUD
Angus & Robertson. Sydney. 1971. Reprint of the 1970 original. 191 PP with 3 maps, and 15 tail pieces. Hard cover, gilt title on spine, dj. Fine. 25 x 19. 0207952671
First seafaring experiences on coastal colliers, surveying & navigation skills to help General Wolfe in the capture of Quebec. The voyage of the Endeavour.
59093 FINKEL, George CAPTAIN JAMES COOK PORTFOLIO / JAMES COOK, The First Voyage, 1768-1771
$20.00 AUD
The Sun-Herald & Shoalhaven Paper Mill / The Wiggins Teape Australia Group. Sydney. 1970. Decorated folder containing booklet of 32 PP with b/w or colour illustrations, folded ship's plan with 2 inserts, folded map of Tahiti with 2 inserts and one folded French map of the world with 3 inserts. Small seller's stamp on inside of folder cover, otherwise near fine. Format - folder: 37 x 23.5. & booklet: 29.7 x 22.
59094 FINKEL, George CAPTAIN JAMES COOK PORTFOLIO / JAMES COOK, The First Voyage, 1768-1771
$35.00 AUD
The Sun-Herald & Shoalhaven Paper Mill / The Wiggins Teape Australia Group. Sydney. 1970. Decorated folder containing booklet of 32 PP with b/w or colour illustrations, folded ship's plan with 2 inserts, folded map of Tahiti with 2 inserts and one folded French map of the world with 3 inserts. Letter / Acknowledgment Form by editor of Sun-Herald, loosely inserted. Folder contained in original shipping box (rubbed patch on front). Fine. Format - box: 37.5 x 24.5., folder: 37 x 23.5. & booklet: 29.7 x 22.
49271 FINNIS, Bill CAPTAIN JAMES COOK, Seaman and Scientist
$30.00 AUD
Chaucer Press. London. 2003. 1st Ed. 252 PP with b/w and colour illustrations on superior glossy paper. Pictorial laminated boards, dj. Fine. 27.6 x 20.8. 190444914X
$25.00 AUD
McGraw-Hill. New York. 1971. 1st US Ed. 180 PP with b/w text-illustrations and 102 b/w & colour plates. Printed on art paper. Eps: Resolution at anchor in Nootka Sound. Cloth cover, statue of Captain Cook on front cover, dj. Faint foxing, o/wise near fine. 28.5 x 23.5. 070626502
$15.00 AUD
Verlag Anton Schroll & Co. Wien & München. 1971. 1st German language edition. 176 PP with b/w text-illustrations and 102 b/w & colour plates. Fp: Statue of Captain James Cook. Cloth cover, statue of Captain Cook in blind on front cover, dj. Light foxing, o/wise book and dust jacket are near fine. German text. 28.5 x 23.5.
The Voyages of Captain Cook.
$225.00 AUD
Hordern House / Australian National Maritime Museum. Sydney. 2007. No. 6 in the Australian Maritime Series. 1st edition limited to 1050 copies, with a foreword by Martin Lutz, Ambassador of the Federal Republic of Germany and an introductory essay by Dr. Nigel Erskine. Translated from the 1787 German original "Cook der Entdecker. Versuch eines Denkmals". 276 PP with 9 illustrations and German text in gothic script between pages 40 and 148. Fp: The Apotheosis of Captain Cook. Bound in quarter tan kangaroo with marbled papered boards. Gilt title on burgundy vignette on spine. Fine. 25.5 x 21.5. 8781875567492
Cook the Discoverer. An Attempted Memorial. A new translation accompanying a facsimile of "Cook, der Entdecker? Versuch eines Denkmals", being a memoir of Captain Cook written by Georg Forster, first published in Berlin in 1787.
15785 FORSYTH, W. D. CAPTAIN COOK'S LANDFALLS - Eye-witness Accounts by members of the ship's company of HMS "Endeavour" 1770
$5.00 AUD
Roebuck. Canberra. 1974. 2nd Printing of the 1970 original. VI, 26 PP with 10 b/w sketches. Pictorial soft covers. Back cover has a rubbed patch, o/wise contents are near fine. 24.7 x 17.5. 0950085707
Accounts extracted for visitors to the East Coast of Australia.
34634 FROST, Alan THE VOYAGE OF THE ENDEAVOUR - Captain Cook and the Discovery of the Pacific
$5.00 AUD
Allen & Unwin. Sydney. 1999. Reprint of the 1998 original. XXXVIII, 196 PP with 8 head pieces, 13 charts & maps, and 10 b/w illust. Pictorial soft cover. Faint foxing, o/wise fine. 19.5 x 12.8. 1865082007
66747 FROST, Alan THE PRECARIOUS LIFE OF JAMES MARIO MATRA, Voyager with Cook, American Loyalist, Servant of Empire
$50.00 AUD
The Miegunyah Press / Melbourne University Press. Melbourne. 1995. 1st edition limited to 1000 copies. No.6 in the Miegunyah Press series. XIV, 264, (2) PP, plus 12 b/w plates (6 of them maps & charts). Cloth cover, dj, ribbon page-marker. Fine. 24.3 x 16. 052284667X
First voyage with Captain Cook and first account of this voyage with a concise vocabulary of the language of Otahitee. His proposals to establish a settlement in NSW. His diplomatic posting at Tangier...
54527 GASCOIGNE, John CAPTAIN COOK: Voyager Between Worlds
$30.00 AUD
Hambledon Continuum. London. 2007. 1st Ed. XVI, 288 PP with 7 maps and 42 b/w illustrations. Hard cover, dj. Fine. 24 x 16. 9781847250025
15701 GRAY, William R. VOYAGES TO PARADISE: Exploring in the Wake of Captain Cook
$10.00 AUD
National Geographic Society. Washington. 1981. 1st Ed. 216 PP with colour illust. (maps & photos). Hard cover, dj. Very good. 26 x 18. 0870442848
$10.00 AUD
National Maritime Museum / H.M.S.O. London. 1970. 1st Ed. 32 PP with b/w illust. Fp: Capt. James Cook RN FRS, painting by Nathaniel Dance. Inside back cover: A draught plan & section of the Britannia Otehite War Canoe. Pictorial card cover. Near fine. Oblong: 21.5 x 27.5.
James Cook, the man and his discoveries, published at the time of the Bicentennial.
$5.00 AUD
National Maritime Museum / H.M.S.O. London. 1980. 3rd impression of the 1970 original. 32 PP with b/w illust. Fp: Capt. James Cook, RN; FRS, painting by Nathaniel Dance. Inside back cover: A draught plan & section of the Britannia Otehite War Canoe. Pictorial card cover. Very good. Oblong: 21.5 x 27.5.
James Cook, the man and his discoveries, published at the time of the Bicentennial.
15628 GRENFELL PRICE, A. (editor) THE EXPLORATIONS OF CAPT. JAMES COOK IN THE PACIFIC, As Told by Selections of His Own Journals 1768-1779
$10.00 AUD
Angus & Robertson. Sydney. 1969. 2nd edition of the 1958 original. XVII, 292 PP with 40 b/w drawings by Geoffrey C. Ingleton. Fp (in colour): Plaque by Flaxman of Capt. Cook, tipped in. FEP: Chart of Pacific Ocean, before Cook. REP: Chart of the Pacific Ocean, after Cook. Cloth cover, dj (HM Bark Endeavour entering Botany Bay April 29, 1770). Dust jacket lightly chipped and rubbed. Faint foxing on outside edges, o/wise very good. 24.3 x 15.5. 0207952213
Selections of Capt. Cook's Journals compiled to give a running narrative accompanied by evocative & historically authentic illustrations.
64454 GRENFELL PRICE, A. (editor) THE EXPLORATIONS OF CAPT. JAMES COOK IN THE PACIFIC, As Told by Selections of His Own Journals 1768-1779
$15.00 AUD
Angus & Robertson. Sydney. 1969. 2nd edition of the 1958 original. XVII, 292 PP with 40 b/w drawings by Geoffrey C. Ingleton. Fp (in colour): Plaque by Flaxman of Capt. Cook, tipped in. FEP: Chart of Pacific Ocean, before Cook. REP: Chart of the Pacific Ocean, after Cook. Cloth cover, sunned on bottom of spine, dj (price-clipped). Dust jacket sunned on spine with some rubbing on back. An otherwise near fine copy. 24.3 x 15.5. 0207952213
Selections of Capt. Cook's Journals compiled to give a running narrative accompanied by evocative & historically authentic illustrations.
