Franconésie Catalogue #24: New Caledonia, Vanuatu, and French Polynesia
Last update: Saturday, 29 March 2025.
48537 ABBAL, Odon (editor) WALLIS ET FUTUNA: Aux temps premiers de la Mission (1841-1862) - Extraits des Annales pour la Propagation de la Foi
$10.00 AUD
L'Harmattan. Paris. 2003. 1st Ed., in Collection Fac-Similés Océaniens. (4), XIV, (166) PP with 2 endpieces. Soft cover. Fine. French text. 21.5 x 13.5. 9782747557146
55784 ABONG, Marcellin LA PIROGUE DU DARK BUSH: Aperçus critiques sur l'histoire du mouvement Nagriamel au temps des Nouvelles-Hébrides (Vanuatu)
$60.00 AUD
Centre Culturel du Vanuatu. Port Vila. 2008. 1st Ed. IX, 177, (1) PP with 2 maps, 2 organigrams, 9 b/w and 19 colour photos. Pictorial soft cover. Dedicatory note on FFEP otherwise fine. French text. 20.7 x 14. 9789829032539
Jimmy Stevens, Nagriamel and the Independence of the New Hebrides.
73231 AL WARDI, Sémir TAHITI NUI, ou les Dérives de l' Autonomie
$20.00 AUD
L'Harmattan. Paris. 2008. 1st edition, No. 5 in "Collection Portes Oceanes". 263, (3) PP. Card cover. Fine. French text. 21.5 x 13.5. 9782296050327
Problems created by a status of autonomy granted (reluctantly?) to French Polynesia by France's Government.
$60.00 AUD
John Murray. London. 1927. 1st Ed. XIV, 288, (2 adv.) PP with 1 map and 1 cartoon, plus 20 plates with 24 b/w photos. Fp: A New Hebrides Pagan. Cloth cover, gilt title on lightly sunned. Foxing spots on outside edges and some pages, o/wise a very good copy. 22.4 x 15.2.
An English barrister's experience in Fiji with shipwreck and piracy on Apemana, experience in the New Hebrides with blackbirding cases, then Solomon Islands after WWI.
72078 ANGLEVIEL, Frédéric VIVA D'UN PEUPLE OCEANIEN EN DEUIL - Reflexions désabusées d'un "Sage en Haillons" imaginaire Kanak, Nouvelle-Calédonie (1774-1878)
$20.00 AUD
Edilivre. Saint-Denis. 2020. 1st edition. 121, (3) PP. Soft covers. Fine. French text. 20 x 14.5. 9782414480807
Historical novel.
$25.00 AUD
Edilivre. Saint-Denis. 2021. 1st edition. 131 PP. Soft covers, title on front cover and spine. Fine. French text. 20 x 14.5. 9782414523948
Editions Footprint Pacifique. Nouméa. 2014. 1st Ed. 192 PP with b/w and colour illustrations. Pictorial laminated boards. French text. Fine (mint condition). 29.7 x 23.6. 9782908186574
73184 ANGLEVIEL, Frédéric HISTOIRE ILLUSTREE DE LA NOUVELLE-CALEDONIE: Des Austronésiens à la Communauté de Destin, 1050 avant J.- C. - 2013 apres J.C.
$100.00 AUD
Editions Footprint Pacifique. Nouméa. 2013. 1st Ed. 216 PP with b/w and colour illustrations. Pictorial laminated boards. French text. Fine. 29.7 x 23.7. 9782908186567
73272 ANGLEVIEL, Frédéric COMPRENDRE LES REFERENDUMS DE 2018-2022 EN NOUVELLE-CALEDONIE - La France ou l' independance, Decryptages historiques, socio-économiques et communautaristes - ESSAI
$60.00 AUD
Edilivre. Saint-Denis, France. 2018. 1st edition, February 2018. 460, (2) PP. Soft covers, pictorial front. French text. Fine. 20.5 x 13.4. 9782414191109
54236 ANGLEVIEL, Frédéric (editor) PEDRO FERNANDEZ DE QUIROS ET LE VANUATU. Découverte mutuelle et Historiographie d'un acte fondateur. 1606
$30.00 AUD
Groupe de Recherche sur l'Histoire Océanienne Contemporaine / Délégation de la Commission Européenne au Vanuatu. Port Vila. 2007. 1st Ed. Opening Address by Nicolas Berlanga Martinez (European Commission) and prologue by Pierre Mayaudon (French Ambassador). 348 PP with 2 tables, 6 maps, 7 b/w illustrations and 9 b/w photos. Pictorial soft cover. Texts in English, French, Spanish and abstracts in either language as well as Bichlamar. Fine. 20.8 x 15. 29515558082
Proceedings (15 papers) of a meeting organised in Vanuatu by the University of French Polynesia and the University of New Caledonia. 1 paper in Spanish, by Rey Juan Carlos. 4 papers in English by: Mercedes Camino, Carlos Mondragon, Michel Perez and Margaret Jolly. 10 papers in French by: Annie Baert, Jean-Christophe Galipaud, Dominique Barbe, Claire Laux, Francisco Mellén...
72079 ANGLEVIEL, Frédéric (editor) UNE PAROLE MECONNUE: Le Préambule de l'Accord de Nouméa !
$30.00 AUD
Edilivre. Saint-Denis. 2020. 1st edition. 298, (5) PP. Soft covers, pictorial front. Fine. French text. 20 x 14.5. 9782414486830
73267 ANGLEVIEL, Frédéric (editor) DU CAILLOU AU NICKEL - Contribution à l' Archéologie Industrielle de la Province Sud
$75.00 AUD
Université Française du Pacifique Sud & C.D.P.N.C. Nouméa. 1996. 1st Ed. 280 PP with 24 maps & plans, and 52 bw photos. Pages 171 to 269: inventory of archives. Pictorial card cover. French text. Fine. 28 x 20.
Comprehensive survey on the industrial heritage of modern New Caledonia: mines and mining centres, military establishments and forts, slipway and shipbuilding, churches, hospital...
73325 ANGLEVIEL, Frédéric & ABONG, Marcellin (editors) LA MELANESIE, Actualités et études: Foncier et Développement durable: Tome 2, Année 2014
$50.00 AUD
L'Harmattan. Paris. 2014. 1st edition, No. 26 in "Collection Portes Oceanes". 416, (2) PP. Stiff covers, illustrated front. French text. Fine. 23.7 x 15.2. 9782343037189
72077 ANGLEVIEL, Frédéric & FIZIN, Paul (editors) CHRONIQUES INSULAIRES: Nouvelles Historiques et Paroles de Nouvelle-Calédonie - Tome II
$25.00 AUD
Edilivre. Saint-Denis. 2020. 1st edition. 193, (3) PP. Soft covers, pictorial front. Fine. French text. 20 x 14.5. 9782414501878
56974 ANGLEVIEL, Frédéric & LEBIGRE, Jean-Michel (editors) DE LA NOUVELLE-CALEDONIE AU PACIFIQUE. Eléments de recherches en Lettres, Langues et Sciences Humaines
$40.00 AUD
L'Harmattan & Groupe de Recherche en Histoire Océanienne Contemporaine. Paris. 2005. 1st Ed., No. 8 in Portes Océanes series. 286, (2) PP with tables and 7 b/w photos. Pictorial soft cover. Texts in French and English (abstract in English and French). Fine. 24 x 15. 9782296076655
12 texts: 2 in English and 10 in French.
39784 ANTHONY, Irvin (editor) THE SAGA OF THE BOUNTY - Its Strange History as related by the Participants Themselves
$50.00 AUD
G. P. Putnam's Sons. New York. 1935. 2nd Impression of November, 1935. XIV, 358 PP, plus 5 b/w plates. Eps: Map of the Pacific Ocean. Cloth cover, gilt title on a dulled spine. Foxing spots on outside edges. Contents clean and a very good copy. Image shows title-page. 21 x 14.
Participants: Lieutenant William Bligh, James Morrison, John Fryer...
$45.00 AUD
Editions Delroise / Vilo. Paris. 1974. 1st Ed. 152 PP with colour photos. Eps: Landing of European discoverers. Hard cover, dj (chipped). Near fine. French text with English translation of text & legends of photos between P. 129 and 151. 27.8 x 21.5.
Photographic voyage through the island of New Caledonia in the mid-1970's.
52832 AUSTRALIAN NAVAL INSTITUTE AN EXPEDITION IN REGIME CHANGE: Australia's party to the Ralliement of New Caledonia during World War II (in Headmark, Journal of the Australian Naval Institute)
$30.00 AUD
Australian Naval Institute. Canberra. 2007. Issue 124, 2007. 52 PP. Contains article from P. 8 to 16 with 2 colour and 9 b/w photos. Pictorial soft cover. Fine. 29.7 x 21.
September 1940: New Caledonia , from Vichy France to Free French Forces.
73821 BALTZER, Frédéric, JOUIN, Claude, TIXIER-DURIVAULT, Andrée & COINEAU, Nicole EXPEDITION FRANCAISE SUR LES RECIFS CORALLIENS DE LA NOUVELLE-CALEDONIE - Volume Quatrième: Etude Sédimentologique du Marais de Mara. Archiannélides Interstitielles. Les Octocoralliaires. Isopodes Interstitiels
$150.00 AUD
Editions de la Fondation Singer-Polignac. Paris. 1970. Volume 4. 1st Ed. (4), 376 PP with 14 tables, 352 figures et 20 photos, plus 8 pages with 5 Colour and 15 b/w photos. Stiff covers with light wear, title on front cover and spine. Title page with stamp of previous owner. Head and foot of spine worn. Contents near fine. French text. 32 x 24.
73299 BEAUDEMOULIN, Claude ITINERAIRE - Dix Ans de Photographie en Nouvelle-Calédonie
$80.00 AUD
Editions du Poisson-Clown. Nouméa. 2003. 1st edition limited to 1500 copies. (1), 91 PP with b/w and colour photos. Pictorial stiff covers. French text. Near fine. 32 x 24. 295205150X
Tribute to the 8th Festival of Pacific Arts held in New Caledonia, October 2000. Encounter between Pacific People, the author/photographer and writers from New Caledonia.
