73831 ABEL, Gordon AGAINST THE GRAIN: with the Huon Pine Loggers of the West Coast of Tasmania
$25.00 AUD
D.& G. Abel. Newmarket, Qld. c. 2000. 1st Ed. (4), 63 PP with b/w illustrations (1 map at centrefold and 32 photos). Pictorial stiff covers. Near fine. 21 x 14.7.
$20.00 AUD
Rigby. Adelaide. 1968. 1st Ed. 64 PP with over 32 drawings by Arthur Phillips. Eps: Plan of Port Arthur. Hard cover, title on spine. Front of dust jacket pasted down on fronr cover, flaps of dust jacket pasted down on inside covers. Covers laminated with clear plastc. Near fine. 22.2 x 14.5.
74207 ADKINS, Yvonne THE ENIGMATIC Mr STRANGE - Creating a Past: the life and art of Frederick Strange c.1807-1873
$25.00 AUD
Queen Victoria Museum and Art Gallery. Launceston. 2017. 1st Ed., with a preface by Richard Mulvaney, Director. (3), 92 PP with colour illustrations. Pictorial stiff covers. Fine (mint condition). Oblong: 21 x 24. 9780975802632
Catalogue of an exhibition held 19 June to 5 November 2017. A convict artist who arrived in Launceston in 1841, and had his first exhibition in 1851.
$25.00 AUD
Australian Post Office. Hobart. c. 1973. 1st Ed. 72 PP with b/w illustrations (1 diagram, 3 maps, prints and photos). Stiff covers, pictorial front. Fine. 24.8 x 17.5.
75445 ALEXANDER, Alison THE AMBITIONS OF JANE FRANKLIN, Victorian Lady Adventurer
$30.00 AUD
Allen & Unwin. Sydney. 2013. 1st edition. X, 294 PP with 4 b/w illustrations (1 Dinner Menu and 3 maps), plus 12 pages with 9 colour and 23 b/w illustrations. Pictorial stiff covers. Near fine. 23.2 x 15.4. 9781742375694
75739 ALEXANDER, Alison BLUE, BLACK AND WHITE - The History of the Launceston Church Grammar School 1846-1996
$50.00 AUD
Launceston Church Grammar School. Launceston. 1996. 1st Ed. Foreword by Ewan Crawford. X, 326 PP with b/w illustrations (documents, cazrtoons & drawings, paintings and photos) and 13 colour photos. Fp: Nisi Dominus Frustra. Cloth covers, illustrated front and back, dj. Dust jacket has chips and is rubbed around edges and in a protective sleeve. FFEP has a rubbed patch, otherwise a near fine copy. 27.3 x 23. 06462751235
Glenorchy City Council. Glenorchy, Tas. 1986. 1st Ed. Foreword by David J. Shields, Mayor. X, 382 PP with b/w illustrations (1 chart, 11 maps & diagrams, prints and photos) and colour illustrations (paintings, watercolours and photos). Cloth covers, gilt title on front board and spine, dj. Fine. 24.8 x 18. 18625245447
75968 ALLAN, David (editor) PORT DALRYMPLE YACHT CLUB - Club Directory & Racing Programme: 2010-11
$5.00 AUD
Port Dalrymple Yacht Club. Beauty Point, Tasmania. 2010. 1st Ed. Foreword by Peter Haworth, Commodore. 48 PP with b/w and colour illustrations. Centrefold with Course Sheet for permanent marks & International code of Signals. Pictorial stiff covers. Fine. 21 x 14.8..
58th sailing season 2010 - 2011.
75969 ALLAN, David (editor) PORT DALRYMPLE YACHT CLUB - Club Directory & Racing Programme: 2011 - 12
$5.00 AUD
Port Dalrymple Yacht Club. Beauty Point, Tasmania. 2011. 1st Ed. Foreword by Piers Findlay, Vice Commodore. 52 PP with b/w and colour illustrations. Centrefold with Course sheet for permanent marks, International Code of Signals & Race Signals. Pictorial stiff covers. Fine. 21 x 14.8..
Sailing season 2011 - 2012.
36606 ANGUS, Max SIMPKINSON DE WESSELOW - Landscape painter in Van Diemen's Land and the Port Phillip District 1844-1848
$200.00 AUD
Blubber Head Press. Hobart. 1984. 1st edition limited to 1000 numbered copies signed by the author. This copy is no.21. 191 PP with 9 illustrations (3 colour & 6 b/w), 61 plates in colour, and 217 b/w illust. of the catalogue of Australian colonial works in Tasmanian public collections, plus 1 large folded plate (No. 39). Fp: Miniature of F.G. Simpkinson. Illustrated endpapers. Cloth cover, gilt device on front cover, gilt title on spine, dj. Fine. Scarce. 31.7 x 28. 0908528132
Joined the Royal Navy in 1832, served with Captain F.W. Beechey then Captain Edward Belcher on HMS "Sulphur". Appointed to the Rossbank Observatory between 1844 and 1848...
75160 ARNEIL, Stan A FIRM FOUNDATION - The Story of Gutteridge Haskins & Davey, Consulting Engineers 1928-1988
$35.00 AUD
Gutteridge Haskins & Davey Pty Ltd. Sydney. 1988. 1st Ed. XIV, 288 PP with b/w and colour illustrations. Hard covers, gilt title on front board and spine, dj. Fine (as new condition). 24.8 x 19. 0731620968
Tasmania: Since 1924 (dams & water supply, wastewater treatment plants, hospitals, major hotels) ...
$35.00 AUD
AIMA / Australasian Institute for Maritime Archaeology. Sydney. 2005. Edited by Jeremy GREEN & Myra STANBURY. 88 PP with b/w illustrations (drawings, maps and photos). Pictorial soft cover. Fine. 29.8 x 21.
Investigation of a survivor camp from the Sydney Cove Shipwreck, by M. Nash. Watercraft discard in Tasmania. Watercraft abandonment in Australia, by N. Richards. ...
74054 BAKER, Dorothy & BEECHEY, Norm THE PEOPLE OF HOPE ISLAND - Port Esperance
$50.00 AUD
Authors. Dover, Tasmania. c. 2011. 2nd printing. (2), 80 PP with tables and b/w illustrations (location map, maps, documents, newspaper clippings, photos and portraits). Stiff covers, pictorial front. Fine (as new). 29.7 x 21.
10199 BANKS, M. R. & SMITH, S. J. (editors) PROCEEDINGS OF THE SYMPOSIUM ON MACQUARIE ISLAND (in Papers and Proceedings of the Royal Society of Tasmania - Volume 122, Part I.)
$25.00 AUD
Royal Society of Tasmania. Hobart. 1987. IV, (2), 318 PP with tables, b/w figures (graphs, maps) & b/w photo plates. Pictorial soft covers. Near fine. 25 x 17.2.
Thirty-three papers presented at this Symposium (May 11-15, 1987) covering all aspects of the island: history/discovery (sealing), earth sciences (geology, vegetation), meteorology, biological sciences (flora & fauna) and physics...
58083 BATESON, Charles DIRE STRAIT - A History of Bass Strait
$10.00 AUD
Reed. Sydney. 1973. 1st Ed. 112 PP with b/w & colour illustrations. Laminated pictorial boards, dust jacket. A near fine copy. 30 x 21.3. 0589071165
Details the history of Bass Strait: discovery, exploration, sealers, chartmakers, shipwrecks & the more recent oil discoveries.
$15.00 AUD
Charles Bean. Hobart, Tasmania. c. 2010.. 1st edition, with an introduction by Lorrie Neate. (4), 136 PP With b/w illustrations: 1 facsimile of document and 8 photos. Pictorial soft covers. Spine lightly rubbed. Name of previous owner at top of preliminary page, o/wise fine. 20.8 x 14.8.
Royal Navy during WWII. Migrated and settled in Tasmania.
$30.00 AUD
Richard Bennett. Kingston, Tasmania. 2006. 1st Ed. Foreword by Honourable William J.E. Cox. No pagination, c. 160 PP with 2 b/w photos and colour illustrations: 1 map with 2 insets & over 150 colour photos. Hard cover, dj. Fine. 30.5 x 23.3. 9780957811041
$25.00 AUD
Richard Bennett. Geeveston, Tasmania. 1988. 1st Ed. Foreword by Honourable John Peter Hodgman. 96 PP with colour illustrations: 1 map and 97 colour photos. Hard cover, simile leather, title on front board and spine, dj. Name of previous owner and rubbed patches on front endpaper. Very good. 30.8 x 23.6. 0731633067
55523 BETHELL, L.S. THE STORY OF PORT DALRYMPLE: Life and Work in Northern Tasmania
$25.00 AUD
L.G. Shea, Government Printer. Hobart. c.1957. 1st Ed. Foreword by W. A. Townsley. X, 193, IX (index) PP with 9 maps & plans, 4 tables and 68 b/w illustrations. Soft cover, illustrated front. Covers lightly soiled with light wear. Slight ageing of paper. Contents near fine. 24.5 x 15.6.
Port at the mouth of the Tamar River. Chapters 3 & 4: Ships in Port Dalrymple.
74393 BETHELL, L.S. THE STORY OF PORT DALRYMPLE: Life and Work in Northern Tasmania
$50.00 AUD
L.G. Shea, Government Printer. Hobart. c.1957. 1st Ed. Foreword by W. A. Townsley. X, 193, IX (index) PP with 9 maps & plans, 4 tables and 68 b/w illustrations. Soft wrappers, illustrated front. Covers lightly soiled. Signature on title-page. Contents near fine. 24.5 x 15.6.
Port at the mouth of the Tamar River. Chapters 3 & 4: Ships in Port Dalrymple.
$30.00 AUD
Melbourne University Press. Melbourne. 1964. 1st Ed. VI, 126 PP with 3 maps, plus 8 pages with 8 b/w plates. Cloth cover, dj. Near fine. 21 x 13.5.
The life of the most adventurous whaling master of Hobart Town... First man around Tasmania... Shipwreck on Macquarie.
42914 BOYCE, James & HAYE, Pete / BOYLES, Warren & WILSON, Lyn NICOLAS BAUDIN - The Bicentenary of the expedition to Van Diemen's Land of an extraordinary French Explorer / THE EXPEDITION - An artist's perception of Baudin's voyage (in 40° South Tasmania)
$20.00 AUD
40 Degrees South Pty Ltd. Hobart. 2002. Issue 24, Autumn, March 2002. Contains article pages 16 to 23 with 1 b/w portrait and 8 colour illustrations. Pictorial soft cover. Fine. 27.5 x 21.
15492 BRANAGAN, J.G. THE HISTORIC TAMAR VALLEY, Its People, Places and Shipping 1798-1990
$40.00 AUD
History of the third oldest settlement in Australia.
71592 BRAND TASMANIA TASMANIA - AUSTRALIA: A World apart for living, working, learning and investing
$10.00 AUD
Hobart. Brand Tasmania Council. c. 2012. 1st Ed. 16 PP with colour illustrations: sketch map of Tasmania and location map, 5 portraits and 34 photos. Pictorial stiff covers. Fine. 29.7 x 21.
73016 BREADEN, J. C. BEAUTIFUL HOBART and Surroundings ... 81 Views
$20.00 AUD
J.C. Breaden. Hobart. c. 1930. Reprint of first edition in the "Tasman Series". No pagination, 24 PP with 81 b/w photos. Stiff covers, pictorial front, staples. Covers lightly soiled. Two photos with a small rubbed patch, o/wise very good. Oblong: 21.5. x 26.5.
Captions of photographs, not as descriptive as per the original edition.
72633 BRETTINGHAM-MOORE, J. MARITIME TASMANIA - A Cruising Guide with Historical Notes and Coastal Photography
$25.00 AUD
Shadrach. Cambridge, Tasmania. 1988. 1st Ed. 190 PP with 4 charts, 10 b/w illustrations (3 photos and 7 engravings), 40 b/w photos, and 99 maps & plans. Hard cover, gilt title on spine, dj. Light shelf wear around edges of covers and dust jacket which is in a protective sleeve. A near fine copy. Scarce. 30.2 x 21.5. 0731633318
Discovery and exploration, settlement, sealing and whaling. Then cruising guide with 98 maps and plans.
74951 BRETTINGHAM-MOORE, J. MARITIME TASMANIA - A Cruising Guide with Historical Notes and Coastal Photography
$30.00 AUD
Shadrach. Cambridge, Tasmania. 1988. 1st Ed. 190 PP with 4 charts, 10 b/w illustrations (3 photos and 7 engravings), 40 b/w photos, and 99 maps & plans. "Supplementary anchorage charts" tipped in on front endpaper. Hard cover, gilt title on spine, dj. Light wear around edges. Dust jacket with repaired tears and now in protective sleeve. Name and address of previous owner on inside front cover, o/wise contents near fine. 30.2 x 21.5. 0731633318
Discovery and exploration, settlement, sealing and whaling. Then cruising guide with 98 maps and plans.
73576 BRIDGE, L. J. (Jim) BOATS, NETS, POTS & HOOKS - Untold Tales of Fish and Fishermen of South-Eastern Tasmania
$80.00 AUD
L.J. Bridge. Hobart. 2007. 1st Ed. (5), 139 PP with c. 25 b/w photos. Laminated soft covers, pictorial front, spiral bound. Fine. 29.7 x 21.
73170 BROWN, Bob GREEN NOMADS: Across Australia's Wild Heritage
$80.00 AUD
Hardie Grant Books. Melbourne. 2015. 1st Ed. 240 PP with colour photos by the author. Hard cover, colour illustrations on front and back boards, dj. Ccpy signed by the author on half title page, and with a dedicatory note to the previous owner dated and and signed by the author on title page. Fine. 25 x 21. 9781743790786
A "Bush Heritage" tour: Randalls Bay and Oura Oura cottage by the Liffey River, in Tasmania, then to the backblocks of Eastern Australia.
74587 BROWN, Joan C. POVERTY IS NOT A CRIME, The Development of Social Services in Tasmania 1803-1900
$35.00 AUD
Tasmanian Historical Research Association. Hobart. 1972. 1st edition. xix, 192 PP plus16 pages with19 b/w plates. Cloth cover, dust jacket. A fine copy. 25 x 17.5. 090947902X
$15.00 AUD
Navarine Publishing. Canberra. 1992. 1st limited edition of 1000. Foreword by Senator Ken Wriedt. II, 60 PP with 1 plan, 1 map & 46 photos. Dedicatory note to Senator Ken Wriedt, signed by the author. Signature of previous owner (Ken Wriedt) inside front cover. Pictorial stiff covers. Fine. 21 x 14.8. 0646113291
Story of small trading craft plying Tasmanian bays, rivers and inlets. The need to preserve and restore the SS Reemere, launched in 1909.
Navarine Publishing / Roebuck Book. Canberra. 1998. 1st Ed., Roebuck Society Publication No. 45. XIV, 603 PP with 2 graphs,and 65 b/w illust. FEP: Map of Tasmania, c. 1850s. REP: An 1830s engraving of the Paddle steamer Seahorse. Hard cover, dj. Copy signed by the author on title page. Fine. 25.8 x 18. 0958656134
$10.00 AUD
Navarine. Canberra. 1992. 1st edition limited to 1000 copies (No. 423/1000). Foreword by Ken Wriedt. II, 60 PP with 1 plan, 1 map & 46 b/w photos. Pictorial card cover. Covers slightly rubbed. Signed by author. Fine. 21 x 14.8. 0646113291
Story of small trading craft plying Tasmanian bays, rivers and inlets. The need to preserve and restore the SS Reemere, launched in 1909.
69074 BROXAM, Graeme THE BASS STRAIT FERRY "CITY OF MELBOURNE', Pioneer Australian Screw Steamship
$20.00 AUD
Navarine Publishing. Hobart. 2008. 1st edition limited to 259 Ccopies. VI, 54 PP with 2 colour illustrations and b/w illustrations (chart of Bass Strait at centrefold, 4 engravings, 2 plans, and 8 photos). Pictorial stiiff covers. Signed on title page by author and publisher.. Fine. 21 x 14.8., 9780975133132
$10.00 AUD
Navarine Publishing. Canberra. 1996. Second Edition. 28 PP with 6 b/w photos. Pict. card cover. Signed by the author on the title-page. Fine. 21 x 14.5. 095865610X
Addenda and Errata to the First Edition corrected to 30 January 1996.
61933 BROXAM, Graeme (compiler) TERRA LINNA - The History, Recovery and Reconstruction of Tasmania's Oldest Racing Yacht
$25.00 AUD
Wooden Boat Guild Tasmania / The Vintage Boat Club of Tasmania. Hobart. 2012. Relaunch-day Souvenir Edition, limited to 100 copies. Foreword by Ross Barnett. 48 PP with b/w illustrations (line drawing at centrefold, 1 engraving and 29 photos). Pictorial soft cover. Fine. 21 x 14.8., 9780975133170
Built 1881, relaunched on 23rd June 2012.
68393 BROXAM, Graeme (compiler) TERRA LINNA - The History, Recovery and Reconstruction of Tasmania's Oldest Racing Yacht
$20.00 AUD
Wooden Boat Guild Tasmania / Navarine Publishing. Hobart. 2017. 3rd edition with corrections and additions. Foreword by Ross Barnett. 56 PP with b/w illustrations (line drawing at centrefold, 1 engraving and 40 photos). Pictorial soft cover. Signed by the compiler on title page. Fine. 21 x 14.8. 9780975133170
Built 1881, relaunched on 23rd June 2012.
68715 BROXAM, Graeme (editor) THE JAMES OF GEORGE TOWN - A Colonial Maritime, Mercantile and Family Correspondence: 1813-1857
$30.00 AUD
Navarine Publishing. Canberra. 2002. 1st edition limited to 500 copies. No. 56 in Roebuck Society series. XXXII, 64 PP with 1 map and 14 b/w illustrations. Pictorial soft cover. Signed by the author on title page. Fine (as new condition). 25 x 17.5. 0958656185
Captain Joseph James, Sydney shipowner and merchant: pork trade with Tahiti, sandalwood in the Austral Islands... First merchant in George Town in 1820.
70871 BROXAM, Graeme (editor) TASMANIAN PINERS' PUNTS - Their History and Design
$40.00 AUD
Wooden Boat Guild of Tasmania / Australian National Maritime Museum. Hobart. 2020. Reprint of the 2019 edition. (6), 120 PP with tables, b/w illustrations (1 drawing, 1 map of Tasmania, line drawings, sketches & plans, 14 photos) and over 100 colour photos. Pictorial soft cover. Dated and signed on preliminary page by Graeme Broxam, editor. Fine. 29.7 x 21. 9780992366063
74164 BROXAM, Graeme (editor) TASMANIAN PINERS' PUNTS - Their History and Design
$50.00 AUD
Wooden Boat Guild of Tasmania / Australian National Maritime Museum. Hobart. 2019. 1st Ed. (6), 120 PP with tables, b/w illustrations (1 drawing, 1 map of Tasmania, line drawings, sketches & plans, 14 photos) and over 100 colour photos. Pictorial stiff covers. Dated and signed on preliminary page by Graeme Broxam, editor. Fine. 29.7 x 21. 9780992366063
70866 BROXAM, Graeme & CHATWIN, Dale (Editors) PAPERS OF THE HOBART WHALING CONFERENCE: 6 - 7 May, 2019
$30.00 AUD
Navarine Publishing. Hobart. 2020. No. 67 in the Roebuck Series. 1st limited edition, signed by both editors. VIII, 165 PP, (2), with b/w and colour illustrations. Pictorial soft covers. Fine. 25.2 x 20. 9780648725213
Papers include: British and Australian Whale Fisheries, Colonial Australasian Whaling, Tasmanian and Hobart Whaling, Sealing, Australian Whaling ...
$25.00 AUD
Navarine Publishing. Hobart. 2023. 1st Ed. XII, 91 PP with 5 charts, 4 maps and b/w or colour illustrations. Pictorial stiff covers. Fine (as new). 26.5 x 21. 9780648725182
$25.00 AUD
Navarine Publishing. Hobart. 2023. 1st Ed. XII, 76 PP with 2 charts, 4 maps and b/w or colour illustrations. Pictorial stiff covers. Signed on the title page by Graeme Broxam (Co-author and Publisher). Fine. 26.5 x 21. 9780648725299
Shipwreck of: Cataraqui, in 1845 ... City of Melbourne, in 1852.
71515 BUCKBY, Pauline DAVID HOWIE, Devil or Saint
$50.00 AUD
Jamala Press. Smithton, Tasmania. 2003. 1st Ed. 186 PP with b/w illustrations: 1 plan, 1 sketch map of King Island and 38 engravings & photos. Illustrated stiff covers. Fine (mint condition). 23.5 x 15.5. 1876913088
$10.00 AUD
Commonwealth of Australia. Canberra. 2000. December 2000 edition in the Boating Weather series. IV, 44 PP with tables and colour illustrations. Pictorial soft covers with a couple of very small nicks, o/wise near fine. 25 x 17.5. 0642320497
Contents include: Using a barometer, Weather in Tasmania, Waves, Winds and the Beaufort scale...
A. N. M. Hobart. 1988. Commemorative book, with a letter dated July 25 1988, signed by G. F. Gibson, Managing Director. No pagination, 56 PP with 38 b/w and 29 colour photos. Inside covers with b/w illustrations. Pictorial soft covers with flaps, title on front cover and spine, contained in a decorated box. Box with slight scratch and rubbed edges. A near fine and scarce item. 30. 26.
$10.00 AUD
Qantas Airways Ltd. Sydney. 1972/73. Vol. 38, No. 8, December 1972/January 1973. 24 PP. Contains article from P.10 to P15 with with 10 colour photos. Pictorial soft cover. Fine. 27.3 x 20.5.
74306 BUTTON, Henry FLOTSAM AND JETSAM: Floating Fragments of Life in England and Tasmania - An Autobiographical Sketch with an Outline of Responsible Government
$50.00 AUD
The Examiner Newspaper / Regal Press. Launceston, Tasmania. 1993. Facsimile reprint of the 1909 original. Foreword by Lloyd Whish-Wilson, The Examiner. (18), 471, (27 index) PP with tables and 38 b/w illustrations (drawing, photos & portraits). Stiff covers, pictorial front. Fine (as new condition). 21.2 x 14.5. 0949457558
Reprint ed on the occasion of the conclusion of the 150th Anniversary of "The Examiner Newspaper Ltd., with a comprehensive index compiled by Mary Dent of the Launceston Historical Society.
75606 CAHALAN, Stephenie COLOUR AND MOVEMENT - The Life of Claudio Alcorso
$40.00 AUD
Forty South Publishing. Hobart. 2019 1st Ed. XIV, 192 PP with b/w and colour illustrations (documents, newspaper clippings, Sketches and photos). Pictorial stiff covers with folds. Fine. Oblong: 21 x 24. 9780648532828
$100.00 AUD
Sullivan's Cove. Adelaide. 1984. Reprint of the 1881 original in an edition limited to 200 numbered copies (No.77/200). 50, (2) PP. Decorated soft cover, with label vignette on front. Fine. Scarce. 24 x 15.6.