61162 GRENFELL PRICE, A. (editor) THE EXPLORATIONS OF CAPTAIN JAMES COOK IN THE PACIFIC, As told by Selections of his own Journals 1768-1779
$5.00 AUD
Dover. New York. 1971. Paperback edition of the 1957 original. XX, (4), 292 PP with 20 head-pieces, 3 tail-pieces, 24 marginal drawings, 6 full-page drawings & 2 maps on double page (all illustrations by G.C. Ingleton). Title-page: H.M. Bark Endeavour. Fp: Capt. Cook Plaque by Flaxman for Wedgwood. Pictorial card cover has a few creases, o/wise very good. 23.7 x 17. 0486227669
74480 GWYTHER, John CAPTAIN COOK AND THE SOUTH PACIFIC, The Voyage of the "Endeavour" 1768-1771
$20.00 AUD
Houghton Mifflin. Boston. 1955. Edition printed especially for the friends of Petersen Engineering Co. Inc. (12 PP adverts for Pengo products), xii, 269 PP plus 12 pages with 8 b/w plates and Frontispiece: The Endeavour. Endpaper maps showing the Chart of the known World at the time of Captain Cook's First Voyage and Modern Chart of the South Pacific Ocean showing the track of H.M.S. Endeavour 1768-1770. Cloth cover, gilt title on spine and gilt image of the Endeavour on front cover with the inscription "Especially Prepared for Peter John K. Riddell. A near fine copy. 21.4 x 14.2.
69219 HAUSER-SCHAUBLIN, Brigitta, KRUGER, Gundolf et al. JAMES COOK - Gifts and Treasures from the South Seas / Gaben und Schatze aus der Sudsee
$50.00 AUD
Prestel. Munich. 1998. 1st Ed. 352 PP with 51 colour plates and 422 b/w illustrations. Fp: Engraving with adzes, club and shell trumpet from New Zealand. FEP: Map of the 3 voyages of exploration of Captain Cook. Cloth cover, title in blind on front cover, gilt title on spine, dj. English and German text. Fine condition. 30.5 x 24.5. 3791318683
The Cook / Forster Collection owned by the University at Gottingen, Germany.
$5.00 AUD
Jarrold. London. 1983. 1st Ed. 32 PP with 30 b/w or colour illustrations. Title-page: Frontispiece of manuscript of Cook's charts. REP: map of Cook's three voyages. Pictorial card cover. Fine. 24.8 x 18. 0853064970
$100.00 AUD
Gutenberg-Verlag. Hamburg. 1908. 1st Ed. Volume 1 in the "Bibliothek denkwürdiger Reisen"- Ausgabe (edition) A. (4), 554 PP with vignettre at head of each printed page (33 to 554), plus 8 b/w plates and 1 large folded map in colour of the Pacific Ocean with track of the 3 voyages. FP: Portrait of Kapitän James Cook. Rebacked copy using original leather cover with illustration and title on front board, gilt title and decoration on spine, and in blind, stamp of Gutenberg Verlag on back cover. Renewed endpapers (marbled). Signature of previous owner on half-title page and a name and date (1916) at top of title -page. A little light foxing. Near fine. German text. 21.8. 15.
38419 HETHERINGTON, Michelle COOK & OMAI - The Cult of the South Seas
$25.00 AUD
National Library of Australia / Humanities Research Centre, The Australian National University. Canberra. 2001. 1st Ed. Foreword by Jan Fullerton. VI, 66 PP with 13 b/w and 24 colour illustrations. Pictorial soft cover. Fine. 24 x 22. 0642107319
Catalogue of an exhibition held at the National Library of Australia, held in February 2001. Captain Cook Pacific voyages and the cultural milieu in which they took place.
National Museum of Australia. Canberra. 2009. 1st Ed., with a foreword by Craddock Morton, and introduction by Michelle Hetherington & Howard Murphy. (VI), 130 PP with b/w and colour illustrations. Pictorial soft covers. Fine. 21.5 x 24 9781876944575
7 papers: Looking across the Beach, by Greg Dening. Cook the Discoverer, by Nigel Erskine. ... by: Paul Turnbull - Adrienne L. Kaeppler - Lissant Bolton - Paul Tapsell - Doreen Mellor.
$20.00 AUD
Penguin Group (Australia). Melbourne. 2008. 1st Ed. X, 264, (2) PP with b/w illustrations (headpieces, drawings, engravings, maps, paintings and photos), plus 4 pages with 8 colour illustrations. Pictorial soft cover. Fine. 19.8 x 13. 9780143004820
47137 HOGARTH, Christine (compiler) BOTANY BAY - Australia 's Heritage in Stamps
$20.00 AUD
Australia Post. Melbourne. 1986. 1st Ed., Book 3 in the Australian Bicentennial Collection. 40 PP with b/w & colour illustrations (maps, charts, engravings, painting photos and images of stamps), plus stamp folder in pocket inside front cover. Title page: Banksia serrata. Fp: Heads of a Plan, 18 August 1786. Pictorial soft cover. Fine. 25 x 25. 0642099138
47441 HORDERN HOUSE HORDERN HOUSE - Rare Books . Manuscripts . Paintings . Prints
$20.00 AUD
Hordern House. Sydney. 2004. 1st Ed. No pagination, 80 PP with b/w and colour illustrations. Pictorial soft cover. Fine. 27 x 21. 1875567402
Catalogue detailing 79 items with price list.
57194 HORDERN HOUSE CAPTAIN WILLIAM BLIGH AND THE MUTINY ON THE BOUNTY: chiefly from The Robert and Mary Anne Parks Collection
$50.00 AUD
Hordern House Rare Books Pty. Ltd. Sydney. 2009. 1st Ed. No pagination, 128 PP with b/w and colour illustrations. Price list loosely inserted. Hard cover, gilt title on front board and spine, dj. Fine. 28.7 x 22. 9781875567539
133 items.
49393 HORWITZ, Tony INTO THE BLUE - Boldly going where Captain Cook has gone before
$10.00 AUD
Allen & Unwin. Sydney. 2003. 1st printing. (14), 480 PP with 1 portrait and 7 maps. Pictorial soft cover. Faint foxing. Near fine. 19.5 x 13. 9781741141634
$25.00 AUD
W. W. Norton. New York. 1995. 1st US edition of the 1994 UK original. XVIII, 398 PP with 2 drawings & 12 maps, plus 16 pages with 26 b/w illustrations. Hard cover, dj (price-clipped). Near fine. 24 x 16. 0393036804
A biography of the last and greatest of the romantic sailors and of the officers and men who sailed with him.
$15.00 AUD
Macmillan. London. 1979. 1st Ed. 271 PP with 18 headpieces, plus 16 pages with 25 b/w illustrations (paintings, photos, maps ...). Eps: Aerial view of Kealakekua Bay. Hard cover, gilt title on spine, dj (price-clipped and with a few small repaired closed tears at rear). Near fine. 24 x 16. 0333234774
$10.00 AUD
Coronet Books / Hodder & Stoughton. London. c. 2000. 15th printing of the 1995 Coronet "soft cover" edition. XX, 492 PP with 2 drawings and 12 maps, plus 16 pages with 26 b/w illustrations. Pictorial soft covers with light creases. Paper ageing , o/wise very good. 18 x 11. 0340617233
A biography of the last and greatest of the romantic sailors.
15694 HUGHES, Thea Stanley JAMES COOK
$5.00 AUD
Movement Publications. Sydney. 1981. 1st Ed. 79 PP with 16 b/w illustrations. REP: Mappemonde with the 3 voyages. Pictorial card cover. A little foxing, o/wise near fine. 18.2 x 12. 0908076134
37854 HUGHES, Thea Stanley JAMES COOK
$5.00 AUD
Movement Publications. Sydney. 1986. 4th impression of the 1981 original. 79 PP with 16 b/w illustrations. REP: Mappemonde with the 3 voyages. Pictorial card cover. Occasional foxing, o/wise fine. 17.8 x 12.2. 0908076134
50346 INGLETON, Geoffrey C. THE MILLIONAIRE BOTANIST, Joseph Banks (in Hemisphere, An Asian-Australian Monthly - Volume 14, No. 11, November 1970)
$15.00 AUD
Department of Education and Science. Canberra. 1970. Contains article between P.10 and 15 with 9 b/w illustrations. Soft cover. Fine.
Sir Joseph Banks.
71415 INNES, Hammond THE LAST VOYAGE, Captain Cook's Lost Diary
$10.00 AUD
Collins. London. 1978. 1st Ed. 254 PP. Eps: Map of world with the three voyages of Cook. Hard cover, dj (price clipped). Foxing spots on top outside edge. Near fine. 21.6 x 13.8. 0002214458
The personal account written when he probably had time for reflection.