$30.00 AUD
Ile de Lumière. Nouméa. 1995. 1st Ed. 142 PP with 1 map of Christian religions and 199 colour photos. Cloth cover, gilt device and title on front cover, dj. French text. Light foxing on prelims, o/wise near fine. 28.7 x 21.5.
Published for the sesquicentenary of the arrival of the Catholic faith in New Caledonia and the first Catholic mass celebrated on 20th December, 1843 at Balade.
73187 BEDFORD, R.D. NEW HEBRIDEAN MOBILITY: A Study of Circular Migration
$150.00 AUD
Research School of Pacific Studies / ANU. Canberra. 1973. 1st Ed. Publication HG/9 (1973), Department of Human Geography. X, 164 PP (typescript) with 25 figures (maps, sketch maps and graphs) and 26 tables. Stiff covers, title on front cover and spine. Covers a little soiled with some wear. Contents clean and overall a very good copy of a scarce item. 29.3 x 29.5. 0708100988
$250.00 AUD
Imprimerie de E. Martinet. Paris. c. 1872. 1st edition in 15 bound gatherings. 240 printed on 3 columns and 117 of them with woodcuts by various artists: 7 on double page including a plan of Paris, 69 on full page and over 120 with 3 charts of New Caledonia, c. 25 portraits, views... Rebacked copy. Cloth covers retaining the original leather spine with gilt title "Paris Incendié" and year of publication 1871, renewed endpapers. Slight ageing of paper and occasional foxing. French text. A very nice copy. 38 x 27.5.
$100.00 AUD
Editions Alpina. Paris. 1933. 1st Ed., in collection Les Grandes Escales. 152 PP with 4 colour plates illustrated by Philippe Tassier and 105 b/w photos, plus 1 map at rear of book. Bound copy (Atelier de Reliure Isabelle) retaining original pictorial covers. Quarter bound, marbled boards, spine with raised bands, gilt decoration and title. French text. Slight ageing of paper, o/wise a near fine copy. 21.7 x 17.
A photographic voyage in 1928 through the French-speaking islands of New Caledonia, New Hebrides (Vanuatu), & Tahiti/Marquesas. Excellent photos of daily life at the time in these islands.
73510 BITTER, Maurice & CALE, Noël NOUVELLE CALEDONIE, Ile de Lumière
$25.00 AUD
Editions N.C. Nouméa. 1965. 1st Ed. 134 PP profusely illustrated with b/w & colour photos plus folded plate with 2 maps at rear of book. A 4 pages Addendum in English "New Caledonie, The Isle of Light", for legends of text and geographcal, loosely inserted. Cloth cover, device on front cover, dj. Dedicatory note to previous owner signed by Noël Calé, photographer. French and English text. Faint foxing. Near fine. 27.8 x 21.2.
73611 BLACKBURN, Mark TATTOOS FROM PARADISE - Traditional Polynesian Patterns
$80.00 AUD
Schiffer Publishing Ltd. Atglen, Pa. 1999. 1st Ed. 205 PP with 3 maps and over 250 b/w or colour illustrations. Fp: Europeans led to their execution by various Islanders. Eps: Inside of a hut at Nukuhiva. Cloth cover, dj. Fine. 31 x 23.3. 9780764309410
61242 BLADINIERES, Gilbert, MASCART, Paul & Roland DANS LA LUMIERE - Un Autre Regard sur la Nouvelle-Calédonie des Années 1930: Paul Mascart (1874-1958) / Roland Mascart (1909-1988)
$150.00 AUD
ADCK / Centre Culturel Tjibaou. Nouméa. 2011 1st Ed., with a foreword by Emmanuel Kasarhérou. 320 PP with b/w and colour illustrations. Hard cover, title in blind on front board and spine, dj. French text. Fine. 31.5 x 25.3. 9782909407715
12749 BOGLIOLO, François PAROLES ET ECRITURES, Anthologie de la Littérature Néo-Calédonienne
$80.00 AUD
Les Editions du Cagou. Nouméa. 1994. 1st Ed. Foreword by Gérard Blanchard. (2), 264 PP, (2 blanks), with b/w & colour illust. Laminated decorated boards. 2 daily newspaper clippings, dated 23/04/1994, loosely inserted. Near fine. French text. 26.5 x 18.5.
An anthology of the literature of New Caledonia. Oral traditions. Myths told to European explorers or missionaries. Colonial literature, poems, etc..
63519 BONVALLOT, Jacques, GAY, Jean-Christophe, HABERT, Elisabeth ATLAS DE LA NOUVELLE-CALEDONIE
$150.00 AUD
IRD Editions. Marseille. 2012. 1st Ed. Prefaces by Roch Wamytan and Michel Laurent. 269, (3) PP with colour illustrations (graphs, maps, photos) and 60 colour plates (graphs, maps and plans for each subject). Pictorial laminated boards. French text (English summary for each of the 60 subjects). Fine. Large oblong format: 30.2 x 43. 9782709917407
Geographical & oceanic setting, nature in the Archipelago, population (origin, settlement), rural areas, economy, infrastructure, social servies. A most comprehensive work.
73819 BOROJEVIC, Radovan, LEVI, Claude, INGLIS, William G., Higgins, Robert P. ... EXPEDITION FRANCAISE SUR LES RECIFS CORALLIENS DE LA NOUVELLE-CALEDONIE - Volume Deuxième: Eponges Calcaires / Démosponges Récoltées / Interstitial Nematodes from St. Vincent Bay ...
$100.00 AUD
Editions de la Fondation Singer-Polignac. Paris. 1967. Volume 2. 1st Ed. (2), 148 PP with tables, c.148 figures, plus 5 b/w plates with 6 photos and 62 shells and 2 plates with 9 photos. Stiff covers with light wear, title on front cover and spine. Top of page 1 with stamp of previous owner. Head of spine worn on 4 cms. French and English text. Contents near fine. 32 x 24.
8 papers: 2 in English and 6 in French.
$100.00 AUD
Les Editions le Motu. Mooréa. 1997. 1st Ed. 104 PP with b/w sketches and watercolours throughout. Half title page: Outrigger canoe. Title page: La belle Marcelle Buchin. Cloth cover, colour vignette on front cover, gilt title on spine. French text. Few foxing spots on top outside edge, o/wise a fine copy. 27.6 x 21.6. 2950397166
Biography of of an watercolourist who identified himself with Tahiti.
62778 LE BREÜS, Alain LE DESTIN TRAGIQUE DE LA MONIQUE - Le cabotage maritime entre Nouméa et les îles Loyauté (1950-1955)
$60.00 AUD
Fortunes de Mer Calédoniennes. Nouméa. 2011. 1st Ed. Preface by Maurice Pelissou. 93, (3) PP with b/w and colour illustrations. Laminated pictorial boards. French text. Fine. 27.5 x 21.8. 978746636392
Coastal trader Monique "lost with all hands" (126 people perished) on 1st August, 1953, between the Loyalty Islands and New Caledonia.
$100.00 AUD
Editions Footprint Pacifique. Nouméa. 2019. 1st Ed. Preface by Mike Hosken. 111 PP with around 200 b/w illustrations. Pictorial hard covers. Newspaper "Review" (clipping) loosely inserted. Fine (mint condition). French text. Oblong: 25.7 x 30.5. 9782908166408
72677 BRIAULT, Jean-Claude NOUVELLE CALEDONIE - ASPECT ECONOMIQUE / New Caledonia - Economical Aspect
$30.00 AUD
Edipac / Univente (F. Goyetche). Nouméa. 1971. 1st bilingual edition. 64 PP with b/w & colour illustrations. Stiff covers, pictorial front. French & English text. Front cover slightly rubbed. Contents near fine. 20.5 x 17.
A presentation of New Caledonia : History, resources, life in ...
$150.00 AUD
Edition de L'Atelier. Nouméa. 1983. Limited Edition (No. 0084). No pagination. 156 pages on glossy paper with b/w and colour illustrations (badges, documents, lettres, maps, plans, photos) and 106 photos on full page (3 colour and 103 b/w). Title Page: Colour portrait of General de Gaulle. Hard cover, imitation leather, decorated front with light soiling. Note to previous owner on preliminary page "L' Album des Calédoniens". A rubbed patch on title page, o/wise neear fine. Oblong: 27 x 36.
$30.00 AUD
F. W. Cheshire. Melbourne. 1942. 2nd edition of the 1941 original. 230 PP with 1 map, plus 20 pages with 26 b/w photos. Fp: Coconut tree. Eps: Map of Pacific Ocean with location of New Caledonia. Cloth cover, dj (price-clipped). Dust jacket chipped and with repaired tears. Ageing of paper and foxing. Near fine. 21.5 x 13.7.
Voyage through its land and wealth: the story of its people and past by a young Australian journalist in 1941.
$70.00 AUD
Editions du Pacifique. Papeete. 1980. 1st Ed. 336 PP with b/w illustrations (5 documents, 7 series of sketches and 5 photos) and circa 650 colour photos. Cloth cover, title on front board and spine, dj. Spine of dust jacket lightly sunned and frayed at head and foot. Contents near fine. French text. 29.7 x 25.7. 285700107X
$30.00 AUD
Editions R. Sicard. Paris. 1964. 1st English edition, with foreword by Jean Rostand and preface by Louis Fage. 142 PP with 48 b/w illustrations, plus 1 plate with a sketch map in colour of "Australasia", and 27 plates with 105 colour photos. Navy blue cloth cover, gilt title on spine, dj with a few chips and light foxing. A colour plate for subscribers, loosely inserted. Printed on art paper (glossy). Occasional foxing on top outside edge. Near fine. 27.6 x 20.4.
The marine biology station & aquarium of Nouméa: their research on coral.
$45.00 AUD
Editions R. Sicard. Paris. 1964. 1st Edition with a foreword by Jean Rostand. 142 PP with 48 b/w illustrations, plus 1 plate with a sketch map in colour of Australasia, and 27 plates with 105 colour photos. Cloth cover, gilt title on spine, dj. Offsetting on endpapers, faint foxing on outside pages. Near fine. French text. 27.6 x 20.4.