68111 CALVERT, Hedley & GRAEME-EVANS, Alex ALWAYS A COMPETITOR - Hedley Calvert Tasmanian Yachtsman, Orchardist and Raconteur
$40.00 AUD
Tasbook. Hobart. 1997. Limited edition. Foreword by Mike Fletcher. VI, 311 PP with b/w and colour illustrations, ribbon page marker; Eps: colour photos in the Huon Valley. Hard cover, simile leather, gilt title on front cover and spine, dj. Signed by Alex Graeme-Evans, co-author, at top of title page. Fine. 30 x 21.4. 0646343947
69753 CHASE, Owen WRECK OF THE WHALE SHIP ESSEX: The Complete Illustrated Edition: The Extraordinary and Distressing Memoir that Inspired Herman Melville's Moby-Dick
$40.00 AUD
Zenith Press. Minneapolis. 2017. 1st paperback edition, with an Introduction by Gilbert King. XXVIII, 196 PP with over 200 illustrations, drawings, fine-art prints and photos. Fp: The Charles W. Morgan. Pictorial soft cover. Fine. 27.3 x 22.8. 9780760357361
75418 CHAU, Commodore Steve (editor) DERWENT SAILING SQUADRON - Official Club Brochure 2017-2018
$10.00 AUD
Derwent Sailing Squadron, Inc. Hobart. 2018. 2018 edition. 80 PP with b/w and colour illustrations (ephemera, memorabilia, plans and photos). Addendum slip for page 58 loosely inserted. Pictorial stiff covers. Fine. 24.5 x 17.
72214 CIRCULAR HEAD HERITAGE Committee THE CIRCULAR HEAD CHRONICLE - Year 200 "Commemorative Edition"
$20.00 AUD
Circular Head Heritage Centre. Smithton, Tasmania. 1998. Vol 1, No.1 "Special Edition", December 5th 1998. 4 PP (on 5 columns). Fine. 43 x 28.5. 0646466542
Historical and Heritage story of Circular Head following the "Bass & Flinders sight Circular Head - Dec 5, 1798 "... the NW corner of Tasmania.
$25.00 AUD
Circular Head Heritage Centre. Smithton, Tasmania. 2001. 37 PP (photocopies). 29.7 x 21.
Circular Head and the NW corner of Tasmania since the sighting by Bass & Flinders of Circular Head - Dec 5, 1798, to the Centenary of Federation celebrations.
$30.00 AUD
Muriel E. Clampett. Melbourne. c. 1982. 1st edition with a foreword by David Witton, England. (8), 92 PP with 18 b/w illustrations. Laminated pictorial boards. Spine and boards lightly sunned. Faint foxing on outside edges, o/wise fine. 25.6 x 19. 0646123254
Family story beginning with the 1827 voyage to Tasmania of the barque "Caroline" chartered by the Van Diemen's Land Company. It ends with the release from jail of Lieut. George Ramsdale Witton who fought in the Boer War and was one of the "Scapegoats of Empire".
72226 CLARK, Carrel Inglis THE PARLIAMENT OF TASMANIA: An Historical Sketch
$20.00 AUD
H.H. Pimblett, Government Printer, Tasmania. Hobart. 1947. 1st Ed. Foreword by Robert Cosgrove, Premier. Part I: (2), 88 PP. Part II (compiled by L.A. Thomson): 30 PP. Fp: Photo of Parliament House, Hobart. Cloth covers rubbed around edges and top of spine which is a little frayed, gilt title on front board and spine. Gilt lettering dulled. Offsetting of endpapers, o/wise contents near fine.. 25.5 x 16.
75604 CLARK, Julia THIS SOUTHERN OUTPOST - Hobart 1846-1914
$20.00 AUD
Corporation of the City of Hobart. Hobart. 1997. Reprint of the 1988 original. Forewords by Alderman Doone Kennedy, Lord Mayor 1988 and Alderman Dr. J.W. Freeman, Lord Mayor 1997. Introduction by Dr. Kay Daniels. 88 PP with 1 location map, 2 coloured plans and over 240 b/w photos. Half title page: aerial view of the harbour. Stiff covers, pictorial front. Fine. Oblong: 23 x 30. 0731642392
$15.00 AUD
Marguerite Close. Stanley, Tasmania. 1988. 3rd revised edition, of the 1975 original. Foreword by Frank Bolt. 68 PP with 35 b/w illustrations by the author. Pictorial soft cover. Signed by the author / artist on title page. Fine. 15.6 x 21.3. 0959851933
75730 COAD, David LYMINGTON - Southern Tasmania
$100.00 AUD
David Coad. Battery Point, Tasmania. 2023. 1st Ed. (6), 376 PP with b/w and colour illustrations. Pictorial stiff covers. Fine. 29.7 x 20.8 9780980692389
76887 COAD, David PIONEERS of Petcheys Bay, Wattle Grove and Lower Wattle Grove
$80.00 AUD
David Coad. Battery Point, Tasmania. 2024. 1st Ed. (6), 230 PP with b/w and colour illustrations. Pictorial stiff covers. Fine. 29.7 x 20.8. 9781763606302
$15.00 AUD
G.H. Stancombe of Glendessary. Western Junction. 1984. 2nd edition of the 1973 original. Forword by Dr. C. Craig. 90 PP with illustrations (34 drawings and 60 watercolours) by Miss Kathleen Cocker. Hard covers, gilt title on spine, dj. Fine (as new condition). 25.5 x 18.
$100.00 AUD
Forty South Publishing Pty Ltd. Hobart. 2017. 1st Ed. Foreword by Hon. Craig Farrell. XII, 372 PP with hundreds of b/w and colour illustrations. FEP: Shipping Apples from Huonville. REP: ... A Way of Life. Pictorial laminated boards. Fine (as new condition). 30.2 x 21.5. 9780995408258
$120.00 AUD
Forty South Publishing Pty Ltd. Hobart. 2017. 1st Ed. Foreword by Hon. Craig Farrell. XII, 372 PP with hundreds of b/w and colour illustrations. FEP: Shipping Apples from Huonville. REP: ... A Way of Life. Pictorial laminated boards. Dedicatory note to previous owner on title page, signed by the author. Fine (as new condition). 30.2 x 21.5. 9780995408258
73445 COULTMAN SMITH PORT ARTHUR through the Artist's Eyes: A Collection of Twenty Photo-Lithographic Etchings of Port Arthur by I. G. Anderson
$15.00 AUD
Coultman Smith / Mercury Press. Hobart. 1948. 1st Ed. 24 PP with 20 etchings presented and annotated by the author. Stapled card covers, illustrated front and back. Signature of previous owner at top of title page and date at bottom. Near fine. 24.6 x 18.6.
$30.00 AUD
Rigby Limited. Adelaide. 1978. 1st Ed. (8), 160 PP, plus 12 pages with b/w illustrations (drawings, sketches, paintings and photos). Hard covers, dj, Copy signed by the author on half title page, and with a typed note tipped in on front endpaper, mentioning that the author was from the 'Lions Club of Beauty Point,", Tasmania. A fine copy of a scarce title.. 22 x 14.5. 0727007413
76805 COX, G. W. & RATCLIFF, E. V. R. TASMANIA REMEMBERED: Early Photographs of H. J. King
$30.00 AUD
The Mary Fisher Bookshop. Launceston. 1974. 1st Ed. A Tribute to Herbert J. King, by C. Craig. XVI, 160 PP with b/w illustrations (1 Locality Map of Tasmania and 115 photos). Cloth covers, dust jacket with chips and repaired tears, now in a plastic sleeve. Contents near fine. Oblong: 20 x 24.5. 0959920722
$90.00 AUD
Ron Withington. Hobart. 2014. 1st Ed. XII, 612 PP with b/w illustrations (1 document, 1 sketch map, 2 plans, 3 stamps, 8 paintings and 284 photos). Vignette on title page: Hobart waterfront on 11th February 1957 with 3 Royal Australian Navy vessels (HMAS Melbourne, HMAS Sydney, HMAS Warramunga) and 2 cargo ships of the British India Steamship Company (Palamcotta & Chanda). Pictorial boards. Dedicatory note on title page signed by author Rex Cox. Fine. 23.5 x 16.5.. 9780646913636
70417 COX, Sue BANISHED BEYOND THE SEAS - A Saga of Van Diemen's Land
$30.00 AUD
Forty South Publishing. Hobart. 2017. 1st Ed. (4), 203 PP. Pictorial soft cover. Dedicatory note to previous owner dated and signed by the auythor. Near fine. 23.3 x 15.4. 9780648028697
74147 COX, William A MISCELLANY OF TASMANIANA - Selected Vice-Regal Speeches
$35.00 AUD
W.J.E. Cox. Hobart. 2008. 1st Ed. XII, 199 PP with 7 b/w and 13 colour photos. Fp (in colour): The author with Argus, February 2005. Hard cover, dust jacket. A fine copy. 22 x 15.5. 9780646506036
W. J. E. Cox: 26th Governor of Tasmania: 2004 to April 2008, gave over 500 speeches. A selection of 70 excerpts devoted to Tasmanian History, Culture or Lifestyle.
72127 CRADOC ON BRUNY ISLAND - Weekly Courier 1914
$30.00 AUD
Mrs. Kathy Duncombe. Barnes Bay, Bruny Island. 1995. 1st Ed. Transcribed by Kathy Duncombe, of articles published in the Weekly Courier in April, May and June 1914. (4), 22, (2) PP (recto only) with 2 maps of Bruny Island (North & South), 1 map "The Neck" and 38 b/w photos (photocopy quality). Soft covers, pictorial front. Near fine. 29.5 x 21. 064622686X
62589 CUMBERLAND, Charles Burrell HOBART TOWN - From the corner of De Witt Street and Cromwell Road (colour print)
$10.00 AUD
Hobart. c. 2000. Colour print of a 1850 watercolour by Charles Burrell CUMBERLAND. Old damp mark on lower margin of the verso (not affecting the print). Near fine. Oblong format: 39.5 x 52.
15777 CUMPSTON, J. S. THE FURNEAUX GROUP, BASS STRAIT, First Visitors 1797-1810
$10.00 AUD
Roebuck Society. Canberra. 1978. 2nd printing of the 1972 original. Publication Roebuck Society No. 5. IV, 35 PP with 3 maps, plus 4 pages with 3 b/w photos & 1 chart on double page. Soft cover. Inscription at top of title-page and date, o/wise contents are near fine. 25 x 17.5. 0950085855
67973 CUMPSTON, J. S. THE FURNEAUX GROUP, BASS STRAIT, First Visitors 1797-1810
$15.00 AUD
Roebuck Society. Canberra. 1972. 1st Ed. Publication Roebuck Society No. 5. IV, 35 PP with 3 maps, plus 4 pages with 3 b/w photos & 1 chart on double page. Soft cover. Near fine. 25 x 17.5. 0950085855
$40.00 AUD
Roebuck Society. Canberra. 1973. 1st Ed. Roebuck Society publication No. 7. VIII, 103 PP with 5 maps, plus 12 pages with 17 b/w photos & 1 chart on double page. FEP: First chart of Bass Strait. Cloth cover, gilt title on spine, dj. Fine. 25.8 x 18.5. 095008588X
$15.00 AUD
The Tasmanian Book Company. Launceston. 1996. Reprint of the 1994 edition. 160 PP with 1 map and over 110 colour photos by Dennis Harding. Pictorial soft cover. Fine. 19 x 14.3. 1876095032
70685 DAVEY, Richard SARAH ISLAND. The Penal Settlement at Macquarie Harbour 1831
$10.00 AUD
The Round Earth Company. Strahan, Tasmania. 1998. 1st Ed. 16 PP with illustrations by Simon Barnard and Phil Fitzpatrick. Stapled soft wrappers. Fine. 21 x 15.
The People, Ships and Shipwrights, A guided tour.
70872 DAVIE, Jim LATITUDE FORTY - Reminiscences of Flinders Island
$30.00 AUD
National Press. Melbourne. 1980. 1st Ed. Foreword by Stephen Murray-Smith. 51 PP with 1 map in text. Stiff covers, pictorial front. Name of previous owner at top of half-title page. Very good. 21.5 x 14. 090947026
$15.00 AUD
Tasmanian Museum and Art Gallery. Hobart. 1963. 1st Ed. 29 PP (2 Index) with 27 b/w figures by author. Soft cover, illustrated front. Covers foxed and with creases. Signature of previous owner (Olaf Ruhen) at top of title page. Very good working copy. 24.5 x 18.5.
Guide to the marine mammals of Tasmania. The pinnipeds (seals, sea lions & fur seals) and the cetaceans (whales, dolphins & porpoises), endemic to Tasmania or migratory.
$25.00 AUD
Tasmanian Museum and Art Gallery. Hobart. 1963. 1st Ed. 29 PP (2 Index) with 27 b/w figures by author. Soft cover, illustrated front. Fine. 24.5 x 18.5.
Guide to the marine mammals of Tasmania. The pinnipeds (seals, sea lions & fur seals) and the cetaceans (whales, dolphins & porpoises), endemic to Tasmania or migratory.
$30.00 AUD
Royal Society of Tasmania. Hobart. 2009. 1st Ed. X, 113 PP with 1 b/w portrait, 1 b/w plate and colour illustrations (6 maps, drawings, graphs, paintings and photos). Pictorial soft cover. Fine. 23 x 16.3. 9780646506364
Proceedings of a symposium held 11th February 2009, University of Tasmania.
$30.00 AUD
Hobart Press. Sandy Bay, Tasmania. 2002. 1st limited edition of 500 numbered copies (No. 491/500). 175, (5) PP with hundreds of b/w illustrations (covers of sketchbooks or albums, portraits, signatures and sketches). Illustrated endpapers. Hard covers, gilt title on front board and spine, dj. Fine (mint condition). Oblong: 21.2 x 27. 0957936508
24 of these: 13 sketchbooks and 11 albums.
$10.00 AUD
Circular Head Heritage Centre. Smithton, Tasmania. 2005. 1st Ed. No.2 in the "Icons of Tasmania" series. 48 PP with b/w and colour illustrations (drawings, photos). Pictorial soft covers, title on front. Fine. Oblong: 14 x 19. 0646466542
Historical and Heritage story of the NW corner of Tasmania.
$30.00 AUD
Cat & Fiddle Press. Hobart. 1973. Facsimile extract of the 1817 original, limited to 500 copies. 58 PP. Hard cover, dj. Dust jacket lightly rubbed, o/wise fine. 22.3 x 14. 0858530104
A facsimile extract from "A Narrative of Voyages and Travels in the Northern and Southern Hemispheres comprising three Voyages round the World together with a Voyage of survey and discovery in the Pacific Ocean and Oriental Islands". Sealing in Bass Strait, calls of the ship Perseverance at Hobart and Sydney in 1804.
$25.00 AUD
TMP Worlwide. Hobart. 2000. Reprint of the 1996 original. Foreword by Phillip Turner. 3-64 PP with b/w illustrations. Stiff covers with repaired spine at extremities, illustrated front with note, otherwise contents are fine. 26.8 x 18.
... in the 1920's, the largest furniture factory in Australia.
73098 DUNBABIN, Tom MAKING THEIR OWN WAY - The Dunbabins on Maria Island: 1869 - 1876
$40.00 AUD
Tom Dunbabin / Bangor Publications. Dunalley. 2010. 1st Ed. 144 PP with 2 family trees, b/w and colour illustrations. Pictorial stiff covers with flaps. Fine (mint condition). 24.5 x 17. 9780646542317
Appendix 3: Ships and boats of Maria Island.
$35.00 AUD
76450 DUYKER, Edward (editor) THE DISCOVERY OF TASMANIA, Journal Extracts from the Expeditions of Abel Janszoon Tasman and Marc-Joseph Marion Dufresne
$30.00 AUD
St.David's Park. Hobart. 1992. 1st Ed. XIV, 106 PP with 15 b/w illustrations. Pictorial hard cover. Fine. 24.4 x 16.8. 0724622411
Transcription & translation into English of the journal extracts from the first two European expeditions to Tasmania: the Dutch with Tasman & the French with Marion Dufresne, respectively in 1642 & 1772.
$25.00 AUD
J.M. Edgecombe. Sydney. 1992. 1st Ed. 64 PP with b/w illust. (plans & maps, draw. & photos). Fp: Map of the Furneaux Group. Pictorial card covers. Dated and signed by the author on half title page. Fine. 21.2 x 13.8. 0646076493
History and guide of the group of islands stretching from Northeast of Tasmania towards Victoria.
$15.00 AUD
The Rams Skull Press. Kuranda, Qld. 1994. 1st Ed. 24 PP with around 40 drawings by the author. Pictorial stiff covers with light wear, otherwise fine. 25 x 17.8. 1875434836
Traditional craft in the Maritime Museum, Hobart, and Heritage Vessels in South-eastern Tasmania.
$15.00 AUD
B. A. Elliott / Geneva Press. Latrobe. 1973. 1st Ed. 23, (3) PP with a 2 pages familyy tree and b/w illustrations ( 1 photo "Gathering of the Clan", 1 photo of the author, 3 drawings by Miss Val Uhrmacher), plus transparency plate for "The Gathering of the Clan". Stapled card covers, illustrated front. Signature of author on title page. Fine. 21.5 x 14.
$25.00 AUD
Rigby Limited. Adelaide. 1974. 1st Ed. No pagination, 84 PP with drawings and sketches. Title page with portrait of Abel Tasman and crest of Tasmania. Hard cover, dj. Brief note to previous owner on front endpaper. Near fine. 29 x 21. 0851797652
76830 EMMETT, E. T. TASMANIA, by Road and Track
$30.00 AUD
Melbourne University Press. Melbourne. 1954. 3rd edition of the 1952 original. 175 PP, plus 24 plates with 35 b/w illustrations (facsimile of a letterr, and 34photos). Fp: the author at Frenchman's Cap. EPS: map of Tasmania with 2 inserts (location map and Approaches to Hobart). Cloth covers, dj (price clipped). Name of previous owner on front endpaper and dedicatory note on verso of FFEP. Dust jacket with chips and repaired tears, now in a protective sleeve. Very good. 21.5 x 14.
Essa / BHP. Melbourne ?. c.1989. Poster (double sided) with colour photos. Recto: "Maersk Giant", the first jack-up drilling rig to work in Bass Strait. Verso: semi-submersible Derrick Barge DB101, lifting the platform on Whiting field, Bass Strait. Near fine. Format - Poster: 59.6 x 42. / Folded: 29.8 x 21.
$25.00 AUD
Parks and Wildlife Service. Hobart. 1993. 1st Ed. (1), 62 PP with tables and 2 b/w illustrations, plus 9 b/w plates. All illustrations: photocopy quality. Soft cover, pictorial front (whaling station, Wineglass Bay). "Office Copy" crossed out at top of front cover, otherwise a fine copy. 29.7 x 21.
Report dealing with the historic Tasmanian bay whaling industry.
74068 FAGAN, Mavis, ISLES, Irene & CRETAN, Janet (editors) THE HAMILTON LITERARY SOCIETY 1889-1989
$25.00 AUD
Hamiltion Literary Society 1989-90. Hobart. 1989. 1st Ed. (4), 78 PP with 9 b/w illustrations (1 photostat copy of a letter, 1 painting of Teresa T. Hamilton by Tennyson Cole and 7 photos). Stiff covers, pictorial front. Fine. 20.5 x 14.2.
In Honour of the Hamilton Literary Society's 100th Birthday.
70690 FARRAR, Derek & CRUISING YACHT CLUB OF TASMANIA (compiler) D'ENTRECASTEAUX WATERWAYS - A Guide to the Waterways of the D'Entrecasteaux Channel and its tributaries
$25.00 AUD
Tasmanian Government Publication. Hobart. c. 1998. 1st Ed. 78 PP with b/w illustrations: 2 drawings by Neil Lamont & 6 figures, 1 location map and 27 maps/plans (in colour). Inside back cover: 9 colour illustrations "Common Channel Fish". Plastic folder with 42 clear plastic sleeves containing the 78 pages and original wrappers, spiral bound. Very good. 29.7 x 21. 0724623361
Includes anchorages, list of boat ramps, list of lights, ...
71919 FENTON, Tony A HISTORY OF PORT DAVEY, South West Tasmania. Volume One: Fleeting Hopes
$40.00 AUD
Forty South Publishing Pty Ltd. Hobart. 2017. 1st Ed. Foreword by Christobel Mattingley. XXII, 312 PP with 7 maps, b/w and colour illustrations (charts, drawings, engravings, maps, paintings, photos and portraits). Pictorial stiff covers. Fine (mint condition). 24 x 17.5. 9780995408241
Landfall and first contacts... Gold Fever. Whaling. Huon Pines... Tin Rush... Shipwrecks on an inhospitable coast.
$30.00 AUD
Port of Launceston Authority. Launceston. 1983. 1st edition, with an introduction by Captain Sir John Williams. XIV, 138 PP with 72 b/w illust. (7 paintings, 65 photos), 28 head-pieces. Fp: Colour photo of the Board of the Port of Launceston Authority. Eps: Panorama of the Forty-Mile long Tamar estuary. Cloth cover, dj. Dust jacket with edges lightly rubbed. A near fine copy. 26.2 x 21.
Published for the 125th year of the Marine Board of Launceston set up in 1857.
$20.00 AUD
Owen Hughes Photography Pty Ltd.. Launceston. 1988. 1st printing. Introduction by Alderman A. Tsinoglou, Mayor of Launceston. 128 PP with colour illustrations: 1 map of Tasmania with an insert and 142 photos. Hard cover, title on front board and spine, dj. Dedicatory note on title page, signed by Owen Hughes, Master Photographer. Fine. 29.2 x 21.5. 0959014527
$5.00 AUD
MAST / Marine and Safety Tasmania. Hobart. 1997. 1st edition. 80 PP with tables and colour illustrations. Pictorial soft cover. Oblong. Near fine. 13.3 x 20.5.
15509 FISHER, E. M. (editor) THE TASMANIAN STEAM NAVIGATION COMPANY'S TIME TABLE and Guide to Tasmanian Railways, &c. &c.
$25.00 AUD
Navarine Publication. Canberra. 1996. "Magnified" facsimile edition of the June 1888 original. 52 PP with 1 map of SE Australia/Tasmania at centrefold and 1 b/w photo of S.S. Oonah. Soft cover, illustrated front. Fine. 21.5 x 14.5. 0958656118
A guide to commercial marine, rail and road transport available to Tasmanian travellers in June 1888: colonial, intercolonial and overseas.
51114 FITZGERALD, Simon (editor) MARINE AND SAFETY TASMANIA. Annual Report 1997-1998
$10.00 AUD
Marine and Safety Tasmania. Hobart. 1998. 1st yearly edition. 28 PP with tables and 8 b/w photos. Pictorial soft cover. Fine. 29.8 x 21.
Glazed Images. Hobart. c. 1995. Colour print of the 1886 original painting (oil on canvas). Fine. Oblong format: 37 x 64.5
$15.00 AUD
Cypress Books & Victorian Historical Association. Melbourne. 1970. 1st Ed. in the "Cypress Historical Backgrounds No. 4". 27 PP . Stiff covers, title on front cover. Near fine. 21.2 x 13.7
Richard Dillingham was transported to Van Diemen's Land on board the Catherine Stewart Forbes. Assigned to David Lamb of Sandy Bay. ...
71204 FOWLER, R.M. THE FURNEAUX GROUP, Bass Strait: A History
$55.00 AUD
Roebuck Society. Canberra. 1980. 1st Ed. Publication No. 28 in the Roebuck Society series. VIII, 394 PP, plus 36 pages with 8 charts & 60 b/w illust. FEP: Chart of Bass Strait. REP: "Stokes' Chart of the Furneaux Group. Decorated boards rubbed and worn around edges. Name of previous owner on verso of front endpaper. Contents near fine. Scarce. 23.8 x 16.5. 0909434204
$30.00 AUD
Cassell & Company. London. 1923. 1st Ed. ix, 324 PP plus 9 pages with 12 b/w plates. Fp: George Cadbury at the age of 78. Blue cloth cover with device on front, gilt title on spine. Minimal shkelf wear and occasional light foxing. A near fine copy. 22 x 14.5.