61838 JOPPIEN, Rüdiger & SMITH, Bernard THE ART OF CAPTAIN COOK'S VOYAGES - VOLUMES I, II & III (boxed 4 volume set)
$1100.00 AUD
Oxford University Press in association with the Australian Academy of the Humanities. Melbourne. 1985-1987. Vol.I, II & III: First edition. Vol. I (1st edition 1985): The Voyage of the Endeavour 1768-1771. Vol.II (Ist edition 1985): The Voyage of Resolution & Endeavour 1772-1775. Vol III (text) & Vol III (catalogue): 1st edition of 1987: The Voyage of Resolution & Discovery 1776-1780. Vol I: XVI, 248 PP with 326 b/w & colour plates. Vol. II: XIV, 274 PP with 106 b/w or colour plates, 19 colour and 189 b/w illustrations. Vol.III (Text): XXI, 234 PP with 209 b/w & colour plates. Vol III (Catalogue): VIII, 435 PP with 458 b/w plates. All volumes bound in cloth with dust jacket and contained in a cloth covered boxed slipcase. A fine set. This is a heavy item and postage will be higher than usual. Please ask for a quote. 35 x 25.5. 0195548930 (complete set)
Also includes an associated pamphlet "The Functions of Art on Captain Cook's Voyages", reprinted from the Pacific Island Monthly magazine.
65687 JOPPIEN, Rüdiger & SMITH, Bernard THE ART OF CAPTAIN COOK'S VOYAGES - VOLUME II: The Voyage of the Resolution & Adventure 1772-1775
$200.00 AUD
Oxford University Press in association with the Australian Academy of the Humanities. Melbourne. 1985. Vol.II (reprint of the 1985 original): The Voyage of Resolution & Endeavour 1772-1775. Vol. II: XIV, 274 PP with 106 b/w or colour plates, 19 colour and 189 b/w illustrations. Cloth cover, gilt title on spine, dj. Faint foxing on outside edges, o/wise fine. 35 x 25.5. 0195544560
65688 JOPPIEN, Rüdiger & SMITH, Bernard THE ART OF CAPTAIN COOK'S VOYAGES - VOLUME I: The Voyage of the Endeavour 1768-1771
$200.00 AUD
Oxford University Press in association with the Australian Academy of the Humanities. Melbourne. 1985. Vol.I (reprint of the 1985 original): The Voyage of the Endeavour 1768-1771. Vol I: XVI, 248 PP with 326 b/w & colour plates. Cloth cover, gilt title on spine, dj. Faint foxing on outside edges, o/wise fine. 35 x 25.5. 0195544552
$700.00 AUD
Oxford University Press. Melbourne. 1985 & 1987. 1st edition for the III Volumes (in 4). Vol. I: XVI, 248 PP with 326 b/w & colour plates. Vol. II: XIV, 274 PP with 98 b/w & colour plates. Vol. III (Text): XXI, 234 PP with 209 b/w & colour plates. Vol. III (Catalogue): VIII, 435 PP with 458 b/w plates. Cloth covers with dust jackets. Light foxing spots on outside edges of Volumes I & II. Dust jackets of Vol III (2 books) are fine and dust jackets of Vols 1 & 11 are near fine (small rub and a scratch respectively). Overall a near fine set. This is a heavy item and postage will be higher than usual. Please ask for a quote. 35 x 25.5. 0195558930
Vol. I: The Voyage of the Endeavour 1768-1771. Vol. II: The Voyage of the Resolution & Adventure 1772-1775. Vol. III (in 2 parts, Text & Catalogue): The Voyage of the Resolution & Discovery 1776-1780.
21685 KAEPPLER, Adrienne L. (editor) COOK VOYAGE ARTIFACTS, in Leningrad, Berne and Florence Museums
$100.00 AUD
Bishop Museum Press. Honolulu, Hawaii. 1978. Bernice P. Bishop Museum Special Publication No. 66. X, 186 PP with 9 colour (8 on full page) and 251 b/w illustrations. Fp (in colour): plate with Hawaiian objects. Pictorial stiff covers. Fine condition. Scarce. 28 x 21.5. 091024023X
The James Cook collection in the Museum of Anthropology and Ethnography, Leningrad. The Webber collection, Berne. Notes on an Ethnographic collection made during the Third Voyage of Cook and preserved until the end of the last century in the Royal Museum of Physics and Natural History in Florence.
19052 KENNY, John BEFORE THE FIRST FLEET, Europeans in Australia 1606-1777
$20.00 AUD
Kangaroo Press. Sydney. 1995. 1st Ed. 184 PP with b/w illust. (maps, engravings, ...) plus 16 pages with 31 colour illust. Eps: Mappemonde, 1630. Hard cover, dust jacket. Minimal light foxing on prelims otherwise a fine copy. 24.7 x 18.6. 0864176457
Details of the early European contacts with Australia. Landfalls, exploration, sojourns. Thoughts of the explorers on the coastline, plants, animals... encounters with aborigines.
$15.00 AUD
Thomas Nelson. Melbourne. 1968. 1st Ed. (10), 174 PP with 1 map in text plus 12 pages with 17 bw illust. Title-page: Vignette with the bark Endeavour. Eps: Endeavour in boisterous seas. Hard cover, dj. Very good. 22 x 14. 17002802
$5.00 AUD
Nelson. Melbourne. 1968. 1st Ed. (X), 174 PP with 1 map, plus 12 pages with 17 b/w illust. 11 pages nautical glossary. Eps: Endeavour at sea by Buchan. Pict. card cover. Note on half title page, small old stains on lower margin of some pages, o/wise good. 21.2 x 13.5. 17002802
34034 LAYLAND, Penelope THE ENDEAVOUR STORY (in National)
$10.00 AUD
National Library of Australia. Canberra. 1998. National Library of Australia News, Volume IX, No. 2, issue November 1998. Includes article from P.3 to 6 with 8 colour illust. Pictorial soft cover. Fine. 29.8 x 20.7.
On the CD-ROM Endeavour: Captain Cook's Journal 1768-71.
$20.00 AUD
Maritime Heritage Press / The Endeavour Replica. Sydney. 1993. 1st Ed. Folder containing 8 facsimiles of documents and the 16 page booklet "The Endeavour Story" (with b/w and colour illust.). Near fine. Large format : 36 x 23.2.
Contents: The Tasman Map: facsimile of the decorated 17th century map hand drawn on Japan vellum, 1644. A letter from Cook to the Admiralty. The ship's plan. Endeavour Bark 1768, cutaway model. Part of the complement of the Endeavour. Jack Earl's painting of Endeavour. Captain Cook's Instruments: Sextant, Gregorian reflecting telescope 1763, Kendall's third marine chronometer 1774. Portrait of Captain James Cook, RN, painted six years after the discovery of New South Wales, by William Hodges, in 1776.
15447 LITTLE, Norman A. ENDEAVOUR AND ACHIEVEMENT, Highlights in the Story of Australian Development
$5.00 AUD
Bank of NSW. Sydney. 1973. 13th revised edition of the 1952 original. 32 PP with 40 b/w illustrations. Pictorial soft cover (HM Bark Endeavour). Very good. 24 x 16.
From discoveries to the achievements of the opening of the Sydney Opera House.
76334 LITTLE, Stephen and RUTHENBERG, Peter (Editors) LIFE IN THE PACIFIC OF THE 1700'S, The Cook/Forster Collection of the Georg August University of Göttingen (in 3 VOLUMES)
$300.00 AUD
Honolulu Academy of Arts. Honolulu, Hawai'i. 2006. 1st Ed. Volume I: XXXII, 383 PP with 3 b/w illustrations (1 painting and 2 photos) and colour illustrations (1 map of the Pacific with 7 inserts, 5 paintings, 5 drawings and 353 photos). Volume II: 144 PP with 7 b/w illustrations and 34 pages with copies of pages of 3 manuscripts. Volume III: 128 PP with b/w illustrations (22 drawings and paintings) and 23 pages of facsimiles of .an 1881 document). Hard covers, quarter bound with decorated boards and cloth spine with gilt title. 3 volumes set contained in a decorated "Tapa" slipcase with logo of the "Honolulu Academy of Art", on spine. Mint condition. This is a heavy item and postage may be higher than usual. Please ask for a quote. Volumes: 29.7 x 24.5. / Slipcase: 31 x 25.5. 0937426717
Vol.1: Artifacts from the life in the Pacific of the 1700s. Vol.2: European research, traditions, and perspectives. Vol.3: Pacific knowledge, traditions, and perspectives.