The marine biology station & aquarium of Nouméa: their research on coral.
$70.00 AUD
Maurice Chaniel. Nouméa. c. 1992. 1st Ed. 338, (3) PP. Pictorial soft cover. Faint foxing. French text. Near fine. 21 x 15.
Recollection and mood of a jail keeper in New Caledonia detention centre between 1966 and 1991.
73820 CHEVALIER, J.P. EXPEDITION FRANCAISE SUR LES RECIFS CORALLIENS DE LA NOUVELLE-CALEDONIE - Volume Troisième: Géomorphologie de l'Ile de Maré, Les Récifs actuels de l'Ile de Mare, Les Madréporaires Fossiles de Maré
$100.00 AUD
Editions de la Fondation Singer-Polignac. Paris. 1968. Volume 3. 1st Ed. (4), 158 PP with tables, 29 figures, plus 3 folded plates (map of Maré and 2 tables) and 13 b/w plates with 61 photos. Stiff covers with light wear, title on front cover and spine. Free fly of the endpaper with stamp of previous owner. Contents near fine. French text. 32 x 24.
Studies on the Island of Maré, one of the Loyalty Islands.
73822 CHEVALIER, Jean-Pierre EXPEDITION FRANCAISE SUR LES RECIFS CORALLIENS DE LA NOUVELLE-CALEDONIE - Volume Cinquième: Les Scléractiniaires de la Mélanésie Française (Nouvelle-Calédonie, Iles Chesterfield, Isles Loyauté, Nouvelles-Hébrides) - 1ère partie
$150.00 AUD
Editions de la Fondation Singer-Polignac. Paris. 1971. Volume 5. Part 1. 1st Ed. 307 PP with tables and 182 figures, plus 80 pages with 38 b/w plates with 235 b/w photos. Stiff covers with light wear, title on front cover and spine. Free fly of front endpaper with stamp of previous owner. Head and foot of spine worn. French text. Contents near fine. 32 x 24.
73826 CHEVALIER, Jean-Pierre EXPEDITION FRANCAISE SUR LES RECIFS CORALLIENS DE LA NOUVELLE-CALEDONIE - Volume Septième: Les Scléractiniaires de la Mélanésie Française (Nouvelle-Calédonie, Iles Chesterfield, Isles Loyauté, Nouvelles-Hébrides) - Deuxième Partie
$150.00 AUD
Editions de la Fondation Singer-Polignac. Paris. 1975. Volume 7. (Part 2). 1st Ed. 407 PP with tables and 253 figures, plus 88 pages with 42 b/w plates with 168 b/w photos. Stiff covers with light wear, title on front cover and spine. Free fly of front endpaper with stamp of previous owner. Head and foot of spine worn. Contents near fine. French text. 32 x 24.
34560 CHEVALIER, Luc NOUMEA, de l'an 1854 à l'an 2000
$125.00 AUD
Editions du Cagou. Nouméa. 1998. 1st Ed. 199 PP with b/w and colour illustrations. Eps: Port de France, 1858. Pictorial laminated boards, dj. Fine. French text. 30.2 x 21.5. 9782913256002
A pictorial history and changes of the city of Nouméa, New Caledonia.
73825 COUDRAY, Jean EXPEDITION FRANCAISE SUR LES RECIFS CORALLIENS DE LA NOUVELLE-CALEDONIE - Volume Huitème: Recherches sur le Néogène et le Quarternaire Marins de la Nouvelle-Calédonie
$150.00 AUD
Editions de la Fondation Singer-Polignac. Paris. 1976. Volume 8. Foreword by Jacques Avias. 1st Ed. 288 PP with 30 tables and 75 figures, plus 50 plates with b/w illustrations (1 map and 301 photos). Stiff covers with light wear, title on front cover and spine. Contents near fine. French text. 32 x 24
$225.00 AUD
Institute of Pacific Studies & Pacific Languages Unit (Vila). Suva. 1995. 1st Ed. VIII, 484 PP with some text figures. Fp: Map of Vanuatu with location map. Pictorial stiff covers. Faint foxing spots on outside edges. Near fine. Scarce. 21 x 15. 9820200903
22319 DAVIDSON, J. W. PETER DILLON OF VANIKORO, Chevalier of The South Seas
$30.00 AUD
Oxford University Press. Melbourne. 1975. 1st edition with an introduction by O. H. K. Spate, the editor. XIX, 351 PP with 4 maps, plus 8 b/w plates. Eps: Peter Dillon's major voyages in the South Seas. Cloth cover, dj. Near fine. 21.5 x 14. 195504577
Biography of Peter Dillon, who first discovered the fate of the lost French explorer La Pérouse.
72114 DE BISSCHOP, Eric CAP A L'EST - Première Expédition du TAHITI-NUI: Tahiti - Santiago du Chili (6 novembre 1956 - 28 Mai 1957)
$20.00 AUD
Librairie Plon. Paris. 1958. 1st edition. (4), 280, (2) PP with 1 map, plus 16 pages with 28 b/w photos. Soft covers, pictorial front. Covers rubbed and worn. Ageing of paper and foxing spots. Internally very good. French text. 20.2 x 14.
Voyage of a French navigator to refute the theory of Thor Heyerdahl on the discovery and settlement of Polynesia.
$20.00 AUD
Editions du Pacifique. Papeete. 1975. 1st Ed. 128 PP with 1 map in colour, 4 b/w and 160 colour illustrations. Eps: Coral fringe reef. Hard cover, dj. French text. 21.5 x 18. 2857000030
61660 DE CHAZEAUX, Michèle & FREMY, Marie-Noëlle LE TIFAIFAI
$90.00 AUD
Au Vent des Iles. Papeete. 2012. 1st Ed., in the "Culture Pacifique" series. 272, (3) PP with b/w and colour illustrations (drawings, photos). Hard cover, pictorial boards, dj. French text. Fine. 30.2 x 24.2. 9782915654752
73290 DE SALINIS, Le P. A. MARINS ET MISSIONNAIRES, Conquête de la Nouvelle-Calédonie 1843-1853
$300.00 AUD
Retaux et Fils, Libraires-Editeurs. Paris. c. 1904. 10th edition of the 1892 original. (6), 340 PP with 30 head-pieces, 17 tail-pieces, 2 maps & 35 b/w illustrations (30 on full-page). Fp: L'Amiral Febvrier des Pointes. Modern binding, half bound, marbled boards, gilt devices and title on the leather spine with 5 raised bands, marbled endpapers. Book Prize plate from "Petit Séminaire St. Charles, Brignoles, (Var), dated 23 July 1904 loosely inserted. Slight ageing and foxing of paper. An excellent copy. French text. 24.5 x 15.5.
The progressive takeover of New Caledonia, thanks to the French Navy and Catholic missionaries.
73335 DEFRANCE, Véronique LES BATISSEURS - Architecture à Nouméa de 1853 à 1940
$100.00 AUD
Musée de la Ville de Nouméa. Nouméa. 1996. 1st Ed. Foreword by Jean Lèques. 161 PP with many b/w illustrations, including 3 large folded panoramic views, plus 8 pages (chapter headings) on transparent paper. Pictorial soft cover. Dedicatory note on front endpaper dated and signed by Jean Lèques, Lord Mayor of Nouméa. French text. Fine. 24 x 21.
Study of the different types of architecture in Nouméa, a legacy of the military, penal administration, religious groups, public works and industry. Catalogue of an exhibition held at the Museum of the City of Nouméa, 1996-1997.
$60.00 AUD
Editions Delachaux & Niestlé. Neuchatel, Switzerland. 1966. 1st Ed. in the series "Les Guides du Naturaliste". 172, (4) PP with 54 b/w line drawings & 4 colour plates with 19 watercolours (all illustrations by Lloyd Sandford). Cloth cover, title on front board and spine, dj. Dust jacket lightly sunned. Foxing on some pages, outside edges and inside the dust jacket. French text. Very good. 20.7 x 13.7.
Description of 116 species of the birds of New Caledonia and its dependencies.
73237 DELATHIERE, Jerry LA FOA: 120 ANS D' HISTOIRE MUNICIPALE (1883 - 2003)
$125.00 AUD
Agence Demain / Mairie de La Foa. La Foa. 2004. 1st Ed. Introduction Philippe Gomès. 249, (8 thanks and Contents) PP with b/w illustrations. Hard cover, gilt title on front cover, dj. Dedicatory note on FEP dated and signed by the author. Light foxing on top outside edge. Near fine. French text. 29 x 25. 9782951608818
History of the minicipality of La Foa, on the Central West Coast of New Caledonia.
73479 DELATHIERE, Jerry FARINO - Regards sur le passé: Témoignages et Récit de Vie
$100.00 AUD
Mairie de Farino / Expressions. Farino. 2016. 1st Ed., with a preface by Régis Roustan (Mayor). 164 PP with b/w and colour illustrations. Pictorial laminated boards, dj. Fine. French text. Oblong: 22.2 x 22.7. 971096354018
Smallest city of New Caledonia. Home of the French writer Jean Mariotti.
L'Harmattan. Paris. 2015. 1st Ed. No. 29 in the "Portes Océannes" series. Preface, by Hamid Mokkadem. 217, (6) PP. Stiff covers, pictorial front. Dedicatory note by the author signed on title page. French text. Faint foxing on top outside edge. Near fine. 21.5 x 13.5. 9782343068541
73236 DELATHIERE, Jerry, JAROSSAY, Serge et Rosemonde CANALA, de Napoléonville à la Grande Guerre - Familles Pionnières de Nouvelle-Calédonie (1859 - 1914)
$150.00 AUD
Association "Négropo Mémoires et Racines". Nouméa. 2016. 1st Ed. Preface by Eric Gay and foreword by Evelyne Persan. 392 PP with b/w and colour illustrations. Laminated pictorial boards, dj. Light foxing on top outside edge. French text. Fine. 28.8 x 24.6. 9782746693043
Early settlers of Canala on the Central East Coast of New Caledonia.