George Cadbury was the third son of John Cadbury, a Quaker who founded Cadbury's cocoa and chocolate company in Britain.
$30.00 AUD
Whitcombe & Tombs. Melbourne. c. 1947. 1st Ed. 220 PP with head pieces and 38 b/w illustrations (drawings and photos). Fp (in colour): The lovely Upper Huon. Eps: map of Bruny Island and the Huon River. Cloth cover, dj. Very discreet (tiny) stamp of previous owner on front endpaper, otherwise a fine copy. 19 x 13.
Settlement, fishing ...Shipwright's and the Regatta... the River Craft.
75592 GEE, Helen (compiler / editor) FOR THE FORESTS - A History of the Tasmanian Forest Campaigns
$50.00 AUD
The Wilderness Society. Hobart. 2001. 1st edition. Foreword by Mary E. White. XVI, 378 PP with b/w illustrations (cartoons & drawings, maps & sketch maps, newspaper clippings, plans, photos...), plus 8 pages with colour illustrations (1 map on double page and 18 photos). Hard covers, gilt logo of the wilderness society and title on front cover and spine, dj. Fine (as new condition). 28.5 x 22. 9781875768097
... and campaigners.
75454 GEEVES, Lance SOUTHWARD HO! - A Southland Argosy which sought and found the golden fleece of freedom in the Huon, Tasmania
$70.00 AUD
Lance Geeves / Huon Newspaper Co. Ltd. Geeveston, Tasmania. 1988. 1st edition of July 1988. 232 PP with 28 b/w illustrations. FEP: Sketch map of Tasmania and map of Southern Tasmania. Hard cover, gilt title on front board and spine, dj. Faint foxing spots on outside edges, o/wise fine. 21.8 x 14. 0731645847
The author was a former editor of the weekly newspaper "Huon News". The sub-title on front cover is: A history of the origin, culture and characteristics of people who settled the Great South Land.
69235 GEEVES, M. D., GRIGGS, G. C., HONEYSETT, J. L., JOHNSTON, R. A. et al... SAILING ON... A History of the Royal Yacht Club of Tasmania 1880-1980
$20.00 AUD
The Royal Yacht Club of Tasmania. Hobart. 1980. 1st edition, with a foreword by His Excellency The Honourable Sir Stanley Burbury. XII, 256 PP with 2 maps and 84 b/w photos (82 on full page). Fp: Mouth of the Derwent River. Eps: Cadet Dinghies, Invitation Race, 1970. Cloth cover, simile leather, gilt device and title on front cover and spine, dj. Name of previous owner at top of half title page. Faint foxing on outside edges. Near fine. 24 x 18. 0959621415
73696 GEEVES, M. D., GRIGGS, G. C., HONEYSETT, J. L., JOHNSTON, R. A. et al... SAILING ON... A History of the Royal Yacht Club of Tasmania 1880-1980
$35.00 AUD
The Royal Yacht Club of Tasmania. Hobart. 1980. 1st edition, with a foreword by His Excellency The Honourable Sir Stanley Burbury. XII, 256 PP with 2 maps and 84 b/w photos (82 on full page). Fp: Mouth of the Derwent River. Eps: Cadet Dinghies, Invitation Race, 1970. Cloth cover, simile leather, gilt device and title on front cover and spine, dj. Dedicatory vignette signed by the Commodore Clive Simpson with congratulations in becoming a RYCT Member in 201O (100th anniversary). A fine copy. 24 x 18. 0959621415
$10.00 AUD
Owen Hughes. Launceston. 2006. 1st printing. Foreword by Sir Raymond Ferrall. 64 PP with 85 colour photographs. Fp: Port Arthur at Sunrise. Hard cover, simile leather with title on front board and spine. Note on front endpaper signed by Owen Hughes. Fine. Oblong. 14 x 19.5. 9780959014570
$15.00 AUD
Rigby Ltd. Alelaide. 1977. 1st Ed. (8), 220 PP, plus 16 pages with 31 b/w illustrations. Hard covers, dj. Stamp of previous owner at top of half title page, o/wise a fine copy. 22 x 14.2. 0727005405
71243 GREAVES, Molly MEMOIRS OF FREYCINET, TASMANIA - A history in Images & Verse
$35.00 AUD
Author. Coles Bay, Tasmania. 2008. 1st Ed. Preface by Bertrand Cadart, Mayor. XXII, 138 PP with b/w and colour illustrations. Pictorial stiff covers. Fine (as new). 23.8 x 16.8. 9780980562729
$15.00 AUD
Lyn Grey / Printing Department, University of Tasmania. Hobart. c. 1993. 1st Ed. (2), 26, (1) PP with 16 b/w photos, plus 1 map on double page at centrefold. Card cover, illustrated front. Few foxing spots at top of front cover. Fine. 20.5 x 14.5.
Through the Furneaux group, on the Whiskas, a 13 ft Hawk Catamaran.
75214 HAMILTON, Dora & Bruce IN THE QUEST OF THE GREAT SOUTHLAND - An Account of the Origin of the Bligh Museum of Pacific Exploration
$15.00 AUD
Bligh Museum / Mercury. Adventure Bay, Bruni Island. 1963. 1st Ed. 15 PP. Soft covers, decoration and title on a lightly soiled front cover. Contents near fine. 22.2 x 15.8.
Recorded during 1963.
68403 HAMMOND, David THE HUON VALLEY - Yesterday & Today
$20.00 AUD
Southern Holdings. Huonville, Tasmania. 1995. 1st Ed. 64 PP with b/w photos. Fine. 29.7 x 21. 0949089265
A pictorial record.
$15.00 AUD
Southern Holdings. Huonville, Tasmania. 1996. 1st Ed. 154 PP with b/w illustrations (plans and photos) and 6 colour photos. Pictorial soft covers a little rubbed, otherwise a near fine copy. 29.8 x 20.9. 0949089400
A pictorial insight into Hobart's waterfront history, the ketches, sailing ships, ocean liners, ferries and river steamers, the whalers, explorers, scientists and watermen, the wharves, piers, shipyards and slipways, with landscapes of yesterday and today.
73844 HARE, Rosalie & LEE, Ida THE VOYAGE OF THE CAROLINE: from England to Van Diemen's Land and Batavia in 1827-28 ...
$250.00 AUD
Longmans, Green and Co. Ltd. London. 1927. 1st Ed. XIV, 308 PP, plus over 40 b/w plates (8 of them folded) with over 42 illustrations (manuscript pages, portraits, charts & maps, portraits and prints ...). Fp: Cover of the Journal. Blue cloth covers, rebacked with original spine pasted down. Image shows title-page and frontispiece. Contents are clean and overall, this is a very good copy of a scarce item. 22.8 x 14.5.
... with chapters on the Early History of Northern Tasmania, Java, Mauritius and St. Helena, by Ida Lee (Mrs Charles Bruce Marriott).
70235 HARRINGTON, Julian (compiler) An Oral History of the TASMANIAN SEAFOOD INDUSTRY - Volume 1: North Eastern Tasmania
$15.00 AUD
Tasmanian Seafood Industry Council. Hobart. c. 2012. 1st Ed. (2), 46 PP with 30 b/w and 18 colour photos. Pictorial stiff covers. Fine. 21 x 14.6.
73027 HARRISON, J. N. D. (editor) COURT IN THE COLONY - Hobart Town, May 1824
$20.00 AUD
The Law Society of Tasmania. Hobart. 1974. 1st Ed. Foreword by G. S. M. Green. 44 PP with 3 b/w illustrations. Pictorial stiff covers. 21 x 13.5.
To mark the Sesquicentenary of the Supreme Court: 10th May 1824 - 10th May 1974.
73137 HAY, Peter & MALES, Nathan RECHERCHE BAY / ESPERANCE CAMP (in 40° South Tasmania)
$10.00 AUD
40 Degrees South Pty Ltd. Hobart. 2006. Issue No. 41, Winter / June 2006, edited by Warren Boyles and Lyn Wilson. 80 PP. Contains 2 articles pages 57 to 65 with 3 b/w illustrations (prints) and 14 colour illustrations (1 print and 13 photos), and a 2 pages advertisement "Recherche Bay needs your help". Pictorial stiff covers. Fine. 27.4 x 21.
Securing our heritage with TLC (Tasmanian Land Conservancy): Esperance Camp / Recherche Bay. Sequel to the Bruny d'Entrecasteaux expeditions of 1792 and 1793.
19273 HENDERSON, Graeme THE WRECK OF THE SIRIUS [in Australian Geographic, No. 29, January-March 1993]
$15.00 AUD
A.G.S. Sydney. 1993. Contains article pages 100 to 117 with 1 map, 2 colour illustrations & 26 colour photos. Pictorial soft cover. Fine. 27.8 x 21.
Wrecked on 19th March 1790, Sydney Bay, Norfolk Island. Also includes Tasmania's Overland Track, From Cradle to Narcissus, by Howard Whelan, and includes a large folded poster with the map and information on the history, etc.
73012 HOBART PICTURESQUE HOBART, Tasmania and Surroundings
$45.00 AUD
Spurlings Pty Ltd. Launceston. c. 1925. No pagination, 32 PP with 54 b/w photos. Stiff covers, pictorial front. Foxing spots affecting the covers. Very good. Oblong: 24.5. x 31.5.
$30.00 AUD
Mercury Press. Hobart. 1957. No pagination, 28 PP with 46 b/w illustrations. Stiff covers, pictorial front. Slight insect damage on rear cover, o/wise near fine. Oblong: 22.5. x 33.
Full adult status as a City, since December 1857.
40027 HOBART GAZETTE THE HOBART TOWN GAZETTE AND SOUTHERN REPORTER - Volumes III & IV January 3, 1818 to December 25, 1819
$25.00 AUD
Public Library of New South Wales / Platypus Publications. Hobart. 1967. 1st facsimile edition. The William Dixson Foundation, Publication No. 9. No pagination (2), IV, (238), (47 index) PP. Cloth cover, gilt title on spine, dj (price clipped). Near fine. 31.8 x 23.2.
Volume 3 - No. 84 (Saturday, January 3, 1818) to No. 188 (Saturday, December 25, 1819).
$20.00 AUD
Fullers Bookshop. Hobart. 1980. 2nd edition in paperback form, of the 1973 original. XV, 153 PP plus 16 pages with 30 bw illust. Fp: Map of King Island. Stiff covers, illustrated front. Fine. 24 x 17.
$25.00 AUD
Peko-Wallsend. Sydney. 1973. 1st Ed. Foreword by W. F. Ellis. Edited by Dr. Mark Richmond. XV, 153 PP with tables, plus 16 pages with 30 b/w illust. Fp: Map of King Island. Eps: L'éléphant marin ou phoque à trompe - Ile King - Nouvelle-Hollande. Cloth cover, dj. Dust jacket is a little soiled with a few small rubs. An otherwise fine copy. 24.5 x 17.8.
$30.00 AUD
69432 HOPKINS, David L. TASMANIA'S GOLDEN YEARS REVISITED: from Boom to Bust and back in the Island State of Tasmania
$125.00 AUD
Peregrine Publishing. Hobart. 2013. 1st edition. Foreword by Eric Reece and Saul Eslake. (2), 420 PP. Design with over 1650 artworks and illustrations (drawings, engravings, sketches and photos) by David Hopkins (3 in colour, others in b/w). Illustrated endpapers. Hard cover, gilt title on spine, dj. Half title page with sticker of the "Printing Industries Gold Award Winner - 2013", and signed by the author. Mint condition. 31.5 x 24. 9780958709293
$85.00 AUD
Peregrine Publishing. Hobart. 2016. 1st edition in a combined form of the 3 separate books of 1993. Foreword by Michael Field. (6), 114 PP. Design with b/w or colour artworks and illustrations (drawings, engravings, sketches and photos) by David Hopkins. Pictorial soft covers. Half title page signed by the author. Mint condition. 29.7 x 21. 978097576663
72120 HOPKINS, David L. THE GOLDEN YEARS of TASMANIA - From boom to almost bust and back again in the island State, Tasmania
$40.00 AUD
St David's Park Publishing. Hobart. 1991. 1st edition. Foreword by Eric Reece. 272 PP, with hundreds of b/w illustrations: art works (drawings, engravings, sketches) by David Hopkins and photos. Illustrated endpapers. Hard cover, gilt title on spine, dj. Dust jacket lightly rubbed and with a sunned spine. Faint foxing spots on outside edges. Near fine. 31.5 x 23.5. 9780724625369
$5.00 AUD
MAST / Marine and Safety Tasmania. Hobart. 2008. December 2008 edition. 76 PP with tables and colour illustrations. Pictorial soft cover. Oblong. Near fine. 14.8 x 21.
$30.00 AUD
Wellington Bridge Press. Kingston, Tasmania. 2012. Reprint of the 20012 paperback "Revised Edition" (original of 1993). 276 PP with over 6 tables and 55 b/w or colour illustrations. Fp: Stephen and Ellen Howard at Geeveston in the 1890s. Pictorial soft cover. Fine. 22.8 x 14.8. 9781921767074
The story of an Irish couple transported to Tasmania in the 1840s.
$65.00 AUD
J. Walch & Sons. Hobart. 1940. 1st Ed. Foreword by E. Dwyer Gray, Premier of Tasmania. 63 PP with some 300 caricatures of "Distinguished Tasmanians" on 29 of the pages. Stiff covers with light soiling and wear, illustrated front. Contents near fine. Large format: 31 x 25.2.
75158 HURLEY, Frank TASMANIA - A Glance at its History, Beauty, Resources and Development over a period of 150 years
$40.00 AUD
John Sands Pty Ltd. Sydney. 1953. 1st Ed. 104 PP with 30 colour illustrations (1 map of Tasmania and 29 photos) and 58 b/w illustrations (1 chart, 1 painting and 56 photos). Hard covers, crest of Tasmania and title on front board, gilt title on a cloth spine. A near fine copy. Scarce. 26 x 20.5.
A camera study by Frank Hurley.
58269 JACKMAN, Greg & CLARK, Julia (editors) PORT ARTHUR (TASMANIA) - A Harbour Large Enough To Admit A Whole Fleet
$20.00 AUD
Port Arthur Historic Site Management Authority. Port Arthur. 2004. 1st Ed. No. 1 in the Port Arthur Occasional Papers series. 99 PP with 2 tables and 22 b/w illustrations. Pictorial soft cover. Fine. 21 x 14.7. 0957939442
Foetal Shore, by Greg Jackman. History of the Port Arthur Dockyards, by Michael Nash. Dockyards and Convict Ship Building, by Andrea Humphreys. Port Arthur's Maritime Legacy, by Cosmos Coroneos.
$15.00 AUD
Wren Publishing. Melbourne. 1974. 1st Ed in "The Islands" series. 200 PP with 1 map on double page and 32 bw illust. in text. Hard cover, dj. Very good. 22.4 x 14. 0858850478
Short historical account, physical environment, economic life...
73406 JEFFERYS, Greg HEROES AND VILLAINS - The astounding untold story of the founders of Cascade Brewery
$40.00 AUD
J.A.G. Publications. Woodbridge, Tas. 2013. 1st Ed. XVII, 238 PP with 50 b/w illustrations (drawings, engravings, maps, portraits and photos). Pictorial stiff covers. Fine/as new condition. 21 x 14.8. 9780646910468
Peter Degraves & Major Hugh Macintosh, and their "Hope", a Sharp built ship, shipwrecked at Hope Beach, South Arm, mouth of the Derwent River, in April 1827.
73042 JEFFREY, Mark A BURGLAR'S LIFE or the Stirring Adventures of the Great English Burglar
$20.00 AUD
J. Walch & Sons. Hobart. c. 1910. Reprint in the "Tales of the Early Days" series. 124, (4) PP, plus 2 b/w plates on Port Arthur Convicts Settlement. Soft covers, picrorial front, Ageing and foxing of paper. Very good. 21 x 13.5.
A thrilling adventures of the dark days of convictism in Australia.
$150.00 AUD
The Scout Association of Australia, Tasmanian Branch. Hobart. 1990. 1st edition, llimited 1000 numbered copies (No. 192/1000). Foreword by General Sir Phillip Bennett, Governor of Tasmania. 248 PP with b/w illustrations (cartoons, drawings, facsimile of documents & photos). Hard covers (retaining original soft covers), gilt title on front cover and spine. Fine (as new condition). Scarce. 21.4 x 15.3. 0949180084
73011 JENNINGS, J. N. THE COASTAL GEOMORPHOLOGY OF KING ISLAND, BASS STRAIT, in Relation to Changes in the Relative Level of Land and Sea
$30.00 AUD
Queen Victoria Museum. Launceston. 1959. March 1959 edition by W.F. Ellis, Director of the Museum. Records of the Queen Victoria Museum, New Series, No. 11. 39 PP with tables and 8 figures (2 of them Nos. 2 and 4 on folded plates). Soft covers, illustration and title on front cover, staples. Near fine. 24.5 x 18.5.
73005 JERMY, Pete & SIMCO, Michael LAUNCESTON, on old picture postcards
$35.00 AUD
Llanfair Creative Electronic Publishing. Ulverstone. 1997. 1st edition, in the "Yesterday's Tasmania" series No. 4. 36 PP with 65 b/w photos. Inside back cover: sketch map of Tasmania. Stiff covers, illustrated front and back. Dedicatory note inside front cover dated and signed by Pete Jermy. Fine. 20.5 x 14.5. 1876214023
73023 JERMY, Pete, SIMCO, Michael & BROADFIELD, Peter ULVERSTONE, PENGUIN and FORTH, on old picture postcards
$20.00 AUD
Llanfair Creative Electronic Publishing. Ulverstone. 1995. 1st edition, in the "Yesterday's Tasmania" series No. 1. 36 PP with 64 b/w photos. Inside back cover: sketch map of Tasmania. Stiff covers, illustrated front and back. Fine. 20.5 x 14.5. 0646245996
61457 JOHNSON, Dianne BRUNY D'ENTRECASTEAUX and his encounter with Tasmanian Aborigines: From Provence to Recherche Bay
$35.00 AUD
Blue Mountain Education and Research Trust. Lawson, NSW. 2012. 1st Ed. (XII), 121 PP with b/w and colour illustrations. Pictorial soft cover with light creases. Near fine. 29.8 x 21. 9780646570563
72997 JOHNSON, Jane (editor) FRANKLIN HISTORY - "THE BOWMONT", A Story of Three Eras
$25.00 AUD
Huon Valley News. Franklin, Tas. 2011. March 2011 edition. 2-28, (1) PP with 23 b/w illustrations . Pictorial soft covers. Fine. 20.8 x 14.6.
Commercial Bank of Tasmania: 1906-1921. English, Scottish and Australian Bank: 1921-1943. Bowmont Hospital: 1945-1965. The Bowmont Community Centre.
73496 JOHNSTON, Ian THE SHANK - A Rutter for Anchorage in Tasmania's Southwest
$125.00 AUD
Ian Johnston & Everything Everything Pty Ltd. Hobart. 2018. 1st edition. Foreword by Paul Cullen, Australian Wooden Boat Festival. 190 PP with b/w illustrations (photos, 3 sketches, 19 sketch maps (one with an inset), and colour photos. Pictorial boards, title on front board and spine. New. 28.5 x 24.5. 9780992588229
72701 JONES, Elizabeth RICHMOND - TASMANIA: A Crossing Place
$20.00 AUD
Richmond Preservation and Development Trust. Richmond, Tas. 1973. 1st Ed. Foreword by H.N. Macleod. 80 PP with b/w 13 illustrations (1 photo, 1 plan of the Court House and 11 line drawings by Mr. Moon), plus 8 pages with 10 b/w illustrations (1 manuscript and 9 photos). Eps: Plan of Richmond. Cloth cover, gilt title on spine, dj. Near fine. 25.5 x 18. 0959861904
$30.00 AUD
"Collection of Gleanings" and memories of King Island.
$40.00 AUD
Ancient Art of the South Seas. Hobart. 2016. 1st edition of February 2016. 96 PP with 4 sketch maps, 28 b/w and 24 colour illustrations. Title page: Lahaye's garden on chart of Port du Nord. Pictorial soft cover. Near fine. 25 x 21. 9782953563559
Felix Lahaye and the French Garden set on 23 April 1792 at Recherche Bay, during the expedition led by Rear-Admiral Bruny d'Entrecasteaux.
$20.00 AUD
Tasmanian Museum and Art Gallery. Hobart. 1971. Facsimile of the 1909 original. 136 PP with 48 pages of period advertisements, and 78 b/w photos. Limp cloth covers a little faded near spine, otherwise a fine copy. Oblong: 14.7 x 25.
$20.00 AUD
Mary Fisher Bookshop. Launceston. 1974. 1st Ed. (4), 47 PP with 2 sketch maps (1 at centrefold). Stapled card covers with small rubbed patch, otherwise near fine. 21.5 x 14. 0959920714
Discovery in 1815, convict settlement early 1822..
Owen Hughes. Launceston. 2008. 1st edition. 80 PP with colour illustrations (1 sketch map, 4 location maps, and 148 photographs. Pictorial laminated boards. Dedicatory note on front endpaper signed by Owen Hughes. Fine. Oblong. 16 x 20.7. 9780959014587
37793 KERR, Garry & McDERMOTT, Harry THE HUON PINE STORY - The history of harvest and use of a unique timber
$70.00 AUD
Mainsail Books. Portland, Vic. 2000. 1st Ed. (8), 299 PP with 4 maps, numerous b/w and colour illustrations. Fp: Huon Pine (young tree), by S. dean. Title page: Marble Cliffs, Gordon River, World Heritage Area, Tasmania. FEP: Map of Strahan / Macquarie Harbour. REP: Map of Birch Inlet / Macquarie Harbour. Hard cover, gilt title on front cover and spine, dj. Name of previous owner at top of half title page. Near fine. 28.3 x 21.5. 0957791704
Chapter 8: The Rivermen. Chapter 9: the Piner's Punt. Chapter 10: The Riverboats.
Beaconsfield Rotary Club. Beaconsfield, Tas. 1976. 3rd Edition. No pagination, 48 PP with 11 b/w illustrations (1 plan, 1 painting and 9 photos). Sketch map of the Mining Town, inside front cover. Stiff covers, illustrated front, staples. Fine. 21.6 x 14.2.
$20.00 AUD
Queen Victoria Museum. Launceston. 1972. January 1972 edition by W.F. Ellis, Director of the Museum. Records of the Queen Victoria Museum, No. 43. (2), 28 PP with 1 table, 1 folded "Geomorphological sketch map of Flinders Island" and 12 b/w photos. Soft cover, title on front cover, staples. Near fine. 24.7 x 18.7.
75613 KNOPWOOD, Robert KNOPWOOD'S HOBART TOWN DIARY: 15 February 1804 - 28 February 1805
$40.00 AUD
Banks Society / Colony Press. Melbourne. 2007. 1st edition with an introduction by John Currey. 91, (1) PP, plus 6 b/w plates. Fp: Death mask of Robert Knopwood. Half title page with signature of Robert Knopwood. Soft covers, pictorial front. Fine. Scarce. 21 x 15. 0949586226
75614 KNOPWOOD, Robert KNOPWOOD'S PORT PHILLIP DIARY: 9 October 1803 - 31 January 1804
$50.00 AUD
Banks Society / Colony Press. Melbourne. 2004. Revised edition of the 2002 original with introduction and endmatter by John Currey. 48, (2) PP, plus 7 b/w plates. Fp: Death mask of Robert Knopwood. Half title page with signature of Robert Knopwood. Soft covers, pictorial front. Fine. Scarce. 21 x 15. 0949586129
$25.00 AUD
Royal Yacht Club of Tasmania. Hobart. c. 1997. 1st Ed. (2), 98, (2) PP with 1 map of Tasmania and 78 sketch maps. 2 folded pages on Macquarie harbour loosely inserted. Pictorial soft covers protected by clear plastic, spiral bound. Near fine. 29.7 x 21.