15797 MACARTHUR, Antonia HIS MAJESTY'S BARK ENDEAVOUR - The Story of the Ship and her People
$10.00 AUD
Angus & Robertson. Sydney. 1997. 1st Ed. IX, 86 PP with line and wash drawings by Dennis Adams and illustrations from contemporary paintings, charts and sketches. Fp: Map of the voyage of H.M. Bark Endeavour. Pict. card cover. Fine. 24 x 17.5. 0207191808
53111 MACARTHUR, Antonia & LONGLEY, John ENDEAVOUR. Australia's Flag Ship
$5.00 AUD
Australian National Maritime Museum. Sydney. 2006. 1st Ed. 32 PP with b/w and colour illustrations (1 cutaway, charts, engravings, paintings, photos). Pictorial card covers. Fine. 29.7 x 21. 1860070515
$15.00 AUD
Doubleday. New York. 1972. 1st US Ed. 192 PP with 1 map, 68 b/w illustrations, plus 24 pages with 22 colour plates. Fp: Medaillon portrait of James Cook. Eps: Chart of world showing the latest discoveries of Capt. Cook. Hard cover, dj. Spine lightly sunned. Foxing spots on outside edges. Near fine. 23.5 x 15.
$10.00 AUD
Book Club Associates. London. 1974. Reprint of the 1972 original published by William Collins. 192 PP with 1 map, 68 b/w illustrations, plus 24 pages with 22 colour plates. Fp: Medallion portrait of James Cook. Eps: Chart of world showing the latest discoveries of Capt. Cook. Hard cover, dust jacket is a little ruffled with lightly sunned spine Discreet stamp on front endpaper. Foxing spots on outside edges, o/wise near fine. 23.5 x 15. 0002111438
$15.00 AUD
Book Club Associates. London. 1972. Reprint of the 1972 original published by William Collins. 192 PP with 1 map, 68 b/w illustrations, plus 24 pages with 22 colour plates. Fp: Medallion portrait of James Cook. Eps: Chart of world showing the latest discoveries of Capt. Cook. Hard cover, dj. Spine lightly sunned. Lengthy note on verso of front endpaper, and paper clippings on Captain Cook and Whitby. Very good. 23.5 x 15. 0002111438
70476 MACWHIRTER, Noel & Pat, SAGLIOCCO, Jean Louis & SOUTHWOOD, Jane (editors) Le NATURALISTE in WESTERN PORT: 1802-2002 - Two Hundred Years of Change
$75.00 AUD
Victoria Department of Infrastructure. Melbourne. 2003. 1st Ed. (2), II, 134 PP with b/w and colour illustrations. Soft covers, pictorial front, spiral bound. Fine. 29.7 x 21.5.
Proceedings of the seminar held at the Old Cranbourne Shire Office, Cranbourne, Victoria. 13th and 14th April 2002 and other commemorative events of 2002. 13 papers: ... Seals at Seal Rocks, Western Port in Bass Strait, before and after the Baudin expedition's visit in 1802, by Robert M. Warneke. ...
15729 MADDOCK, Shirley & WHYTE, Don FAR AS A MAN MAY GO - Captain Cook's New Zealand
$15.00 AUD
Collins. Auckland. 1969. 1st Ed. XVI, 284 PP, plus 60 pages with 114 b/w & colour illustrations. Fp (in colour): Captain Cook by John Webber. Eps: Chart of NZ drawn by Cook & map NZ coastline today. Hard cover, gilt title on spine, dj (price clipped). A near fine copy. 22 x 16.
A comparison of New Zealand in the 1960's and 200 years earlier when surveyed and described by Cook.
72368 McALEER, John and RIGBY, Nigel CAPTAIN COOK AND THE PACIFIC: Art, Exploration & Empire
$70.00 AUD
Yale University Press / Royal Museums Greenwich. New Haven, Ct. / London. 2017. 1st edition, with a foreword by Dr. Kevin Fewster. 256 PP with 253 figures either in b/w or colour (charts & maps, drawings & engravings, paintings & photos). Fp (in colour): Resolution and Discovery in Ship Cove, Nootka Sound. Figure 1 (in colour): Captain Cook by Nathaniel Dance. Hard covers, gilt title on spine, dj. Fine (mint condition). 26 x 20. 9780300207248
15623 McCORMICK, Anne & McDONNELL, Derek PACIFIC VOYAGES & EXPLORATION, From the Carlsmith Collection and Other Sources
$40.00 AUD
Hordern House. Sydney. 1987. 1st Ed. 160 PP profusely illustrated with 160 b/w & 31 colour illustrations. Bookplate of Professor Adrian Horridge on inside front cover. Folded "Price List (1987)" for these 289 listed items, tipped in on inside back cover. Pictorial soft covers. Front cover lightly rubbed with a few creases, otherwise contents are near fine. 29.5 x 21. 095884786X
Catalogue detailing 289 items of the Carlsmith Family collection of Pacific voyages: Cook, Bligh, La Pérouse ...
76387 McCRAE, Ensign Alexander JOURNAL KEPT IN NEW ZEALAND IN 1820, by Ensign Alexander McCrae of the 84th Regiment
$35.00 AUD
Alexander Turnbull Library / W. A. G. Skinner, Government Printer. Wellington. 1928. 1st New Zealand edition, May 1928. Alexander Turnbull Library Bulletin No.3. Edited by the Honourable Sir Frederick Revans Chapman, with Notes by Johannes C. Andersen. 33, (3 blank) PP, plus 4 pages with 3 b/w plates. Soft covers with light foxing, title on front cover. Contained in the pocket of a protective cloth cover. Fine. Rare. 24.8 x 16.
21903 MEGAW, J. V. S. (editor) EMPLOY'D AS A DISCOVERER - Papers Presented at the Captain Cook Bi-Centenary Historical Symposium, Sutherland Shire, 1-3 May, 1970
$15.00 AUD
A.H. & A.W. Reed. Sydney. 1971. 1st edition. 142 PP with 1 figure, plus 8 pages with 13 b/w illust. Errata slip loosely inserted. Half-title page: vignette with Coat-of-Arms (James Cook's widow and descendants). FEP: Sketch plan of Botany Bay. REP: Plan of the entrance of Endeavour River. Hard cover, dj. Fine. 22.2 x 14. 0589071009
Cook: The Navigator by J.C. Beaglehole - Cook and the Aborigines, by J.V.S. Megaw ....
61334 MEGAW, J. V. S. (editor) EMPLOY'D AS A DISCOVERER - Papers Presented at the Captain Cook Bi-Centenary Historical Symposium, Sutherland Shire, 1-3 May, 1970
$20.00 AUD
A.H. & A.W. Reed. Sydney. 1971. 1st edition. Foreword by A. T. Gietzelt. 142 PP with 1 figure, plus 8 pages with 13 b/w illustrations. Errata page loosely inserted. Half-title page: vignette with Coat-of-Arms (James Cook's widow and descendants). FEP: Sketch plan of Botany Bay. REP: Plan of the entrance of Endeavour River. Hard cover, dj. The Sutherland Shire's band in position. Light foxing, o/wise fine. 22.2 x 14. 0589071009
Cook: The Navigator by J.C. Beaglehole - The bark Endeavour and life aboard her, by Vice-Admiral Sir John Collins. Cook and the Aborigines, by J.V.S. Megaw ....
52921 MELLEFONT, Jeffrey THE 20TH-CENTURY ENDEAVOUR (in Signals No. 80)
$10.00 AUD
Australian National Maritime Museum. Sydney. 2007. No. 80, September-November 2007. 48 PP, contains article between pages 30 and 35 with 8 colour photos. Pictorial (Aerial view of the ANMM) soft cover. New. 29.8 x 21.
On the replica of HM Bark Endeavour (built Fremantle 1988 to 1993).
$15.00 AUD
British Museum. London. 1979. 1st edition. 249 PP with 4 maps and 158 b/w illustrations. Fp: Captain Cook. Cloth cover, dj. Foxing spots on outside edges. Near fine. 24.5 x 18.7. 0714100889
Banks's Artists and his Endeavour Collections, by A.M. Lysaght. Ancient Pacific Voyaging, by Brian Durrans... Tracing the history of Hawaiian Cook voyage artefacts in the Museum of Mankind, by Adrienne L. Kaeppler...