49020 DELBOS, Georges L'EGLISE CATHOLIQUE A WALLIS ET FUTUNA - Généalogie d'une chrétienté (1837-2003)
$80.00 AUD
CEPAC / Episcopal Conference of the Pacific. Suva. 2004. 1st French edition. 328 PP with b/w illustrations. Pictorial soft cover. Fine. French text. 21.5 x 14. 9825060034
History of the Catholic faith in the French Territory of Wallis & Futuna.
73181 DUTAILLY, Etienne Petit DICTIONNAIRE CALEDONIEN PARTICULIER et de très mauvaise foi
$40.00 AUD
Editions Le Chien Bleu. Noumea. 2000. 1st Ed. Preface by Pierre Faessel. 124 PP with b/w illustrations by Antoine Murgier. Pictorial stiff covers. 2 postcards "Longage à Nouzautes!" loosely inserted. Faint foxing spots on top outside edge. French text. Fine. 18 x 10.
$85.00 AUD
Le Rocher-à-la-Voile & Haere Po. Nouméa & Papeete. 2002. 1st edition. Vol. 4 in Dossiers pour servir a l'intelligence du temps present. Postface by Jean Guiart and a bibliography by Hugh Laracy. 180 PP with 4 colour and 58 b/w illustrations. Title page: Portrait of Father O'Reilly, by Chantal Désirier. Stiff covers, pictorial front. Newspaper clipping loosely inserted. Crease at top corner of back cover. Near fine. French text. 21 x 15.
Father O'Reilly: Oceanist and Erudite on the Pacific and the 4 French speaking archipelagoes of the South Pacific.
$45.00 AUD
Nouvelles Editions Latines. Paris. 1955. 1st edition. A publication for the Centenary of France in New Caledonia. 313 PP with graphs, tables and maps, plus 16 pages with 23 b/w photos. Soft covers, pictorial front. Ageing of paper. Pages uncut. Near fine. French text. 22.5 x 14.
Physical description of New Caledonia, from its discovery to French union (1953), mineral resources, population, etc...
ADCK (Agence de Développement de la Culture Kanak) & Comité de Recherche Historique Tavaka. Nouméa. 2009. 1st Ed. Preface by Marie-Claude Tjibaou and Postface by Savelio Felomaki. Edited by Malia Sosefo Drouet-Manufekai. 216 PP with b/w and colour illustrations. Decorated endpapers. Hard cover, title in blind on front cover and spine, dj. French text with 2 articles in Faka-Uvea (Wallis). Top outside page edges with faint foxing, o/wise fine. 28.8 x 23.4. 9782909407708
Tavaka lanu'imoana = Voyages aux couleurs de l'océan / voyages on the ocean. A history of the migrations between "Uvea mo Futuna" (Wallis & Futuna) and New Caledonia.
73816 FOREST, Jacques & GUINOT, Danièle EXPEDITION FRANCAISE SUR LES RECIFS CORALLIENS DE LA NOUVELLE-CALEDONIE - Volume Préliminaire: Crustacés Décapodes Brachyoures de Tahiti et des Tuamotu
$75.00 AUD
Editions de la Fondation Singer-Polignac. Paris. 1961. 1st Ed. Foreword by Roger Heim. XII, 196 PP with over 178 figures, plus 36 pages with 18 b/w plates (4 with 16 figures and 14 with 41 photos). Stiff covers with light wear, title on front cover and spine. Free fly of the front endpaper with stamp of previous owner. French text. Near fine condition. 32 24.
43324 FRADET, Françoise, VATTIER, Valérie & Al. PATRIMOINE DE NOUVELLE-CALEDONIE - Un Regard en Province Sud
$85.00 AUD
Province Sud, Direction de la Culture. Nouméa. 2001. 1st Ed. Foreword by Jacques Lafleur. 82 PP with b/w and colour illustrations. Pictorial stiff covers. French text. Fine. 28 x 24.
Heritage in the Southern Province of New Caledonia: Catholic churches and Protestant temples... Penal settlement... Colonial houses...
$20.00 AUD
Pierre Frogier. Nouméa. 2019. 1st Ed. 16 PP. Stiff covers, pictorial front. French text. Fine. 21 x 15.
Following the 2 first inconclusive Referendums for or against Independance: A new approach towards settling the differences.
73251 GARENNE, Albert A NOUMEA - L' Amour qui mène au Bagne
$50.00 AUD
Les Editions du Caillou. Nouméa. 1979. 1st edition limited to 3000 copies, in the 8 volumes series Le Bagne Calédonien. 276, (1) PP, plus 12 colour plates illustrated by Patrice Nielly. Decorated endpapers. Hard cover, gilt decorated covers, illustration on front board, title on spine. All edges gilt. Small stain at lower corner of first 2 leaves. Top and bottom of spine with small splits and a little insect damage along the gutter of front endpaper. Otherwise a clean and near fine copy. French text. 22.5 x 17.2.
72511 GARNIER, Jules VOYAGE AUTOUR DU MONDE - OCEANIE: Les Iles des Pins, Loyalty et Tahiti
$300.00 AUD
Henri Plon, Imprimeur-Editeur. Paris. 1871. 1st Ed. (4), 388 PP, plus 1 large folded map in colour "Tahiti et Morea" and 4 b/w plates with tissue guard. Eps: moire. Quarter bound, decorated green morocco, leather spine with raised bands and gilt decoration and title, all edges gilt, ribbon page-marker. Note to previous owner on half title page. Rubbed patches (light) at foot of spine. Repaired tear at margin of map close to the gutter. Rare in such good condition. French text. 18.7 x 12.
Exploration of the West Coast of New Caledonia, the Loyalty Islands and Tahiti.
$225.00 AUD
Henri Plon, Imprimeur-Editeur. Paris. 1871. 1st edition. (4), 364 PP, plus 1 large folded map in colour "Nouvelle Calédonie et ses Dépendances" with an inset " Nouméa et l'Ile Nou et son pénitencier" and 4 b/w plates with tissue guard. Fp: Halte dans la brousse. Modern "half bound" copy retaining original covers, marbled boards and endpapers, leather spine with raised bands, gilt decorations and title. Original covers with signs of ageing. French text. Rare in this condition. 18.6 x 13.
The voyages of Jules Garnier through New Caledonia, between 1863 and 1866, where he studied mineral deposits and gave his name to the nickel ore Garnierite.
$40.00 AUD
Office des Postes et Télécommunications. Nouméa. 1999. 1st Ed. 53 PP with colour illustrations. Illustrated endpapers. Pictorial laminated boards. Fine. French text. Oblong: 24.7 x 26.2.
65221 GAÜZERE, Richard & ANGLEVIEL, Frédéric NOMENCLATURE DE LA SCRIPTOPHILIE Néo-Calédonienne et Néo-Hébridaise (1845-1992) - Actions, Obligations et Emprunts
$175.00 AUD
Editions du GRHOC / Groupe de Recherche en Histoire Océanienne Contemporaine. Nouméa. 2013. 1st edition limited to 500 copies (No. 498 / 500). 180 PP with b/w and colour illustrations. Laminated pictorial boards. Lower corner of front board with a light bump, o/wise a fine copy. Scarce. French text. Oblong: 27 x 35.5. 9782953990850
List / Nomenclature of: Shares - Bonds / Debentures - Loans in New Caledonia and the New Hebrides.
73495 GODARD, Philippe WALLIS
$30.00 AUD
Editions d'Art Océaniennes. Nouméa. 1995. 1st Ed. 60 PP with colour photos. Pictorial soft cover. Front cover with light creases. French text. Very good. 27.8 x 22.
Pictorial souvenir album on the Island of Wallis.
31720 GUIART, Jean LES MELANESIENS DEVANT L'ECONOMIE DE MARCHE - Du milieu du XIXème siècle à la fin du millénaire
$55.00 AUD
Le Rocher-à-la-Voile. Nouméa. 1999. 1st Ed., No. 5 in the Cahiers pour l'intelligence du temps présent series. 192 PP with 1 map, 5 tables, and 19 b/w photos. Pictorial card cover. French text. Fine. 21 x 15.
From subsistence economy before the pre colonial period to the world at the end of the second millenium.
49000 GUIART, Jean CA PLAIT OU CA NE PLAIT PAS - Eléments de Bibliographie Critique. II - Ethnologie générale et Océanie, dont la Nouvelle-Calédonie
$30.00 AUD
Le Rocher-à-la-Voile. Nouméa. 2004. 1st Ed., No. 4 in "essais pour servir à l'intelligence du temps présent" series. 216 PP with 1 b/w photo on title page. Pictorial soft cover. French text. Fine. 20.8 x 15. 2952197008
53100 GUIART, Jean UNE CLE DE LA SOCIETE CANAQUE, Les réseaux d' identité partagée
$30.00 AUD
Le Rocher-à-la-Voile & les Editions du Cagou. Nouméa. 2005. 1st Ed., No. 11 in "Essais pour servir à l'intelligence du temps présent" series. 204 PP with 4 maps, 10 tables, and 24 genealogy trees. Pictorial soft cover. Fine. French text. 20.8 x 15. 2952197032
56561 GUIART, Jean MON DIEU LA-HAUT, LA TETE EN BAS ! La Construction de l'ethnologie dans le Pacifique
$85.00 AUD
Le Rocher à la Voile / Haere Po. Nouméa & Papeete. 2009. 1st Ed. Volume 3 in "Essais pour servir à l' intelligence du temps présent". 308 PP with 46 b/w illustrations. Stiff covers, pictorial front. Covers lightly soiled/rubbed. Occadional foxing, o/wise contents near fine. French text. 25 x 16.5. 9782904171734
72426 GUIART, Jean AUTOUR DU ROCHER D'ATE - L'axe Koné-Tiwaka et les effets d'un siècle de résistance canaque
$40.00 AUD
Le Rocher-à-la-Voile. Nouméa. 1998. 1st Ed., No. 6 in the Cahiers pour l'intelligence du temps présent series. 192 PP with 3 organigrams, 6 maps and 18 b/w photos. Pictorial card cover. Near fine. French text. 21 x 15.