$120.00 AUD
T.F.D.A./Tasmanian Fisheries Development Authority. Hobart. 1983. 1st Ed. Foreword by Dr. T. G. Dix. VIII, 563 PP with hundreds of b/w illustrations (1 map, 1 profile "Zones of the Sea", drawings, sketches, artworks and photos). Illustrated cloth cover with pictorial dust jacket. Jacket has a few small chips/rubs and a lightly sunned spine and is in a protective sleeve. An otherwise fine copy of a scarce item. 25.5 x 18. 0724611266
63674 LATHWELL, Jennifer & David FROM FRANCE TO FREYCINET - The background to the French names on the East Coast of Tasmania
$20.00 AUD
Glamorgan Spring Bay Council. Hobart. 2008. 2008 reprint sponsored by The Embassy of France. No pagination, 32 PP with 1 chart in b/w and 33 colour photos. Pictorial soft cover. Fine. Oblong: 14.8 x 21. 9780646496870
69030 LAWSON, Will & The Shiplovers' Society of Tasmania BLUE GUM CLIPPERS AND WHALE SHIPS OF TASMANIA
$10.00 AUD
D. & L. Book Distributor. Launceston. 1986. Facsimile reprint of the 1949 original. 261 PP, plus 30 b/w plates. Fp: Sailing ships at New Wharf in 1881. Pictorial soft cover. Near fine. 21.5 x 14.
Early whaling, trading and shipbuilding in Tasmania.
69926 LAWSON, Will & The Shiplovers' Society of Tasmania BLUE GUM CLIPPERS AND WHALE SHIPS OF TASMANIA
$30.00 AUD
Georgian House. Melbourne. 1949. 1st Ed. 261 PP, plus 30 b/w plates. Fp: Sailing ships at New Wharf in 1881. Cloth cover, dj. Dust jacket with small chips and tears. 2 newspaper articles pasted down on front and rear endpaper. Light foxing. An otherwise clean and very good copy. 22 x 14.5.
Early whaling, trading and shipbuilding in Tasmania.
72765 LAWSON, Will & The Shiplovers' Society of Tasmania BLUE GUM CLIPPERS AND WHALE SHIPS OF TASMANIA
$20.00 AUD
Georgian House. Melbourne. 1949. 1st soft cover edition. 261 PP, plus 30 b/w plates. Fp: Sailing ships at New Wharf in 1881. Stiff covers, dj (price clipped). Light foxing on the outside edges, o/wise in fine condition. 21.5 x 14.
Early whaling, trading and shipbuilding in Tasmania.
73679 LEE, Ida (Mrs Charles Bruce Marriott) COMMODORE SIR JOHN HAYES, His Voyage and Life (1767-1831), with some account of Admiral D'ENTRECASTEAUX's Voyage of 1792-3
$300.00 AUD
Longmans, Green, and Co. London. 1912. 1st Ed. XVI, 340 PP with 1 family tree of Commodore Sir John Hayes and 31 b/w plates, plus 3 plates (frontispiece, 1 Map "Track of the Duke of Clarence and the Duchess", and 1 folded "Chart drawn by Hayes and published in 1798". Fp: Portrait of Sir John Hayes. Cloth covers with light wear around edges and a little faded, gilt title on rebacked spine. Stamp of the previous owner "Roberts Library No. 27" on half title page and renewed endpapers. An otherwise near fine copy. Scarce. 22.5 x 15.5.
Chapter II: Preparation and departures of the Expedition to Van Diemen's Land. Chapter III: John Hayes in Tasmania (discovery and exploration of the Derwent River / rediscovery of the D'Entrecasteaux Channel, the Huon River and Bruny Island). ... Chapter IV: Call in New Caledonia, where a volcanic eruption was witnessed (???).
73911 LEE, Ida (Mrs Charles Bruce Marriott) COMMODORE SIR JOHN HAYES, His Voyage and Life (1767-1831), with some account of Admiral D'ENTRECASTEAUX's Voyage of 1792-3
$250.00 AUD
Longmans, Green, and Co. London. 1912. 1st Ed. XVI, 340 PP with 1 family tree of Commodore Sir John Hayes and 31 b/w plates, plus 3 plates (frontispiece, 1 Map "Track of the Duke of Clarence and the Duchess", and 1 folded "Chart drawn by Hayes and published in 1798". Fp: Portrait of Sir John Hayes. Cloth covers , gilt title on spne. Covers with light wear. Bookplate of "The Public Library of New london" on front endpaper, and library No. at foot of spine and at bottom of the Preface page. The folded chart facing page 24 is a photostat copy. Errata slip tipped in on title page. An otherwise very good clean copy. Scarce. 22.2 x 15.
Chapter II: Preparation and departures of the Expedition to Van Diemen's Land. Chapter III: John Hayes in Tasmania (discovery and exploration of the Derwent River / rediscovery of the D'Entrecasteaux Channel, the Huon River and Bruny Island). ... Chapter IV: Call in New Caledonia, where a volcanic eruption was witnessed (???).
74150 LEITCH, Bill HEARTS OF OAK - A Story Set in the Tasmanian Forests
$45.00 AUD
Southern Holdings. Huonville, Tas. 1994. 2nd reprint of the 1990 original. Preface by Andy Skuja, Forestry Commission. 240 PP with 1 map (with location map) and 76 b/w photos. Hard covers, gilt title on spine, dj. Dedicatory note on half title page, signed by the author. A fine copy. 24.3 x 16. 0949089141
Elphin Publishers. Launceston. 1995. 1st Ed. Foreword by Peter Hodgman. 160 PP with colour photos. Laminated pictorial boards a little sunned near edges, o/wise fine. 27.5 x 20.7. 0646246542
Winner of the 1995 Tasmanian Tourism Awards.
73068 LEWIS, Helen Jo THE SHERBURDS - Pioneers and Whalers in Van Diemen's Land
$65.00 AUD
Helen Jo Lewis. Hobart. 2021. 1st edition limited to 200 copies. X, 182 PP with 1 family tree, and over 100 b/w or colour illustrations (charts, maps and plans, drawings and paintings, documents, newspaper clippings, portraits ...). Fp: Map of Van Diemen 's Land, c. 1826. Laminated pictorial boards barque ["Pacific", 1848). Signed by the author on title page. New. 25 x 17.5. 9780646839950
At least 14 Master Mariners can be traced in the Sherburd family.
59737 LEWIS, Tom BY DERWENT DIVIDED - The story of the Lake Illawarra, the Tasman Bridge and the 1975 Disaster
$35.00 AUD
Tall Stories. Darwin. 2006. 2nd edition of the 1999 original. (2), 70 PP with 2 maps, 3 cartoons and 61 b/w photos. Pictorial laminated boards. Fine. 30.2 x 21.6. 0957735111
76889 LEWIS, Tom BY DERWENT DIVIDED - The story of the Lake Illawarra, the Tasman Bridge and the 1975 Disaster
$30.00 AUD
Tall Stories. Darwin. 1999. 1st Ed. (2), 71 PP with 2 maps, 3 cartoons and 61 b/w photos. Pictorial laminated boards. Article "Power Without Glory: ... on Sir Allan Knight, who designed the original and unique Hobart Floating Bridge" page pulled out from "Motor News" magazine of April/May 1992, loosely inserted. Fine. 30.5 x 21.6. 0957735111
$25.00 AUD
Lloyd's Register of Shipping. London. 1963. Yearly edition. Copy of client no. 1584 The Royal Yacht Club of Tasmania. 1223 PP, (11), 31 (advertisements), plus 2 supplements (36 and 56 pages) inserted in pockets. Cloth cover, gilt device and title on front board and spine. Small stamp of the ANMM. Has a 1 cm tear at head of front hinge, o/wise very good. Oblong: 18.5 x 24.
75037 LOANE, Derrick THIS OUR FATHERS DID FOR US - The Story of a Pioneering Family in Tasmania
$65.00 AUD
Foot & Playsted. Devonport. 1991. 1st Ed. Foreword by Alan C. Richmond. XIV, 206 PP with 1 family tree and facsimiles of documents, letters, etc. in text, plus 8 pages with 39 b/w photos. Pictorial soft covers. Fine. Scarce. 26 x 18.5. 0646033204
Part A: Richard Loane of Ireland and his Descendants to the fourth Generation in Australia. Part B: Grandchildren of Marcus and Isabella Loane and their Descendants.
61673 LOCH, Ian / KING, Brian RAINE ISLAND - A Fool Hen Roost / Green Turtle Rookery of World Significance (in Australian Natural History, Vol. 21, No.5, 1984)
$10.00 AUD
Australian Museum. Sydney. 1984. 169-216 PP. Contains 2 articles pages 181 to 187 with 7 colour photos. Pictorial soft cover. Fine. 29 x 21.5.
$15.00 AUD
Neptune Press. Geelong. 1980. 1st Ed. 112 PP with b/w illustrations. Pictorial soft cover. Fine. 21.4 x 15.2. 0909131538
Shipwrecks, casualties and disasters in the waters of Bass Strait (in the air or at sea).
$20.00 AUD
The Fine Arts Press. Hobart. 1985. (4), P.473-532 with b/w and colour illustrations. Cloth cover, gilt title on spine, dj. Fine. 24.8 x 23.2. 0869170112
Reprint of pages 473-532 of Art and Australia, Volume 22, No. 4.
$10.00 AUD
D & L Books. Launceston. 1989. 1st Ed. 128 PP with 5 maps and 118 colour photos by Dennis Harding. Hard cover, dj. Fine. 31.3 x 23.8. 01875240004
75131 MATTINGLEY, Christobel KING OF THE WILDERNESS: The Life of Deny King
$20.00 AUD
The Text Publishing Co. Melbourne. 2012. Reprint of the 2002 paperback edition. XVIII, 334 PP with 2 maps (Southern Tasmania & Melaleuca Lagoon), plus 12 pages with 30 b/w photos. Soft covers, pictorial front. Fine. 19.7 x 12.7. 9781877008412
74974 MAY, W. L. An Illustrated Index of TASMANIAN SHELLS, with 47 plates and 1052 Species
$40.00 AUD
John Vail, Government Printer Tasmania. Hobart. 1923. 1st Ed. 100 PP with 47 plates with 1052 b/w illustrations. Soft covers with light wear, title on front cover, staples. Near fine. 22 x 14.3.
74674 MAY, W. L. & HOPE MACPHERSON, J. An Illustrated Index of TASMANIAN SHELLS, with 50 plates and 1086 Species
$35.00 AUD
L.G. Shea, Government Printer Tasmania. Hobart. 1958. Revised edition of the 1923 original. 54, (18 Index to Genera and Species) PP with 50 plates with 1086 b/w illustrations. Stiff covers with light wear, title on front cover, staples. Near fine. Oblong: 14.5 x 24.8.
63662 MCFARLANE, Ian ITALIANS PRISONNER OF WAR, in North-West Tasmania 1943-1946 (in 40° South Tasmania)
$10.00 AUD
40 Degrees South Pty Ltd. Hobart. 2011. Issue 61, Winter 2011. 96 PP. Contains article from P.54 to 59 with 1 colour and 9 b/w photos. Pictorial soft cover. Fine. 27.5 x 21.
70591 McKILLOP, Captain William THE LAST OF THE SAIL WHALERS: Whaling off Tasmania and Southern New Zealand by Captain William McKillop (1865-1938)
$55.00 AUD
Navarine Publishing. Hobart. 2019. 1st Ed. No. 66, in the Roebuck series. Edited by Rhys Richards & Graeme Broxam. XIV, 216, (4 blank) PP with 1 family tree, 8 colour illustrations (including a map of Tasmania) and over 60 b/w illustrations: 5 maps (2 with inset), 6 drawings, 20 sketches by Gordon Grant and 35 photos and portraits. Laminated pictorial boards. Copy signed on title page by Graeme Broxam, publisher and co-editor. As new. 26.2 x 21. 9780992366070
Born Stewart Island, NZ, Coastal trading and seaing in New Zealand southern waters. Settled in Tasmania in 1893.
52542 McMAHON, Libby and John EXPLORING THE SOUTH LAND. Tasmania emerges from Terra Australis Incognita
$15.00 AUD
Maritime Museum of Tasmania. Hobart. 2006. 1st Ed., with a foreword by Colin Denny. VIII, 68 PP with b/w and colour illustrations (charts, maps, plans). Pictorial stiff covers. Fine. Oblong: 23 x 30. 9780975723722
75049 McMANUS, Tim 'THANKS TO PROVIDENCE' - A History of Falmouth, Tasmania and its People
$120.00 AUD
Tim McManus / Regal Press. Falmouth, Tas. 1993. 1st soft cover edition. Foreword by Geoffrey Stilwell. (11), XIII, 390, (24, 10) PP with b/w illustrations (drawings, prints and sketches, facsimile of documents, maps, photos...). Fp: Portrait of Edna Steel. Pictorial stiff covers. Fine (as new condition). 27.8 x 20.8. 0646083457
75609 McNEICE, Roger FLAMES OF FEAR - A Photographic and Documentary History of the Fear and Devastation caused by Bushfires in Tasmania since 1820
$90.00 AUD
Wellington Bridge Press / Roger McNeice, OAM. Hobart. 2017 1st Ed. Foreword by Chris Arnol, Chief Officer, Tasmania Fire Service. VIII, 370 PP with b/w and colour photos throughout. Laminated pictorial boards. As new. 30.5 x 21.5. 9781921767227
Published on the 50th anniversary of the devastating bushfires of February 1967.
50585 MERCER, Peter A MOST DANGEROUS OCCUPATION. Whaling, Whalers and the Bayleys: Runnymede's Maritime Heritage
$15.00 AUD
National Trust of Australia (Tasmania). Hobart. 2002. 1st Ed., with a foreword by Dr. Marion Myhill. XIV, 82 PP with 1 map, 2 facsimiles of documents, 16 b/w and 18 colour illustrations. Pictorial soft cover. Fine. 21 x 15. 0958024405
49490 MERCER, Peter G. GATEWAY TO PROGRESS - Centenary History of the Marine Board of Burnie
$10.00 AUD
The Marine Board of Burnie. Burnie, Tasmania. 1969. 1st Ed. XI, (3), 206 PP with 6 plans, plus 8 Pages with 13 b/w photos. Eps: Pencil sketch of Emu Bay. Cloth cover, gilt decoration on front cover, with title on spine, dj. Near fine. 23 x 15.8.
From an open roadstead to a modern port, with breakwater and wharves.
72133 MESIBOV, Bob ('Spider') 48 SPIDER'S WRITINGS ON NATURE, from the "Circular Head Chronicle", 1980-82
$10.00 AUD
Bob Mesidov / Circular Head Chronicle. Smithton, Tasmania. 1982. 1st Ed. 104 PP with b/w illustrations (drawings, graphs, maps photos). Inside front cover: sketch map of Tasmania. Soft covers, illustrated front. Fine. 19.8 x 15.8. 0959296808
$40.00 AUD
Tasmanian Museum & Art Gallery. Hobart. 2007. 1st Ed. Preface by Bill Bleathman. Foreword by Sir Guy Green. X, 206 PP with b/w and colour illustrations. Title page: Giant Crab (Pseudocarcinus Gigas). Eps: Collection of British insects 1834-40. Cloth cover, title (silver lettering) on front board and spine, dj. Fine/as new condition). 26.5 x 24.2. 9780977533428
71458 MORLEY, L. J. MEMORIES OF TASMANIA'S WEST COAST - A pictorial journey of road and rail vehicles of the past
$45.00 AUD
Wellington Bridge Press. Hobart. 2013. Reprint of the 2011 original. II, 208 PP with over 500 b/w illustrations. Pictorial stiff covers. Mint condition. 29.7 x 21. 9781921767036
West coast of Tasmania: Mining, Timber, Hydro Electricity, Ports, Railways ... Flight around the world by Harold Gatty in 1931.
$25.00 AUD
Tasmanian Museum and Art Gallery. Hobart. 1959. New edition of the 1957 original. Foreword by Dr. W. Bryden. 20 PP with 1 sketch map of Tasmania and 19 b/w plates illustrated by Captain D. Colbron Pearce. Pictorial wrappers. Near fine. Oblong: 18.6 x 25.3.
An illustrated history of the discoverers of Tasmania, and other notable people. Abel Tasman, 1642. Marion Du Fresne, 1772. Furneaux, 1773. Cook, 1777... D'Entrecasteaux, 1792 and 1793... Baudin, 1802...
Chris Hudson & Jocelyn Fogagnolo. Hobart. 1991. 1st Ed., with a foreword by Jack Earl. 136 PP with 2 maps, 8 plans and 70 b/w photos. Pictorial soft cover. Name of previous owner at top of title page. Copy signed by E.J. (Jock) Muir on title page. Near fine. Scarce. 29.7 x 20.8. 064601630X
... by one of Australia's best known designers, builders and ocean racing identities.
71926 MULLINS R. F. (editor) ROYAL HOBART VICTORY REGATTA - Official Souvenir Programme (9th to 12th February 1946)
$50.00 AUD
Mercury Press / Royal Hobart Regatta Association. Hobart. 1946. Victory Regatta. Foreword by Hon. R. Cosgrove, Premier of Tasmania. 64 PP with b/w illustrations: 1 plan of courses, 9 photos and 7 headpieces. Soft wrappers, pictorial front. Small hole at top of front cover and lower corner of front cover clipped by 1 cm. Staples removed. Contents near fine. Scarce. 24 x 16.5.
Victory Regatta and Tasmania's National Birthday Celebration: Rowing, Sailing, Power Boats, Swimming, Amusements, Naval Section, Miscellaneous & Chopping. Call in Hobart of: H.M.S. Bermuda.
73169 MURRAY-SMITH, Stephen (editor) MISSION TO THE ISLANDS - The Missionary Voyages in Bass Strait of Canon Marcus Brownrigg, 1872-1885
$45.00 AUD
Foot & Playsted. Launceston. 1987. 2nd edition of the 1979 original. XXXVIII, (2), 246 PP with 1 portrait, 2 facsimile of title pages and 13 b/w illustrations (8 on full page). Fp: Portrait of Marcus Blake Brownrigg. Stiff covers, illustrated front, dust jacket in a protective sleeve. Name of previous owner at top of half title page. Occasional foxing. Near fine. 24 x 15.2. 0858530368
Magazine Division / Paul Hamlyn. Sydney. 1979. 138 PP with b/w and colour illustrations. Pictorial soft cover. Near fine. 27.6 x 20.2.
Articles by: Associate Professor E.P. Wolfers on Solomon Islands, one year after Independence. Rowan Fotheringham on Water Birds of East Australian wetlands, We turned Right and Found Tasmania, by Robert Raymond, ...
$5.00 AUD
Royal Yacht Club of Tasmania. Hobart. c. 1970. Folded (4 folds) map in colour (51 x 37.5), tipped in on a protective cover. Inside front cover: List of 30 of these anchorages. Illustrated soft covers. Covers lightly soiled and rubbed. Internally good. 21 x 13.5.
30 anchorages between: River Derwent and Recherche Bay.
72361 N/A TASMANIA, The Isle of Scenic Beauty
$20.00 AUD
Nucolorvue Productions. Mentone, Vic. c. 1965. Enlarged and revised edition. No pagination, 36 PP with 1 map of Tasmania (inside back cover) and 57 colour photos. Stiff covers, front with colour illustration (wheat field). Very good. Oblong: 18 x 24.5.
Colour photos of the Princess of Tasmania and M.V. Empress of Australia.
72362 N/A TASMANIA, The Isle of Scenic Beauty
$20.00 AUD
Nucolorvue Productions. Moorabbin, Vic. c. 1972. New edition. No pagination, 32 PP with 1 map of Tasmania (inside back cover) and 64 colour photos. Stiff covers, front with colour illustration (Richmond Bridge). Very good. Oblong: 18 x 24.5. 0858580047
72363 N/A TASMANIA, The Isle of Scenic Beauty
$20.00 AUD
The Tasmanian Tourist Bureau / Nucolorvue Productions. Mulgrave, Vic. c. 1975. New edition. No pagination, 32 PP with 1 map of Tasmania (inside back cover) and 64 colour photos. Stiff covers, front with colour illustration (Ferry on River Derwent). Very good. Oblong: 18 x 24.5. 0858580047
74062 N/A TASMANIA, The Treasure Island - Brief Facts on History and Development
$15.00 AUD
Department of Tourism / T.J. Hughes, Government Printer. Hobart. c. 1973. 1973 edition. (2), 32 PP with 1 map and 30 b/w photos. Stapled soft wrappers with a few marks, o/wise near fine. 24 x 17.
$25.00 AUD
Australian Archives - Tasmania. Hobart. c. 1985. 1st Ed. (2), 28 PP (recto only) with 12 sketches of "Vessel Types" and tables between pages 3 and 27. Soft covers, title on front cover, staples. Fine. Oblong: 21 x 29.7.
74708 N/A Records Source Analysis REGISTERS OF BRITISH SHIPPING - Launceston Vessels 1846 - 1885
$25.00 AUD
Australian Archives - Tasmania. Hobart. c. 1985. 1st Ed. (2), 31 PP (recto only) with 12 sketches of "Vessel Types" and tables between P.3 and 30. Soft covers, title on front cover, staples. Fine. Oblong: 21 x 29.7.
Australian National Publicity Association. Melbourne & Sydney. 1956. Edited by Charles H. Holmes. 48 PP with b/w with b/w photos throughout. Pictorial soft covers (Ski instructor demonstrating a jump turn, Mt. Buller, Victoria). Very good. Format: 32 x 25.
Articles include: The Smallest Shells in the World (Charles F. Laseron), Norfolk Island - Cinderella of the Pacific (J.Y. Waterworth), Voyage to the Yasawas (Fiji Is.) by D. Hanna, Corinna by the river (Tasmania) by William Nolan, ..
Australian National Publicity Association. Melbourne & Sydney. 1956. Edited by Charles H. Holmes. 48 PP with b/w with b/w photos throughout. Pictorial soft covers (Poplar Gums, Valley of Lagoons, Queensland). Light insect damage on edge of front cover, o/wise very good. Format: 32 x 25.
Articles include: The Harvest of the Seas (J.M. Thomson), New Caledonia - Australia's Exotic Next-Door Neighbour (Helen M. Wrigley), Lonely Islands of Bass Strait ...
Australian National Publicity Association. Melbourne & Sydney. 1956. Edited by Charles H. Holmes. 48 PP with b/w with b/w photos throughout. Pictorial soft covers (An armful of koalas, Australia's cuddlesome favourites). Very good. Format: 32 x 25.
Articles include: The String-bag People (Papua) (Basil Hall), My First Voyage in Sail (Lionel Adams), The Fishermen and Dugong Hunters of Princess Charlotte Bay (Dr. Donald F. Tomson), A village Church recalls a Great Tasmanian (C.C. Lawrence), ...
75597 N/A THE HERITAGE OF TASMANIA: The Illustrated Register of the National Estate
$40.00 AUD
The Macmillan Company of Australia / Australian Heritage Commission. Melbourne. 1983. 1st Ed. Preface by Dr. Kenneth Wilshire. Introduction, by David Yenchen. 160 PP with b/w illustrations (4 location maps, 5 maps & 12 plans, hundreds of photos), plus 8 pages with 11 colour photos. Hard covers, dj. Fine. 29.7 x 22.2. 0333356322
Tasmania, by Michael Roe. South West Tasmania by Geoffrey Mosley. Tasman Peninsula, by R. Ian Jack. Rocky Cape ..., by Rhys Jones. Ross Historic Town, by Berta von Bibra. ...