$10.00 AUD
British Museum. London. 1979. 1st edition. 249 PP with 4 maps and 158 b/w illustrations. Fp: Captain Cook. Cloth cover. Preface page with creases. Ex Library copy with stamps on title page, and outside edges (top and bottom). Fold of endpapers split. A good copy. 24.5 x 18.7. 0714100889
Banks' Artists and his Endeavour Collections, by A.M. Lysaght. Ancient Pacific Voyaging, by Brian Durrans...
73466 MOORE, Peter ENDEAVOUR - The Ship and the Attitude that Changed the World
$20.00 AUD
Vintage Books / Penguin Random House. Sydney. 2018. 1st paperback edition. XII, 420 PP with 2 maps (1 on double page), plus 16 pages with 7 b/w and 25 colour illustrations. Pictorial stiff covers. Slight ageing of paper. Near fine. 23.3 x 15.2. 9780143780267
15683 MOOREHEAD, Alan THE FATAL IMPACT - The Invasion of the South Pacific 1767-1840
$10.00 AUD
Hamish Hamilton. Sydney. 1987. New edition created and produced from the 1966 original. Preface by Manning Clark. 252 PP enhanced by 150 b/w and colour illustrations (paintings, drawings & etchings). Hard cover, dj. Foxing spots on outside edges, o/wise fine. 27 x 19. 0241123461
Tragic story of a great adventure which turned sour, when good intentions led to disaster, corruption & annihilation.
45733 MOOREHEAD, Alan THE FATAL IMPACT - The Invasion of the South Pacific 1767-1840
$10.00 AUD
Harper & Row. New York. 1987. 1st US edition (new edition created and produced from the 1966 original). Preface by Manning Clark. 252 PP enhanced by 150 b/w and colour illustrations (paintings, drawings & etchings). Hard cover, dj. Fine. 27 x 19. 006015800X
Tragic story of a great adventure which turned sour, when good intentions led to disaster, corruption & annihilation.
$5.00 AUD
University of Hawai'i Press. Honolulu. 1995. 1st Ed. (10), 59 PP. Pictorial card cover. Fine. 22.8 x 15.2. 0824816706
Theatre play first produced at the University of Hawai'i Kennedy Theatre in June 1978, to mark the bicentennial of Captain Cook's arrival in the Hawaiian Islands.
50262 MOUROT, Suzanne & JONES, Paulette THE GREAT SOUTHLAND, Treasures of the Mitchell and Dixson Libraries and Dixson Galleries
$25.00 AUD
Sun Academy Series. Melbourne. 1979. 1st Ed. 80 PP with b/w & colour illustrations. Pictorial soft cover. Signed by the author on title page. Fine. 28.5 x 21.5. 0725103345
Over 100 b/w or colour reproductions showing the extensive range of these magnificent collections.
57601 MOUROT, Suzanne & JONES, Paulette THE GREAT SOUTHLAND - Treasures of the Mitchell and Dixson Libraries and Dixson Galleries
$15.00 AUD
Sun Academy Series. Melbourne. 1979. 1st Ed. 80 PP with b/w & colour illustrations. Pictorial soft cover. Name of previous owner on title page. Very good. 28.5 x 21.5. 0725103345
Over 100 b/w or colour reproductions showing the extensive range of these magnificent collections.
$15.00 AUD
ABC Books / HarperCollins. Sydney. 2017. Reprint of the 2013 edition. (12), 412, (4) PP with b/w illustrations: 1 cutaway of HM Bark Endeavour, 2 maps (1 on double page) and 11 tail pieces (paintings). Soft covers, pictorial front. Light creases on covers, o/wise near fine. 19.8 x 12.8. 9780733335433
From Sailor to Legend.
$80.00 AUD
Joyce Gold. London. 1808. Nineteenth Volume. III-VIII, 514, (6 index) PP with 2 headpieces, plus 12 of the b/w plates (on the 13 called for): CCXLIX to CCXLX. FP: Monument of Captain Richard Rundle Burgess. Original covers, slit at hinges. Copy in need of rebacking and lacking title page, pages 1 to 8, pages A to H of the index, and plate CCXLVIII (Portrait of Captain Joseph Ellison). Ageing of paper and foxing. Some pages "dog eared", loose or soiled, (page 465/466 repaired). Sold as is. Format: 25 x 16.
... Containing a general and biographical history of the Royal Navy of the United Kingdom; with a variety of original papers on nautical subjects. Volume the Nineteenth (from January to July 1808).
$20.00 AUD
Cambridge University Press. Melbourne. 2009. 1st Ed. XII, 164 PP with b/w illustrations, plus 24 pages with 29 plates (10 b/w and 19 colour). Eps: Chart of Botany Bay. Hard cover, dj. Fine. 24 x 16.2. 9780521762403
56885 O'SULLIVAN, Dan IN SEARCH OF CAPTAIN COOK. Exploring the Man Through His Own Words
$40.00 AUD
I. B. Tauris & Co Ltd. London. 2008. 1st Ed. VIII, 263 PP with 3 maps and 9 b/w illustrations. Cloth cover, gilt title on spine, dj. As new condition. 24 x 16. 9781845114831
37576 OBEYESEKERE, Gananath THE APOTHEOSIS OF CAPTAIN COOK - European Mythmaking in the Pacific
$15.00 AUD
Princeton University Press & Bishop Museum Press. Princeton, N.J. c. 1998. 4th reprint of the 1994 paperback edition (original of 1992), with a new preface and afterword. XVIII, 251 PP with 14 b/w illustrations. Fp: Captain James Cook by William Hodges. Pictorial stiff covers. Fine. 23.5 x 15.5. 0691036217
The death of Capt. Cook re-examined after studying shipboard journals and logs, kept by the Captain and his officers. (A non-Western culture approach to the explanation of the slaying of a God).
13372 OLIVER, Phillip & FREEMAN, Desmond CAPTAIN JAMES COOK - NAVIGATOR, The Story of Captain Cook's First Voyage
$20.00 AUD
Star Capital & Campbell Group. Sydney. c.1988. Reprint. Colour folder with three sections containing photos & facsimiles of documents. Folder showing light wear around edges, o/wise contents near fine. Folio: 36.5 x 23.
Published at the time of World Expo, 1988, Brisbane. 1st Section: Portulan chart of the East Indies, letter from Cook to the Admiralty, Cook's instruments. 2nd Section: Endeavour, ship's plan, part of the complement of the Endeavour. 3rd Section: World map of Francesco Rosselli, about 1508. The death of Captain Cook on 14 February, 1779. The Resolution and Discovery in Noutka Sound and on the rear of the 3rd Section: Portrait of James Cook by W. Hodges.
13703 PAGET, Hugh TO THE SOUTH THERE IS A GREAT LAND - Captain Cook, Sir Joseph Banks and Australia
$5.00 AUD
The Australian. Sydney. 1970. 1st Ed. 48 PP with 2 maps, 9 colour and 24 b/w illustrations. Inside front cover: Map of Africa and the Indian Ocean. Inside back cover: map of New Holland and north of it. Pictorial card covers a little rubbed, o/wise near fine. 26.2 x 20.8.
$15.00 AUD
Beta Phi Mu. Pittsburgh. 1974. Limited edition. Beta Phi Mu Chapbook No. 10. XIV, 80, (2) PP with 1 portrait and 3 charts. Fp: Captain James Cook, (engraving by J. Basire 1777). Cloth cover, gilt device and title on front cover & spine. Faint foxing. Fine. 21 x 15.5. 0910230102
66526 PARKIN, Ray H.M. BARK "ENDEAVOUR" - Her place in Australian History - With an Account of her Construction, Crew and Equipment and a Narrative of her Voyage on the East Coast of New Holland in the Year 1770.
$15.00 AUD
The Miegunyah Press. Melbourne. 2006. Paperback edition of the 2nd edition of 2003 (the original of 1997 was No. 13 in the Second numbered series of the Miegunyah Press). XII, 468 PP with 2 reproductions of original drawings by Parkinson, as well as plans, charts and illustrations by the author. Pictorial soft cover. Near fine. 23.5 x 17.8. 9780522853117
Not only on the Bark "Endeavour", but the description of Australia by the participants to this voyage of discovery (Cook, Banks, Parkinson, Pickersgill...), while following the East Coast from Cape Howe to Cape York.
71537 PARKIN, Ray H. M. BARK "ENDEAVOUR" - Her place in Australian History. With an Account of her Construction, Crew and Equipment and a Narrative of her Voyage on the East Coast of New Holland in the Year 1770.