Kanak opposition to colonial rule and upheaval against the French settlers and established order, in the valleys of northern New Caledonia.
$450.00 AUD
Archée Editeur. Auvers-sur-Oise, France. 1965. 1st edition limited to 1200 copies (1000 Numbered & 200 Hors Commerce). No 1 in "Mondes et Cultures" series. Introduction by Père Patrick O'Reilly. (12), 13-104, (12 including colophon) PP with 1 map of the New Hebrides, 40 b/w illustrations (pages 13 to 24), 39 plates with 53 colour photos (pages 26 to 104) and 52 b/w photos of the artefacts (pages 106 to 111). Colophon (page 113) with copy No 918. Cloth covers, colour photo pasted down on front board, gilt title on front board and spine, dj. Dust jacket with 2 short repaired tears on lower back edge and a few small chips. An otherwise fine copy. Scarce. Large folio: 49 x 31.
$60.00 AUD
Ginette Harbulot. Nouméa. 1995. 1st Ed. Preface by Jean Boulic, Académie Française. 304 PP with 1 genealogical tree, 3 maps and 43 b/w photos, plus 8 pages with 14 colour illustrations. Pictorial card cover. Faint foxing spots on outside edges. French text. Near fine. 20.8 x 14.5.
Saga of a "Caldoche" family, who settled as early as 1855 in New Caledonia, and spread between Noumea, mining centres or farms, as well as in the New Hebrides.
$200.00 AUD
Victor Gollancz. London. 1937. 1st Ed. 461, (3) PP with 8 maps and 37 figures in text, plus 32 plates with 38 b/w photos, the frontispiece, and the folded map at back of the book. Fp: Woman and child of the northern New Hebrides. Cloth cover, gilt title on a sunned spine. Top edges of covers rubbed at corners, and worn at head of spine. Foxing. Image shows the frontispiece and title page. Very good copy of a scarce item. 22.2 x 14.5.
A stay in the New Hebrides in the 1930's of a member of the Oxford University Expedition, who remained there for two more years following the end of the expedition.
$40.00 AUD
Editions Footprint Pacifique. Nouméa. 2004. 1st Ed. No pagination, 140 PP with 18 colour photos by Mike Hosken. Pictorial stiff covers. French text. Fine. 22 x 22.
$30.00 AUD
Editions Footprint Pacifique. Nouméa. 1997. 1st Ed. 130 PP with colour photos. Pictorial card cover. Fine. French text. Oblong: 22 x 22.3. 2908186104
Houses and colonial architecture in New Caledonia.
12757 HOWE, K.R. THE LOYALTY ISLANDS, A History of Culture Contact 1840-1900
$20.00 AUD
Australian National University Press. Canberra. 1977. 1st Ed. XVI, 206 PP with 1 graph and 5 maps. Illustrated hard cover. Fine. 21.8 x 15. 0708113311
$25.00 AUD
I.E.O.M. Paris. 1994. 1st Ed. 88 PP with 1 map, and tables plus 4 pages with 8 colour photos. Laminated soft cover. Fine. French text. 29.7 x 21.
Annual report (1993) on the Economy of the French territory of Wallis & Futuna, in the Central Pacific.
IEOM / Institut d'Emission d'Outre-Mer. Nouméa. 2021. June 2021 edition. Foreword by Yann Caron. Edited by Marie-Anne POUSSIN-DELMAS. 201, (3) PP with tables and colour illustrations (7 maps, graphs and 12 colour photos), plus 1 folded map with 2 inserts "Location Maps". Pictorial stiff cover. French text. Fine. 24 x 16.
Annual report for 2020: Population, Economy, Salaries, Tourism, Welfare, Health and Covid-19, ... Industry, Mining... Budget.
54148 JULLIEN-PARA, Sylvie MADAME BOBBY. Pionnière du tourisme en Polynésie Française 1934-1976
$50.00 AUD
Editions Le Motu. Papeete. 2007. 1st Ed. Preface by Christa Winkelstroeter Teihotu. 184 PP with 2 newspaper clippings, 6 pages of manuscripts illustrated in colour by Wolfgang Wolf (in facsimile), and 64 b/w photos. Pictorial soft cover. Fine. French text. 23 x 16.5. 9782915105445
64129 KASARHEROU, Emmanuel, BOULAY, Roger ... KANAK, l'Art est une Parole
$435.00 AUD
Musée du Quai Branly / Actes Sud. Paris. 2013. 1st Ed. Preface by Stéphane Martin. 340 PP with b/w and colour illustrations. Pictorial stiff covers. Fine (as new condition). French text. 31.5 x 24.2. 9782330018535
Catalogue of an exhibition on Art of the Kanaks of New Caledonia held 15 October 2013 to 26 January 2014 in Paris.
$60.00 AUD
Footprint Pacifique. Nouméa. 1989. 1st edition with an introduction by Max Shekleton. 224 PP with colour photos & postcards. Eps: Children at the opening of the South Pacific Games. Hard cover, dj, Invitation addressed to Max Shekleton, for the launch of this book, signed by the editor Mike Hosken. French text. Near fine. 31 x 24. 2908186004
Noumea and its surroundings seen through the eyes & camera lens of various photographers. Changes in the city: daily life, sports, entertainment..
$100.00 AUD
Office des Postes et Télécommunications. Nouméa. 1983. 1st Ed. 310 PP with b/w illustrations and 11 colour plates (pages 5, then 155 to 133) with 234 illustrations of stamps. Pictorial soft cover. Slight ageing of paper and foxing on outside edges. French text. Very good. Scarce. 29.9 x 21.
Published to commemorate the 25th anniversary of the Office.
$250.00 AUD
Presses Universitaires du Septentrion. Villeneuve d'Ascq, France. c. 2000. 1st Ed. (2), 690, (2) PP. Stiff covers, title on front cover and spine. Dedicatory note at top of title page signed by the author. French text. Scarce copy. Near fine. 24 x 16. 9782284015093
Phd Thesis: New Caledonia and a New Colonial Order following the end of World War II.
$25.00 AUD
Awen Editions. Stroud, UK. 2018. 1st English edition, translated from the 1992 French "Foret, Terre et Tabac" by Anthony Nanson. (8), 99, (1) PP. Pictorial stiff covers. Fine. 20 x 12.8. 9781906900533
12 short stories, set in the Pacific. 3 of them in Australia: Desert dreaming / Brisbane on the Beach / Sydney by the Sea).
$100.00 AUD
Edition Alizés. Nouméa. 1991. 1st Ed. 272 PP with maps & colour photos. Ep: Gorgones & Crinoïdes. Hard cover, pict. dj. Beautifully presented in a pictorial box containing 16 large colour posters (format 30 x 44cm). Near fine. French text. 29.3 x 21.5. 2950578403
New Caledonia is almost completely surrounded by a barrier reef inside of which is one of the biggest & most beautiful lagoons in the world: fauna, flora & underwater world (coral, fishes, shells...). 7 page glossary and scientific/common names.
$150.00 AUD
Editions Catherine Ledru / IRD. Nouméa. 2000. 1st edition. Preface by Yves Magnier. 520 PP with 3 colour figures, 4 colour maps and hundreds of colour photos. Half title page: Cirrhilabrus Laboutei. Eps: Coral fishes. Pictorial laminated boards. Newspaper clipping loosely inserted. Dedicatory note dated and signed by Pierre Laboute, co-author on verso of front endpaper and on page 3. French text. Fine. 29.2 x 23.1. 2950578438
Some 1000 species described. Fishes of fresh and brackish waters. Sharks...
73145 LADIESSE, Jean-Denis LA POSTE EN NOUVELLE-CALEDONIE - Livre I: Les Voies de Communication Maritimes, Terrestres et Aériennes
$150.00 AUD
Editions du GRHOC / Association Groupe de Recherche en Histoire Océanienne Contemporaine. Nouméa. 2014. 1st edition. 345, (3), PP with tables and hundreds of b/w and colour illustrations (Newspaper clippings, maps, franking stamps & stamps, postcards & photos). Pictorial laminated boards, dj. French text. Fine. 30.5 x 21.8. 9782954449012
73147 LADIESSE, Jean-Denis LA POSTE EN NOUVELLE-CALEDONIE - Livre II: Timbres et Tarifs
$150.00 AUD
Editions du GRHOC / Association Groupe de Recherche en Histoire Océanienne Contemporaine. Nouméa. 2013. 1st edition. 357, (2), PP with hundreds of b/w and colour illustrations (addressed envelopes with stamps and/or franking stamps, stamps, newspaper clippings, postcards & photos). Pictorial laminated boards, dj. French text. Fine. 30.5 x 21.8. 9782954449005
$25.00 AUD
Imprimeries Reunies de Nouméa. Nouméa. 2002. 1st Ed. 32 PP. Stiff cover. French text. Newspaper clipping "Les Nouvelles Calédoniennes", 27/12/2002, loosely inserted. Fine. 21 x 15.
Facts at the end of 2002 ... towards a political future.
56231 LARSEN, May & Henry BLACK SAND, New Hebrides: Its People and Places
$15.00 AUD
Oliver & Boyd. Edinburgh. 1961. 1st English edition, translated from the French original "Sable Noir" by John & Patricia Russell. XVI, 178 PP with 1 plan and 2 maps, plus 6 colour plates and 32 plates with 66 b/w photos. Fp (in colour): 'Rom' figure wearing dance mask. Hard cover, dj. Spine sunned and rubbed at head and foot. Ex-Libris of Dr. Paul A. C. V. Geraghty on front endpaper. Occasional foxing. Excellent copy. 21.5 x 15.5.
Voyage of a naturalist through the New Hebrides archipelago.