75769 N/A WALKABOUT - Australian Geographical Magazine - Volume 20, No.7, July 1954
$20.00 AUD
Australian National Publicity Association. Melbourne & Sydney. 1954. Edited by Charles H. Holmes. 48 PP with b/w photos throughout. Stapled pictorial covers (Mount Warning viewed from Echo Point on the NSW-Qld border). Covers with light wear near spine, otherwise contents are near fine. 31 x 24.
Articles include: Tasmania by Rex Ingamells, Wooden Implements of the Aborigines by Dr. Charles Fenner, Last of the Tasmanians by Ernestine Hill, Nattai River and Burragorang Valley by Russell M. Kefford, The Fearsome Huhu bny R.V. Francis Smith, ...
75774 N/A WALKABOUT - Australian Geographical Magazine - Vol. 21, No. 4, April, 1955
$20.00 AUD
Australian National Publicity Association. Melbourne & Sydney. 1955. Edited by Charles H. HOLMES. 48 PP with b/w photos throughout. Stapled pictorial soft covers (View of the Railway Bridge across the Hawkesbury River, N.S.W.). Near fine. 31 x 24.
Articles include: Australia's Uninhabited Areas by Alan Foskett, Animals of the Canning Stock Route by L. Glauert, The Vivacious Squirrel Glider by David Fleay, King Island, Bass Strait by Paul R. Dann, The Caves of the Black Stalagmites (Solomon Islands) by Capt. Brett Hilder, Australia in the Antarctic by R.A. Swan, ...
Australian National Publicity Association. Melbourne & Sydney. 1955. Edited by Charles H. HOLMES. 48 PP with b/w photos throughout. Stapled pictorial soft covers (Native Warriors, Kerowagi, Central Highlands of New Guinea). Near fine. 31 x 24.
Articles include: Cattle of the "High Plains" Country by Richard D. Piesse, Reclamation by Earthquake by May Cottrell, Vanderlin Island by Alan Foskett, Across Bass Strait with "Pelorus" by H. Hardy Smith, Corroboree by V.C. Hall, Eagle Trapping by M.E. Gigney...
75797 N/A WALKABOUT - Journal of the Australian Geographical Society - Vol. 13, No.5 - March, 1947
$20.00 AUD
Australian National Publicity Association. Melbourne. 1947. Edited by Charles H. Holmes. 48 PP with b/w illustrations throughout. Pictorial soft covers (Stones from Darr River Area, near Longreach, Qld). Covers with light wear, otherwise near fine. 30.5 x 24.
Contains articles: Bourke, by R. Emerson Curtis, On Cooper's Creek, by George Farwell, The Lure of the Saltings by Ina Watson, Murray Downs Station by H.R. Nicholls, King Island by Cath Scott, ...
Australian National Publicity Association. Melbourne. 1948. Edited by Charles H. Holmes. 48 PP with b/w illustrations throughout. Stapled pictorial soft covers (Federation Peak in Tasmania). Near fine. 30.5 x 24.
Articles include: Tasmania's Modern Explorers by Michael Sharland, Islands of Torres Strait by R. Raven-Hart, Debris of the Tides, by W.A. Harney, The Australian Deserts by M. Kathleen Woodburn, Bird Islands off the Swan River by James Pollard, Tragedy of Lizard Island by Fred Lord, ...
Australian National Publicity Association. Melbourne. 1941. Edited by Charles H. Holmes. 48 PP with b/w illustrations throughout. Pictorial soft covers (Royal Spoonbills) with light wear, contents near fine. 30 x 24.
Articles include: In Central Papua - P.7 to 13, by Jack McCarthy, The "Gulf Country" by Tarlton Rayment, The Bird Catchers of Nauru, by R. Vigors Earle, Weapons of Primitive Man, by Sydney Pern, Hobart, Old and New, by R. Ermerson Curtis (with his illustrations), ...
Australian National Publicity Association. Melbourne. 1941. Edited by Charles H. Holmes. 48 PP with b/w illustrations throughout. Pictorial soft covers (Barron Falls, Queensland) with light wear, stamp of Officers Mess RAAF, Point Cook, at top of several pages, otherwise contents near fine. 30 x 24.
Articles include: Dilly-Bag and Billy-Can by Anne Gilmore, Shark Fishing by Norman Caldwell, Mount Copok and the Mackenzie Country (N.Z.) by Violet A. Roche, "That Curious Rock" and the Van Diemen's Land Company by A.B. and E.M. Edwards, Forgotten Nukumanu by James P. Shortall...
Australian National Publicity Association. Melbourne. 1941. Edited by Charles H. Holmes. 48 PP with b/w illustrations throughout. Pictorial soft covers (The Stockman) with light wear and a small stamp, otherwise contents are near fine. 30 x 24.
Articles include: Postal Routes of the Lonely Lands by Ewen K. Patterson, Cossack by Norman Caldwell, Hobart's Floating Concrete Bridge by Bev. C. Smith, Isle of Eternal Sunshine (Rarotonga) by Kathleen Campbell, "Come Katchem Kai-Kai" by Anne Gilmour, ...
76039 N/A WALKABOUT MAGAZINE - Volume 6, Nos. 3 to 12 and Volume 7, Nos. 1 to 2, 1940 (January to December 1940)
$120.00 AUD
Australian National Publicity Association. Melbourne & Sydney. 1940. Edited by Charles H. HOLMES. Monthly edition. Volume 6, No. 3, January 1940 to Volume 7, No. 2, December 1940, with a total of 576 PP with b/w illustrations. Stapled pictorial soft covers. All volumes have the 8 page pictorial pages in the centre. A near fine complete year of 12 issues. 30 x 24.
Volume 6, No.3: Isles of Eden (the Trobriands) by Basil Hall; When Natives go Fishing by Ewen K. Patterson; Around the Mutton-Bird Islands by Rosaline Redwood; Overlanders by Ernestine Hill. Volume 6, No.4: King of the Coral Cods by Ewen K. Patterson; Across the Empty Kimberleys by H.C. Barclay; Australia Makes Paper by Edward Samuel; Where the Diprotodon Died, by Ian Mudie; When Mars beats the Drums, A New Guinea Episode, by Allan Hood; "Thar" she Blows, Australian Whaling in the Last Century by J.J. Stewart. Volume 6, No.5: The Australian Stockwhip by Ian Westbrook; A New Guinea Mission by S. Alston Pearl; Yacca Gum, A Kangaroo Island Industry, by W.J. Tohl; Australia's Unknkown Islands by Charles Barrett; Huon Pine by M.S.R.Sharland; A Fijian's Day by D. Boyd; Where the Ibis Nests by A.S. Le Souet. Volume 6, No.6: Yampi Sound and its Iron by John K. Ewers; Australian Petrol by Edward Samuel; By Caravan to "The Centre" by Capt. C.A.S. Mansbridge; Native Life in Tahiti by W.G. Burchett. Volume 6, No.7: The Desolation that is Lake Eyre by C.T. Madigan; Lightning Ridge by Frank Hurley; Isles of the Coral Seas by Capt. C.A.S. Mansbridge; The Road to Milford Sound by Violet A. Roche; When Natives go Hunting by Ewen K. Patterson; Strzelecki by Olive Havard; New Norcia Mission by James Pollard. Volume 6, No.8: Tahitian Wedding by W.G. Burchett; Whale Hunting with bomb and wireless by Frank Hurley; Canoe Holiday, Down the Murray from Khancoban to Howlong by James Valentine; "Big Tom "- the Cassowary by Ewen K. Patterson. Volume 6, No.9: Native Labour by S. Alston Pearl; Masters of Camouflage, Birds that make themselves appear a part of their surroundings by Ronald K. Monro; Glacier Land, In New Zealand's Southern Alps by Violet A. Roche; "Creating" Crocodiles, Strange ceremony of North Queensland natives by Ewen K. Patterson. Volume 6, No.10: Through Central Australia by Bertha G. Strehlow; Fiji Gold by F.I. Ryan; Black Man's Day by Ernestine Hill; Artist's Walkabout by R. Emerson Curtis with 2 of his sketches; Flying the Tasman by Violet A. Roche. Volume 6, No. 11: Climbing in New Zealand Forests by "Cusec"; Ruins in the Far North, Port Essington To-day by Charles Barrett; The Combs of Koo-chee, The Stingless Bees of Queensland by Tarlton Rayment; Rivers of Van Diemen Gulf by John R. Finlayson; Rottnest Island by Anthony Culpeffer. Volume 6, No.12: The Red Centre, Sidelights on a motor tour from Adelaide to Alice Springs by Frank Hurley; The Huntress, An Australian Wasp that has learnt to use a tool by Tarlton Rayment; Gift of the Gods (Napier Earthquake of 1931) by V. May Cottrell; Australia's Fishing Industry by Harold Thompson; The Digger's Hat by Pat O'Neill, The Dingo Trapper by S.A. Marden. Volume 7, No.1: The Virgins of Halictus (sandbees) by Tarleton Rayment; Fishing for Trout (in the South Esk, Tasmania) by Eugene Cooper; The Night is his playtime, a Nocturnal Study of Koala at Home by Ronald K. Monro; Mighty Nullabor Buttresses by the Rev. Geo. C. Woolf; Forgotten Paradise, the Carnarvon Ranges of Queensland by C.C.D. Brammall; Ocean Toilers by Rosaline Redwood; Power from Water, Impressions of Tasmania's Hydro-electric power developments by R. Emerson Curtis with 2 sketches; The Sea-Tiger by Ewen K. Patterson. Volume 7, No.2: Branding Muster by James F. Hobden; The Fahnestock Expedition to the South Seas by H.E.L. Priday; "Philosopher Smith", Discovered Mount Bischoff (Tasmania) by A. Geoffrey Horner; Australia's Bay of Islands, Moreton Bay, Queensland by C.C.D. Brammall; Aborigines of the Great Western Desert by R.M. Berndt.
76082 N/A WALKABOUT MAGAZINE - Australia's Geographic Magazine - Volume 11, Nos. 3 to 12 and Volume 12, Nos. 1 to 2, 1945 (January to December 1945)
$120.00 AUD
Australian National Publicity Association. Melbourne & Sydney. 1945. Edited by Charles H. HOLMES. Monthly edition. Volume 11, No. 3, January 1945 to Volume 12, No. 2, December 1945, with a total of 488 PP with b/w illustrations. Stapled pictorial soft covers. All volumes have the pictorial pages in the centre. A near fine complete year of 12 issues. 30 x 24.
Volume 11, No.3: Through the Aime Pigmy Country, The Story of a Forced March through a Section of New Guinea by Three Australian Soldiers by Alan Hughes; Around Darwin Harbour by A.L. Lauder; Papuan Profiles, Inside a Prison Yard by R. Emerson Curtis with 2 sketches; South-West Coast (Tasmania) by Fred Usher. Volume 11, No.4: North-Westward Ho! and The Duracks by Ernestine Hill; Tripping and Trading on the Sepik River (New Guinea) by G.M. Read; The Baobab Tree by Ernest Philpot; Wolfram by Noel Griffiths; Buru and Copal (the Moluccas). Volume11, No.5: Sky-Lines in the Forest by H. Drake-Brockman; Across the Barkly Tablelands by Haliden Hartt; Oil of Tung by Tarlton Rayment. Volume 11 No.6: Aerial Postman (Southern section of the NT and portion of SA), by Glen Francis; Gold (W.A.) by H. Drake-Brockman; The Tasmanian North-West, Romance of the Arthur River by Bernard Cronin; New Guinea Hair Styles by G.M. Read; Merawke (Dutrch New Guinea) by Owen Campbell Mortimer. Volume 11 No.7: Penguins by L.E. Richdale; Native Walkabout by H.D. Williamson; The Reaches of the Western Sounds by Owen Campbell Mortimer; The "Brighties" (diamonds) of the Western Slopes by Tarlton Rayment; Mt. Bartle Frere, the Highest Point in Queensland by Noel Griffiths. Volume 11, No.8: East of Soerabaja (Tarlton Rayment); Forests of the Territory by James Pollard; Coloured Characters by H. Drake-Brockman; Mareeba by Noel Griffiths; The Journey North, the Overland postal service from Meekatharra to Marble Bar) by Jackson J. Doughty. Volume 11, No.9: The Captain Cook Dock, Sydney by Mary Durack; Flying Visit (Catalina in Arnhem Land) by H.D. Williamson; Fruits of Ceram (Moluccas) by Tarlton Rayment; New Hebrides by Basil Hall; Ballet at Badu by A.E. Church. Volume 11, No.10: With Eagles in the Field by David Fleay; Policing Cape York by Noel Griffiths; Tin by Marion Maude; Birds in the Swamps by C.E. Bryant; Buffalo Country by James Pollard; Tea-Tree Bees of Port Phillip by Tarlton Rayment; The Vanishing Australian by Mary Durack. Volume 11, No. 11: The Hunters by H.D. Williamson; New Old World (Australia's bush animals) by K. Woodburn; Trees that grow shipshape by Noel Griffiths; Bentonite by Robert Archer; Birds of Paradise by A.W. Lauder; The Blue Spec (gold mine) by Jackson J. Doughty; Volume 11, No.12: Wings to Borroloola by Ernestine Hill; Kite Fishing in the Solomons by A.E. Church; Rubber Mills of Papua by Arthur Hausler; Ghost Worlds of the North by James Pollard; Education in Nationhood, amongst the Pacific Peoples by Wallace Deane; The Condamine Bell by Charles Goodliffe. Volume 12, No.1: Frilled Dragon by Norman Laird; Thylungra by Mary Durack; New Britain by H.D. Williamson; Lovely Trefoil Island (N.W. Tasmania) by C. Lott; Dampier's Well by A.E. Church; Charting the Seas by Rowland G. Roberts; Volume 12, No.2: Island of Iron (Cockatoo Island) by H. Drake-Brockman; The Crocodile Hunters by E. Worrel; The Paddle-Wheelers of Echuca by F.L. Boyle; Queer Spears of the North by "Wayfarer"; Stick Insects by Norman Laird; Bringalbert by William Ruth; King Island by M.S.E. Sharland.
76103 N/A WALKABOUT MAGAZINE - Australia's Geographic Magazine and Journal of the Australian Geographical Society - Volume 13, Nos. 3 to 12 and Volume 14, Nos. 1 to 2, 1947 (January to December 1947)
$120.00 AUD
Australian National Publicity Association. Melbourne & Sydney. 1947. Edited by Charles H. HOLMES. Monthly edition. Volume 13, No. 3, January 1947 to Volume 14, No. 2, December 1947, with a total of 580 PP with b/w illustrations. Stapled pictorial soft covers. All volumes have the pictorial pages in the centre. A near fine complete year of 12 issues. 30 x 24.
Volume 13, No.3: Australia's Water Resources by J.D. Lang (Page 6 to 20); Suwarrow by William S. Bond; Melville Island by W.E. Harney; Yellowtail in Spencer's Gulf by R.O. Burlinson. Volume 13, No.4: Soil Erosion in Australia by R.G. Downes; St. Peter's Birds by Michael Sharland; The Antiquitity of the Aboriginal by W. Charnley; The Gum of the Kauri Trees by Tarlton Rayment; The Trout comes to Western Australia by John K. Ewers. Volume 13, No.5: The Bitumen by M. Kathleen Woodburn; On Cooper's Creek by George Farwell; Chasing the Honey Flows by Art Hausler; The Lure of the Saltings by Ina Watson; Murray Downs Station by H.R. Nicholls, King Island by Cath Lott. Volume 13, No.6: An Australian Seashore by William J. Dakin, I Know a Dark Green Forest by Arthur Groom, Aileron by M. Kathleen Woodburn; Major Mitchell's Explorations by K.W. Richardson. Volume 13, No.7: Darwin by M. Kathleen Woodburn; Life in a Pine Forest by Michael Sharland; Nullarbor Caves by J. Maitland Thomson; Granite Gold by C.O. Leigh Cook. Volume 13, No.8: Building Ships in Australia by George Farwell; New Guinea is different now by R. Hamilton; Sidelights on Polynesian Life by Laurence Maine; The Oak Park Picnic Races by Ruth Ann Curtis; Rodondo Report by John Mayston Béchervaise; A Woman of Arnhem Land by John Russell. Volume 13, No.9: Water on Malvern Downs by R. and R. Emerson Curtis; Pelicans of the Coorong by Michael Sharland; Cotton in Australia by Sylvia D'Arcy-Evans; Robe, on St. Vincent's Gulf by George Farwell. Volume 13, No.10: The Power of Dreams, A Story of the Flying Doctor Service by Ruth Ann Curtis; Wings of the Overflow by Michael Sharland; Five Days on the "George Bass" by C.C. Lawrence; Shark Repellant by G. Payne; Walkabout in a Wagon, Melbourne to Wentworth by Horse and Cart by H.R. Nicholls. Volume 13, No. 11: Westward the River Rolls by George Farwell; Fish from the Bight by Michael Sharland; The Migrants (ticks) by M. Kathleen Woodburn. Volume 13, No.12: Cape York Peninsula by F.W. Whitehouse; Mining for Talc by George Farwell; No Rest for Australian Forests by R. Emerson Curtis; Monuments to Aboriginal Kings. Volume 14, No.1: The Musgrave Ranges by Allan F. Wilson; White Cliffs by Vernon A. Lee; Kings of the Cattle Ramp by Blanche Maynard; Adventure in Science by William J. Dakin; Chatham Islands by Rosaline Redwood; Canoe on the Murrumbidgee by R. Raven-Hart. Volume 14, No.2: Surveying Australian Waters by Geoffrey C. Ingleton; On Tiger Snakes by Eric Worrell; Trochus Shell and Reef by Norman W. Caldwell; Mataranka by M. Kathleen Woodburn; Aboriginal Ballet by John K. Ewers; Mapping by "Cography" by Stanley H. Powell.
76104 N/A WALKABOUT MAGAZINE - Australian Geographical Magazine and Journal of the Australian Geographical Society - Volume 14, Nos. 3 to 14 (January to December 1948)
$120.00 AUD
Australian National Publicity Association. Melbourne & Sydney. 1948. Edited by Charles H. HOLMES. Monthly edition. Volume 14, No. 3, January 1948 to Volume 14, No. 14 December 1948, with a total of 576 PP with b/w illustrations. Stapled pictorial soft covers. All volumes have the pictorial pages in the centre. A near fine complete year of 12 issues. 30 x 24.
Volume 14, No.3: The Sugar Shield by Ruth Ann Curtis; Melanesian Arcadia by J.G. Coombs; Mountain of Iron by George Farwell; Man and Minerals by Curt Teichert; A Wooden Ship is Built by John McPherson. Volume 14, No.4: We Wanted a Coral Island by R. Emerson Curtis; Kimberley Epic by Mary Durack; The Battle of Simpson Desert by Michael Sawtell; The Art called Contemplative by Basil Hall; The Grass Tree by M. Kathleen Woodburn. Volume 14, No.5: The Birdsville Track by George Farwell; Sherbrooke Holiday by L.H. Smith; The Third Great Tor by John Béchervaise; Tasmania's Lonely Fjord by Matt O'Brien; Termite Castles by JK.S. Litchfield. Volume 14, No.6: Everything is Temporary in Post-War Moresby by Sean Keogh; Where the Darling Ends by George Farwell; The Beach Master by Norman Laird; The Whistling Eagle by David Fleay; Water for Mallee Lands by Michael Sharland; The Island where Time stands still by Mrs. Harry Bonney; This Jealous Land by Arthur W. Upfield. Volume 14, No.7: Walking the Cattle by Arthur W. Upfield; Silver-Lead Town by George Farwell; The Golden Bough by M. Kathleen Woodburn; Inarlinga by Norman Laird; Arnhem Land Aboriginal Reserve by V.C. Hall; Greenly Island by H.H. Finlayson. Volume 14, No.8: Source of Atomic Power by George Farwell; Macquarie Island by Norman Laird; Western Australia's Limestone Coast by J. Gentilli; Pukumani by John K. Ewers. Volume 14, No.9: Fire Control in Western Australian Forests by Ray Bean; On the Shores of Lake Eyre by George Farwell; The Giants by C.C.D.Brammall; Trading Post of the "Never Never" by V.C. Hall; The East-West Bitumen by J.H.L. Cumpston; Vanua Balavu by G. Scorseby Shepherd. Volume 14, No.10: Mapping a Continent by L. FitzGerald; Ski-ing is the Life! by M. Hall; From Tea-Tree Swamp to Pasture by A.R. Callaghan; Boats on Wheels by Molly Lyons; Northern Territory Army Farms by V.C. Hall. Volume 14, No. 11 (mis-numbered as No.12) : Police Patrol in the "Never Never" by A.F. Anderson; Droving through the Sea by Fred Lord; Boydtown by C. Mervyn Archdall; Makatea by S.G. Martin; Fasciola Hepatica by M. Kathleen Woodburn; People of the Centre by Bertram Keith; Queensland Nuts by Ian Desmond. Volume 14, No.12 : Tasmania's Modern Explorers by Michael Sharland; Islands of Torres Strait by R. Raven-Hart; Debris of the Tides by W.A. Harney; The Australian Deserts by M. Kathleen Woodburn; Bird Islands off the Swan River by James Pollard; Tragedy of Lizard Island by Fred Lord. Volume 14, No.13: The Hidden Crater of Wolf Creek by Charles H. Holmes; Lord Howe Island to-Day by G. Scoresby Shepherd; Captain Cook Memorial at Tahiti by S.G. Martin; Letter from Macquarie by Norman Laird; The Maluka's Grave by W.E. Harney; Rocky Island. Volume 14, No.14: Cockatoo Island, Yampi Sound by John K. Ewers; Australia's Most Northerly Homestead by John H. Martin; Crossing the Gammon Ranges by Warren Bonython; Melville Island by C.M. Thiele and J.B. Harrington; Domestic Problems in the Far North by Leone Biltris; Gregory's Baobab Tree by L.H.A. Giles.
74780 NASH, Michael CONVICT PLACES - A Guide to Tasmanian Sites
$20.00 AUD
Navarine Publishing / Tasmanian Parks and Wildlife Service. Hobart. 2020. 1st Ed. 176 PP with b/w and colour illustrations. Pictorial stiff covers. Fine (new condition). 21.8 x 117. 9780992366032
74191 NEWITT, Lyn CONVICTS & CARRIAGEWAYS, Tasmanian Road Development until 1880
$75.00 AUD
Department of Main Roads, Tasmania. Hobart. 1988. 1st Ed. Foreword by P. J. Wettenhall. X, 332 PP with b/w and colour illustrations. Eps: Van Diemen's Land, Administration of Roads & Bridges. (FEP: 1803 to 1839) / REP: 1840 to 1879). Illustrated hard covers, dust jacket. Spine of dust jacket lightly sunned, o/wise a fine copy. 32.8 x 23.8. 0724625523
$30.00 AUD
Tasmanian Parliamentary Library. Hobart. 1988. 1st Ed. 81 PP with b/w illustrations (1 drawing of Parliament House and 37 portraits). Stiff covers, illustrated front, title on front cover and spine. Fine. 25 x 17.5.
$30.00 AUD
Roebuck Society. Canberra. 1985. 1st Ed. Roebuck Society Publication No. 33. VI, 246, 212 (indexes) PP with 30 charts, maps & plans and 52 b/w illustrations. FEP: Chart of Bass Strait (Western part). REP: Chart of Bass Strait (Eastern part). Soft covers, pictorial front. Fine. 24.5 x 17.4. 0909434247
$20.00 AUD
Centre for Environmental Studies, University of Tasmania. Hobart. 1985. Research Project No. 25. (6), 46 PP with 4 figures (maps of Tasmania). Soft covers, title on front cover, staples, cloth spine. Fine. 29.5 x 20.7. 0859012921
Whale Stranding Programme.