$100.00 AUD
The Miegunyah Press. Melbourne. 1999. Reprint of the 3rd edition (with revisions) of 1999. Original of 1997. No. 13 in the Second numbered series of the Miegunyah Press. XII, 468 PP with 2 reproductions of original drawings by Parkinson, as well as plans, charts and illustrations by the author. Cloth cover, gilt title on front cover and spine. Together with 15 folded detailed ship drawings and plans (80 x 58) by author contained in a cloth folding case. The set contained in a decorated slipcase. Fine. 31.5 x 21.2. 0522847161
Not only on the Bark "Endeavour", but the description of Australia by the participants to this voyage of discovery (Cook, Banks, Parkinson, Pickersgill...), while following the East Coast from Cape Howe to Cape York.
74470 PARKIN, Ray H. M. BARK "ENDEAVOUR" - Her place in Australian History. With an Account of her Construction, Crew and Equipment and a Narrative of her Voyage on the East Coast of New Holland in the Year 1770.
$200.00 AUD
The Miegunyah Press. Melbourne. 1997. 1st edition, limited to 1000 copies. No. 13 in the Second numbered series of the Miegunyah Press. XII, 468 PP with 2 reproductions of original drawings by Parkinson, as well as plans, charts and illustrations by the author. Cloth cover, gilt title on front cover and spine, ribbon page-marker. Folded flyer and Newspaper review loosely inserted. Together with 15 folded detailed ship drawings and plans (80 x 58) by author contained in a cloth folding case. The set contained in a decorated slipcase. Foxing spots on outside edges of the book, otherwise a fine copy. More images available on request. 31.5 x 21.2. 0522847161
Not only on the Bark "Endeavour", but the description of Australia by the participants to this voyage of discovery (Cook, Banks, Parkinson, Pickersgill...), while following the East Coast from Cape Howe to Cape York.
15449 PETROFF, Peter & FERGUSON, John (editors) SAILING ENDEAVOUR, Including Helpful Extracts from the Journal of James Cook, Navigator
$5.00 AUD
Driza-Bone / Maritime Heritage Press. Sydney. 1994. 1st edition, with introduction by Bruce Stannard. 80 PP with 2 plans & 68 b/w photos by Rod Mcleod. Pictorial soft covers. Neear fine. 21 x 14.8. 1875684050
Pictorial introduction to the world of 18th century square-rigged sailing vessels. Photos taken on the replica of the Endeavour launched in Fremantle in 1994.
$10.00 AUD
Grain de Sable. Nouméa. 1996. 1st Ed., No. 1 in the Histoires Calédoniennes series. 80 PP with 1 map and 30 b/w illustrations. Pictorial soft cover. French text. Fine. Small format: 15 x 10.8. 2841700119
Discovery and exploration of New Caledonia by Captain James Cook, in September 1774.
19371 POLDEN, Richard ENDEAVOUR, A Photographic Journey
$15.00 AUD
Fremantle Arts Centre Press. Fremantle, W.A. 1998. 1st Ed. Foreword by John Longley. 136 PP with 1 map and 128 colour photos. Fp: Endeavour sailing in the sunset. Pictorial stiff covers. Near fine. Oblong: 24 x 26. 1863682279
The voyage of Endeavour, 16 October 1996 to 25 March 1997, Fremantle to London via : Rodrigues, Mauritius, La Reunion, Durban, Port Elizabeth and Capetown, St Helena, Ascension, Tenerife, Madeira and Alderney.
$15.00 AUD
Royal Australian Historical Society. Sydney. 1924. P.121-168 with 5 b/w illustrations. Stapled soft covers. Rust marks on staple holes, o/wise very good. 21.2 x 13.5.
Cook's Attitude to Australia, by F. S. Adrian. James Mario Matra - The father of Australia, by Captain J.H. Watson. Image of back cover shows all contents and list of illustrations.
$15.00 AUD
Royal Australian Historical Society. Sydney. 1926. P. 318 - 380 with b/w illustrations or photos. Stapled soft covers with light wear. Very good. 21.2 x 13.6.
Memorials to Captain James Cook, R.N., Dr. William Bland by Norman J. Dunlop. Image of back cover shows all contents and list of illustrations.
$10.00 AUD
Reader's Digest Association. London. 1979. 1st Ed., with an introduction by Douglas Reeman. 430, (2) PP with b/w and colour illustrations. Laminated pictorial boards. Slight ageing of paper. Near fine. 23.5 x 15.2.
Capitain Cook, the Seamen's Seaman, by Alan Villiers. A Night to Remember, by Walter Lord. The Ra Expedition by Thor Heyerdahl.
62252 RICHARDSON, Brian W. LONGITUDE AND EMPIRE: How Captain Cook's Voyages Changed the World
$40.00 AUD
University of British Columbia Press. Vancouver, B.C. 2005. 1st paperback edition. XVI, 240 PP with 30 b/w illustrations. Pictorial card cover. Bookplate of previous owner inside front cover. Near fine. 22.8 x 15.2. 0774811900
"Fascinating account offering a new understanding of Captain Cook's voyages and how they affected the European world view" (review comments).
71483 RICKARD, Suzanne SAILING WITH COOK: Inside the Private Journal of James Burney, RN
$25.00 AUD
National Library of Australia. Canberra. 2015. 1st Ed. Foreword by Peter Cochrane. (8), 256 PP with b/w and colour illustrations. Eps: map of Indo Pacific region with track of the Resolution and Adventure, 1772-73. Pictorial laminated boards, dj. Fine (as new condition). 26.7 x 22. 9780642277770
Sailing on board "Adventure" during the second voyage of exploration of Captain Cook: 1772 - 1773.
$5.00 AUD
Hamlyn. London. 1970. 4th impression of the 1968 original. 157 PP with b/w & colour illustrations. Fp: Engraved portrait of Cook, after Webber. Half-title page: Statue of Cook, The Mall near Admiralty Arch. Illustrated endpapers. Top corner of front endpaper clipped. Hard cover, gilt device on front cover, gilt title on spine.. Neear fine. 29.5 x 22.
$5.00 AUD
Paul Hamlyn. London. 1968. 1st Ed. 157 PP with b/w & colour illustrations. Fp: Engraved portrait of Cook, after Webber. Half-title page: Statue of Cook, The Mall near Admiralty Arch. Illustrated endpapers. Hard cover, gilt device on front cover, gilt title on spine, dj. Fine. 29.5 x 22.
$5.00 AUD
Hamlyn. London. c. 1970. Reprint of the 1968 original ?. 157 PP with b/w & colour illustrations. Fp: Engraved portrait of Cook, after Webber. Half-title page: Statue of Cook, The Mall near Admiralty Arch. Illustrated endpapers. Hard cover, gilt device on front cover, gilt title on spine, dj. Lacks the title page, o/wise good and complete. 29.5 x 22.
$70.00 AUD
Paul Hamlyn. London. 1968. 1st Australian edition limited to 500 numbered copies (No. CCXXIV / 500). 157 PP with b/w & colour illustrations, top edge gilt. Fp: Engraved portrait of Cook, after Webber. Half-title page: Statue of Cook, The Mall near Admiralty Arch. Illustrated endpapers. Padded white buckram, gilt device on front cover, gilt title on spine, clear plastic protective wrappers, contained in a blue covered slipcase. A fine copy. Scarce. 30.2 x 22.
$30.00 AUD
National Maritime Museum. Greenwich. 2002. 1st Ed., with a foreword by Glyn Williams. 144 PP with b/w and colour illustrations (charts & maps, drawings & engravings, paintings & photos). Fp (in colour): Captain Cook by Nathaniel Dance. Pictorial soft cover. Fine. 24.6 x 19. 0948065435
$15.00 AUD
Angus & Robertson. Sydney. 1981. 1st. Aust. Ed. (8), 164 PP with 35 b/w illustrations. Pictorial soft cover. Renewed front endpaper. Foxing spots on outside edges. Very good. 21.5 x 14.
Brief history of the successive discoveries of Australia prior to 1770 plus the adulation of Cook as Australia's national hero: the statues, monuments, towns, rivers, university, etc. which bear his name.
63942 ROBSON, John CAPTAIN COOK'S WORLD: Maps of the Life and Voyages of James Cook R. N.
$35.00 AUD
Random House Australia. Sydney. 2000. 1st Ed. 212 PP with 128 maps and insets by author. Hard cover, gilt title on spine, dj. Near fine. Oblong: 21.5 x 30.2. 9781740514132
Captain Cook's World: an atlas, chronology and biography of the life and voyages of this explorer.