73474 LECA, Antoine, VANGHELUWE, Frédéric & FABERON, Florence (editors) LA SANTE EN NOUVELLE-CALEDONIE
$40.00 AUD
CDPNC / Centre de Documentation Pédagogique & GRHOC / Groupe de Recherche en Histoire Océanienne Contemporaine. Nouméa. 2017. 1st Ed. Volume 11, in the 101 mots pour comprendre series. 251 PP with 18 figures/illustrations (1 b/w photo, 1 diagram with colour and 16 colour photos). Stiff covers, pictorial front. Fine. French text. 19 x 13. 9782350361642
$150.00 AUD
South Pacific Publishing. Papeete. 1985. 1st editio of 5000 copies. Preface by Alexandre Leontieff. 109, (4) PP with b/w & colour illustrations (colour photos by Alain Durand). Eps: Black pearls on mesh background. Pictorial laminated boards, illustrated slipcase. Folded flyer "Tahiti Perles Center" and a 20 page "Le guide de l'Amateur de Perles Noires Polynésiennes", loosly inserted. Dedicatory note to previous owner on title page signed by the author. French text. Fine (as new condition). 31.2 x 24.7.
History of the pearl oysters and pearls of Polynesia. A lavishly illustrated book.
72608 MARKHAM, Albert Hastings THE CRUISE OF THE "ROSARIO" AMONGST THE NEW HEBRIDES AND SANTA CRUZ ISLANDS, Exposing the Recent Atrocities Connected with the Kidnapping of Natives in the South Seas
$70.00 AUD
Dawson of Pall Mall. Folkestone. 1970. Reprint of the 1873 original, in "The Colonial History" series. XVI, 304 PP with headpieces, tailpieces and 9 text illustrations, plus 8 plates with b/w illustrations, and 1 large folded map at end of book. Fp: HMS Rosario overhauling slaver "Carl". Cloth covers, gilt title on a black label on spine. Covers lightly speckled on front board and spine. Slight ageing of paper on outside edges. Bookplate of Professor Adrian Horridge on front endpaper. Contents are near fine. Scarce. 22 x 15.
The history of the New Hebrides and Santa Cruz islands and the cruise of a Royal Navy sloop to police and combat blackbirding.
Ville de Nouméa. Nouméa. 1998. 1st bilingual edition with a foreword by Jean Lèques, Mayor and a preface by Jean Hubert Martin, Curator. 68 PP with b/w and colour photos. Pictorial stiff covers. French and English text. Near fine. 20.5 x 20.5.
The third Noumea Biennial of Contemporary Arts: 5 Japanese artists (Takashi Murakami, Yoshinobu Takagawa, Hideya Shimada, Emiko Tokushige & Kenji, Yanobe) and 14 artists from New Caledonia.
$25.00 AUD
Grain de Sable. Nouméa. 1996. Reprint of 1875 & 1885 original, edited by François Bogliolo. 88 PP with b/w illust.(carved bamboo). Pictorial card cover. French text. Fine. 24 x 12. 284170050X
Legends and gests of the Kanaks of New Caledonia published in 1875 in a local newspaper by Louise Michel, communard and political deportee to this territory between 1873 and 1880.
40908 MIROUX, Daniel, ANGLEVIEL, Frédéric et al. SPECIAL WALLIS FUTUNA (in Bulletin No. 97)
$35.00 AUD
Société d'Etudes Historiques de Nouvelle-Calédonie. Nouméa. 1993. Special issue, bulletin No. 97 (4th term 1993). 118, (4 advertisements) PP with 7 maps and b/w illustrations (drawings, engravings & photos). Pictorial soft cover. Small rub at bottom of front cover, o/wise a fine copy. French text. 27.6 x 17.5.
Settlement. Discovery (Eendracht of Le Maire and Schouten in 1616, and Dolphin of Captain Samuel Wallis in 1767). Christianity...
$35.00 AUD
Editions Delroise. Paris. c. 1970. 1st Ed. 64 PP with 80 colour illustrations (1 map and 79 photos). Hard cover, gilt title on front board, dj. Dust jacket lightly soiled and now with a protective sleeve. Text in French & Wallisian. A near fine copy. 21 x 17.5.
Description of this remote French territory, north-east of the Fiji islands.
73347 MOYSE-FAURIE, Claire LE XÂRÂCUU -Langue de Thio-Canala (Nouvelle-Calédonie) - Eléments de syntaxe
$70.00 AUD
Editions Peeters. Paris. 1995. 1st Ed. Volume 10 of "Langues et Cultures du Pacifique" series. 256 PP with 2 maps. Illustrated card covers. French text. Small rub on front cover, light foxing spots on outside edges, o/wise fine. 24 x 16. 2877231542
$50.00 AUD
Editions Peeters. Leuven. 2016. 1st Ed. Volume 7 of "Les Langues du Monde" series. 269 PP with 1 map and a few tables. Stiff covers, pictorial front. French and Faka'uvea texts. Fine (as new condition). 21.4 x 14. 9789042933767
72082 MURPHY, Gwénael, LAGARDE, Louis & BANARE, Eddy SOUS LE CIEL DE L'EXIL - Autobiographie Poétique de Marius Julien, forçat de Nouvelle-Calédonie
$80.00 AUD
Presses Universitaires de la Nouvelle-Calédonie (PUNC). Nouméa. 2020. 1st Ed. Preface by Dominique Jouve. 457, (5 publications PUNC) PP with 3 tables and 54 b/w & colour illustrations. Fp: Marius Julien and his cat Doré en Australie, 1920s. Stiff covers, pictorial front. French text. New. 24 x 16. 9791091032162
40 Years a convict in New Caledonia. Arrival in Australia 19/05/1920, last years with Wolla Meranda, Australian writer.
$20.00 AUD
Ministère des Outre-Mer. Paris. 2021. 1st Ed. 96 PP with tables, graphs and 2 b/w photos. Soft covers. French text. Fine. 24.8 x 17.6.
Papers based on the exchanges held in Paris between 26th May and 1st June 2021.
46693 NICOLET, R. P. VIE DU BIENHEUREUX PIERRE-LOUIS-MARIE CHANEL, Prêtre Mariste, Premier martyr de l'Océanie
$30.00 AUD
Librairie Catholique Emmanuel Vitte. Lyon, France. 1935. 5th edition of the 1883 original. 356 PP with 3 maps and 94 b/w photos, plus 1 folded map. Fp: Portrait of Pierre-Louis-Marie Chanel. Soft covers. Parish stamp at top of front cover and half title page. French text. Fine. 22.8 x 14.2.
Biography of the first Catholic martyr of the South Pacific. Arrived on Futuna Island November 1837, martyrdom and murder on 28 April 1841.
$50.00 AUD
Fernard Nathan. Paris. 1951. Reprint of the 1938 original. 1st Ed. 160 PP with 150 b/w photos by the author, plus 4 colour plates by Mlle. Pauvert. Rebacked copy (circa 1980). Half bound, marbled boards, gilt devices and title on leather spine with 5 raised bands. Slight ageing of paper. French text. Very good. Image shows title-page. 20.5 x 15.5.
Discoverers and explorers, European settlement after Christianization, French presence, ...
73595 O'REILLY, Patrick PELERIN DU CIEL - François Luneau, Soldat Nantais et Missionnaire Calédonien 1890-1952
$50.00 AUD
Editions Alsatia. Paris. 1952. Special edition of the original, with a foreword by Monseigneur Francis Trochu. 240 PP, plus 15 plates with 30 photos and a folded plate with location map and 2 maps at rear of book. Fp: portrait of Père Luneau. Soft cover, dj. Sellotape marks. Ageing of paper. Very good. Scarce. French text. 19 x 14.
Priest in May 1914. Soldier during World War I... Missionary in New Caledonia in 1922...
73530 OLIVER, Douglas L. ANCIENT TAHITIAN SOCIETY (in 3 volumes)
$200.00 AUD
The University Press of Hawaii. Honolulu. 1984. 1st Ed. Volume 1: XV, (3), 558 PP with 4 tables and 122 b/w figures (drawings, engravings, maps, photos). Fp (in colour): The War Boats.... Volume 2: VII, (3), 579-1170 PP with 1 table and 15 figures. Fp (in colour): Morai Point at Oparrey. Volume 3: VI, (2), 1171-1419, (3) PP with 19 figures. Fp (in colour): The resolution and Adventure at Tahiti. Eps: Map of the Society Islands. Hard covers, simile leather, cloth spine,s gilt devices on front covers, gilt title on a lightly sunned spines. Slipcase with gilt title which is a little dulled. Faint foxing on outside edges. A near fine set. Scarce. This is a heavy item and postage will be higher than usual. Please ask for a quote. 24 x 16.5. 0824802675
Volume 1: Ethnography. Volume 2: Social relations. Volume 3: Rise of the Pomares.
34355 PARSONS, T.G. NEW CALEDONIAN CONVICTS IN NEW SOUTH WALES 1876-1884 (in Journal of the Royal Australian Historical Society - Vol.52, Part 1, March 1966)
$15.00 AUD
Royal Australian Historical Society. Sydney. 1966. 80 PP. Contains article between pages 51 and 68. Soft cover. Near fine. 22.5 x 14.5.
Image of front cover lists all contents.
38635 PAULEAU, Christine LE CALEDONIEN de Poche
$20.00 AUD
Assimil. Paris. 2000. 1st edition in "Assimil - Langues de poche" series. 104 PP with 1 map and 11 drawings by J.-L. Goussé. Pictorial stiff covers. French text. Fine. 14.5 x 10.5. 2700502671
Glossary of the Caldoche slang or the French language spoken in New Caledonia.
$30.00 AUD
Robert Laffont. Paris. 1998. 1st Ed. 330, (4) PP with 1 map of New Caledonia and Vanuatu and 2 family trees. Pictorial card covers. 4 newspaper clippings (reviews), loosely inserted. Foxing spots, on few pages and outside edges (heavy: on the 4 first and last leaves). French text. Very good. 24 x 15.2. 2221082079
Saga of two big families of New Caledonia and Vanuatu (former New Hebrides) who settled in these archipelagoes at the end of the 19th century.
73393 PERENNES, Roger DEPORTES ET FORCATS DE LA COMMUNE, de Belleville à Nouméa
$100.00 AUD
Ouest Editions / Université Inter-Ages de Nantes. Nantes. 1991. 1st Ed. 580 PP with b/w illustrations (documents, maps, plans, photos, tables). Stiff covers, pictorial front. Foxing spots on the inside of covers and on outside edges. Spine with creases. French text. Very good. Scarce. 24 x 16.8. 2908261804
The little-known study of 4187 political exiles (communards) sent to New Caledonia after the collapse of the first Communist regime of Paris in 1871.