$20.00 AUD
Centre for Environmental Studies, University of Tasmania. Hobart. 1986. Research Report No. 26. (8), 13, (2 apendix) PP with 8 figures (series of graphs and 5 maps of Tasmania. Soft covers, title on front cover, staples, cloth spine. Fine. 29.5 x 20.7. 0859013537
Whale Stranding Research Programme.
$20.00 AUD
Centre for Environmental Studies, University of Tasmania. Hobart. 1986. Research Report No. 27. (8), 24 PP with 4 figures (maps of Tasmania). Soft covers, title on front cover, staples, cloth spine. Near fine. 29.5 x 20.7. 0859013529
Whale Stranding Research Programme.
72857 NICOL, Douglas James (B.Sc.) THE TASMANIAN CETACEAN STRANDING RECORD: A Review of the Cetacean Strandings in Tasmanian Waters and an Examination of Possible Causes ...
$75.00 AUD
Centre for Environmental Studies, University of Tasmania. Hobart. 1991. September 1991 Thesis. XVIII, 219 PP with 16 tables and 66 figures (graphs, 2 measurements diagrams and distribution maps of Tasmania). Soft covers, title on front cover, clear plastic protection, spiral bound. Fine. 29.5 x 20.7.
... behind a Thesis submitted in fulfilment of the requirements for the degree of Master of Environmental Studies (Research).
$50.00 AUD
J. Walch & Sons. Hobart. c. 1980. Reprint of the 1946 original. 208 PP with 1 portrait, plus 54 pages with 88 b/w plates. Fp (folded): Hobart Bridge. Hard cover, gilt title on spine, dj. A fine copy. 25 x 16.
... Sealing, Whaling, Smuggling and Piracy. Wild Men of Van Diemen's Land. Bushrangers and Bandits. Wrecks and Wreckers ... with a chronology of curious and interesting facts relating to old Van Diemen's Land, and (from 1856) to Tasmania.
71206 NORMAN, L. PIONEER SHIPPING OF TASMANIA - Whaling, Sealing, Piracy, Shipwrecks, etc. in Early Tasmania
$45.00 AUD
O.B.M. Pty. Ltd. Hobart. 1980. Reprint of the 1938 original. Preface by A. G. Ogilvie. 220 PP, plus 36 pages with 61 b/w illust. Fp: Hobart in the colourful whaling days. Hard cover, gilt title on spine, dj. Fine. 25.2 x 16.4.
76568 NORMAN, L. PIONEER SHIPPING OF TASMANIA. Whaling, Sealing, Piracy, Shipwrecks, etc. in Early Tasmania
$60.00 AUD
J. Walch & Sons. Hobart. 1938. 1st Ed. 220 PP, plus 36 pages with 61 b/w illustrations. Fp: Hobart in colourful whaling days. Cloth cover with light wear around edges and colour vignette pasted down on front cover. Ex-library copy with stamp of Maritime Museum of Tasmania on inside front cover and dedicatory notes on FFEP plus a presentation note from Captain H.G. Chesterman, RNR. Gutterrs reinforced, otherwise a very good copy. 25.5 x 16.
74149 O'BRIEN, Matt. TASMANIA'S WAR EFFORT 1939-1945
$25.00 AUD
Department of Premier and Cabinet. Hobart. 1995. Facsimile reprint of this 1995 edition with a foreword by Ray Groom, premier of Tasmania. Original of 1946 with the foreword by the Hon. Robert Cosgrove, Premier of Tasmania. X, 104, (7 index) PP with 23 b/w photos. Stiff covers, illustrated front cover, illustrated backcover: badge of "Australia Remembers 1945-1995". Fine. 18.6 x 12.3. 0724642277
A brief outline of the part played by Tasmanians in the War Effort of Australia in World War, 1939-1945. Wooden shipbuilding (P.59 to 65).
72357 O'HARA BOOTH, Charles THE JOURNAL OF CHARLES O'HARA BOOTH - Commandant of the Port Arthur Penal Settlement
$80.00 AUD
Tasmanian Historical Research Association. Sandy Bay, Tas. 1981. 1st edition limited to 1000 copies. Edited with an Introduction by Dora Heard. XV, 298 PP with 1 map, plus 24 pages with 3 colour and 12 b/w plates. Fp (in colour): Portrait of Captain Charles O'Hara Booth. Cloth covers, gilt title on spine, dj. Light foxing spots on outside edges, o/wise a fine copy. Scarce. 24.2 x 15.7. 0909479119
$20.00 AUD
T. J. Hughes, Government Printer. Hobart. 1978. 2nd Impression. 137 PP, VI (index) PP & 101, (3 index) PP, plus 32 pages with 61 b/w photos. Cloth cover, gilt title on spine, dj. Name of previous owner on FFEP, o/wise a near fine copy. 22 x 14.5.
Whaling in the early days of Van Diemen's Land.
$20.00 AUD
L.G. Shea, Government Printer. Hobart. c. 1964. 1st Ed. 113 , IV, (2), 32 PP, plus 20 pages with 38 b/w photos, and 1 folded map at rear. Cloth cover, dj. Dust jacket has some shelf wear with chips at top, and is in a protective sleeve. Contents near fine. 21.7 x 14.5.
The craft used by the early settlers to carry goods to and from Hobart. The sealers in Bass Strait.
$20.00 AUD
L. G. Shea, Government Printer. Hobart. c. 1960. 1st edition. 137, VI (index) PP & 101, (3 index) PP, plus 32 pages with 61 b/w photos. Green cloth cover, clipped dust jacket. Dust jacket has a few chips and is in a protective sleeve. Name and address of previous owner on FFEP, otherwise a near fine copy. 22 x 14.5.
Whaling in the early days of Van Diemen's Land.
48394 O'MAY, Harry (compiler) WRECKS IN TASMANIAN WATERS, 1797-1950
$10.00 AUD
D. E. Wilkinson, Acting Government Printer. Hobart. 1954. 1st Ed. Foreword by Miss Amy Rowntree. 209, (V Index) PP, plus the frontispiece, 24 pages at rear with 44 b/w photos & 1 folded map at back. Fp: Schooner Mariner, 1925. Cloth cover, gilt title on front cover and spine. Gilt lettering dulled. Note to previous owner on front endpaper. Sellotape marks on covers and endpapers. Slight ageing of paper. A very good reading copy. 22 x 14.5.
Comprehensive details of ships wrecked in the treacherous seas around Tasmania.
$15.00 AUD
L. G. Shea, Government Printer. Hobart. c. 1964. 1st Ed. 113 , IV, (2), 32 PP, plus 20 pages with 38 b/w photos, and 1 folded map at rear of book. Green cloth cover, laminated with clear plastic film. Stamp of the Marine Board of Hobart on front endpaper and top of title-page. Contents near fine. 21.7 x 14.5.
The craft used by the early settlers to carry goods to and from Hobart. Chapter 8: The Wilson Ship-Yard at Port Cygnet. The sealers in Bass Strait.
61896 OLIJNYK, Elynor Frances CHARLES ROBBINS RN 1782 - 1805 - His Place in Maritime History
$40.00 AUD
Photographic Art Gallery. Adelaide. 2004 1st Ed. Preface by Jonathan Scott Wallis, Master Mariner. XVIII, 91 PP with portrait of the author on last page, 1 facsimile of manuscript, 2 maps and illustrations (3 tail pieces, 10 headpieces, and 6 drawings) by Rolf Christiansen. FEP: Crossing of Bass Strait. REP: Map of N/W corner of Tasmania. Pictorial laminated boards. Fine. 21.8 x 15.5. 0646434861
Raising the British flag on King Island.. Survey of Port Phillip Bay and King Island.
74058 ORCHARD, John R. (editor) GUIDE TO TASMANIA - The Holiday Island State of Australia
$25.00 AUD
Telegraph Publications Pty. Ltd. Launceston. c. 1960. 1st Ed. Forewords by The Hon. E. E. Reece, Premier of Tasmania and by The Hon. A. C. Atkins, Minister for Tourists and Immigration. 184 PP with 5 detailed maps, sketch maps, b/w and colour illustrations. Pictorial soft covers with light wear and a little soiling. Contents near fine. 21 x 14.
$30.00 AUD
Allan T. Orr. Launceston. 2004. 1st Ed. 80 PP with colour photos: 1 portrait of the author and 76 photos of entrance doors with fanlights. Pictorial stiff covers. A 4 page "A Book for thr the Fans" read at the launching of the book, by Eric Ratcliff, loosely inserted. Dedicatory note iside front cover signed by the author. 21 x 14.7. 0646441787
$20.00 AUD
L.G. Shea, Government Printer. Hobart. 1957. 1st Ed. Foreword by The Hon. Rex C. Townley. 144 PP with tables and 1 drawing of C. L. Badcock, plus 16 pages with 26 b/w photos. Card covers, staples, dj. Small name stamp at top of title-page, o/wise fine. 21.6 x 13.8.
75766 PARSONS, Ronald (compiler) TASMANIAN SHIPS REGISTERED 1826-1850 (Ships enrolled in Hobart Town and Launceston)
$20.00 AUD
Ronald H. Parsons. Magill, S.A. 1980 1st Ed. 102 PP. Stapled typescript. Card covers with light crease and laminated. Slight ageing of paper. Library stamp at bottom of front cover and stamp of the Maritime Museum of Tasmania on inside front cover, otherwise very good.. Oblong: 16.5 x 20.6. 0909418179
Full details of every ship enrolled by the Registrar of British Ships at the ports of Hobart Town and Launceston.
74152 PAULL, John NOT JUST AN ANAESTHETIST: The Remarkable Life of Dr William Russ Pugh MD.
$70.00 AUD
John Paull. Launceston. 2013. 1st edition. Foreword by Dr. Tom Dunning. XII, 573 PP with b/w illustrations (documents, letters, maps, newspaper clippings, paintings, portraits and photos). Fp: Dr. William Russ Pugh, MD, at his desk. Pictorial stiff covers. Small traces of old damp stains at top edges of last pages, otherwise a fine copy. 28 x 20. 9780987604231
Shipboard diary on the crossing Gravesend to Van Diemen's Land, on the Barque "Derwent": 8th of August to 10th December 1835 ...
$10.00 AUD
Tasmanian Fisheries Development Authority. Hobart. 1981. October 1981 reprint of the June 1981 original. 80 PP with over 6 tables and 47 figures. Pictorial stiff covers. Near fine. 24.4 x 17.2.
$60.00 AUD
J. Walch & Sons. Hobart. 1936. 1st Ed. 95 PP with 2 diagrams and 11 b/w plates. Bound copy of the original soft cover edition. Stiff card covers with original front cover (The Flurry) pasted down on front board. Top part of title page cut away on 5cms. 4 brief marginal notes (1 pertinent correction and 3 references to other pages), otherwise contents are near fine. Scarce. 22.2 x 14.2.
Bay whaling, off-shore whaling, sperm oil quest, end of the whaling days by ships based/registered in Hobart.
75063 PINK, Kerry AND WEALTH FOR TOIL - A History of North-West and Western Tasmania 1825 - 1900
$100.00 AUD
Advocate Marketing Services / Harris and Company. Burnie. 1990. 1st Ed. Forewords by G. P. Harris and Chris Binks. XII, 387 PP with hundreds of b/w illustrations (charts, maps and plans, documents, drawings, prints and photos) and 46 colour illustrations (paintings and photos). Cloth covers, gilt title on front cover and spine, dj. Fine/as new condition. 30.5 x 21.8. 0731699270
33825 PINK, Kerry & VOWLES, Gill AGAINST THE TIDE - A Maritime History of Circular Head
$15.00 AUD
Hobart Ports Corporation. Hobart. 1998. 1st Ed. VI, 434 PP with 1 plan, 4 b/w illust., 16 colour and 210 b/w photos. Pictorial card cover a little cocked, otherwise near fine. 21.1 x 14.8. 0646362828
Port created in 1826 by the Van Diemen's Land Co. as an outlet for their first European settlement on the North-West Coast of Tasmania.
$20.00 AUD
Geeveston Archives & History Society. Geeveston, Tasmania. 2019. 1st edition, by Charles Rich & GAHS. 40 PP with b/w illustrations (11 portraits, 5 adverts, 25 photos). Soft covers, illustrated front, staples. Fine. 21.2 x 14.7.
Story of the Geeveston Town Hall and the Community spirit: Tahune Air Walk, Forest & Heritage Centre, Wooden Statues ...
$20.00 AUD
Geeveston Archives & History Society. Geeveston, Tasmania. 2021. 1st edition, by Marjorie Cartlidge & GAHS. 24 PP with b/w illustrations (2 photos and 2 Newspaper clippings). 1 errata slip loosely inserted. Soft covers, illustrated front, staples. New. 21.2 x 14.7.
70462 PLOMLEY, Brian & PIARD-BERNIER, Josiane THE GENERAL - The visits of the expedition led by Bruny d'Entrecasteaux to Tasmanian waters in 1792 and 1793
$130.00 AUD
Queen Victoria Museum. Launceston. 1993. 1st Ed. XII, 379 PP with 32 b/w illust. Fp: Portrait of Bruny d'Entrecasteaux. Eps: Title Page of Volume I of the 1808 edition, list of officers & scientists of Recherche and Espérance. Cloth cover, title on front board and spine, dj. Dust jacket with a few small rubs, otherwise a fine copy of a scarce title. 25.5 x 17.8. 0724641181
39522 PORTS PORT OF LAUNCESTON - BELL BAY, Tasmania, Australia - Port Information Handbook
$10.00 AUD
Port of Launceston Authority. Launceston. 1986. Amended edition of July 1986. 48 PP with tables, 1 graph, 1 map, 13 coloured plans (4 on folded page) and 16 colour photos. Soft cover, clear plastic front. Fine. 29.8 x 21.
39623 PORTS PORT OF BURNIE, Tasmania - Port Information (1986)
$10.00 AUD
Burnie Port Authority. Burnie. 1986. January 1986 edition. 16 PP with 1 b/w photo and 2 plans, plus 8 folded pages schedule of charges in rear pocket. Pictorial soft cover. Fine. 22.3 x 17.2.
63421 PORTS PORT OF BURNIE, Tasmania - Port Information (1988)
$5.00 AUD
Burnie Port Authority. Burnie. 1988. June 1988 edition. 16 PP with 1 b/w photo and 2 plans. Pictorial soft cover. Fine. 22.3 x 17.2.
71851 PORTS MARINE BOARD OF HOBART, TASMANIA - Report for the year ended 31st December 1920
$40.00 AUD
Marine Board of Hobart / Mercury Office. Hobart. 1921. Annual edition. 16 PP with tables, plus 3 plates with 4 b/w illustrations: 1 painting and 3 photos. Soft covers, title on front cover. Spine of covers repaired with acid free tape, and small piece missing at bottom, o/wise very good condition. 33.5 x 21.
61917 POULSON, Bruce RECHERCHE BAY - A Short History
$35.00 AUD
Management Committee of the Southport Community Centre. Southport, Tasmania. 2005 Reprint of the 2004 original. V, 83 PP with b/w illustrations. Inside front cover: sketch map of Recherche Bay. Pictorial soft cover. Fine. 21 x 21.
Bay at the southern tip of Tasmania, first explored by Bruny d'Entrecasteaux. Garden of Recherche Bay "Jardin du Roi", by Felix Lahaie. ... Whaling.
75181 POULSON, Bruce RECHERCHE BAY - A Short History
$40.00 AUD
Management Committee of the Southport Community Centre. Southport, Tasmania. 2004. 1st Ed. V, 79 PP with b/w illustrations. Inside front cover: sketch map of Recherche Bay. Pictorial soft covers. Near fine. 21 x 21.
Bay at the southern tip of Tasmania, first explored by Bruny d'Entrecasteaux. Garden of Recherche Bay "Jardin du Roi", by Felix Lahaie. ... Whaling.
75182 POULSON, Bruce RECHERCHE BAY - A Short History
$50.00 AUD
Management Committee of the Southport Community Centre. Southport, Tasmania. 2005. Reprint of the 2004 original. V, 83 PP with b/w illustrations. Inside front cover: sketch map of Recherche Bay. Pictorial soft covers with light wear. Signed by the author on title page. Near fine. 21 x 21.
Bay at the southern tip of Tasmania, first explored by Bruny d'Entrecasteaux. Garden of Recherche Bay "Jardin du Roi", by Felix Lahaie. ... Whaling.
76712 POULSON, Bruce RECHERCHE BAY - A Short History
$35.00 AUD
Management Committee of the Southport Community Centre. Southport, Tasmania. 2009 Third reprint of 2009 of the 2004 original. V, 83 PP with b/w illustrations. Inside front cover: sketch map of Recherche Bay. Pictorial soft cover. Fine. 21 x 21. 9780975797501
Bay at the southern tip of Tasmania, first explored by Bruny d'Entrecasteaux. Garden of Recherche Bay "Jardin du Roi", by Felix Lahaie. ... Whaling.
$15.00 AUD
Tasmanian Museum and Art Gallery. Hobart. 1966. 1st Ed. Preface by W. Bryden. 24 PP with 8 b/w illustrations . Illustrated soft covers with light soiling, otherwise a fine copy. 24.7 x 18.5.
Port Arthur, Tasmania's Convict Settlement 1830-1877.
69165 PRIDMORE, Walter B. VAN DIEMEN'S LAND TO TASMANIA ... 1642-1856
$20.00 AUD
Walter B. Pridmore. Murdunna, Tas. 2008. 1st Ed. (4), 67 PP with b/w and colour illustrations (including 7 watercolours by Rose Solomon). Pictorial soft cover. Fine. 21 x 14.7. 9780980533200
Explorers, Administrators ...
72275 PRIDMORE, Walter B. PORT ARTHUR ... as it was
$25.00 AUD
Walter B. Pridmore. Murdunna, Tas. 2002. 1st edition, November 2002. VI, 81 PP with 1 drawing and 43 watercolours by Rose Solomon. Inside covers: plan of Port Arthur & Location map. Pictorial stiff covers. Fine. 21 x 14.7. 064642078X
72276 PRIDMORE, Walter B. ISLE OF THE DEAD ... Port Arthur's Burial Ground
$20.00 AUD
Walter B. Pridmore. Murdunna, Tas. 2005. 1st edition, November 2005. IV, 44 PP with 2 drawings and 10 watercolours by Rose Solomon. Inside covers: plan of Port Arthur & Location map. Stiff covers, illustrated front. Fine. 21 x 14.7.
72277 PRIDMORE, Walter B. POINT PUER ... and the Prisons of Port Arthur
$20.00 AUD
Walter B. Pridmore. Murdunna, Tas. 2005. 1st edition. IV, 44 PP with 1 drawing and 15 watercolours by Rose Solomon. Inside covers: plan of Port Arthur & Location map. Stiff covers, illustrated front. Fine. 21 x 14.7.
75051 PROSSER GREEN, Angela THE WEDDING JOURNEY - The Story of Johnstone and Wilmot
$100.00 AUD
ACPG Books. Launceston. 2010. 1st Ed. Foreword by Albert Van Zetten, Mayor of Launceston. 288 PP with "William Johnstone, travelogue", i.e. 44 pages of original manuscript, b/w illustrations throughout and 11 pages with 47 colour illustrations. Pictorial stiff covers. Fine. 29.5 x 21. 9780980615791
The Bob Brown Foundation. Hobart. 2016. January reprint of the 2015 original. with an introduction by Greg Irons, 256 PP with colour illustrations (8 location maps, 31 maps with inserts and photos. Pictorial stiff covers. Fine (as new condition). 21 x 15. 9780994466907
72279 RACKHAM, Sarah HYDRO CONSTRUCTION VILLAGES - Volume 2: Butlers Gorge / Bronte Park / Trevallyn / Wayatinah
$40.00 AUD
Public Relations Department, The Hydro-Electric Commission. Hobart. 1982. Edited by Joan Woodberry. 76 PP with 1 sketch map in colour and 40 b/w illustrations: 5 maps and 35 photos. Stiff covers, pictorial front. Fine. 23.4 x 17.5. 0724610367
$5.00 AUD
Royal Australian Historical Society. Sydney. 1947. Volume XXXIII, Part IV, 1947. Edited by C. Price Conigrave. 189-264 PP with 5 b/w illustrations. Stapled soft covers a little browned around edges, otherwise near fine. 21 x 14.
Social Services in Australia (1900-10), by T.H. Kewley. Port Arthur, Tasmania, by Frank Walker. Image of back cover lists all articles and illustrations.
$30.00 AUD
Beatties Studio. Hobart. 1982. 1st Ed. VIII, 88 PP with 92 b/w illustrations (4 portraits and 88 photos). Hard cover, gilt title on spine, dj. Fine. Oblong: 24.8 x 28.2.
71914 REYNOLDS, John (editor) THE DISCOVERY OF TASMANIA 1642 - Selections from Dr. J. E. Heeres' translation of Tasman's Journal Aug.-Dec. 1642
$50.00 AUD
H.H. Pimblett, Government Printer. Hobart. 1942. 1st edition of November 12th, 1942. Prefaces by Robert Cosgrove, Premier of Tasmania and John Madden, Minister for Lands and Works, and in Charge of Tasmanian Tercentenary Celebrations, 1942. (2) 43, (3) PP with b/w illustrations: 2 portraits and a facsimile of the signature of Abel Tasman, plus 1 facsimile of the first paragraph entry for December 2nd 1642 and 2 facsimile of folded charts. Soft cover, illustrated front, staples. Front cover with repaired short tear. Near fine and scarce in this condition. 24.3 x 18.5.
Selections and extracts from the Journal of Abel Janszoon Tasman (from translation of the original manuscript in the Colonial Archives at The Hague, by Professor J.E. Heeres) and facsimiles of original maps.
75348 RICE, Fiona (compiler) PORT DAVEY MARINE RESERVE - Visitors' Guide / Map and Notes / CD "Port Davey Marine Reserve ... Wild and Pristine"
$40.00 AUD
Tasmania Parks and Wildlife Service. Hobart. 2010. 3 items: Booklet 2008 edition, with a Message by Peter Mooney, General Manager. 32 PP with b/w and colour illustrations. Pictorial soft covers. Large folded poster in colour (2008): Verso with map of the Reserve, location map, inset map for the Davey River and 6 colour photos. Recto: Map of Tasmania, notes for "Walking and Camping" / Biosecurity (with 6 colour photos) / Water Activities / Threats / Contacts. Booklet and Map (5 folds), contained in a clear plastic folder. CD / (2010 edition): running time 32 minutes. Fine set of 3 items. 22.5 x 16.
Jayrich Production. Christchurch, N.Z. 1955. 1st Ed. (3), 36, (2) PP (roneotyped) on recto only, with postal marks and postal stamps. Hard covers, cloth spine, staples. Light foxing. Very good. 25 x 20.5.
Scholarly study of Tasmania's early postal history.
73848 RICHARDSON, Garry SAFE PASSAGE - The Lighthouses of Tasmania
$90.00 AUD
Bay of Fires Images and Publishing. Hobart. 2022. 1st Ed., with a foreword by Anthony Donald. 523 PP with b/w, duotone and colour illustrations (documents, sketches, maps & plans, paintings & photos). Laminated pictorial boards. Fine. 30.2 x 21.5. 9780992551360
The history of Tasmania's 14 manned lighthouses ... and the ships that supplied them.