$50.00 AUD
Random House Australia. Sydney. 2004. 1st Ed. 288 PP with 100 b/w illustrations (charts & maps, drawings & engravings, photos), plus 8 pages with 17 colour illustrations. Half title page: A Hei tiki. Title spread: the replica bark "Endeavour". Hard cover, gilt title on spine, dj. Fine. 26.5 x 20.5. 9780759310117
$40.00 AUD
Royal Geographical Society. London. 1952. Annual edition. Vol. CXVIII, issues Part 1(March 1952) to Part 4 (December 1952). Edited by L.P. KIRWAN. XLVI (advertisements), 532 PP, (6 contents), plus plates with b/w photos and maps (some in colour). Original soft cover. Foxing. Very good. 24.5 x 15.5.
Vol. CXVIII. Part 3: The survey of India since the Second World War, by Brigadier G. F. Heaney. The First Voyage of Amerigo Vespucci, by A. Davies ... Part 4: The voyage of Discovery II, 1950-51, by H. F. P. Herdman.
$40.00 AUD
Royal Geographical Society. London. 1956. Annual edition. Vol. CXXII, issues Part 1(March 1956) to Part 4 (December 1956). Edited by L.P. KIRWAN. XLVI (advertisements), 554 PP, (6 contents), plus plates with b/w photos and maps (some in colour). Original soft cover. Foxing. Very good. 24.5 x 15.5.
Vol. CXXII. Part 4: On the character of Captain James Cook,, by J. C. Beaglehole. Problems of development in New Guinea, by O. H. K. Spate.
$25.00 AUD
University of Chicago Press. Chicago. 1985. 1st Ed. XX, 180 PP with 4 figures. Hard covers, dj. Fine. 22.2 x 14;5. 0226733572
5 Essays centred on Islands of the Pacific, and their European discoveries. Supplement to the Voyage of Cook, or le calcul sauvage . The Stranger-King, or Dumézil among Fijians. Captain James Cook or the Dying God...
75200 SALMOND, Anne THE TRIAL OF THE CANNIBAL DOG - Captain Cook in the South Seas
$25.00 AUD
Yale University Press. New Haven, Ct. 2003. 1st US edition. XXII, 506 PP with 53 b/w illustrations (5 maps and 48 paintings, prints, sketches, plus 8 pages with 15 colour plates). Hard cover, gilt title on cloth spine, dj. Fine. 24.2 x 16.5. 9780300100921
$10.00 AUD
Shiplovers' Society of Victoria. Melbourne. 1970. Volume No. 27, 1970. 128 PP with b/w illustrations. Pictorial soft cover (HMS Endeavour). Covers a little soiled with signature at top of front cover. Otherwise, a very good clean copy. 21 x 13.8.
Contains article by N.S. Smith between P.106 and 118 with 4 b/w illustrations. "From Whitby to Botany Bay and Beyond, An outline of the life and achievements of Capt. Jas. COOK. "The Search for the Vergulde Draeck" (C. Halls) between P.48 & 56 with 1 map, 1 plan and 2 b/w photos.
$10.00 AUD
Wiggins Teape. Sydney. 1970. Vol. 2, No.9, February, 1970. 12 PP with 16 b/w illust. Pictorial card cover with rubbed patches. Staples removed. Internally very good. 27.2 x 21.
A special edition to commemorate the landing at Kurnell of Lieutenant James Cook on April 29, 1770.
32466 SKELTON, R. A. CAPTAIN JAMES COOK - After two hundred years
$10.00 AUD
British Museum. London. 1969. 1st Ed. 32 PP plus 24 b/w plates with 29 illust. Fp: Medallion portrait of Captain James Cook. Pictorial card cover. Light soiling on covers, o/wise near fine. 21.5 x 14. 714102865
Cook, the man (a commemorative address delivered in July 1968 before the Hakluyt Society).
70666 SKELTON, R. A. CAPTAIN JAMES COOK - After two hundred years
$20.00 AUD
British Library. London. 1976. Reprint of the 1979 original. 32 PP, plus 2 plates in colour and 24 b/w plates with 29 illust. Fp (in colour): Medallion portrait of Captain James Cook. Hard cover, dj (price clipped). Fine. 22.2 x 14.2. 0714103829
Cook, the man (a commemorative address delivered in July 1968 before the Hakluyt Society).
$50.00 AUD
Yale University Press. New Haven. 1985. 2nd US edition. XIV, 370 PP with 222 b/w & 32 colour illust. Cloth covers, gilt title on spine, dj. Dust jacket has lightly sunned spine with a repaired closed tear and now in a protective sleeve. Contents fine. 29.2 x 21.7. 0300028156
European interpretation of the Pacific in the late 18th & early 19th centuries. From the voyages of James Cook to Dumont d'Urville.
$15.00 AUD
Caedmon of Whitby. Whitby. 1978. Reprint ???. XIV, 160 PP with 8 b/w illustrations, plus 2 b/w plates. Fp: Portrait of Capt. James Cook. Hard cover, dj. Fine. 23 x 14.5. 0905355040
The life of Captain Cook: Yorkshire years, family life, the voyages. The man, his methods, his achievements.
$10.00 AUD
Caedmon of Whitby. Whitby. 1978. 1st Ed. XIV, 160 PP with 8 b/w illustrations, plus 2 b/w plates. Fp: Portrait of Capt. James Cook. Pictorial soft cover. Faint foxing, o/wise fine. 21.5 x 14. 0905355040
The life of Captain Cook: Yorkshire years, family life, the voyages. The man, his methods, his achievements.
34549 STARZECKA, Dorota JAMES COOK - THE MAN (in Hemisphere)
$20.00 AUD
AGPS / Commonwealth Department of Education. Canberra. 1979. Volume 23, No. 3, May/June 1979. Contains article from P.138 to 145 with 6 b/w and 8 colour illust. Illustrated soft cover. Fine. 27 x 20.2.
Reflections on a great explorer's achievements... and lapses.
50113 TAYLOR, C. R. H. MILESTONES. Some Events in New Zealand History
$15.00 AUD
Bank of New South Wales. Wellington. 1959. 1st Ed. 20 PP with 18 b/w illustrations. Illustrated soft wrappers. Fine. 24 x 15.5.
The Maori and his age-old land... Captain Cook takes possession...
46680 THOMAS, Nicholas DISCOVERIES. The Voyages of Captain Cook
$15.00 AUD
Allen Lane. London. 2003. 1st Ed. XXXVIII, 468 PP with 6 head pieces (on double page), 9 maps (3 on double page) and 54 b/w illustrations. Hard cover, gilt title on spine, dj. A few light foxing spots on outside page edges, o/wise fine. 24.2 x 16. 0713995572
$25.00 AUD
Walker Publishing Co. New York. 2003. Reprint of the original US edition. XXXVIII, 468 PP with 6 head pieces (on double page), 9 maps (3 on double page) and 54 b/w illustrations. Hard covers, gilt title on spine, dj. Fine (as new condition). 24.2 x 16.5. 9780802714121
75267 THOMAS, Nicholas, ADAMS, Julie, LYTHBERG, Billie, NUKU Maia & SALMOND, Amiria (editors) ARTEFACTS OF ENCOUNTER: Cook's Voyages, Colonial Collecting and Museum Histories
$100.00 AUD
University of Hawai'i Press. Honolulu. 2016. 1st US edition of the New Zealand original. 348 PP with b/w and colour illustrations. Fp (in colour): Old label associated with a paddle collected in New Zealand. FEP: the Maudslay Gallery, Museum of Archeology and Anthropology, Cambridge. REP: Heiau with a marker to HMS Blonde. Hard covers, title (silver lettering) on front board and spine, ribbon page-marker. Fine. 29.2 x 25.7. 9780824859350
End of 20th century visit to the sites of contact between Cook's crews in Dusky Sound (1773) and Queen Charlotte Sound (1770).
67294 VAUGHAN, Thomas & MURRAY-OLIVER, A. A. St. C. M. CAPTAIN COOK R.N., THE RESOLUTE MARINER - An International Record of Oceanic Discovery
$15.00 AUD
Oregon Historical Society. Portland, Oregon. 1974. 1st Ed. Foreword by Admiral Sir James Madden. Preface by Thomas Vaughan. Introduction by Edmund Hayes. XIII, 97 PP with 85 pages of b/w illustrations, plus 4 colour plates. Eps: Carte reduite des parties connues du Globe Terrestre MDCCLV. Pictorial card cover. Covers somewhat rubbed. Occasional foxing. Very good. 22.8 x 20.3. 875950493
Catalogue for an exhibition on Capt. Cook organized by the Oregon Historical Society for the bicentennial of the USA and the exploration of Cook on its shores.