Publical. Nouméa. 1983. Edition limited to 3500 copies. 88 PP with 128 illustrations (15 in colour on full page). Hard cover, dj. Text in French (English translation between pages 78 and 85). Faint foxing, o/wise fine. 25 x 23.
$100.00 AUD
SOFP / Società Operativa Fondazione Renzo Piano. Genova (Genoa). 2009. 1st bilingual editiion. Foreword by Glenn Murcutt. No pagination, 188 PP with b/w and colour illustrations. Pictorial stiff covers (with flaps). French and English text. Fine. 28 x 28. 9788862640046
Mairie de Païta. Païta, New Caledonia. 2007. 1st edition, July 2007. Foreword by Harold Martin, Mayor. 50 PP with 16 b/w photos. Stiff covers, pictorial front. French text. Fine. 28 x 24.
Brief histories on this city close to Nouméa.
73824 PLESSIS, Y., SALVAT, B. & RULLIER, François EXPEDITION FRANCAISE SUR LES RECIFS CORALLIENS DE LA NOUVELLE-CALEDONIE - Volume Sixième: Annélides Polychètes de la Nouvelle-Calédonie
$75.00 AUD
Editions de la Fondation Singer-Polignac. Paris. 1972. Volume 6. 1st Ed. 169 PP with tables and 40 figures. Stiff covers with light wear, title on front cover and spine. Free fly of front endpaper with stamp of previous owner. Contents near fine. French text. 32 x 24.
37001 PRIDAY, H. E. L. CANNIBAL ISLAND - The Turbulent Story of New Caledonia's Cannibal Coasts
$45.00 AUD
A.H. & A.W. Reed. Wellington. 1944. 1st Ed. 151 PP with 3 b/w engravings, plus 12 pages with 13 b/w photos. REP: Map of New Caledonia. Hard cover with light wear and foxing/soiling on half-title page. Bookplate of previous owner on front endpaper. Contents near fine. 22.3 x 14.3.
Danger of its coral reef, its ferocious headhunters and cannibals. Hell for French convicts ...
17531 PRITCHARD, George THE AGGRESSIONS OF THE FRENCH AT TAHITI and Other Islands in the Pacific
$50.00 AUD
Auckland University Press. Auckland. 1983. 1st edition. Edited and introduced by Professor Paul de Deckker. 253 PP with 16 b/w illustrations. Title page: facsimile of title page of Pritchard's manuscript. Fp: Reverend George Pritchard. Hard cover, gilt title on spine, dj. Light foxing. Near fine. 28.5 x 22.5. 0196479940
The struggle between the British Consul and the French Consul, Jacques Antoine Moerenhout, seeking to influence Queen Pomaré prior to French sovereignty.
$30.00 AUD
Alfred Scherz Verlag. Bern, C.H. 1964. 1st German edition of the French original "Long-courriers". 223 PP. Blue cloth cover with stains on back cover. Name of previous owner at top of title page. German text. Contents near fine. 21 x 13.5.
Flight in a "Constellation" DC-7: Paris-Orly ... Saigon ... Nouméa.
$140.00 AUD
Société d'Etudes Historiques de la Nouvelle-Calédonie. Nouméa. 2006. 1st edition, publication No. 62 Société d' Etudes Historiques de la Nouvelle-Calédonie. Foreword by Gabriel Valet and Preface by Nicole Henderson (née Ratzel). Volume 1: 458 PP with 1 map, 6 b/w photos, 11 facsimile of documents, 13 facsimiles of pages of the manuscript and 32 b/w photos by the author. Volume 2: 463 PP with 14 facsimiles of pages of the manuscript, 36 b/w and 30 colour photos by the author. Hard covers, illustrated, contained in a decorated slipcase. Fine. French text. 28.5 x 19. 9782952530309
The author was a land surveyor in New Caledonia. His memoirs were written in 20 copy books. Volume 1: Journal 1 (September 1894) to Journal 10 (December 1917). Volume 2: Journal 11 (December 1917) to Journal 20 (1939). Journals 8, 9, 10, & 11 covers the revolt of 1917, Journals 12 & 13 cover the end of the revolt, the court cases and judgements.
$100.00 AUD
The University Press & Melbourne University Press. Cambridge. 1926. 1st Ed. XVI, 598 PP with tables, plus 6 plates with maps of (New Caledonia, New Hebrides & Solomon Islands). Green cloth covers, gilt title on spine. Minute insect damage (small holes), on covers near spine and corresponding endpapers, the 6 first and 20 last leaves. Signature of previous owner at top of front endpaper. Otherwise, contents clean and near fine. Scarce. 24.5 x 17.
17195 REGNAULT, Jean-Marc LA BOMBE FRANCAISE DANS LE PACIFIQUE, L'Implantation 1957-1964
$25.00 AUD
Scoop. Papeete. 1993. 1st Ed. 186 PP. Pictorial soft cover. French text. Faint foxing spots on outside edges, o/wise fine. 21.6 x 14.8. 9782909790541
How in the 1960s, France decided & succeeded in transferring its nuclear testing grounds from the Sahara to the atolls of Fangataufa & Mururoa.
$70.00 AUD
Librairie Hachette. Paris. 1925. 3rd edition of the 1894 original. (8), 280 PP with 67 engravings (16 of them on full page). Cloth covers with light wear/soiling, gilt decorated front cover, gilt decoration and title on a dulled spine, top edge gilt. Slight ageing of paper with a little light foxing, o/wise contents near fine. French text. 26 x 18.5.
Voyage to New Caledonia on board "La Garonne" to accompany his father a communard (political convict) ... Return after the 1879 Amnesty on the "Calvados" under the command of Henri Rivière, via Torres Strait, Batavia, Aden and Suez Canal. Arrival at Port-vendres.
$60.00 AUD
Société d'Etudes Linguistiques et Anthropologiques de France (SELAF). Paris. 1973. 1st Ed. No. 5 in "Langues et Civilisations à Tradition Orale" series. 214, (2) PP with tables and 3 maps in text. Stiff covers, front cover with title and illustration. Near fine. French text. 24 x 16.
Comparative phonology of the dialects of the far South of New Caledonia.
73374 RIVIERRE, Jean-Claude, EHRHART, Sabine & DIELA, Raymond LE BWATOO et les Dialectes de la région de Koné (Nouvelle-Calédonie)
$80.00 AUD
Editions Peeters. Paris. 2006. 1st Ed. Volume 17 of "Langues et Cultures du Pacifique" series. 501, (3) PP with 2 maps and 7 tables. Illustrated card covers. Near fine. French text. 24 x 16. 97890429179910
73558 ROCHEFORT, Henri Retour de la Nouvelle-Calédonie - DE NOUMEA EN EUROPE
$150.00 AUD
Ancienne Librairie Martinon. Paris. c. 1877. 1st Ed. (8), XXIV, 363 PP with 200 b/w illustrations depicting 700 subjects. Fp: Escape by rowing boat. Marbled endpapers. Half bound, marbled boards, raised bands and gilt title on spine. Corners of covers slightly rubbed. Slight ageing of paper and occasional foxing. Near fine. French text. 27.8 x 19.
Leader of the "Communards" (communists) deported as a political prisoner to New Caledonia. Escape from the convict settement of Ducos, on board the "P.C.E.". Arrival in Newcastle 27th March 1874... Return to Europe via the United States.
73327 ROUX, Jean-Claude & SHEKLETON, Max (editors) Les Souvenirs du Colon EDMOND CAILLARD aux Nouvelles-Hébrides (Vanuatu) 1903 1913 - Une Jeunesse aux colonies d'antan
$55.00 AUD
L'Harmattan. Paris. 2016. 1st edition, No. 35 in "Collection Portes Oceanes". 337, (11) PP with 2 maps of the New Hebrides and Ambrim Island and 37 b/w photos. Stiff covers, illustrated front. Fine. French text. 23.7 x 15.2. 9782343104300
Life of French white settler in Vanuatu 1903 to 1913.
73402 SALMOND, Anne APHRODITE'S ISLAND. The European Discovery of Tahiti
$45.00 AUD
University of California Press. Berkeley, Ca. 2010. 1st US edition. 537 PP with 2 maps and 52 b/w illustrations, plus 8 pages with 11 colour plates. Hard cover, dj. A 2 page review in Bulletin of the Pacific Circle, loosely inserted. Light foxing, o/wise near fine. 24 x 15.5. 9780520261143
33070 SAND, Christophe UVEA - La préhistoire de Wallis, île de la Polynésie occidentale
$20.00 AUD
Grain de Sable. Nouméa. 1998. 1st Ed. 51 PP with 1 location map, and 23 figures (3 maps, 7 sketches and 13 colour photos). Pictorial card cover. French text. Fine. 21 x 15. 2872631593
Short account of the present-day knowledge of prehistoric times on the Polynesian island of Wallis (Uvéa), settled about 3000 years ago.
73247 SAQUET, Jean-Louis L'AVIATION A TAHITI / The History of Aviation in French Polynesia
$120.00 AUD
Polymages. Papeete. 1998. 1st edition, special printing (tirage à part) for "Air New Zealand". Preface by Guy Yeung. 160 PP with b/w and colour illustrations, printed on two columns (French on left and English on the right). Pictorial stiff covers. French and English text. Near fine. 30.5 x 22.2.
Since the first flight in September 1925 of Vought UO 1, US Navy hydroplanes based on the cruisers "Richmond" and "Trenton" during a call in the Marquesas...
$80.00 AUD
S.E.H. / Société d'Etudes Historiques de Nouvelle-Calédonie. Nouméa. 1990. Reprint of the 1987 original. Publication No. 43 & 44, Société d'Etudes Historiques de Nouvelle-Calédonie. 252 PP (Dictionary), 114 PP (Grammar). Card covers a little soiled/worn, o/wise contents near fine. French and Nraa Drùbea text. 29.7 x 21.