68647 RICHARDSON, Greg (editor) PORT DALRYMPLE YACHT CLUB: 1952 - 2002 / Celebrating the First 50 years
$25.00 AUD
Port Dalrymple Yacht Club. Beauty Point, Tasmania. 2003. 1st Ed. Foreword by Wilf Allison. 48 PP with b/w illustrations. Pictorial soft cover. Fine. Oblong: 14.8 x 21.
$25.00 AUD
Brian Rieusset. Hobart. 2007. 1st Ed. (4), 64 PP with 17 b/w illustrations, plus 2 pages with 4 sketches by Joan Creese. Soft covers, pictorial front. Fine. 29.7 x 21. 9780957721425
An account of the first Convict Settlement at Maria Island, Van Diemen's Land.
Warwick H. L. Risby. Hobart. 2020. Limited edition of 100 copies. One of the not numbered copies signed by the author opposite title page. X, 207, (3) PP with 6 pages on "Family Trees", b/w and colour illustrations. Erratum slip loosely inserted between pages 190/191. Endpapers with cartoons by "Humps" (Geoff Humphries). New. 24.5 x 21.5. 9780648675815
$15.00 AUD
Oxford University Press. Melbourne. 1988. Reprint of the 1987 original. 122 PP with 1 map and 64 b/w illustrations. Pictorial soft cover. Fine. 24 x 17.8. 0195547780
72129 ROE, Dr. Michael A History of the THEATRE ROYAL - Hobart, from 1834
$30.00 AUD
National Theatre and Fine Arts Society of Tasmania. Hobart. c. 1970. 1st limited edition. Preface by J.N.D. Harrison. Foreword by Dame Sybil Thorndlike. 48 PP with 18 b/w illustrations (plan, poster, photos of buildings and performers) and advertisements. Stiff covers, illustrated front (etching by Sir Lionel Lindsay). Label for the limited edition hand numbered (No. 164) and signed by the author, tipped in on title page. Fine. 23.5 x 18.2. .
72364 ROWNTREE, Fearn HOBART TOWN - Van Dieman's Land
$20.00 AUD
Fearn Rowntree / Mercury Press. Hobart. c. 1967. 1st Ed. No pagination, 64 PP with 96 drawings by the author/artist. Stiff covers, illustrated front. Covers lightly soiled, staples removed. Stamp of previous owner inside front cover. Very good. Oblong: 18 x 24.5.
$15.00 AUD
W. Fletcher, Printer. Hobart Town. 1864. 1st Ed. Edited by J. W. Agnew (Honorary Secretary). 37 PP with 10 pages "Lists: Officers of the Society, Honorary Members, Fellows" and 22 pages for the Yearly report. Soft covers, title on front cover. Fine. 21 x 13.7.
Read at the Annual General Meeting, held 29th January 1864.
$15.00 AUD
William Thomas Strutt, Government Printer. Hobart. 1890. 1st Ed. Edited by J. W. Agnew (Honorary Secretary). 16 PP with 5 pages "Lists: Officers of the Society, Honorary Members, Fellows" and 7 pages for the Yearly report. Soft covers, title on front cover. Fine. 21.3 x 13.7.
Read at the Annual General Meeting, held 4th March 1890.
72589 ROYAL SOCIETY OF VAN DIEMEN'S LAND REPORT OF ROYAL SOCIETY OF VAN DIEMEN'S LAND, for Horticulture, Botany and the Advancement of Science - 1848
$50.00 AUD
H & C Best, Printers, Courier Office. Hobart Town. 1848 1st Ed. Edited by J. Lillie (Honorary Secretary). 13 PP with 1 table "Receipts and Expenditure of the Royal Society of Van Diemen's Land - 1847". Soft covers, title on front cover. Near fine condition. Rare. 21.5 x 14.
Read and ordered to be printed at the Annual General Meeting, held by postponement on the 4th of May 1848.
$35.00 AUD
H & C Best, Printers, Courier Office. Hobart Town. 1856 1st Ed. Edited by J. Millingan (Secretary). (16), 16 PP with 12 pages "Lists: Officers of the Society, Honorary Members, Fellows" 12 pages for the Yearly report. Soft covers, title on front cover. Near fine condition. Rare. 20.7 x 13.7.
Read at the Annual General Meeting, held 31st January 1856.
$40.00 AUD
St.David's Park Publishing. Hobart. 1991. 1st Ed. XI, 330 PP with b/w illustrations (photos, paintings, sketches ...). Pictorial soft covers with light wear. Near fine. Scarce. 24.8 x 17.7. 0724625607
The activities of the mosquito fleet of ketches and schooners plying the waters of Tasmania, Victoria and South Australia.
67197 SARGENT, John R. 'A HEAD OF STEAM' - Hobart Town to Kangaroo Point Ferry Service
$20.00 AUD
John R. Sargent. Bellerive. Tas. 1999. 1st Ed. (2), 18 PP with 2 b/w illustrations (sketch of Kangaroo Bay by Emily Bowring at centre fold, and cut-away of a Paddle Steamer). Soft cover, illustrated front. Dedicatory note on title page, signed by the author. Fine. 21 x 14.7. 0958528411
The arrival of the first steamships in Australian service and their impact on the Trans-Derwent service.
73024 SARGENT, John R. REBIRTH OF A LADY - The "Lady Nelson" Project
$35.00 AUD
J. R. Sargent. Bellerive, Tad. 1998. 1st edition limited to 500 copies. (2), 122, (12) PP with b/w illust. (drawings, facsimile of documents, plans and 55 photos). Pictorial card cover. Dedicatory note on title page signed by the author. Erratum at bottom of last page. Fine. 20.8 x 14.5. From conception to rebirth: 1960 to Launch. Reflections and recollections.
$35.00 AUD
Gus Green Pty Ltd. Launceston. 2008 1st Ed. Foreword by Martin Pryor. (2), 100 PP with sketch map of the "Three Peaks Race Course" inside front cover, 20 "results" tables, b/w and colour illustrations. Pictorial stiff covers. Plus: Official programme & Race Team, for Race of 2002 and 2 Race summary supplements by Holly Ranson, for 2008 and 2009 . Fine. 29.7 x 21. 9780958517430
Celebrating 20 Years (1989 - 2008) of the Ultimate Endurance Challenge: Coastal Sailing (335 Nautical Miles) and Mountain Running (133 Kilometres) in Tasmania.. Race starting on Good Friday, from Beauty Point, Tamar River to Flinders Island & Mount Strzelecki / Coles Bay / Mount Freycinet / Finishing at Hobart / Mount Wellington.
$20.00 AUD
Hydro Electricity Commission. Hobart. 1990. 1st Ed. 44 PP with 5 b/w photos and colour illustrations (diagrams, drawings, graphs, maps, photos). Inside back cover: map of Tasmania's Electricity System. Pictorial soft cover. Fine. 29.8 x 21. 0724616837
75317 SCANLON, Andrew (editor) THE POWER OF NATURE - Tasmania's Renewable Energy from Water and Wind
$15.00 AUD
Hydro Tasmania. Hobart. c. 2005. 1st Ed. 48 PP with 4 b/w photos and colour illustrations (sketches, plans, graphs, artworks and photos). Stiff covers, illustrated front. Fine. 29.6 x 21.
$30.00 AUD
Irene Schaffer. New Town, Tasmania. 1996. 1st edition, March 1996. (2), VI, 47 PP with b/w illustrations: drawings, facsimile of documents, plans, portraits and photos.. Soft covers, pictorial front, cloth spine. Near fine. 29.5 x 21.
71929 SCHAFFER, Irene DERWENT RIVER EXCURSION on board the "Lady Nelson" - Volume 1; Sandy Bay - Battery Point - Hobart
$30.00 AUD
Irene Schaffer. New Town, Tasmania. 2001. 1st edition, June 2001. (4), 15, (28 plates) PP (recto only) with 43 b/w illustrations: sketch map, plans, drawings and paintings, photos. Soft covers, pictorial front, cloth spine. Covers a little soiled with a small light crease, o/wise near fine. 29.5 x 21.
72128 SCHAFFER, Irene & McKAY, Thelma Profiles of Norfolk Islanders to Van Diemen's Land: "LADY NELSON" 1807 - Volume 1
$40.00 AUD
Irene Schaffer & Thelma McKay. Hobart. 1989. Updated edition of the 1987 original. V, 34 PP with 2 b/w illustrations (vignette on front cover and title page), plus 1 plate " View of the Lady Nelson in the Thames" and 1 page " Additional Research 1989". Soft cover, illustrated front. Foxing spots on front cover and outside edges. Very good. 29.7 x 21. 0958792615
$30.00 AUD
King Island Scheelite Mine. Grassy, King Island. 1977. 2nd revised edition in May 1977, of the July 1972 original Introduction by C. E. C. Wearne, Manager of Operations. (2), 83 PP with 22 b/w illustrations / cartoons. Stiff covers, staples. Fine. Small format: 14.3 x 10.2.
71987 SELKIRK, Patricia M., QUILTY, Patrick G. & DAVIES, Margaret (editors) FORUM ON THE SUB-ANTARCTIC - Papers and Proceedings of the ROYAL SOCIETY OF TASMANIA - Volume 141, Part 1 & Part 2
$30.00 AUD
The Royal Society of Tasmania. Hobart. 2007. Volume 141, Parts 1 & 2, November 2007. VI, 214 PP with b/w and colour illustrations (graphs & tables, maps, drawings & photos). Pictorial soft covers. Fine. 29.6 x 21.
24 papers presented at the Forum held at the CCAMLR (Convention on the Conservation of Antarctic Marine Living Resources) in Hobart, 6-7 July 2006.
70947 SHANKLEY, Erika FAIR WINDS AND SMOOTH SAILING - History of the Cruising Yacht Club of Tasmania, Inc. 1996-2015
$40.00 AUD
Cruising Yacht Club of Tasmania Inc. Hobart. 2015. 1st Ed. VI, 58 PP with 24 colour and 41 b/w photos. Pictorial soft covers. Near fine. 29.7 x 21. 9780646949840
$15.00 AUD
Oldham, Beddome & Meredith Pty Ltd. Hobart. 1952. November 1952 reprint of the June 1952 original. Foreword by C. Craig. XII, 74 PP , plus 66 pages c. 127 b/w photos. Fp: Hobart Doorway, Macquarie Street. Hard covers, dj. Dust jacket with small chips, otherwise near fine. 28.3 x 21.8.
73864 SHARMAN, Nanette "SOMETHING ABOUT LINGTOWN" - A Sequel: More about Sulphur Creek
$50.00 AUD
Nanette Sharman. Ulverstone. 2011. 1st Ed. Endorsement by Hugh Hiscuitt. IX, 111 PP with b/w illustrations: documents, drawings, newspaper clippings, plans and photos. Pictorial stiff covers, spiral bound. Dedicatory note dated and signed by the author on verso of front cover. Fine (as new condition). 29.7 x 21.
71580 SILBERBERG, Bob PORT DALRYMPLE SHIPPING From 1963 to 1972, Volume 1
$50.00 AUD
Bob Silberberg. Beauty Point, Tasmania. 2010. 1st Ed. (4), 96 PP with colour illustrations: 3 maps and 95 photos; Pictorial soft covers. Fine. Oblong : 24 x 20. 9780980615777
74265 SKEMP, J. R. TASMANIA: Yesterday and Today
$20.00 AUD
Macmillan and Co. Ltd. Melbourne. 1959. 2nd edition of the 1958 original. (6), VII, 257 PP with b/w illustrations: 1 drawing, 5 maps, 5 plates with drawings and 24 photos. Soft covers, (cloth), illustrated front cover. Stamp "Specimen Copy - With the Publisher's Compliments", on front endpaper. Fine. 18 x 12.5.
74748 SKEMP, John Rowland MEMORIES OF MYRTLE BANK - The Bush-farming Experiences of Rowland and Samuel Skemp in North-East Tasmania, 1883-1948
$35.00 AUD
Melbourne University Press. Melbourne. 1952. 1st Ed. Foreword by Aubrey Davern. 256 PP, plus 10 plates (1 of them folded) with b/w illustrations (map, drawings, photos and a facsimile of a "Passengers' Contract Ticket). Cloth covers, dj. Stamp of previous owner on front endpaper. Dust jacket lightly soiled and with repaired tears (now in a protective sleeve). Slight ageing of paper with occasional foxing. An otherwise very good clean copy. 22.6 x 15.
$20.00 AUD
Derek Smith. Whitemark, Flinders Island. 1980. 1st Ed. Foreword by K. G. Worsley. VI, 86 PP with 16 b/w illustrations: 1 map of Flinders Island and close by islands, and 15 drawings. Stiff covers, illustrated front. Near fine. 22 x 15. 0959454609
On Flinders Island and its historical heritage.
69662 SMYTHE, Suzanne GUARDIANS OF THE PORT: Hobart's Colonial Pilots
$70.00 AUD
Forty South Publishing. Hobart. 2015. 1st Ed. (6), 266 PP with hundreds of b/w and colour illustrations. Pictorial stff cover. Signed by the author on title page. Fine (as new condition). 26 x 21. 9780994376169
$75.00 AUD
Forty South Publishing. Hobart. 2012. 1st Ed. (8), 116 PP with b/w and colour illustrations. Pictorial stiff covers. Signed by the author on title page. Fine (mint condition). 21 x 21. 978098755683
75398 SMYTHE, Suzanne EXCELLA - Jewel of The Derwent
$40.00 AUD
Suzanne Smythe / Franklin Direct. Hobart. c. 2020. 1st Ed. 92 PP with b/w illustrations (newspaper advertisements & cuttings, photos, posters). Stiff covers, pictorial front. Fine. 21 x 14.8. 9780646875538
$60.00 AUD
University of Tasmania & Tasmanian Museum and Art Gallery. Hobart. 2006. 1st edition with a foreword by Winifred M. Curtis. Edited by Brad Potts, Gintaras Kantvilas and Jean Jarman. XXII, 233 PP with 2 tables, 19 maps and 60 photos. Pictorial stiff covers. Fine. 23 x 16. 9781862953420
Visual Aids Branch, Education Department, Tasmania. Hobart.. 1963. 1st Ed., in Visual Aids Bulletin No. 1. 11 PP (typescript on recto only) with drawings by Alma Carlstrom. Pictorial soft covers . Some scoring (mostly ticks or crosses in pencil) opposite the shell drawings. Slight ageing of paper. Front cover of original wrapper pasted down on stiff folder. Good. 33.3 x 20.7.
An aid for shell identification and used in primary schools.
68859 SPROD, Dan (editor) VAN DIEMEN'S LAND REVEALED: Flinders and Bass and their circumnavigation of the Island in the colonial sloop Norfolk 1798-1799
$50.00 AUD
Blubber Head Press. Hobart. 2009. 1st edition limited to 750 copies. IX, 228, (1) PP, plus 12 pages with 22 b/w plates and 3 folded charts contained in a pocket pasted down on rear endpaper. Fp: Chart of Bass's Strait with portraits of Matthew Flinders and George Bass. Case-bound, cloth cover, gilt device on front board and gilt title on spine, dj. As new. 28 x 18.5. 9780908528356
73013 SPURLING, S. PICTURESQUE LAUNCESTON: The City and Adjacent Tourist Attractions, illustrated by Forty-nine Photographs
$35.00 AUD
A.W. Birchall & Sons Pty Ltd. Launceston. c. 1930. No pagination, 24 PP with 49 b/w photos, including a panoramic view at centrefold. Stiff covers, illustrated front. Faint foxing on covers. Very good. Oblong: 20.5. x 26.7.
$20.00 AUD
G. H. Stancombe & The National Trust of Australia (Tasmania). Glendessary, Western Junction. 1974. 3rd edition of the 1968 original. Foreword by C. Craig. (XVI), 151 PP, plus 42 pages with 10 illustrated maps and 40 illustrations by Eric Ratcliff. Eps: Chart of North East Tasmania. Pictorial stiff covers (laminated). Spine with lamiated part wrinkled. Faint foxing on outside edges. Contents near fine. 24.2 x 18.5. 0959929312
Old coaching road between Hobart and Launceston.
$30.00 AUD
Council for Scientific and Industrial Research. Melbourne. 1941. 1st Ed. Bulletin No. 139 of the Council. 40 PP with 10 figures and 4 tables, plus 1 large folded map in colour "Soil Map of Tasmania (with contours)" at back of book. Soft cover, title on front cover. Front cover lightly soiled, staples removed (rusty). Contents near fine. 24 x 15.6.
75740 STEPHENS, Geoffrey H. THE HUTCHINS SCHOOL, Macquarie Street Years 1846-1965
$30.00 AUD
The Hutchins School. Hobart. 1979. 1st Ed. Foreword by D. B. Clarke. (10), 407 PP with 1 drawing, plus 20 pages with 45 b/w photos. Title spread: The "New" School, 1849, by Richard Bacon. Cloth cover, gilt title on spine. Ex Library copy, with neat stamp of the "Hutchins School Junior Library" on title page, and envelope on rear endpaper. Occasional foxing, otherwise a very good clean copy. 214 x 16. 0959525602
75620 STEVENS, Leonie 'ME WRITE MYSELF': The Free Aboriginal Inhabitants of Van Diemen's Land at Wybalenna, 1832-47
$20.00 AUD
Monash University Publishing. Melbourne. 2017. 1st Ed., in the "Australian History" series. XLIV, 356 PP with b/W illustrations: 1 diagram, 1 table, 1 location map, 6 maps. Soft covers, pictorial front. Front and back covers with a crease. Very good. 23.4 x 15.2. 9781925494638
Forced exile of Tasmanian Aborigines to Flinders Island, Furneaux Group, Bass Strait.
17106 TAPP, P. & ANDREWS, A. (Compilers) HOBART
$5.00 AUD
Corporation of the City of Hobart. Hobart. c. 1985. Reprint. 28 PP with over 80 colour Photos. Pictorial soft cover. Fine. 29.7 x 21.
Hobart, capital of Tasmania, The Treasure Island.
30325 TASMAN, Abel Janszoon THE DISCOVERY OF TASMANIA (24 November 1642)
$25.00 AUD
Government Printer. Hobart. 1985. Facsimile reprint of the 1942 original, in a limited edition of 3000 copies. (8), 43, (8) PP with 2 colour and 2 b/w illust., plus 3 plates (facsimile of Tasman's journal entry for December 1642 and 2 folded maps). Title page: vignette "Flag of Tasmania" (in colour). Pictorial card cover. Near fine. 25.8 x 18.8. 0724622232
Extracts from the Journal of Abel Janszoon Tasman (from translation of the original manuscript in the Colonial Archives at The Hague, by Professor J.E. Heeres) and facsimiles of original maps.
73132 TASMAN, Abel Janszoon VAN DIEMEN'S LAND THROUGH GERMAN EYES (in 40° South Tasmania)
$10.00 AUD
40 Degrees South Pty Ltd. Hobart. 2001. Issue No. 21, Winter 2001, edited by Warren Boyles and Lyn Wilson. 80 PP. Contains article pages 52 to 54 with 2 b/w illustrations and 2 colour photos. Pictorial stiff covers. Near fine. 27.4 x 21.
The first was Captain Yde T'Jercxzoon Holman (Holleman), in charge of the Heemskerk of the Abel Tasman expedition.
Tasmania Media Centre, Education Department. Hobart. 1975. 1st Ed. Clear plastic folder with pictorial cover, containing an 8 page booklet (staples removed) and 16 plates. Fine. 33.5 x 28
$10.00 AUD
National View Product / Murfett Publishers. Launceston. c.1969. 1st ED. No pagination, 24PP with colour illustrations (15 drawings and 44 photos). Inside front cover: Brief description of Tasmania. Inside front cover: Sketch map of Tasmania. Pictorial card covers with a few marks and wear, o/wise near fine. Oblong. 18 x 21.5.
70696 TASMANIA Sesquicentenary TASMANIA SESQUICENTENARY 1803-4 - 1953-4: 150TH Anniversary of the Foundation of British Settlement
$20.00 AUD
Government Printer. Hobart. 1952. Bulletin No. 1, August 1952. Foreword by Sir Ronald Cross, Governor. 30, (2) PP with b/w illustrations: 1 painting "Landing at Sullivan Cove" by Allcott and 10 portraits (4 of Governors and 6 of early Explorers). Title page with portrait of Abel Janszoon Tasman. Soft covers, ilustrated front (The Arms of Tasmania). Near fine. 24.5 x 18.5.
Events: September 1953 to November 1954.
$10.00 AUD
Circular Head Heritage Centre. Smithton, Tasmania. 2005. 1st Ed. No pagination, 16 PP with 16 b/w photos fom the Circular Head Historical Society. Fine. Format "wall calendar", Oblong: 20.5 x 24.5. 0646466542
The Nut at Stanley was first known as Circular Head.
$20.00 AUD
Tasmanian Museum & Art Gallery. Hobart. 1977. 1st Ed. Introduction by D. R. Gregg. Compiled and edited by the staff at TMAG. 24 PP with b/w illustrations (1 map, 1 set of 16 drawings by J.D. Hooker, 1 drawing and 13 photos). Soft covers, pictorial front. Near fine. 27 x 19. 0724602658
Publication coinciding with an exhibition at TMAG, 28 June to 28 August 1977.
75590 TASSELL, Margaret and WOOD, David (compilers) TASMANIAN PHOTOGRAPHER from the John Watt Beattie Collection
$25.00 AUD
The Macmillan Company of Australia Pty. Ltd. Melbourne. 1981 1st Ed. 156 PP with b/w photographies. Fp: Ex Libris of J.W. Beattie. Hard covers, dj. Dust jacket lightly sunned, otherwise fine. 26 x 26. 0333337379
Photographies from the Collections of the Queen Victoria Victoria Museum and Art Gallery: 44 Tasmania: Historic. / 87 Tasmania: Industrial and Scenic / 23 Norfolk Island.
$40.00 AUD
Cat and Fiddle. Hobart. 1973. 1st Ed. (12), 177 PP, plus 9 b/w plates (portraits of explorers ). Fp: The death of Marion du Fresne. Eps: Dutch vessels of Abel Tasman Expedition, at anchor. Blackman Bay, Forestier Peninsula (South East Tasmania). Hard cover, dj. Dust jacket is rubbed around edges and back, o/wise a near fine copy. 25 x 18. 0858530120
Abel Jansz. Tasman, Marion du Fresne, Tobias Furneaux, James Cook, William Bligh, John Henry Cox, Bruny D'Entrecasteaux... Nicolas Baudin.
21269 TAYLOR, A. Carey, WINKS, Robin W. & KUGLER, Richard C. THE OPENING OF THE PACIFIC, Image and Reality - Maritime Monographs and Reports No 2
$20.00 AUD
National Maritime Museum. London. 1971. 28 PP, plus 1 map on double page at centerfold. Pictorial soft cover. Near fine. 29.5 x 20.8.
3 papers read at a symposium held at the National Maritime Museum, Greenwich on 7th November 1970: Charles de Brosses, the man behind Cook - Getting to know the "beau sauvage" - The penetration of the Pacific by American whalemen in the 19th century.
31122 TAYLOR, Colin THE BROTHERS TAYLOR - A Tasmanian Maritime History
$30.00 AUD
Navarine Publishing. Canberra. 1998. 1st Ed., No. 50 in the Roebuck series. VIII, 184 PP with numerous facsimile of newspaper cuttings, 2 maps, 2 plans and 83 b/w illust. Hard cover, gilt title on spine, dj. Fine. 25.8 x 18. 0958656142
71175 TAYLOR, Colin TAYLORS AND THE TAMAR, Plus Surrounding Districts
$45.00 AUD
Navarine Publishing. Canberra. 2020. 1st Ed., No. 68 in the Roebuck series. VIII, 265, (5) PP with b/w and colour illustrations (facsimile of newspaper cuttings, maps, plans, paintings and photos) and 83 b/w illust. Laminated boards, illustrated front. Fine. 26 x 21. 9780992366094
Up to and including transportation in the 1850's to Van Diemen's Land, Flinders Island, Serving his Time, then by decade to the 1930's and beyond plus the Taylor family tree.