14939 VEIT, Walter CAPTAIN JAMES COOK, Image and Impact, South Seas Discoveries and the World of Letters, Volume II: The Pacific Syndrome: Conditions and Consequences
$20.00 AUD
Hawthorn. Melbourne. 1979. 1st Ed. (8), 200 PP. Hard cover, dj. Faint foxing on outside edges. Near fine. 22.2 x 14. 0725602414
Series of chapters, including The Pacific Ocean: The 18th Century's New World, by Alan Frost, Rousseau's Noble Savage - A New Zealand Case History, by John Dunmore,...
22634 VILLIERS, Alan CAPTAIN COOK, The Seamen's Seaman, A Study of the Great Discoverer
$35.00 AUD
Hodder & Stoughton. London. 1967. 1st Ed. IX, 10-256 PP with 7 maps and 26 text illustrations by Adrian Small, plus 4 pages with 7 b/w plates. FEP: Map of the 1st Voyage in H.M.S. "Endeavour", 1768-1771. REP: Map of the 2nd Voyage in the "Resolution" 1772-1775. Hard cover, gilt title on spine, device on front cover, dj (price clipped). Dust jacket with small chips at head of spine and in a protective sleeve. Faint foxing. Very good. 24 x 16.5.
The biography of Captain Cook by the last great deep-water sailing ship man.
74464 VILLIERS, Alan CAPTAIN COOK, The Seamen's Seaman, A Study of the Great Discoverer
$25.00 AUD
Hodder & Stoughton. London. 1978. Reprint of the 1967 original.. IX, 10-256 PP with 7 maps and 26 text illustrations by Adrian Small, plus 4 pages with 7 b/w plates. Eps: Map of the 2nd Voyage in the "Resolution" 1772-1775. Hard cover, gilt title on spine, dj. Dust jacket with a few small chips and in a plastic sleeve. Neat name label of previous owner on FFEP, o/wise a near fine copy. 24 x 16.5. 0340226285
The biography of Captain Cook by the last great deep-water sailing ship man.
74505 VILLIERS, Alan CAPTAIN COOK, The Seamen's Seaman - A Study of the Great Discoverer
$25.00 AUD
Hodder & Stoughton. London. 1967. 1st Ed. IX, 10-256 PP with 7 maps and 26 text illustrations by Adrian Small, plus 4 pages with 7 b/w plates. FEP: Map of the 1st Voyage in H.M.S. "Endeavour", 1768-1771. REP: Map of the 2nd Voyage in the "Resolution" 1772-1775. Hard cover, device on front cover, gilt title on spine. Faint foxing. A very good clean copy. 23 x 15.
The biography of Captain Cook by the last great deep-water sailing ship man.
64837 WEATHERILL, Richard The ANCIENT PORT OF WHITBY and its Shipping, with some Subjects of Interest Connected therewith
$300.00 AUD
Horne and Son. Whitby. 1908. 1st Ed. 445 PP, (11 list of subscribers) with 2 charts and 40 b/w illustrations. Fp: Whitby, from a drawing by Geo. Weatherill. Cloth cover, gilt title on spine. Spine with speckled spots, covering part of the letters of title. Endpapers starting at gutter. Few pages with short closed tears. Overall, a very good copy of a rare item. 22.7 x 16.
Compiled from various registers of shipping, periodicals, local newspapers and histories. Page 46: illustration and text of the "Earl of Pembroke" (Endeavour of Captain Cook). Pages 383 to 389: Captain Cook and Ships in which Captain Cook sailed.
51024 WEBER, Thérèse & WATSON, Jeanie (editors) COOK'S PACIFIC ENCOUNTERS: The Cook-Forster Collection of the Georg-August University of Göttingen
$45.00 AUD
National Museum of Australia. Canberra. 2006. 1st Ed., with an introduction by Craddock Morton. XIV, 110 PP with 2 maps in colour (Pacific voyages of Captain Cook, and Polynesian migration routes), b/w and colour illustrations. Pictorial card covers. Folded flyer for exhibition and photocopy of press review loosely inserted. Fine. 21.5 x 24. 1876944471
Catalogue of the exhibition held at the National Museum of Australia: 22nd June to 10 September 2006, together with 3 essays. Cook's voyages to the Pacific by Michelle Hetherington. Pacific cultural heritage: the Göttingen Cook-Forster collection by Brigitta Hauser-Schäublin & Gundolf Krüger. Collecting from the Collectors: Pacific islanders and the spoils of Europe, by Jennifer Newell.
The Folio Society. London. 1999. 3rd printing of the 1997 edition. XXXIV, (2), 552 PP with 8 maps, plus 12 pages with 17 colour plates and 20 pages with 37 b/w illustrations. Fp (in colour): Portrait of Captain James Cook by Nathaniel Dance, 1776. Eps: map with tracks of the three voyages. Cloth cover, illustrated front cover and spine. Slipcase. Fine (mint condition). 25.2 x 17.5.
$50.00 AUD
OUP. Melbourne. 1988. 1st Ed. XIX, 242 PP with 143 b/w or colour illust. Fp: Matthew Flinder's first recorded use of the term 'Australia' 1804. Eps: Typus Orbis Terrarum. Cloth cover, dj. Dedicatory note signed by Alan Frost on title-page. A fine copy. 26.2 x 19.8. 0195549082
Describes the various stages of discovery and the significance of these for the European imagination. Examines the impact of early colonization on the Aborigines. A most comprehensive account of European discovery of Australia.
20974 WILLIAMS, Robyn MAN OF FLOWERS: ... legacy of Joseph Banks (in Australian Way - August, 1993)
$5.00 AUD
Qantas. Sydney. 1993. 144 PP. Contains article from P. 53 to 55 with 8 colour illustrations (1 portrait and 8 Banksias). Pictorial soft cover. Very good. 27.5 x 21.
$25.00 AUD
HarperCollins Publishers. Sydney. 2018. 1st edition by Sam Neill. XIV, 448 PP with b/w illustrations: 3 maps on double page, 6 head pieces and 14 b/w illustrations, plus 32 pages with 80 colour illustrations. Hard covers, dj. Fine. 24.4 x 16. 9781460756393
71416 WITHEY, Lynne VOYAGES OF DISCOVERY, Captain Cook and the Exploration of the Pacific
$20.00 AUD
Hutchinson. London. 1988. 1st UK edition. 512 PP with 36 b/w illustrations. Eps: Mappemonde with Voyages of Captain James Cook. Hard cover, gilt title on spine, dj. Discreet signature of previous owner on front endpaper. Near fine. 24.2 x 16. 0091736021
Account of the last great age of European sea exploration, making use of the fragments of oral traditions, collected by early missionaries and anthropologists as well as the discoverers' notes.
74138 WITHEY, Lynne VOYAGES OF DISCOVERY, Captain Cook and the Exploration of the Pacific
$10.00 AUD
University of California. Berkeley, Ca. 2000. 3rd printing of the 1989 paperback edition. 512 PP with 35 b/w illustrations, plus 4 pages with 3 maps (1 on double page). Soft covers slightly cocked, illustrated front. Covers with light creases. Inside front cover and 6 first leaves with light soiling. Otnerwise a very good copy. 22.7 x 15.2. 9780520065642
Account of the last great age of European sea exploration, making use of the fragments of oral traditions, collected by early missionaries and anthropologists as well as the discoverers' notes.
$20.00 AUD
Macmillan. Melbourne. 1926. 1st Ed. VI, (4), 116 PP with 8 b/w illust. in text. Fp: The Endeavour. Covers with light shelf wear, page 107 has a small tear at bottom corner (margin), o/wise a very good clean copy. 18.5 x 12.5.
The author was a professor of history at Sydney University and the book has been written to appeal to both young people & adults.
$125.00 AUD
Alexander Turnbull Library / W. A. G. Skinner, Government Printer. Wellington. 1926. 1st New Zealand edition, July 1926. Alexander Turnbull Library Bulletin No.2. Translated by Miss U. Tewsley & Johannes C. Andersen, with a few Explanatory Notes. 50 PP with facsimile of 2 title pages of German and English editions of 1781, plus 2 b/w plates and 1 large folded map, copy of the 1781 English edition "Chart Showing the tracks of the ships employed in the Captain Cook's...", tipped-in at rear. Soft covers with light foxing, title on front cover. Staples removed, repaired short tear on back cover, name of previous owner on inside front cover, otherwise contents are fine. Rare. 24.5 x 15.5.