Dictionary and grammar of the Nraa Drùbea language spoken near Nouméa.
12563 SIERS, James TAHITI - Romance and Reality
$40.00 AUD
Millwood Press. Wellington. 1982. 1st Ed. 204 PP with 36 b/w illustrations and over 165 colour photos. Cloth cover, dj. Fine. Oblong: 25 x 28. 0908582560
Pictorial discovery (pages 13 to 149) and study of the myth surrounding the word Tahiti (pages 151 to 204, with the 36 b/w illustrations).
73248 SPEISER, Felix SÜDSEE, URWALD, KANNIBALEN. Reise-Eindrücke iaus den Neuen Hebriden
$120.00 AUD
R. Voigtländers Verlag. Leipzig. 1913. 1st Ed. (II), VI, 308 PP, plus 100 plates with 185 b/w photos and 1 folded plate at rear of book with 2 maps "Coral Sea" & "New Hebrides ". Fp: Bowman from Nitendi. Top outside edge tinted. Marbled endpapers. Original cloth cover, decoration on front cover and spine, title in red letters on front cover and spine . Top part of plates 89/90 cut out with 1 photo missing (top of 89) and half of the photo on the verso (plate 90). Underlining in text. Slight ageing of paper with occasional foxing. German text, Gothic script. Very good copy. 24 x 17.5.
Privileged impressions while in the New Hebrides before WWI.
73605 SYLVANO, Bernard INTIMES CONVICTIONS - Les Grandes Affaires Criminelles de Nouvelle-Calédonie Volume 1: 1993-1995
$50.00 AUD
Editions Barney. Nouméa. 1996. 1st Ed. 243, (3) PP with 27 b/w illustrations by Johannès Wahono. Pictorial soft covers. French text. Near fine. 21 x 14.7
Chronicle of 18 crimes committed in New Caledonia between 1993 and 1995.
$175.00 AUD
Editions Albin Michel. Paris. 1950 & 1951. 1st Ed. Vol. 1: 400 PP with 20 drawings by Amandine Doré, 1 folded map at rear of book and 24 plates with 24 b/w photos by author. Vol. 2: 408 PP with 22 drawings by Amandine Doré, plus 24 plates with 24 b/w photos by author. Vol. 3: 222 PP. Preface (pages 7 to 20), 158 b/w photos (pages 21 to 198) and Notes and Comments (pages 199 to 219). Each volume: Soft covers, illustrated front. Pages uncut, slight ageing of paper. French text. Complete set. Scarce in such good condition. This is a heavy item and postage will be higher than usual. Please ask for a quote. 19.2 x 14.
Tahiti and her fringe of Islands and Archipelagoes, where the author lived for 3 years at the end of the Second World War. Volume 1: Tahiti, Moorea, Polynesians. Voume 2: Marquesas, Windward Islands, Austral Islands & Tuamotu archipelago. Volume 3: Photographic illustrations.
73192 T'SERSTEVENS, A. TAHITI ET SA COURONNE: Vol II: Marquises, Sous-le-Vent, Australes, Tuamotu
$20.00 AUD
Editions Albin Michel. Paris. 1954. Reprint of the 1950 original. Volume II: 408 PP with 22 line drawings by Amandine Doré, plus 24 pages with 24 b/w photos by author. Pictorial soft cover. Creases on spine. Foxing spots on outside edges. French text. Very good. 19 x 14.
73817 TAISNE, Capitaine de Corvette B. / GUILCHER, M. EXPEDITION FRANCAISE SUR LES RECIFS CORALLIENS DE LA NOUVELLE-CALEDONIE - Volume Premier: Organisation et Hydrographie / Récifs du Sud, Récifs de Tuo
$100.00 AUD
Editions de la Fondation Singer-Polignac. Paris. 1965. Volume 1. 1st Ed. Foreword by Roger Heim. VIII, 240 PP with tables, over 20 maps or sketch maps in b/w or colour and over 55 figures, plus 13 plates with 4 colour and 29 b/w photos. Stiff covers with light wear, title on front cover and spine. Free fly of the front endpaper with stamp of previous owner. French text. Near fine condition. 32 x 24.
72518 TAYLOR, John Patrick THE OTHER SIDE: Ways of Being and Place in Vanuatu
$75.00 AUD
University of Hawai'i Press. Honolulu. 2008. 1st Ed. No. 22 in the Pacific Islands Monograph series. XIV, 238, (4) PP with 1 table, 3 maps and 36 figures (drawings, plans, photos). Eps: Map of "The Pacific Islands. 9780824833022
73168 TEIHOTU, Christa LE MOU'A PUTA, SOURCE DE MA VIE / Te Mou'a Puta tou ia puna ora
$75.00 AUD
Association Te Ati Matahiapo Nui No Aimeho Nei. Papeete / Moorea. 2018. 1st edition. 166 PP with 64 b/w illustrations (2 drawings and 62 b/w photos). Pictorial stiff covers a little soiled and bumped,o/wise near fine. French text. 22 x 14.5. 9782953367027
A life in the shelter of the Mou'a Puta, the holed mountain of Moorea.
73227 TEIHOTU, Christa & JULLIEN-PARA, Sylvie CUISINE DE NOS ANCÊTRES / Te Maa a te Mau Tupuna
$75.00 AUD
Association Te Ati Matahiapo Nui No Aimeho Nei. Papeete / Moorea. 2009. 1st edition. 154 PP on glossy paper, with tables and colour photos. Pictorial stiff covers, spiral bound. Text in Reo Maohi and French. Fine. 21 x 16. 9782953367010
$30.00 AUD
Editions Le Motu. Papeete. 2007. 1st Ed. 40 PP with colour photos, plus Compact Disc in pocket at rear of book. Pictorial soft cover. Lower corner of front cover with faint creases. Text in French an Reo Ma'ohi. New. 16 x 16. 2915105377
12 ancient tahitian songs collected by Te Ati Matahiapo Nui No Aimeho Nei (Association des personnes agées de Moorea).
54937 TERZIAN, Edouard GRAND ECART. Parcours d'un Saint-Cyrien atypique
$55.00 AUD
Indo Editions. Paris. 2007. 1st Ed. 363 PP, (5 publications) with 9 maps, 51 b/w and 11 colour photos. Pictorial soft cover. French text. New. 24 x 15.5. 9782914086295
Armenian origins, WWII in Provence and resistance, Military Academy of Saint-Cyr: Officer with duties in Indochina, Algeria... then New Caledonia (1972-1974). Settling in New Caledonia and creation of the publisher Hachette Calédonie (1974-1989)...
Tate Publishing. London. 2010 1st Ed. Forewords by Brian Moynihan, Bank of America, Nicholas Serota, Tate Modern, London and Earl A. Powell III, National Gallery of Art, Washington. 255 PP with b/w or colour illustrations with 55 figures and 155 plates. Title spread: "Faa Iheihe" (Tahitian Pastoral). Stiff covers, pictorial front (Nevermore O Tahiti), 1897). The 20 page Guide to the exhibition, a 2 page flyer with 2 entry tickets, loosely inserted. 29.1 x 14.5. 9781854379023
Exhibition held at Tate Modern, London: 30 September 2010 to 16th January 2011.
Harcourt, Brace and Co. New York. 1922. 1st US edition of the July 1921 UK original. 260 PP with a 4 pages glossary "Tahitian/English" and b/w illustrations (1 sketch map, 3 inscriptions, 2 musical scores and 3 drawings), plus 50 plates with 49 sketches by the author and his portrait. Fp (with tissue guard): Portrait of Tihoti. Rebacked copy, half bound, marbled boards, gilt device and title on a leather spine with raised bands. Light foxing, o/wise near fine. 22 x 14.
In 1906, the author lived in Tahiti. When he returned to England he completed his book on the islands visited, describing the impact upon them by Europeans. He was killed at Gallipoli in 1915 before his book was published.
73600 VIANNENC, Férnandré Jules LE DANUBE ETAIT GRIS ... Histoire de la Déportation des Travailleurs Français en Allemagne
$50.00 AUD
F. J. Viannenc. Nouméa. 1991. 1st Ed. 219, (3) PP with b/w illustrations (4 maps, 3 posters, 1 portrait of the author and 10 photos, plus 4 plates in colour. Stiff covers, pictorial front. French text. Fine. 20.3 x 14.
Between September 1942 and May 1945, close to eight hundred thousand young French people were sent to work (slaves) in Germany.
55592 VIENNE, Bernard GENS DE MOTLAV - Idéologie et pratique sociale en Mélanésie
$45.00 AUD
Musée de l'Homme / Société des Océanistes. Paris. 1984. 1st Ed. Publication No. 42. 434, (2) PP with 17 genealogical trees, 63 tables,and 58 figures (maps, graphs, organigrams). Pictorial stiff covers. French text. Fine. 24.5 x 16. 2854300009
70839 VINCENT, Thierry An EXPLORATION of the FATE of the AUSTRALIAN and TASMANIAN ETHNOGRAPHIC COLLECTIONS brought back by the BAUDIN EXPEDITION (in Explorations No. 63)
$15.00 AUD
ISFAR / Institute for the Study of French-Australian Relations. Melbourne. 2017. Summer 2017-2018. 108 PP. Contains article between pages 3 and 25 with 1 b/w illustrations. Pictorial soft cover. Fine. 21.2 x 14.5.
Other article: (pages 26 to 52), The Adventurous Life of Juliette Lopès-Rastoul-Henry, by Yannick Lageat & Les Hetherington.
$70.00 AUD
Chatto & Windus. London. 1906. 1st Ed. XV, 312, 32 (catalogue of publications) PP with 84 b/w illustrations. Fp (with tissue guard): A Tahitian darling - pure caste. Cloth cover, front board with title in blind and a b/w photo pasted down, gilt title on spine, top edge gilt. Insect damage (on 1.2 cm) at top of hinge of front cover, and top of gutter of front endpaper. Very good. 19 x 12.5.
A voyage to New Caledonia and Tahiti in 1891, describing the French regime under the Southern Cross. New Zealand administration of the Cook Islands.