75256 TAYLOR, Colin THE BROTHERS TAYLOR - A Tasmanian Maritime History
$40.00 AUD
Navarine Publishing. Canberra. 1998. 1st Ed., No. 50 in the Roebuck series. VIII, 184 PP with numerous facsimile of newspaper cuttings, 2 maps, 2 plans and 83 b/w illust. Hard cover, gilt title on spine, dj. Dust jacket with spine and part close to it: sunned. Copy signed by the author on front endpaper, and gift note on title page. Near fine 25.8 x 18. 0958656142
74494 TENISWOOD, DR Wilf V. DID YOU KNOW ? Transcripts from the Popular Radio Series 2ZR
$25.00 AUD
ABC / Speciality Press. Hobart. 1979. 1st Ed. Foreword by John Baldwin, Producer. 61 PP with 21 sketches (artworks) by Richard Bacon. Pictorial stiff covers with light wear Dedicatory note on title page, dated and signed by John Baldwin. Name of previous owner at top of front cover. Near fine. 19.5 x 13.8. 064297229X
Transcripts on Historic spots in and around Hobart, narrated by Ken Short.
75058 THOMPSON, John PROBATION IN PARADISE - The Story of Convict Probationers on Tasman's and Forestier's Peninsulas, Van Diemen's Land, 1841-1857
$75.00 AUD
Artemis Publishing. Hobart. 2007. 1st Ed. Foreword by Michael Roe, Emeritus Professor of History. X, 272 PP with b/w and colour illustrations. Title page: Watercolour of "Eagle Hawk Neck", in 1840s. (inside front cover: Chart of Forestiers and Peninsulas. Inside back cover: chart of Tasman's Peninsula. Pictorial stiff covers. Fine. Oblong: 21 x 29. 9780646481111
71258 THRA TASMANIAN HISTORICAL RESEARCH ASSOCIATION, Papers and Proceedings - Volume 62, No. 3
$30.00 AUD
Tasmanian Historical Research Association, Inc. Hobart. 2015. December 2015. Edited by Alexander ALISON. 76 PP with b/w ilustrations. Pictorial soft covers. Fine. 24 x 15.5.
Two 1838 armed incursions of Upper Canada resulting in transportation to Van Diemen's Land, by John C. Carter. A Tasmanian Life: emerging from the Swamp, by John Honey ...
72729 THRA TASMANIAN HISTORICAL RESEARCH ASSOCIATION, Papers and Proceedings - Volume 62, No. 2
$15.00 AUD
Tasmanian Historical Research Association, Inc. Hobart 2015. Volume 62, No. 2, August 2015. Edited by Alison Alexander. 84 PP with b/w ilustrations. Inside back cover: map and photo of Liverpool Street, Hobart. Pictorial stiff covers. Fine. 24 x 15.5.
The rise and fall of Edward Lord and Maria Riseley. The Cotton brothers and their Tasmanian Legacy, by Peter Roberts-Thomson.
72730 THRA TASMANIAN HISTORICAL RESEARCH ASSOCIATION, Papers and Proceedings - Volume 62, No. 3
$15.00 AUD
Tasmanian Historical Research Association, Inc. Hobart 2015. Volume 62, No. 3, December 2015. Edited by Alison Alexander. 76 PP with b/w ilustrations. Inside back cover: poster for "The Bushranger's Lover. Pictorial stiff covers. Fine. 24 x 15.5.
Two 1838 armed incursions of Upper Canada resulting in transportation to Van Diemen's Land, by John C. Carter.
$20.00 AUD
Tasmanian Historical Research Association, Inc. Hobart 2021. Volume 68, No. 1, April 2021. Edited by Alison Alexander. 80 PP with b/w ilustrations. Inside covers: maps centred on Hobart and Launceston. Pictorial stiff covers. Fine. 24 x 15.5.
Epidemic Issue: Examples of Tasmania's Experience with Epidemics since 1837. Human quarantine in early 19th Century Tasmania, by Rosemary Sharples. The Foundation of King Island's medical service and the 1919 influenza epidemic. ... The Vaucluse Infectious Diseases Hospital.
72732 THRA TASMANIAN HISTORICAL RESEARCH ASSOCIATION, Papers and Proceedings - Volume 47, No. 3
$10.00 AUD
Tasmanian Historical Research Association, Inc. Hobart 2000. Volume 47, No. 3, September 2000. Edited by David Dilger & Hugh Campbell. 137-187 PP with b/w ilustrations. Inside covers: maps centred on Hobart and Launceston. Pictorial stiff covers. Fine. 23.7 x 15.5.
Baltic Refugee Immigration to Tasmania 1948-52, by Ramunas Tarvydas. F.A.W. Gisborne, Global Conservative, by Michael Roe. ...
72734 THRA TASMANIAN HISTORICAL RESEARCH ASSOCIATION, Papers and Proceedings - Volume 53, No. 4
$10.00 AUD
Tasmanian Historical Research Association, Inc. Hobart 2006. Volume 53, No. 4, December 2006. Edited by David Dilger & Hugh Campbell. 173-220 PP with b/w ilustrations. Pictorial stiff covers. Fine. 23.7 x 15.5.
Robert Walker of Kilburn Grange, by Margaret Mason-Cox. ... Garibaldi in Tasmania, by Stefan Petrow.
$20.00 AUD
L.G. Shea, Government Printer. Hobart. 1956. 1st edition by F.C. Green. Foreword by the Hon. Robert Cosgrove, Premier of Tasmania. (26), 317, III PP with tables and b/w illustrations (6 facsimiles of documents, 5 sketches of Premiers and 3 photos). Hard covers, dj. Dust jacket with a few chips and feded spine. Contents near fine. 22 x 14.5.
Parliament, House of Assembly and Legislative Council... Electoral system. Premiers and political Leaders ...
72255 TRETHEWIE, Harold (editor) "BACK TO CIRCULAR HEAD", 23rd - 19th January 1952 - Official Programme and Souvenir Booklet
$25.00 AUD
Publicity sub-Committee for the General Committee. Circular Head. 1952. 1st Ed. Foreword by E. E. Poke, Warden of Circular Head. 64 PP with 50 b/w photos. Soft wrappers with light wear, iillustrated front. Staples removed. Contents near fine. 21.8 x 13.7.
Circular Head and the NW corner of Tasmania.
72194 TRETHEWIE, Harold, GREY, Pat & MAGUIRE Gill (editors) CIRCULAR HEAD "Local History Journal" Vol. 3, No. 2
$15.00 AUD
Circular Head Historical Society. Smithton, Tasmania. 1990. January 1990 edition. 44 PP with b/w illustrations (drawings, photos). Pictorial stiff covers, pictorial front. Fine. 21 x 14.8.
The Advance Party / Van Diemen's Land Company by Helen M. Dunford. The wreck of the "Kermandie", by W.H. Pelling. ... Locomotives used on the Circular Head Tramways. ...
75725 TUFFIN, Richard, GIBBS, Martin & NASH, Michael MARIA ISLAND: History and Landscapes 1825-1930
$30.00 AUD
Navarine Publishing. Hobart. 2024. 1st Ed. 116 PP with b/w and colour illustrations. Pictorial stiff covers. New. Oblong: 19 x 23.5. 9780645708639
73259 UNIVERSITY OF SYDNEY OCEANIA - A Journal devoted to the Study of the Native Peoples of Australia, New Guinea, and the Islands of the Pacific (Volume XXXVIII, No. 4, 1968)
$20.00 AUD
University of Sydney. Sydney. 1968. Volume XXXVIII, No.4, June 1968. Edited by A.P. Elkin & H. Ian Hogbin. 243-322, (4 contents) PP with 1 graph, 7 tables (1 large folded table on pazge 251). . Soft covers, illustrated front, title on front cover and spine. Faint foxing. Near fine. 24.3 x 18.5.
Culture change, economic development and migration among the Hula. Aboriginal Employment And Industrial relations at Weipa, North Queensland.
73260 UNIVERSITY OF SYDNEY OCEANIA - A Journal devoted to the Study of the Native Peoples of Australia, New Guinea, and the Islands of the Pacific (Volume XXXIX, No. 1, 1968)
$20.00 AUD
University of Sydney. Sydney. 1968. Volume XXXIX, No. 1, September 1968. Edited by A.P. Elkin & H. Ian Hogbin. 84 PP with 2 maps, 5 figures, 8 tables (1 large folded table on pazge 25). . Soft covers, illustrated front, title on front cover and spine. Faint foxing. Near fine. 24.3 x 18.5.
The Hula in Port Moresby. .
73044 UNIVERSITY TASMANIA REPORT ON THE HISTORICAL MANUSCRIPTS OF TASMANIA - Number 1: William Sorell's Journal (1823 - 1825) / The Downie Papers (1823-1836) / The Pitt Collection (1828 - 1866)
$15.00 AUD
Department of History, University of Tasmania. Hobart. 1958. 1st edition. Introduction by Professor J. McManners. (4), 21 PP. Soft covers, title on front cover, staples, cloth tape on spine. Foxing spots on front cover. Very good. 26 x 20.3.
73045 UNIVERSITY TASMANIA REPORT ON THE HISTORICAL MANUSCRIPTS OF TASMANIA - Number 2: Philip Thomas Smith / William Henty / William Archer / Morris Store at Swansea / George Burn
$15.00 AUD
Department of History, University of Tasmania. Hobart. 1959. 1st edition. Introduction by Janet McRae, Research Assistant. (6), 34 PP. Soft covers, title on front cover, staples, cloth tape on spine. Faint foxing on front cover. Very good. 26 x 20.3.
$20.00 AUD
Department of History, University of Tasmania. Hobart. 1959. 1st edition. Introduction by Janet McRae, Research Assistant. (6), 54 PP, plus 2 plates with 4 b/w illustrations: 1 photo and 3 portraits. Soft covers, title on front cover, staples, cloth tape on spine. Faint foxing on front cover. Very good. 26 x 20.3.
71208 VEITCH, Michael THE FORGOTTEN ISLANDS - A Personal adventure through the Islands of Bass Strait
$20.00 AUD
Viking / Penguin Books. Melbourne. 2011. 1st paperback edition of the 2011 original. (6), 297 PP with 6 maps of Bass Strait Islands on double page, plus 16 pages with 30 colour photos. Pictorial soft covers. Slight ageing on outside edges. Near fine. 19.7 x 13. 9780670071814
15310 VILLIERS, Alan VANISHED FLEETS, Sea Stories From Old Van Dieman's Land
$25.00 AUD
Cat & Fiddle Press. Hobart. 1974. Reprint of 1931 original. (XIV), 297 PP plus 16 pages with 20 b/w photos. Fp: Hobart. Eps: A chart of Tasmania. Cloth covers, gilt-engraved signature of Alan Villiers on front cover, gilt title on spine, dj. Foxing spots on outside edges. Near fine. 22 x 14.5. 0858530163
A survey of the maritime history of Tasmania. Earlier days, convict ships, whalers, clippers & later days.
72263 Von STIEGLITZ, Karl ENTALLY (1821) - Pageant of a Pioneer Family 1792-1912
$15.00 AUD
Scenery Preservation Board. Hobart. 1956. April 1956 reprint of the 1950 original. Foreword to 2nd edition by F. Miles and Michael Sharland. 46, (2) PP with 9 b/w illustrations. Stiff cover, front cover with title "Entally National House: A Short History". Lower corner of pages 33 to 40 clipped (about 1.5 to 2cm and not affecting illustration or text). An otherwise near fine copy. 21.5 x 14.2.
A History of the Reibey Family and Entally ..., Hadspen, with an account of its Former Owners.
51366 WALKER, Ian TALL SHIPS AND CANNIBALS. The Story of Captain Richard Copping of Hobart Town
$25.00 AUD
Navarine Publishing. Hobart. 2005. 1st edition limited to 1000 copies. Publication No. 60 in the Roebuck Society series. VIII, 152 PP with 42 b/w illustrations. FEP: Map of the Northern & Southern Hemispheres. REP: Map of Oceania. Pictorial laminated boards, dj. Fine. 097513311X
$40.00 AUD
D.E. Wilkinson, Acting Government Printer. Hobart. 1955. Report No. 18, signed 26th May 1955. 56 PP (on 2 columns) with 10 tables. Soft covers, title and device on front cover, staples. Old water stain affecting the lower corner of covers and pages. Still a very good reading copy. Folio: 33.5 x 21.
14399 WALKER, Peter Benson (editor) THE LOG OF THE CIRCUMNAVIGATION OF VAN DIEMEN'S LAND BY CAPTAIN JAMES KELLY 1814-1815 and Other Accounts of Early Exploration of the West and North West Coast of Tasmania taken from Tasmanian Parliamentary Papers
$30.00 AUD
Caudell, A.B., Government Printer. Hobart. 1986. 1st edition limited to 2100 copies. Preface by Robin Gray, Premier of Tasmania. X, 58 PP with b/w illustrations, plus 1 large folded map (in colour) of North-West quarter of Van Diemen's Land. Stiff covers, pictorial front. Newspaper clipping loosely inserted. Near fine. 26 x 18.7. 0724622802
Published for "Tasmania Day", 24th November, 1986.
66201 WALKER, Peter Benson & ELLIS, Frank (editors) VENTURING WESTWARD - Accounts of Pioneering exploration in Western and North Western Tasmania by Messrs Gould, Gunn, Hellyer, Frodsham, Counsel and Sprent
$30.00 AUD
Government Printer. Hobart. 1987. 1st Ed. Foreword by Robin Gray, Premier of Tasmania. VIII, 62 PP with b/w illustrations (1 facsimile of document, 2 maps and 14 headpieces). Pictorial soft covers a little sunned near spine and traces of an old sticker on front, o/wise a very good clean copy. 26 x 18.7. 0724623280
Published for "Tasmania Day", 1987.
75106 WARE, John STRAHAN: Macquarie Harbour
$30.00 AUD
Mercury-Walsh. Hobart. 1979. Facsimile edition of the 1908 (?) original. 84 PP with 28 period advertisements and b/w illustrations including 30 photos on full page. Stiff covers, gilt title on front cover. Fine. Small format: 15.5 x 12..
$15.00 AUD
Anglo-Saxon-Keltic Society. Sandy Bay. 1987. February 1987 edition. (4), 28 PP, (6 index) with lists and b/w photos. Stiff covers, front with title and portrait of William Champ, first-ever Premier. Stapled card covers. Signature on title-page, o/wise near fine. 20.5 x 14.5. 0959574646
70087 WELLS, T. E. MICHAEL HOWE, the Last and Worst of the Bushrangers of Van Diemen's Land
$20.00 AUD
Review Publications. Dubbo, NSW. 1979. Reprint of the 1818 original. Volume XXXV in the Australian Historical Monographs new series. Introduction by George Mackaness. 40 PP with b/w illustrations (2 facsimile of documents and 2 portraits). Card cover. Very good. 21.5 x 13.8.
The first unofficial book or pamphlet printed in Tasmania.
76267 WHELAN, Howard FROM CRADLE TO NARCISSUS, Tasmania's Overland Track [in Australian Geographic, No. 29, January-March 1993]
$15.00 AUD
A.G.S. Sydney. 1993. Contains article from P. 32 to P.55 with colour photos and the large folded poster with the map and information on the history, etc. Pictorial soft cover. Fine. 27.8 x 21.
Also includes: The Wreck of the Sirius, by Graeme Henderson, The Phone goes Bush by Ken Brass, Circling Everest by Dick Smith, The Lure of the Barramundi by Rory McGuinness..
$15.00 AUD
Gary White. Sydney. 1980. March 1980 printing of the January 1980 original. Foreword by S. G. Lane. XII, 63 PP with 10 b/w photos. Stiff covers, pictorial front, staples. Covers slightly rubbed. Near fine. 22.2 x 15.7. 0959486607
$20.00 AUD
Gary White. Sydney. 1981. Enlarged edition of September 1981, (original of January 1980). Foreword by S. G. Lane. XII, 79 PP with b/w illustrations (1 map and 12 b/w photos). Stiff covers, pictorial front, staples. Fine. 22.2 x 15.7. 0959486607
$10.00 AUD
Mercury / Tasmanian Government / Norske Skog. Hobart. 2011 1st edition: 21 November 2011. Foreword by: Gary Bailey, editor. Part 1: with 16 PP with 24 b/w photos and 6 colour illustrations (1 map of the Australasian Antarctic Expedition 1911-1914, and 5 photos). Illustrated soft wrappers, staples removed. Near fine. 30 x 27.
Part 1: "Mawson's Legacy". The race to the Pole / Shackleton's courage , by John Williamson. Mawson's unremembered men / The forgotten Tasmanian, by Heather Rossiter. Mawson's incredible endurance / An Australian expedition takes shape / At home in the Blizzard / A terrible catastrophe, by David Killick.
$85.00 AUD
Paul County / Sunny South Publishing. Hobart. 2013. 1st Ed. 240 PP with 1 coloured postcard and b/w photos. Pictorial hard covers, title on front board and spine, ribbon page-marker. Signed by the author on page 3. Fine. 26.7 x 22. 9780980635508
$75.00 AUD
Everything Pty. Ltd. Hobart. 2016. 1st Ed. Foreword by Sean Langman, and introduction by Peter Campbell. 260 PP (5 of these pages are double-folded) with b/w and colour photos. Pictorial hard covers, title on front board and spine. Signed by the author on page 3. Fine. 26.7 x 22. 9780992303631
71723 WILSON, Andrew COAST - TASMANIA, Seascapes from the Roaring Forties
$40.00 AUD
Everything Everything & Fullers Bookshop Publishing. Hobart. 2016. 1st Ed. Foreword, poem and chapter text by Finegan Kruckemeyer. 304 PP with b/w and colour photos by Andrew Wilson. Hard cover, title on front board and spine, dj. As new. 30.5 x 39.5. 9780992303686
73769 WILSON, Andrew COAST - TASMANIA, Seascapes from the Roaring Forties
$75.00 AUD
Everything Everything & Fullers Bookshop Publishing. Hobart. 2016. 1st Ed. Foreword, poem and chapter text by Finegan Kruckemeyer. 304 PP with b/w and colour photos by Andrew Wilson. Hard cover, title on front board and spine, dj. Copy with a signed dedicatory note by the author to previous owner on front endpaper, as well as signed on the title page. Fine. 30.5 x 39.5. 9780992303686
$35.00 AUD
Paul County / Sunny South Publishing. Hobart. 2013. 1st Ed. 240 PP with 1 coloured postcard and b/w photos. Pictorial hard covers, title on front board and spine. Fine. 26.7 x 22.
Portraits (Donald Garnham, Mike Webb, Noel Wilson ...), Stories (Hellls Gates, Storm Bay and the Iron Pot ..) and Seascapes (Banks Strait, Bruny Island...)
72818 WILSON, Andrew & PEARSON, Di BLUE WATER CLASSICS - Portraits of the Sydney Hobart Yacht Race
$60.00 AUD
Everything Everything Pty Ltd. Hobart. 2020. 1st Ed. Foreword by David Kellett. 521 PP with b/w and colour photos by Andrew Wilson. Fp: Tasman Island shrouded in Sea Fog. Pictorial boards, title on front board and spine. Fine. 28.5 x 21.5. 9780992588250
Jack Earl, by Tiare Tomaszewski. The Tattersall Cup. ... Larry Jamieson and Bob Oatley. ... The Legends: Captain J.H. Illingworth / Magnus and Trygve Halvorsen. Thorry Gunnersen and "Tilting at Windmills".
76734 WILSON, Andrew & PEARSON, Di BLUE WATER CLASSICS - Portraits of the Sydney Hobart Yacht Race
$75.00 AUD
Everything Everything Pty Ltd. Hobart. 2020. 1st Ed. Foreword by David Kellett. 521 PP with b/w and colour photos by Andrew Wilson. Fp: Tasman Island shrouded in Sea Fog. Pictorial boards, title on front board and spine. Signed by the author on title page. Fine. 28.5 x 21.5. 9780992588250
Jack Earl, by Tiare Tomaszewski. The Tattersall Cup. ... Larry Jamieson and Bob Oatley. ... The Legends: Captain J.H. Illingworth / Magnus and Trygve Halvorsen. Thorry Gunnersen and "Tilting at Windmills".
74148 WILSON, J.R. A CENTURY OF CARING: Latrobe's Hospital 1887 - 1987
$100.00 AUD
Graduate Nurses' Association, Centennial Celebrations Committee, Mersey General Hospital. Latrobe, Tas. 1988. Limited edition of 1,000 numbered copies (No. 514 / 1000). Foreword by Richard D. Ferris. XIV, 306 PP with b/w illustrations (drawings, newspaper clippings, maps and plans, paintings, prints and photos). Eps. Hard covers, gilt decoration on front board "Devon Jubilee Hospital, 1887", gilt title on spine, dj. Fine (as new condition). 22 x 15.5. 0731602226
An illustrated history of the Devon Cottage Hospital, The Devon Public Hospital and the Mersey General Hospital in Northern Tasmania.
76682 WORDLEY, Dick TASMANIAN ADVENTURE. The Island State... Tramp her mountains, fish her seas, follow the tracks of her pioneers
$30.00 AUD
Adventure Productions. Hobart. 1954. 1st edition of 20,000 copies. Produced by Milton Howard and illustrated by Phil Belbin. 144 PP with period advertisements, over 55 b/w photos and over 35 drawings. Pictorial soft cover. Covers with light wear, otherwise near fine. 24.5 x 18.5.
$10.00 AUD
Royal Yacht Club of Tasmania Hobart. c. 1972. Folded (4 folds) map in colour 51 x 37.5. Soft covers, Fine. 21 x 13.5.
35 anchorages, between Freycinet Peninsula, Schouten Island... Cape Raoul and Tasman Island.
$45.00 AUD
Ashwood Books. Franklin, Tasmania. 2020. 1st Ed. VII, 444 PP with b/w illustrations (drawings, plan, maps, photos). Soft covers, pictorial front. Signed by the author on title page. New. 23 x 15.5. 9780987411129
A life of adventure, travel...leading to the establishment in Franklin of a school of wooden boatbuilding ... and the Franklin Working Waterfront Association.
69186 YOUNG, Ruth THE PALAIS THEATRE: A Social History of Franklin's Town Hall 1912-2012
$60.00 AUD
Ashwood Books & Franklin Palais Management Committee. Franklin. 2013. June 2013 reprint of the October 2012 original. (6), 244 PP with b/w illustrations (documents, ephemera, plans, photos ...). Pictorial soft cover. Fine (mint condition). 29.7 x 21. 9780987411112
76867 ZINC COMPANY RISDON WORKS, TASMANIA - Description of Activities
$30.00 AUD
Electrolytic Zinc Company of Australasia Ltd. Hobart. 1958 March 1958 edition. No pagination, 64 PP with 1 "General Flow Sheet", 5 colour illustrations (1 map of Tasmania, 2 "production" graphs & 2 aerial photos) and 28 b/w photos, plus 4 folded Flowsheets in colour (Roasting Division/Leaching Division/Contact Acid Division/Sulphate of Ammonia Plant). Stiff covers, title on front cover. Covers slightly soiled, top corners of some pages with old stains and/or torn. 2 of the "Flowsheets" with short tears (now repaired). Still a very good copy. Scarce. 28 x 21.5.